Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 52 Low-grade three-refined poisonous insect



The top of the cocoon was drilled open, and the pink body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede emerged from the cocoon.

The body of the newly molted insect appears pink, but as it comes into contact with the air, the shell quickly turns black and thickens, turning into a thick chitin shell.

At this time, the body length of the Thousand-Armed Centipede, which has completed its transformation, has reached an astonishing 12 meters, which is comparable to the length of a bus.


The newly born insect shell was a little itchy, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede stood upright and clung to a big tree, scratching and itching.

But he didn't expect that this move would actually crush the tree that was tens of meters high. The falling branches and leaves fell on the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head. It could be seen that it was very confused and was not used to the sudden increase in majestic power. .

"Even among the inner disciples, there may not be anyone who can achieve the low-grade Gu insect that has been refined three times."

Su Jie thought happily, looking at the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

During this spiritual refinement evolution, the biggest change of the Thousand-Hand Centipede is not the growth in size, but the growth of a layer of hard armor on its head and face. The whole body is pale white, with the same color as those pale corpse hands, as if it is made of pale bones. production.

The surface of the visor is full of cracks, and purple fluorescence flows under the cracks, which is extremely weird.

At the eyeholes of the visor, there are a pair of deep grooves, and in the center of the deep darkness is a pair of cold and ruthless insect eyes, staring at all approaching creatures.

The appearance of this white bone mask makes the Thousand-Hand Centipede even more weird and sinister.

Just a glance at it makes people feel creepy, and a kind of instinctive fear arises in their hearts, reminding you not to touch, not approach, and not try to communicate, otherwise you will only be faced with despair.


Su Jie tapped Thousand-Hand Centipede's visor and pressed his palm against it.

The visor felt cold and hard, and the deep purple fluorescence swayed, as if there was heat surging.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede lowered its head after being caressed, and happily reached up to touch it.

"Xiao Qian, try your new ability."

Su Jie patted Thousand-Hand Centipede's huge head, took a few steps back and stood still.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede stood up halfway, and upon hearing Su Jie's order, a faint blue-purple light flashed on the white bone mask on its head.


The next moment, dozens of purple rays of light were stimulated from the cracks in the white bones' cheeks, like high-temperature lasers. Any object touched by the purple light would cause trees to break, rocks to melt, and the ultra-high temperature to blur the air. distortion.

The power of each purple ray is extremely astonishing. It can penetrate at least a dozen big trees and destroy it before it exhausts its energy and eliminates the invisible. The remaining aftermath sets off hot winds, causing the surrounding temperature to rise sharply by more than 20 degrees.

Immediately afterwards, Thousand-Armed Centipede shook its head slightly, and the purple light rays also deflected. Those lush trees were like butter being cut with a knife. In the blink of an eye, they were cut off and knocked down by the purple light rays, filling the air with smoke and dust.

It sounds like a long story, but actually the process is surprisingly short.

In just a few seconds, the large forest ahead was destroyed into a mess, with scorched earth and burning trees everywhere.

The Thousand-Hand Centipede also closed the cracks on the white bone cheek again, and lay down a little sluggishly.

It can be seen that this move consumes a lot of money. It can only be used as a killing move and is not a level A move.

"Purple light rays, similar to high-temperature lasers, are suitable as a trump card."

Su Jie was also surprised by the new abilities Thousand-Handed Centipede had mastered after three spiritual trainings.

Such high-temperature rays will melt and penetrate even thick steel plates, not to mention ordinary human flesh.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jie recalled the Thousand-Handed Centipede to reduce its size and run the Hundred Poisons and Gu Refining Manual.

The surging vitality and spiritual power in the Thousand-Hand Centipede's body continuously flowed into the limbs and bones through feedback. After 36 cycles of circulation, it was finally digested and absorbed by Su Jie. Su Jie's breath was completely synchronized with the Thousand-Hand Centipede.

A few hours later, Su Jie raised his head again, rubbed his eyes, and mobilized the spiritual power in his body.

In an instant, the pupils of Su Jie's eyes turned dark purple, and two rays of purple light burst out. After breaking down several large trees, a large hole several meters deep and one meter wide was burned on the ground. The soil and rocks at the edge were It was burned into flowing magma.


Seeing the effect of this blow, Su Jie was satisfied, but his face was also a little pale, and more than half of his spiritual energy was consumed.

Although this move is unexpected, surprisingly powerful, and extremely handsome, it consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

Su Jie tried to reduce some of the spiritual power supply, but the number of shots increased, but the power of the purple light rays also dropped a lot.

Su Jie was very happy with the test, but the Thousand-Handed Centipede next to him was not happy.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede chirped, looked at Su Jie aggrievedly, and gave the signal to eat.

Having just been promoted and consumed a lot, it was already very hungry.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you back."

Su Jie smiled, cleaned up the traces, and drove to an insect warehouse with the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

There are a large number of various poisonous insects and snakes stored here, all of which are rations prepared for the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, Thousand-Handed Centipede returned to its original shape and began to eat and drink.

It is as big as a bus and has an astonishing appetite.

I saw the Thousand-Handed Centipede grabbing a box full of poisonous insects. After opening it, it opened its bloody mouth and all the poisonous insects fell into the mouth like a waterfall and swallowed it directly.

Although the Thousand-Hand Centipede ate quickly, there were so many poisonous insects in the warehouse that most of the warehouse was filled.

The Thousand-Hand Centipede only ate less than one-tenth of the poisonous insects in the warehouse, and its belly was already full.

This is just one of the many insect warehouses of the Jeko Company. In addition, there are several large poisonous insect breeding farms. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the Mande area. Almost every household is raising insects and catching insects. Every day, a large number of poisonous insects are purchased by the Jeko Company, which far exceeds the food demand of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"The size is growing slowly."

Su Jie frowned slightly as he watched the Thousand-Handed Centipede eat.

His focus was not on the Thousand-Handed Centipede's food intake, but on the fact that the Thousand-Handed Centipede swallowed so many poisonous insects and snakes, but there were not many signs of evolution.

In the past, after the Thousand-Handed Centipede swallowed a large number of poisonous insects, its size could almost be seen to grow.

This situation now further confirms one thing: ordinary poisonous insects and snakes have less and less effect on the Thousand-Handed Centipede, almost approaching zero.

In the future, when the Thousand-Handed Centipede evolves into a medium-quality poisonous insect, I am afraid that these poisonous insects and snakes will no longer have any effect.

Fortunately, Su Jie had expected it long ago, and he occupied the Mande area to prepare for this.

Only by capturing the poisonous insects in the Tianyuan World and bringing them to Blue Star for cultivation, using the poisonous insect resources of Blue Star to quickly evolve them into high-quality ones, and finally letting the Thousand-Handed Centipede devour them, can the growth rate of the Thousand-Handed Centipede be maintained.

"It's almost time to go back. I have to go to the Insect Valley to catch some poisonous insects."

Su Jie's eyes flashed with a fierce light. He was forced to flee in the black market. Now his strength has greatly increased. His cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm. The Thousand-Handed Centipede has been promoted to the third level of the lower grade. With the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword in his hands, Su Jie has the confidence to return to the Tianyuan World to face everything.

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