Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 55: The tide turns (please read later)

Worm Valley!

In the deep and lush forest, the real core area of ​​the Worm Valley is located in a natural basin in the forest.

There is spiritual energy escaping from the deep earth veins here and the surface is suitable. Coupled with the suitable environment, it has become a paradise for various poisonous insects.

In the Insect Valley, there are not only a large number of low-grade Gu worms, but also low-grade Gu worms and mid-grade Gu worms. However, most outer disciples do not dare to catch them because they cannot defeat them.

At this time, outside of the Worm Valley, Su Jie stood on a high treetop, staring at the endless vast Basin of the Worm Valley in front of him.

My ears are filled with the rustling noises of various insects crawling and chirping. Everywhere I can see spiders hanging on webs, poisonous bees hiding in the grass and shrubs, and ants traveling in groups.

Most of these are low-grade Gu insects that outer disciples can capture, but they also pose a certain threat.

However, Su Jie was naturally not worried now. It was just that Su Jie had no intention of capturing him. Instead, he stayed where he was, silently calculating the time in his heart.


Su Jie's eyes moved slightly and he slowly turned around.

In the forest behind him, figures were running quickly among the trees. In just ten seconds, they arrived in front of Su Jie from hundreds of meters away.

There are a total of eight disciples, wearing the attire of the outer disciples of Guiling Palace. Their identities are self-evident, but it is not clear which lineage of elders they are from.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Su Jie shook his body and looked at the approaching group of Ghost Ridge Palace disciples with a frightened expression.

"Fellow Daoist Su, you have made it easy for us to find you. You have let us waste two whole months, and now you are asking us what we want to do?"

The leader of this group of outer disciples is a man with a fifth-level cultivation in Yunling Realm. His face is gloomy and his eyes are sunken. The strange thing in one eye socket is not a human eyeball, but a round black beetle instead of an eye. .

At this moment, he was staring at Su Jie with a ferocious expression, the malice in his eyes undisguised.

The other disciples, whose cultivation levels were basically around the third level of Yunling Realm, cooperated with the worm-eyed man to block Su Jie's path.

"So what do you guys want to do? If you are fine, I will leave!"

Su Jie took two steps back, but looked towards the back of the forest.

There were still disciples rushing there, and the other party was obviously delaying time by chatting with him, but little did he know that this was exactly what Su Jie wanted.

"Want to leave? Hand over the Bone Sword of Heaven first, and we can let you go."

The bug-eyed man had a cold aura about him. When he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Su Jie. If Su Jie made any move, he would react immediately.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several more disciples rushed over. They were another group of disciples, not the same group as the bug-eyed man.

The arrival of new disciples has changed the situation. The two groups of disciples are on guard against each other, fearing that others will take advantage of them.

"Oh, it turns out you are here for the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword. If you had told me earlier, I would have given it to you if you wanted it."

Su Jie seemed to relax and took out the Bone Sword of Heavenly Evil from his storage bag.


In an instant, I don't know how much greed was firmly attracted.

However, these disciples did not relax their vigilance because of this. Instead, they became more vigilant and summoned a large number of Gu insects from their sleeves to prevent Su Jie from taking advantage of the situation.

However, none of them took the lead, because the White Bone Demon Sword was too threatening. Although according to the intelligence, Su Jie was not very strong. He was only at the fourth level of Yunling Realm. He was just lucky to get the White Walker.

But with the White-bone Heavenly Evil Sword in hand, even the worm-eyed man felt frightened. If it weren't for the numerical advantage, he would have turned around and run away.

Hearing Su Jie's words at this time, the insect-eyed man couldn't help but said: "Throw the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword over here, and I will let you go."

"Shut up, give us the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, and I will guarantee your safety."

Another group of disciples also made a sound, staring at the Bone Sword.

Su Jie looked back and forth, and said with a wry smile: "This is so difficult. Who should I give it to? How about you decide the winner first, and I will give it to whoever wins."

The two groups looked at each other, and the insect-eyed man sneered and said: "If you want to sow discord, how about we join forces to kill him first, and then decide on the distribution of this white-bone evil sword?"

The bug-eyed man seemed to be very confident. When he said this, he inadvertently glanced behind him.

The other group did not speak, but silently blocked Su Jie's escape.

At the same time, two other groups of disciples hurried over, and they were also not in the same group. There were so many people from all directions, a total of twenty disciples surrounding Su Jie, and they were surrounding each other.

"Everyone is here! I just threw away the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword. Whoever grabs it belongs to whoever grabs it."

Su Jie narrowed his eyes slightly, and after detecting the dragonfly, he knew that everyone was here, and then he threw the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword.

By coincidence, the direction in which the White-bone Heavenly Evil Sword was thrown was exactly the direction of the insect-eyed man, which attracted countless disciples to stare at this top-quality flying sword.

The insect-eyed man felt a chill in his heart, thinking that Su Jie was going to frame him deliberately, and said angrily: "If you want to harm me, kill him first."

It was at this moment that the ground beneath Su Jie's feet suddenly rolled and shook.

Immediately afterwards, rays of purple light were inspired from the ground, and when these disciples were distracted, they instantly illuminated their bodies.

Dozens of high-temperature rays fell on one of the disciples, and they didn't even hum. The Gu insect didn't even have time to use it. The whole person was ignited by the high-temperature rays. The bones and flesh melted like ice and snow under the rays. No bodies were left.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 disciples almost all died. Only the three disciples of the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm, including the man with insect eyes, reacted quickly and luckily avoided the irradiation of the purple light ray and survived.

"Sorry, I was a little heavy. Next time, I will restrain myself a little and try to leave you with a whole body."

Su Jie grinned at the three people.

As soon as the voice fell, the ground under Su Jie's feet shook, and accompanied by a thunderous sound, the Thousand-Handed Centipede rumbled out from the ground.

The previous killing move was made by the Thousand-Handed Centipede lurking underground, and the effect was also extremely good. It was worthy of being a unique skill after three spiritual refinements. It killed most of the enemies with one move.

"Three times of spiritual refining Gu worms, how is that possible? I must be dazzled."

"Oh no, we've fallen into a trap. This is an ambush he deliberately set up."

"This man is so insidious, we..."

The surviving insect-eyed man looked at Su Jie in horror. The last man didn't finish his words, his pupils dilated violently, and his head fell from his neck. The White Bone Sky Sword beheaded him before he finished his last words in his life.

"It's your turn. Don't keep the brothers below waiting for too long. They will be lonely."

Su Jie smiled and looked at the remaining two insect-eyed men.

Escape! Escape! Escape!

The two of them were so scared that they turned around and fled.

"Go, bring them back."

Su Jie patted the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede under his seat. While controlling the Gu worm, he controlled the White Bone Sky Sword to kill the enemy.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede screamed excitedly, and rushed through the forest like a chariot, rumbling and chasing.

I'm afraid the man with worm eyes and his companions would never have imagined that they, who once chased Su Jie, had to hide back on Blue Star, but today, just two months later, they were being chased by Su Jie and had no way out. It really is the unpredictable world.

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