
900 kilometers south of Mande, in a manor in Yangcheng, the capital of Chan.

A group of men and women wearing traditional Chan costumes and with serious expressions sat around a conference table, discussing the recent changes in Mande.

They are members of the Wu family, and they are also the backbones of important positions.

The Wu family migrated from the northern big country to Chan during the war years. They are the descendants of a group of defeated soldiers. They conquered a piece of land with fierce force, settled down and multiplied, and gradually infiltrated and integrated into Chan society. Now the Wu family controls five warlord troops, and Lv Wenbo is just a relatively small one.

"According to the information sent back by the informant, Wenbo is dead, his army has been eliminated, and now Mande is taken over by a force called Jeko Company."

Sitting in the first seat is Wu Qingjie, the patriarch of the Wu family, who is about fifty years old, with a decent appearance and looks like a kind old man with kind eyes.

"Jeko Company? What's their background? They can actually defeat Wen Bo's army."

Someone asked in confusion. Chan Kingdom often fought wars, and the Wu family also had enemies. Attacking each other was common. In the past, there were cases where family warlords were destroyed.

"The specific origin is unknown. What we know now is that this company has strong financial resources and strong mobilization capabilities, and it easily armed nearly 10,000 soldiers."

Wu Qingjie handed over the information and then said the most crucial news: "In addition, the boss of this Jeko company is a woman named Liu Yingying."

As soon as these words came out, the conference room was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

After a long while, someone spoke in a dry voice: "Huahua people, could it be that the big country in the north wants to move against us?"

Many people frowned, and some people felt uncomfortable because of nervousness and felt the urge to urinate.

No one is more afraid of the revenge of the northern power than them. In the past, they were a group of deserters. Although they fled to a foreign country and relied on force to bully the local people, they knew the strength of the northern power. They were beaten and fled at the beginning, let alone today.

"Look for yourself, the way this Jeko company started, united the lower-class poor to start an uprising, used inducements and power to move, first incited the public grievances in the Mande area, and then swept the Mande United Army with thunder, executed Wen Bo in public to show goodwill to the group of poor people, and won the hearts of the people in the Mande area. Such means are a bit familiar, right?"

Wu Qingjie took out a piece of information, projected it on the projector, and said in a heavy tone.


Some people swallowed their saliva guiltily. The more they looked at this method, the more it looked like the shadow of that big country.

"Moreover, it is still unknown how the Mande United Army was destroyed. Our local informants asked the people near the military camp, and they heard dense gunfire and explosions in the mountains. Within half an hour, all the sounds disappeared.

We don't know which military force destroyed the Mande United Army. According to the strength of our warlords in Zen, even if they dispatched an army of 10,000, it would not be surprising to fight for several days and nights. Such a battle was too clean and neat, which can only mean that it was a one-sided crushing."

Wu Qingjie took out a photo expressionlessly. It was a photo of Liu Yingying's last speech in the square of Mande City.

"This person must have a powerful armed force behind him, plus his Chinese identity, do I need to say more?"

The conference room fell into silence, with only heavy breathing.

Someone gritted his teeth in fear and said in a low voice: "How could it be, how could it be like this, so many years have passed, why are they still going to attack us?"

"What kind of business have you been doing recently, do you really think others don't know? The main source of piglets in those fraud parks are all from the north, and I have heard of their reputation of cutting kidneys countless times."

Wu Qingjie slapped the conference table and snorted coldly: "Now they are probably warning us, can't you see it? Stop the business of the fraud park for a while."

"Ah! Chief, the fraud The park is our most profitable business now. If we lose those piglets, how can we maintain the army? "

"Stupid, money or life? Wait until this storm passes. If there is no reaction from the north, we will continue to work. Anyway, those piglets are in our hands, and we can make money anytime."

"What you reminded me, Chief, is that we should let them move away and avoid the limelight first. As for the Mande area..."

"Don't worry about it, pretend you didn't see it. As long as the other party doesn't make any other moves, we can't provoke them."

The power changes in the Mande area did not attract much attention.

In a country like Chan, where warlords are everywhere, it's either you fight me or I fight you. The forces that came to power were driven down after a few days. It's normal for the king's flag to change on the wall. The people of Chan have become accustomed to it and no one takes it seriously.

With the complete destruction of the Mande United Army, the development of Jeko Company is no longer hindered and has entered the fast lane.

Among the hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of households in the Mande area, most families will choose to sign an insect breeding agreement with Jeko Company.

The villagers are provided with insect seeds and insect feed by Jieke Company, and the villagers breed poisonous insects, which are then bought back by Jieke Company after they mature.

Such a business model has blossomed in the Mande area, and it is nothing more than profitable.

In the past, the monthly income from farming was only a few hundred yuan, but after cooperating with Jieke Company, the monthly income easily exceeded the thousand yuan mark. This is the truth that Jieke Company has attracted so many villagers.

The entire Mande region was full of insect breeders.

The poisonous insects and snakes they raised would become the nourishment of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The poisonous insects and snakes that were delivered continuously every day were calculated by tons, so that the Thousand-Handed Centipede could only look at the hill of poisonous insects and snakes and sigh in despair, saying that it could not finish eating them.

In this binge eating, the Thousand-Handed Centipede naturally grew rapidly.

In particular, the Thousand-Handed Centipede ate more poisonous insects and had a more balanced nutrition, which made the Thousand-Handed Centipede's strength advance by leaps and bounds and once again entered the spiritual refining state.

This was the third spiritual refining of the Thousand-Handed Centipede. Su Jie was worried that the movement would be too loud, so he took the Thousand-Handed Centipede into a deep mountain forest and quietly watched the Thousand-Handed Centipede's transformation.

The spiritual refining time of this evolution was longer. After about ten hours, Su Jie saw the thick cocoon react.

The huge cocoon, which was several meters high and more than ten meters long, lit up with purple fluorescence. Light burst out from the cracks, and vigorous spiritual power fluctuations also surged and swept in all directions, forcing Su Jie to take a few steps back to avoid the strong spiritual power storm.

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