Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 524: The Indian Navy is going to fight a decisive battle

Northwest waters of the Bay of Bengal!

The Bay of Bengal was formed by the collision of the Indian subcontinent and the Asian plate. As the world's largest bay, the average water depth of the Bay of Bengal is 2,586 meters and the maximum depth is 5,258 meters.

It is rich in fish, shrimp, crab and other resources, with a total annual catch of more than 10 million tons. It is a natural fishery treasure house for surrounding countries.

March is a suitable season for fishing. A little while later, when summer comes, there will be days when tropical storms prevail. Fishermen are rushing to go to sea first to catch fish.

Late at night, a fishing boat with the hull number Sangpu Yuanyu 028 was engaged in fishing operations.

This is a squid fishing boat from Asan Country. Along with the roar of the machine, hundreds of kilowatts of strong light bulbs on the side of the boat illuminate the sea with white light.

More than twenty men stood on both sides of the ship's deck, lifting and lowering fishing rods in their hands.

They were fishing for squid in the sea. Squid are pelagic fish. The crew used the phototaxis of squid to continuously fish for squid with luminous hooks, and fished plump squids onto the deck one by one, jumping lively.

In the middle of the night when most people have fallen asleep, for the Asanguo crew of Sanpu Yuanyu 028, they cannot sleep at all. Instead, they are working at high intensity.

Because squid are only suitable for fishing at night, their daily routine is completely opposite to that of ordinary people. Their rest time is during the day.

The sea was very windy and rough, so these Asanguo crew members carefully stabilized their bodies while fishing, so as not to be overturned by the big waves and bruised and bruised.

This repetitive and boring work was not broken until a long time later by the sound coming from behind the fishing boat.

The cab of Sanpu Yuanyu 028 is filled with smoke. Captain Manohar is forty-two years old, but his skin has been blown by the sea breeze from his years of life at sea, making him look like a sixty-year-old man.

While smoking cigarettes for a while, Manohar suddenly heard some noisy sounds. The crew below seemed to be attracted by something and no longer concentrated on their work.

Manohar frowned and walked out of the captain's cab. Just when he was about to curse, he suddenly saw a bright light approaching quickly from behind their fishing boat. It was obviously the light from a large ship.

The sea is very dark at night. Even two ships passing each other hundreds of meters apart cannot detect each other. Their fishing boats do not have any detection radars. Lights are the easiest way to distinguish them in the ocean at night.

"What kind of ship is this? It's moving too fast."

Manohar was very strange and stared curiously.

The ship looks very huge in outline, but it is still so fast. On the sea, it is common sense that the bigger the ship, the slower it will go.

But soon Manohar realized something was wrong. The ship looked like it was coming towards him.

".Who is driving this ship? Their captain won't be asleep."

Manohar's face turned dark. There were so many lights on his fishing boat, and the big boat was rushing straight towards him, as if he didn't see it.

Cursing, Manohar quickly ran back to the captain's cab and controlled his fishing boat to avoid it.

Because the water flow speed increases and the pressure decreases around the large ship passing by, if there is a small boat nearby at this time, it is easy to cause a boat suction phenomenon, causing the small boat to push the small boat closer to and deflect the large ship under the action of the current, and then collide with the large ship and destroy it. People die.

Especially when the big ship is traveling so fast, it is even more dangerous.

The Sangpu Yuanyu 028 fishing boat began to accelerate, trying to avoid the direction of the big ship as much as possible.

The crew members on the boat also became nervous, knowing that it would be very dangerous for their small fishing boat to get too close to the big ship.

One minute later.

The big ship was getting closer and closer, and the outline of the hull could already be seen.

To the relief of Manohar and the crew, they were not sucked into the vortex of the big ship and a collision was avoided.

But soon, the crew looked at the big ship again, and then their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide.

Because the large lights on their fishing boat were densely lit, they could clearly see the general situation of the big boat opposite.

But in the deep sea, the outer shell of this large ship was made of hard special alloy, like a steel behemoth in the deep sea. The ship's body was covered with layers of complex camouflage patterns, blending into the surrounding seawater, as if it was this. A part of the sea, silent and mysterious.

Under the deep sea, there were faint thick black shadows passing by. The water shook and stirred up waves. The small fish and shrimps around them fled in panic.

The cold metal armor fits tightly on the hull. The huge hull made of steel is more than two hundred meters long and thirty or forty meters wide. Missile launching units are displayed on it one by one, and exposed radar antennas can also be seen. , close-in defense guns and other equipment, all this tells the crew present that this is a warship, a warship with a tonnage of tens of thousands of tons.

The warship in front of them was too shocking. Although they had seen ships with larger tonnage, the warship gave people a different feeling.


Suddenly, two huge lights illuminated the unknown large warship.

This is a high-power searchlight on a warship. Like a giant beast opening its eyes, an invisible sense of oppression envelopes everyone in Sanpu Yuanyu 028.

But then, it seemed that they were found to be no threat, and the searchlights on the warships were turned off and they began to speed away. The ships on both sides passed each other, and the warships quickly disappeared into the night.

Until then, everyone on the Sangpu Yuanyu 028 fishing boat finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Manohar's nervous mood finally calmed down, because he clearly saw just now that the national flag belonging to the Jieko Group seemed to be flying on the warship.

Ah Sanguo and Jieko Group are currently at war. If the other party suddenly shoots him and sinks him, he won't be able to deal with it.

"Wait a minute, could this warship be..."

Immediately afterwards, Manohar suddenly thought of something again, his eyes flashed brightly, and his heart pounded.

Because not long ago, the government of the Asan Kingdom issued a wanted reward to find the stealth destroyer of the Jieko Group, and offered a large sum of money as a reward.

"Could this warship really be the stealth destroyer of the Jieco Group? Is the destroyer that big? Forget it, let's report the situation first."

Manohar muttered and quickly used the communication equipment on the ship to report his situation layer by layer.

at the same time!

On the Irrawaddy Devourer-class deep-submersible cruiser, Peng Hongtai, commander of the Jieko Group's first fleet, was standing in front of a map hanging on the wall with stern eyes.

For this mission of annihilating the main force of the Asan Kingdom Navy, he personally took command on the ship as the fleet commander, which shows that he attached great importance to this mission.

"Commander, radio signal fluctuations have been detected. The other party should report our news."

The captain of the Irrawaddy, Tufengpu, walked over quickly and reported what he had discovered.

"Very good, change the route and set off towards the sea area B-19. Now that the bait has been dropped, we are just waiting for the Asan Kingdom Navy to take the bait."

Peng Hongtai took the baton and pointed at the map, which marked various situations near the Bay of Bengal, as well as the distribution map of the enemy and ourselves.

As for the B-19 sea area, it is located on the south side of the Bay of Bengal, where the water is the deepest and far away from the mainland of Asan. The nearest airport is more than 1,200 kilometers away, which can avoid interference from unexpected factors to the greatest extent.

"The navy of Asan Kingdom has been searching for us for more than ten days. Now we take the initiative to show up. With Asan Kingdom's brains, the other party will definitely not let us go easily. I think they will gather a large force to pursue us."

Tu Fengpu said with a smile, saying that when he was being chased, there was no panic at all, because this was part of their plan.

The naval forces of the Three Kingdoms are now dispersed. If their Devourer cruiser launches a strike rashly, it is likely to frighten the navy of the Three Kingdoms and scatter them away.

On the contrary, if they take the initiative to reveal their whereabouts, the navy of the three countries will actively gather naval ships to encircle and suppress the Irrawaddy cruiser.

Just like the British Empire's pursuit and interception of the German battleship Bismarck during World War II, in order to kill the battleship, the British Empire Navy mobilized 42 battleships to encircle and destroy the Bismarck, including 2 aircraft carriers, 3 battlecruisers and 5 battleships.

"Instruct the other five Devourer-class deep-submersible cruisers to begin to gather towards the B-19 sea area. They will first lurk in the deep sea of ​​the sea area and wait until the prey enters the trap, and then eat them all in one go."

Peng Hongtai was serious about his words, and his plan was not complicated. He took advantage of the enemy's lack of understanding of the Devourer-class deep-submersible cruiser and brought it into the encirclement.

This tactic was called the wolf pack tactic in World War II. It involves gathering multiple submarines. When a target is discovered, the submarines occupy favorable attack positions from all directions during the day and ambush and hide underwater in the enemy's route.

When the enemy passes by at night, they will surface and launch torpedoes at the target at the same time, besieging the transport fleet or a single warship, just like a wolf pack attack. As the saying goes, tigers are also afraid of pack wolves. This is the wolf pack tactic.

But this tactic can only bully lone warships or transport ships that are unable to fight back.

The goal of the First Fleet is to use the Devourer-class deep-submersible cruiser to eat the main force of the Asan Kingdom Navy. This is completely different.

Looking away from the map, Peng Hongtai ordered: "The entire ship will now implement radio silence, turn off the ship's lights, and immediately head towards the B-19 sea area."

When Peng Hongtai's order was issued, the Devourer-class cruiser began to ride the wind and waves on the sea at normal speed, keeping the speed within an appropriate range so that the navy of the Three Kingdoms could not easily catch up and the opponent would not be thrown away.

5:42 am!

The Asanguo Naval Headquarters building is brightly lit.

After layers of reports from the Sangpu Yuanyu 028 fishing boat, the news of the discovery of the unknown warship of the Jieke Group finally reached here.

When it was confirmed that military spy satellites had tracked the warship on the sea, the entire naval headquarters was in a state of excitement and excitement.

Navy Commander-in-Chief Jayant walked into the building with Defense Minister Vipu and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and introduced with a flushed face: "Prime Minister, after the unremitting efforts of all our naval officers, we have now found the stealth warship of the Jieko Group. Please look at this."

Jayant pointed to the large electronic screen, which had photos taken using satellites. On the sea, a warship was sailing.

Different from ordinary warships, this warship does not have too many edges and corners. It presents a streamlined spindle shape, and the sharp bow cuts through the waves.

"Is there only one?"

Singer stared at the picture. Because there was no contrast on the sea, the warship in the picture was not very conspicuous.

"Yes, there is only one. According to our analysis, the length of this warship is between 240 and 260 meters, and its tonnage is between 40,000 and 50,000 tons. At the same time, this warship should be a powerful missile ship."

Jayant told the intelligence that his navy had analyzed overnight.

"What, so big."

Singh's eyes widened. He didn't expect that this thing, which looked inconspicuous in the picture, was actually such a large warship. Its tonnage was comparable to the aircraft carrier of their Asan Kingdom.

"Such a large warship is no longer a destroyer, but a cruiser. No wonder it was able to attack the Andaman sea and air base that night. Such a large cruiser can store a lot of missiles."

Vipu seemed to have seen the truth clearly and said impatiently to Singh: "Prime Minister, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! We must seize this warship and avenge the soldiers who died in the Andaman base."

"Are there any risks?"

Singer pondered. He didn't know much about naval warfare.

Vipu turned his attention to Jayant and winked, gesturing for him to speak.

Jayant saluted a military salute and said with confidence: "Prime Minister, please rest assured, we have applied for the satellite of the beautiful country to help provide intelligence support. Satellite reconnaissance shows that other warships under the Jieke Group are basically in the port and have not come out. This warship is completely alone.

The opponent has only one ship, even if it is large, it is useless. We have dozens of main battleships, and the opponent cannot be our opponent. "

After hearing this, Singer's expression softened slightly. Just when he was about to speak, a naval headquarters staff officer ran over and said anxiously: "Oh no, the stealth cruiser of the Jieco Group has lost its target."


The three people at the scene were all shocked.

Jayant's beard stood up in anger and shouted: "What the hell? How could the target be lost? Aren't the satellites tracking it?"

"Commander, the Jieko Group's satellite just hit the spy satellite we were tracking in orbit. The new satellite has not yet reached the predetermined orbit, and we have lost the position of the warship."

The staff officer hurriedly told the situation, and then said: "However, according to our analysis, the course of the stealth cruiser of the Jieko Group is likely to go back towards the Kra Isthmus Canal. Once the stealth cruiser passes through the Kra Isthmus Canal, it will return to the Kra Isthmus Canal." Over in the Gulf of Siam, there is nothing we can do about it.”

Jayant twitched the corner of his mouth and hit the satellite directly. This was really the style of the Jieco Group. I still vividly remember the space bumper cars played by Meiliguo and Jieco Group before, and the other party was indeed able to do such a thing.

"Jeko Group is very likely to have been purposefully attacking satellites tracking warships. If we want to completely determine the location of this warship, it is best to send our warships, especially aircraft carriers, to pursue and intercept it to prevent it from entering the Kra Isthmus. canal."

The staff suggested that the sea is too vast. Although the warship is large, it is still very difficult to find it if it is thrown into the sea without satellite reconnaissance. Especially if it is just a warship, not a huge fleet. , that is much more difficult.

Nowadays, military spy satellite reconnaissance in the sky is unreliable. Due to range limitations, reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft take off from land and take off from land to the target sea area. Too much fuel is consumed in the process, leaving a short time for reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft to stay in the air. Reconnaissance range is also limited.

Only warships can find the target warship through sea search radar and fighter jet reconnaissance from the aircraft carrier, which is much more reliable.

Jayant understood the seriousness of the matter and said anxiously to Singh: "Prime Minister, give the order. If we delay any longer and do not dispatch our warships to round up, we will let the tiger go back to the mountain and let the powerful stealth cruiser of the Jieko Group escape. ”

"Prime Minister, please believe in our great naval officers. We will definitely win this naval battle. The entire nation has been waiting for the news of victory for too long, and we cannot let them down again."

Vipu also spoke to comfort him, and these words made Singh make up his mind.

Recently, due to the founding of the six states in the Eastern District, his public opinion polls in Asan Kingdom have hit rock bottom. He really needs a big victory to save his precarious votes and prepare for his future re-election.

Thinking of this, Singh said: "As Prime Minister, I issued an order. The Navy will immediately attack the stealth cruiser of the Jieko Group. No matter what method is used, it must be sunk in the ocean to boost our country's prestige." ”

There was a burst of applause immediately in the naval headquarters building, and Vipu and Jayant looked at each other, both excited.

"Prime Minister, just be optimistic. This time we will make the Jieco Group suffer a big loss. We will sink their proud stealth cruiser and avenge the Andaman base."

Vip patted his chest. He had already thought about the glory he would enjoy in the country after sinking the cruiser.

With this impressive record in hand, all his previous mistakes in command strategy can be written off.

"Now we are gathering all the main warships in our country to form an annihilation fleet to encircle and suppress this Jieke Group stealth cruiser. The specific list of participating warships"

Jayant, the commander-in-chief of the navy, blushed and immediately called the staff and decided to allocate the model and number of warships involved in the roundup.

Soon, more than an hour later, with great speed, all the main warships of the Asan Kingdom received urgent orders from the Navy Headquarters.

In order to be absolutely sure, the main force of the Indian Navy can be said to have come out in full force. Led by the aircraft carrier Vikrant, a huge fleet was quickly formed, with warships joining in a steady stream, and then chasing the direction and position speculated by the stealth cruiser of the Jeko Group.

The large-scale mobilization of the Indian Navy did not hide from countries around the world.

Powerful countries around the world have cast their concerned eyes on the Gulf of Bengal.

Because this is likely to be the largest naval battle since the 21st century.

Even the powerful media and those commercial satellites have captured that many Indian warships in Hong Kong have set sail and disappeared in the port.

Under the media's unremitting efforts and fanning the flames, the news that the main force of the Indian Navy was dispatched to seek a decisive battle with the Jeko Group Navy spread like the wind on the Internet.

For a while, the world was shocked! (End of this chapter)

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