After practicing for several hours, when Su Jie opened his eyes again, he looked at his arm and saw some changes in it.

Compared with the skin of other parts, the two arms were obviously whiter, with a kind of sickly paleness, like the arms of a thousand-handed centipede.

He pressed the box lightly with his palm, and with a burst of strength, a dark blue palm print suddenly appeared on the wooden box. If it was pressed on the human body, the poison would instantly invade the body.

"It is worthy of being the True Scripture of the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu. Now I can also inherit the special ability of this life-defining Gu worm."

Su Jie smiled, and his spiritual power urged the skin and flesh on his shoulders and waist to split, and eight pale arms were condensed and formed and drilled out, and then the arms separated from the flesh and blood and automatically fell to the ground.

The five fingers of the arm that fell to the ground were spread out, like a spider crawling quickly, and the part behind the wrist was raised high, crawling flexibly according to Su Jie's mind.

Finally, the eight arms grabbed a steel pipe together and bent it alive.

This is the magic cultivator. No wonder the magic cultivators are hated by people in the Tianyuan world. Such a method is indeed too terrifying.

Su Jie satisfiedly cancelled the spiritual power supply, watching the eight arms quickly wither and weather, and could no longer control the joy on his face. The new ability of the Thousand-Handed Centipede was also inherited.

Today's harvest is really too great. Not only did he determine the way to make money in the two worlds, but he also evolved the Thousand-Handed Centipede to the lower grade.

It also confirmed that his thinking was correct and that he could use the resources of Blue Star to assist in the practice of the method.

"Hey, upstairs, what are you yelling about in the middle of the night? Are you going to let me sleep?"

Su Jie laughed excitedly, and other tenants shouted and cursed downstairs.

But it was late at night when he was practicing.

"It seems that I have to change the environment. This place is not suitable for practice."

This idea came to Su Jie's mind. In an environment with a large flow of people, the movement of practice is easy to attract attention.

The next day!

Su Jie got up, dressed neatly, and went to return the rent to the landlord.

Ignoring the chattering old man, Su Jie didn't have much luggage to pack, so he took a taxi to the nearest 4S store.

In the 4S store, Su Jie fell in love with the target at first sight, paid the full amount of more than 2 million yuan on the spot, hung a temporary license plate, and drove away a top-of-the-line BMW M8. The whole journey took less than 20 minutes.

So much so that the salesperson who served was still confused until Su Jie left.

This is the first time I have seen someone who buys a car as casually as buying vegetables.

Because he got a driver's license in college, Su Jie drove very fast after a simple familiarity.

After a round of wandering around Linping City, Su Jie came to a sales office in Linping City.

Jingjiang Manor!

This is a very famous high-end real estate in Lin'an City. The average floor price here is more than 20,000 yuan, and it was built less than three years ago.

However, it is not famous because of the high housing prices. On the contrary, it is because the housing prices have dropped in the past two years, and the sales office has begun to sell houses at a discount.

The owners who bought the house earlier were not happy, and they gathered to make a scene in the sales office, which was repeatedly reported on the TV news of Hannan Province.

But no matter what, this building is indeed one of the buildings with the highest housing prices in Linping City.

Su Jie is not short of money now, so he will not let himself down. Of course, he will choose a good house first.

The BMW M8 worth more than two million yuan is still quite eye-catching. As a salesperson, he must have good eyesight. As soon as Su Jie parked the car, several enthusiastic salesmen came out of the sales office.

These salesmen are handsome men and women with exquisite makeup, wearing high-end custom-made suits, and look very professional.

"Sir, how can I help you?"

Several salesmen obviously saw the BMW that Su Jie drove, and their attitudes became more enthusiastic, hoping to get commissions in this sluggish housing market.

"Of course I came here to buy a house. Tell me about your building. Well, I see you have a single-family villa for sale, so I'll introduce this one."

Su Jie said straight to the point, highlighting his wealth and generosity.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the salesmen lit up. The tone of his voice was definitely that of a local tycoon!

"Ahem, sir, I'll take you to see. I'm very familiar with the planning, apartment structure and prices of the community. I guarantee that I can choose the most satisfactory house for you."

"What's your name, sir? My last name is Liu, you can just call me Xiao Liu. I'm mainly responsible for the villa sales in the East District. There are a few discounted villas on sale. Are you interested in learning more?"

The salesmen competed secretly. Su Jie's order was a big one. If he could get the deal, the commission would be enough for a year's salary.

More salesmen came over, and several female salesmen in small suits were particularly attentive, with seductive eyes.

Su Jie looked around and looked at the most beautiful female salesman in the field.

This female salesman wore a small suit for women. She was tall, about 1.7 meters tall, with bright and beautiful facial features, dignified and generous. Her appearance was above 90 points, which was considered a rare beauty.

Coincidentally, Su Jie knew this female salesperson, her name was Liu Yingying.

Su Jie studied at Linping University of Finance and Economics. Liu Yingying was one year older than Su Jie at the time and was recognized as the most beautiful beauty in the Department of Finance of the University of Finance and Economics.

Su Jie recognized her, but she didn't recognize Su Jie.

"You come and introduce me, everyone else can go."

Pointing at Liu Yingying, Su Jie chose the beautiful Liu Yingying.

The other salespeople were unwilling to give up, but Su Jie's attitude didn't seem like someone who was short of money, and several female salespeople were envious and jealous of Liu Yingying.

"Sir, I will definitely serve you sincerely. Now let's go to see the house on the spot, so that we can understand the value of the house more intuitively."

Liu Yingying was very pleasantly surprised. She looked back at the other female salesmen proudly, secretly puffed up her chest, and made the female salesmen angry and cursed them in their hearts.

After leaving the sales department, Su Jie looked at Liu Yingying, who was walking in front with brisk steps and twisting her peach-like buttocks, and asked with a smile: "Liu Yingying, you don't have to go to those ordinary villa areas, you have the best villa here." Wherever you are, just take me there."

"Okay sir, hey, how do you know my name."

Liu Yingying's beautiful eyes brightened, and then she was stunned again.

"What do you think?"

Su Jie pointed to the two heavy pineapples on her chest, with her work ID hanging on them.

"Ahaha, I don't know what to call you sir. You look about the same age as me. My name is Liu Yingying. You can call me Xiaoliu or Yingying."

Liu Yingying lifted up a strand of hair that was blown by the wind, showing off her good figure and sweet smile.

"Su Jie, there's no need to address you so politely. After all, I have to call you Senior Sister Liu."

Su Jie said jokingly as he walked side by side with Liu Yingying.

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