Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 54 Situation (Please read later)

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Su Jie stopped being tense and asked Cai Chun'e about the recent situation in Guiling Palace.

"You're saying that the White Walkers are becoming more and more rampant now?"

Su Jie put down the tea cup, tapped his fingers on the coffee table, and looked at Cai Chun'e opposite.

"I'm still lying to you. Go and inquire outside. It's very difficult for us merchants to transport goods in now. Many types of elixirs, talismans, and magic weapons are out of stock in the black market."

When Cai Chun'e talked about this, she felt bitter.

"Aren't there disciples stationed around the commercial road? It has no effect?"

Su Jie was puzzled. Before he returned to Blue Star, Guiling Palace had mobilized most of its disciples to camp out.

Cai Chun'e shook her head and said: "It was effective at first, but later the White Walkers became smarter and often no longer went out alone, but in groups of twos and threes. Many of the stationed disciples became the targets of the White Walkers.

Without a numerical advantage, the outer disciples are no match for the White Walkers. Later, this strategy was canceled. Now the disciples mainly form trade patrol teams with more than dozens of people, or participate in the transportation of caravans and act as caravan guards. As a result, casualties and losses remained high.

Because of the threat of the White Walkers, the number of caravans entering the black market has been reduced by 70%, including our Taixu Pavilion. The goods from Qingzhou cannot be transferred in. Many talismans and magic weapons cannot be replenished, and one less one is sold. Mr. Su If you don't buy some as soon as possible, if it's too late, I'm afraid there won't be any space left. "

Speaking of the latter, Cai Chun'e's businessman nature was exposed and she wanted to sell her own products to Su Jie.

"I am penniless now, where can I get the money to buy goods, let alone"

Su Jie pointed at the displayed talismans and magic weapons, and complained: "Besides, the price has increased so horribly. In two months, the price has increased by more than three times. Who can afford this? Really? Think that we disciples are all being taken advantage of!"

"The market conditions are like this now. Why has your Ghost Ridge Palace been unable to eliminate the threat of the White Walkers? We have no choice but to raise prices."

Cai Chun'e was very confident and attributed the problem to Guiling Palace's inaction.

Su Jie did not refute this time. He could not have too high moral requirements for black market merchants. Instead, he asked: "Sister Cai, you are well-informed in the black market. I want to know if the black market is so sluggish now, are those human trafficking businesses also?" Is the depression going down?”

Cai Chun'e was slightly startled, looked at Su Jie thoughtfully, and said, "You also want to use people to practice?"

The so-called human practice is to use human beings to practice demonic skills, such as eating human body to refine the body, drawing formations with human blood, extracting souls to nourish elixirs, and other related cultivation methods. Such demonic skills are often practiced at a rapid speed. Although there are hidden dangers in the later stage, the victory is Strong enough in the early stage.

"I just want to ask. After all, if there are fewer slave traders in the black market, the elders will not give up."

Su Jie shrugged. As a demon cultivator, he was not taboo on the topic of human training.

"That is not bad."

Cai Chun'e breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't like the kind of demonic cultivation that used human slaves to practice. She thought it was too scary and evil.

After thinking about it, Cai Chun'e said: "As you guessed, the number of human slaves sold in the black market has decreased by 90%, and most slave traders have closed down.

Think about it! The White Walkers are so dangerous that even the disciples find it difficult to resist them. Taking a group of defenseless slaves into the mountains, and having to take care of their food, drink and transportation along the way, not only is the speed slowed down, but large-scale operations are also more likely to be targeted by the White Walkers.

From what I have heard, there are no less than a dozen cases of slave merchants being killed by the White Walkers, and there are still many more cases where the news has not been spread. "

"That's it!"

Su Jie frowned slightly, thinking about the impact of the current situation.

Su Jie doesn't know about other demon cultivating sects, but most of the senior elders of Ghost Ridge Palace are cultivators of demonic arts and need human slaves to maintain their daily consumption. Just look at the prosperity of the black market human slave market. situation.

It's like taking opium. Once a person practices demonic skills, it's difficult to stop.

Once human slavery is stopped for a long time, the sequelae of cultivators practicing demonic skills will become more prominent. Irritability and madness are all good, and some may even have flesh and blood deformed, their souls split and disordered, and grow into deformed monsters, more possessed than righteous monks. Much scarier.

This is what Su Jie is worried about.

The senior elders of Ghost Ridge Palace will definitely not let the number of slaves in the black market decrease.

In the end, in order to solve this problem, orders were issued at all levels, but they were not the disciples who were running the errands.

It's a pity that he is only an outer disciple. Even if he feels worried and a storm is coming, there is nothing he can do.

After learning more about the situation from Cai Chun'e, Su Jie stopped interrupting and said, "Thank you, Sister Cai, for letting me know. I have to find something to do while I still have some free time. Hey, the weather is nice today, just right for fishing. Cai Sister, do you want to come with me?"

Cai Chun'e thought Su Jie was joking, rolled her eyes and said, "You still have such a leisurely mood, but I don't have the time, I have to look after the store."

"Okay then, I'll go alone. Sister Cai takes her leave."

Cai Chun'e nodded and said, "Be careful outside. I'm still waiting for you to take care of my business."

"Easy to say."

Su Jie smiled, stood up and walked out of Taixu Pavilion without saying another word.

Cai Chun'e watched Su Jie leave, but when Su Jie walked to the door, Cai Chun'e was suddenly startled and saw the mask left on the table. She reacted and hurriedly picked up the mask and chased after Su Jie.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Su, don't go out yet before you put on your mask."

However, when she said this, Su Jie had already opened the door and walked out openly.

"Sister Cai, if you don't put bait when fishing, how can the fish take the bait?"

Su Jie did not take the mask, but just waved his hand and turned around to enter the black market street without looking back.

"Wait, he wants to."

After being stunned for a while, Cai Chun'e soon understood the reason why Su Jie did this. She looked at the gradually walking away back with a look of astonishment. After a long time, she couldn't help but spit out a few words: "This lunatic."

Although the black market is depressed, there are still disciples.

Purchasing materials for war preparations is a rigid demand of disciples. No matter how much the prices rise, it is not worth mentioning in front of life.

As a star figure who made a big splash in the black market two months ago, many disciples recognized Su Jie, and those black market merchants remembered Su Jie's face.

And merchants always have some familiar disciples, just like the relationship between Su Jie and Cai Chun'e.

Seeing Su Jie appear in the black market, some merchants flashed their eyes and quietly went to inform.

Su Jie seemed to have noticed nothing. He walked around the black market for several times and attracted enough attention before leaving the black market and heading towards the Insect Valley.

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