Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 53 Return to Tianyuan World

A few days later!

Tianyuan World, Guiling Palace Black Market.

In a low private house, Su Jie stepped out of the ancient mirror and quickly released the reconnaissance dragonfly from his sleeve robe.


Reconnaissance dragonflies flew out of houses and hovered over nearby buildings.

"No one else?"

Su Jie raised his eyebrows. Thinking about it, the disciples who were chasing him must have thought that Su Jie had run away from another place and would not choose to stay in place for two months. That doesn't mean he has perseverance, but he has a brain.

He took out a mask from his storage bag and put it on his face. With his hood blocked, Su Jie stepped out of the house and onto the black market street.

Two months have passed, and the black market is even more depressed than when Su Jie left.

There were only a few disciples on the road, and their expressions were mostly gloomy.

"The White Walker incident hasn't been resolved yet!"

Su Jie thought in his mind, walked for more than ten minutes, and came to the gate of Taixu Pavilion.

There is only one person Su Jie is familiar with in the black market. If he wants to know the situation of Ghost Ridge Palace during this period, he can only come here.

Su Jie walked into Taixu Pavilion and saw a woman arranging the talismans in the pavilion.

Hearing the sound of footsteps at this time, the woman hurriedly turned around, only to see her high nose, red lips like fire, eyes like peach blossoms, her plump figure has been influenced by years, and a charming charm unique to mature women makes her mouth dry.

"Fellow Taoist, do you need to purchase a talisman? I am the supervisor of Taixu Pavilion."

Before Cai Chun'e finished her follow-up words, she saw Su Jie taking off his mask. Her pretty face was suddenly startled, full of astonishment: "Mr. Su, why is it you?"

"Are you surprised to see me?"

Su Jie stepped forward and took off the hood of his black robe.

"Because. Recently, everyone said that you were being hunted and you hadn't been seen for a long time. Many people thought you had been killed. I thought you were serious."

Cai Chun'e was a little embarrassed. Apparently she had had this idea before, otherwise she wouldn't have been so surprised when she saw Su Jie.

"How could I be willing to die so easily with a beauty like Sister Cai caring about me?"

"Go away, you are so shameless."

Cai Chun'e rolled her eyes at Su Jie, and then walked quickly to the door of Taixu Pavilion.

After looking around for a while, Cai Chun'e closed the door and put a sign saying it was temporarily closed.

"It's already this time, and you still dare to come directly to the door. What if someone discovers you?"

"There is no other way. There is no way to hide all the time. You have to live and practice. In addition, all the resources I exchanged from the White Walkers have been used up. There will definitely be fewer disciples who want to hunt me down."

"That's true, but as long as Mr. Su still has the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, I'm afraid."

Cai Chun'e shook her head, then seemed to think of something, and looked at Su Jie who hesitated to speak.

Su Jie's eyes flashed, he approached Cai Chun'e and said, "Sister Cai, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

The two sides were so close that they could even feel each other breathing.

Cai Chun'e couldn't help but take a step back, turned her head, and said tentatively: "I think Mr. Su can choose to sell the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword to our Taixu Pavilion. This is also for the young master's consideration. After all, the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword is too tempting. If Selling it publicly will naturally eliminate a lot of secret prying eyes.”

Looking at Chu Chu touching with a pair of charming eyes, Cai Chun'e persuaded her in a soft voice, hoping to increase her performance.

The White Bone Tiansha Sword is the best among low-grade flying swords, and its power is astonishing. This can be seen from the fact that Su Jie easily strangled thousands of people from the Mander United Army with it. It is an absolute killing weapon.

Such an expensive and rare treasure can be sold for a thousand pieces of blood marrow crystals on the black market, and there is no market for it. No wonder Cai Chun'e said this. If a deal can be reached, her status in Taixu Pavilion will definitely rise.

In Cai Chun'e's view, Su Jie must be eager to get rid of the pursuit. His approach is beneficial to both parties, and it is the best time to propose a deal.

"Really? So that's what Sister Cai thinks!"

Su Jie stepped forward again. Although Cai Chun'e may not have malicious intentions, Su Jie would definitely not be able to accept this request. He was too talkative!

If it were an inner disciple, Cai Chun'e would definitely not dare to propose such an outrageous idea.

Cai Chun'e was about to say something when her face suddenly changed. A strong murderous aura suddenly swept through her body and mind, making her delicate body feel like she had fallen into an ice cave. Her heart felt like it was being pinched by a devil's claw, and she could hardly breathe. Angry.


Taixu Pavilion suddenly shook, and the defensive array automatically moved.

Seal characters shining with golden light emerged from the ground of the building one after another, and four attack and killing weapons - Falun, Sky Arrow, Wen Qiang and Jade Sword - emerged from the void and were faintly aimed at Su Jie.

This is the defensive array of Taixu Pavilion. When it senses murderous intent, it will automatically respond to protect the people and property of Taixu Pavilion.

For such a merchant selling talismans and elixirs, even if there is a promise of protection from Ghost Ridge Palace, the corresponding protective measures are still in place. It is afraid of encountering disciples who are greedy for money and go crazy, ignore the precepts of Ghost Ridge Palace, and take risks.

"What happened? Someone is causing trouble?"

In the backyard of Taixu Pavilion, a group of guards hurried over with weapons in hand, thinking they were in danger.

Su Jie just showed up and looked at him.


In an instant, two high-temperature rays shot out from the pupils, instantly melting the weapons in their hands into molten iron, scaring a group of guards into retreating in horror.

"Everyone stop it. Whoever asked you to come here, please get out of here."

Cai Chun'e took a deep breath, turned around and angrily stopped the guards from moving, then took out a token and canceled the rotational defense array of Taixu Pavilion.

After doing all this, Cai Chun'e turned her attention to Su Jie again and said solemnly: "I didn't expect that Mr. Su, you are so powerful that you are already at the fifth level of Yunling Realm."

While speaking, Cai Chun'e regretted her previous suggestion.

The Su Jie in front of him was not at all ordinary as others said. Those three strange ghosts definitely did not come by luck, and they might have been hunted by him.

Because the threat and oppression brought by Su Jie in front of her were far beyond the fifth level of Yunling Realm.

The woman's sixth sense told her that if Su Jie really wanted to kill her, even the defensive array set up in Taixu Pavilion might not be able to stop him. It might hurt both sides, but she would definitely not survive.

Su Jie looked at the retreating talisman formation and said, "If I didn't have some strength, I would have been eaten up by other disciples, wouldn't I!"

Seeing Su Jie's attitude, Cai Chun'e smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I said the wrong thing before. If I had known that Mr. Su was so powerful, I wouldn't have asked for trouble and made suggestions, even if we weren't too vain. Ge, think about it, no one can make any difference to you."

Su Jie had a playful look in his eyes. Sure enough, it was strength that could attract others' attention. He did not waste his performance just now. Now Cai Chun'e has corrected her attitude.

"Sister Cai, don't worry about other people's things. I know you are worried about my safety. What I don't know is that you thought you were going to take this opportunity to lower the price and buy it forcefully."

"How could it be? I never intended to lower the price. Even if I buy the White-bone Heavenly Evil Sword, it will be at a price that satisfies you. Okay, I won't say it anymore. My sister will apologize to you. It's me who shouldn't have been too careful about the White-bone Heavenly Evil Sword. Don’t act like you’re going to kill someone, the relationship between us isn’t that tense yet.”

Cai Chun'e personally poured tea for Su Jie to apologize. There is no such thing as a fool in black market business.

Seeing Su Jie's strength, she naturally gave up some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

"Sister Cai is joking, how could I do something to you? I am the most compassionate person."

Su Jie calmed down his aura and put a smile on his face, as if nothing happened just now.

Cai Chun'e was speechless. Just now, with your eyes and aura, you even activated the defensive formation. It's really embarrassing to say this!

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