Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 56 Inner Disciples

The worm-eyed man was running away madly, breathing rapidly. He could not help but look back when he heard the increasingly heavy footsteps behind him.

He saw flocks of birds flying in the forest, and a trail of dust approaching rapidly in his direction. It was the huge noise caused by the trees being violently pushed down.

"Damn it, who said that his strength was average? Is this called average strength?"

The worm-eyed man got goosebumps from the noise, and he calculated the distance between himself and Su Jie.

But even though he had attached a magic talisman to his legs to try to get rid of the pursuit, he still did not really open up the distance. Instead, he heard the pursuit getting closer and closer.

Inexplicably, the worm-eyed man thought of a cat playing with a mouse.

With the speed of the White Bone Sky Sword, he should not be able to escape here.

Unfortunately, the worm-eyed man, who was already confused, had no time to think about it, or dared not to think about it.

The thinly lit jungle had made the worm-eyed man nervous and frightened.

Especially the shadows cast by the heavy treetops, the twisted and yellow branches swaying in the wind, as if the figures of Su Jie were watching him in the dark, leaving only fear in his heart.

"I can't escape, I can't escape at all. Someone must help me delay time and return to Brother Feng, so that I can have a chance to survive."

The string that the worm-eyed man was tense was about to break. At this time, he couldn't help but look at the man who was also at the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm who was escaping with him. A fierce look flashed across his face, and the black beetle in his left eye suddenly twisted its body and drilled out of the eye socket.

This was the worm-eyed man's natal low-grade Gu worm. Once it crawled out, it spread its wings and fanned out a mist, which spread silently.

The man at the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm suddenly became weak, as if he was drunk and poisoned by Gu.

This kind of Gu worm is generally used in frontal combat, but Yin people are very hard to defend against. Even if the man on the opposite side was prepared, he was still caught by the worm-eyed man.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist. Help me block the monster behind for a while. I will find someone to avenge you."

The man with insect eyes kept walking and jumped over the other person in a flash, escaping into the depths of the dense forest.

"You will not die well."

The weak man roared with resentment, but his anger was useless. He could only hear the sound of the pursuit getting closer and closer in vain. The extremely ferocious low-grade three-refined poisonous insect gradually appeared in his sight, and his eyes revealed deep fear and despair.

After a while, the man with insect eyes trembled in his heart.

He vaguely heard a scream from behind, and couldn't help but speed up again.

A few minutes later, the man with insect eyes saw a stream in the distance.

Under the willow tree by the stream, a handsome man with clear and gentle eyes, wearing a white robe, was leaning against the willow tree, holding his chin with one hand, enjoying the sunshine and breeze while admiring the happy swimming of the fish in the stream, as if immersed in his own world, with a sense of comfort and comfort all over his body.

Hearing the footsteps, the young man raised his eyelids and said lightly: "Why are you back alone? Have you finished your work?"


The man with insect eyes knelt on the ground, his voice trembling: "Brother Feng, that Su...Su Jie is playing dumb. His strength is not as weak as expected. All the people we went there were killed by him."

"What are you talking about? You can't even deal with an outer disciple. He has the White Bone Sky Sword. Can't you work together? Can't he take care of his flying sword? A bunch of trash."

Brother Feng snorted coldly and kicked the man with insect eyes on the ground with disdain.

"No, Brother Feng, Su Jie is not only the White Bone Sky Sword, but also..."

"What else, do you think I can forgive you if you find an excuse to excuse yourself? If you are not good at doing things, living is a waste of spiritual energy."

Feng Wenjin interrupted the man with insect eyes without saying anything. He has seen many people who find excuses for their own failures.

"I'm not lying, Su Jie really has it"

The man with insect eyes shouted hurriedly, but before he could finish his words, Senior Brother Feng's eyes flashed, and he suddenly slapped the man with insect eyes.


Countless tiny mosquitoes and flies formed a large palm with a radius of ten feet, and slapped it heavily with a whistle.

"Senior Brother Feng, I really tried my best."

The man with insect eyes was shocked and subconsciously tried to dodge.

However, the insect palm formed by the mosquitoes and flies swept over the head of the man with insect eyes, accompanied by a fishy wind. Several dragonflies were shattered into blood foam by the mosquitoes and flies before they could avoid it.

"Stupid, you don't know that you are being followed by someone."

Senior Brother Feng snorted coldly, put his hands behind his back and looked into the depths of the dense forest, and slowly said: "Friend Su, since you are here, why don't you come out and meet him."

The branches and leaves in the dense forest swayed, and a figure slowly walked out.

But just as this figure appeared, Senior Brother Feng raised his right arm, and a black light came out from his sleeves, instantly piercing the heart of the figure who walked out of the dense forest.

A closer look revealed that the black light was actually a black centipede with six pairs of wings and the length of its arms. Its limbs under its abdomen were blade-like, and when it flew rapidly, it was like a chainsaw cutting, extremely sharp.

"Well, insect puppet?"

Senior Brother Feng saw the figure's heart being pierced, but there was no joy on his face.

Because it was clearly a dead puppet forcibly controlled by insects.

The man with insect eyes also saw the figure clearly, and his heart was chilled.

This figure was the man with the fifth level of the Yunling Realm who was trapped by him and left behind to attract Su Jie's attention. Now he has lost all vital signs, and he is not at peace even after death and is used to explore the way.

"Wild insect control method, this is a method that only inner disciples can watch, where did you learn it from?"

Senior Brother Feng looked deep, and his sight swept through the dense forest again and again, trying to find Su Jie's figure.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several lines of fire shot out from the dense forest, and a group of small flies were burned to ashes as soon as they appeared. These flies were reconnaissance insects controlled by Senior Brother Feng using the wild insect control method.

However, Senior Brother Feng didn't care at all. More flies were flying around in the dense forest, and soon he noticed the clues.

"As expected of an inner disciple, he is more proficient in the wild insect control method."

In the dense forest, with a burst of applause, Su Jie clapped his hands and walked out of the dark and gloomy forest.

Because both sides mastered the wild insect control method, there was not much point in hiding.

After walking dozens of meters, Su Jie stopped, and the two sides stood on the other side of the stream, looking at each other.

"I didn't expect that the one chasing me was actually an inner disciple under Elder Yi. I remember your name is Feng Wenjin, right."

Su Jie recognized the identity of the handsome man opposite him. He had met him once before.

When they were fighting in the black market, this person was an inner sect disciple of Lord Yi Jin. He had even competed with Pei Haibing in the number of White Walkers they had killed, but the two sides ended up in a tie, and in the end, Su Jie, who had managed to kill the White Walkers, won the first place.

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