Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 525: Turkey Hunting in the Sky

March 12, 7:11 am.

In the early morning, on the Bay of Bengal, the sun shines like countless golden arrows, piercing the thin sea fog and illuminating the blue depths.

In the boundless water and sky, a huge fleet is sailing in the Bay of Bengal. The bow of the ship cuts through the waves lightly. Under the sunlight, the steel warship looks like it is covered with a layer of golden paint, looking particularly majestic and majestic.

This fleet is the main naval battle group sent by the A-Three Kingdoms. In order to encircle and destroy the Jieke Group's stealth cruiser, the A-Three Kingdoms dispatched most of their naval forces.

There are a total of 1 aircraft carrier INS Vikrant with a displacement of 43,000 tons and 1 destroyer INS Delhi with a displacement of 6,700 tons.

There are four 7,500-ton Kolkata-class destroyers, which are the largest destroyers in the three countries, namely INS Kolkata, INS Cochin, INS Chennai, and INS Pakenam.

Two 5,000-ton Rajput-class destroyers, INS Rajput and INS Rana.

There are two 6,000-displacement nuclear submarines, the Arihant and the Aligat.

There are two supply ships with a displacement of 28,000 tons, Deepak and Shadi.

Three Shivarik-class frigates, which are the largest frigates in the three countries, with a total tonnage of 6,200 tons, namely Shivarik, Satpura, and Shaya Haishi.

In addition, there are Brahmaputra-class frigates with a displacement range of 3,000 tons to 4,000 tons, and Camerta-class frigates. There are a total of 15 frigates of these two types.

There are a total of 30 warships with a displacement of more than 3,000 tons, with a total displacement of more than 230,000 tons. This is the entire possession of the Asan Kingdom Navy. It can be said that almost all the main ships in active service have been brought here. The Asan Kingdom has no doubts about winning this naval battle. Victory is inevitable.

At this time, in the communication duty room of the aircraft carrier Vikrant, the communication officer on duty looked ecstatic. He took off his earphones and reported all the information he had just obtained to the aircraft carrier's command center.

A few minutes later, an emergency meeting was held on the aircraft carrier island.

Admiral Kumar stood in front of the conference table in the command center. He is the commander-in-chief of the three-nation naval fleet.

The people sitting in the conference room were all senior officers of the fleet. Some of them came from the aircraft carrier's command system, some from the destroyer formation commanders, and the carrier-based air wing commanders, etc.

"The latest information, the beautiful country's satellite discovered the trajectory of the stealth cruiser, the longitude and latitude coordinates: 91.4316054, 6.8910390."

Kumar picked up a photo, which was taken by a satellite. It had obvious navigation tracks left by large ships after they passed by.

"What, we found the target."

"Okay! As long as you know the approximate area of ​​the opponent and conduct repeated investigations, the opponent will not be able to escape now."

"After a week of wandering on the sea, we finally found each other."

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but have joy on their faces, and the excitement was palpable.

Their huge fleet has been at sea for almost a week, but the stealth cruiser of the Jieko Group has not been found.

Because their satellites have been targeted and destroyed by suicide attacks by the Jieko Group, the deployment and reconnaissance of satellites has been intermittent.

And the target is only one cruiser, not an aircraft carrier battle group.

The aircraft carrier battle group spreads out over an area of ​​tens of kilometers, which makes detection much easier.

This also made it difficult for them to track the stealth cruiser this week.

"Now the reconnaissance aircraft will immediately conduct reconnaissance in the longitude and latitude area to determine whether the stealth cruiser is operating in this area. At the same time, the sea search radar is operating at full power. Find me the exact location of the stealth cruiser. I want the other party's detailed information."

Kumar turned his eyes and gave orders to the carrier-based aircraft flight commander.


The carrier-based aircraft flight commander immediately issued a notice and asked the nearby reconnaissance aircraft on a reconnaissance mission to change direction to determine whether the stealth cruiser was really operating in the area.

If the enemy is really there, further detailed reconnaissance is needed to determine the enemy's combat intentions, combat configuration, speed, etc.

The rest of the people continued to wait in the command room, and everyone looked nervous and excited.

As time passed by, Kumar rested his chin on his hands with a solemn expression on his face.

The silence was finally broken after 18 minutes.

A communications officer rushed into the command room, clutching an intelligence document in his hand, and shouted excitedly: "Commander, the D-8 reconnaissance plane lost contact, but the D-8 fighter plane successfully passed the intelligence back before it lost contact. , after confirmation, we found the stealth cruiser of the Jieke Group. The enemy ship is 409 kilometers southeast of us and is cruising at a speed of 20 knots. There is only one enemy ship. "

Kumar's eyes lit up and he looked at the intelligence document, which recorded detailed information about the enemy. The pictures sent back also confirmed that this was the enemy's stealth cruiser, or only one, with no other combat ships following it.

The corners of Kumar's mouth couldn't help but turn up, and he couldn't hold back his smile any longer.

He has finally received this overwhelming wealth. As long as he sinks this invisible cruiser, he will become a famous naval hero throughout the Asan Kingdom. By then, wealth and fame will not come rolling in.

As for failure, he didn't think there was any possibility of losing.

Their huge fleet of 30 warships, 30 against 1, the advantage lies with me. If I can lose this, I might as well find a piece of tofu and kill them head-on.

"Send the order to fly all carrier-based aircraft, mount anti-ship missiles and precision-guided bombs, and conduct counter-electronic jamming."

"The fleet is in combat formation, with destroyers and frigates ready for air defense and missile launches to guard against enemy counterattacks."

"The fleet sailed at full speed. The second and third destroyer formations broke away from the fleet, accelerated their speed, and brought the enemy ships into the radar acquisition range of 300 kilometers."

Kumar slapped the table and issued a series of instructions, preparing to release the carrier-based aircraft first to strike directly at the enemy.

As for why destroyer missiles are not used, the main reason is that they do not have enough range.

Take their most advanced Kolkata-class destroyer as an example. The ultimate range of the sea search radar is about 300 kilometers. The Kolkata-class destroyer is also equipped with 16 BrahMos anti-ship missiles, but the maximum range of this missile is only 350 kilometers. .

The location of the stealth cruiser has exceeded the maximum attack range of the destroyer.

Now the only way is to let the destroyer formation break away from the fleet first, use the destroyer's high speed to close the distance with the enemy ship, and bring the enemy ship into the missile attack range.

Kumar's combat order was issued, and the people in the command room immediately became busy.

After a while, the shrill mobilization bell began to ring on the aircraft carrier.

The radio continued to be transmitted throughout the huge fleet, and the Asan Kingdom naval fleet also became restless, and began to speed up, galloping away at full speed in the southeast direction.

The deck of the Vikrant aircraft carrier was even more busy. MiG-29K fighter jets were lifted from the hangar to the deck by elevators. The aircrews, wearing various colored vests, continuously directed and guided the fighter jets and performed logistical work before takeoff.

The pilots sat in the war room, listening to the flight officer's combat plan, looking at the flight routes written on the drawing board, the enemy tactics adopted, and other plans. The drawing board was filled with dense words and arrows.

After the aircrew technicians loaded ammunition on all fighter planes, completed fuel filling, and checked for possible hidden dangers, the pilots boarded the planes one by one, put on their helmets, and checked again whether the fuel gauges, avionics and other equipment were operating normally. , and then closed the canopy.

As the fighter pilot wearing a yellow vest squatted down and pointed his right arm forward, signaling that the deck was clear and the aircraft could take off.

Facing the warm sun in the early morning, the first MiG-29K engine roared, spraying hot flames from its tail, and began to accelerate. When the fighter came to the front section of the deck, the inclined deck provided the fighter with upward force, and the fighter successfully completed the mission. Take off.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third MiG-29K fighters took off one after another, and finally formed a formation of 12 fighters in the air.

The Vikrant is a medium-sized aircraft carrier that can carry up to 12 fighter jets, as well as some helicopters and reconnaissance aircraft. This time, in order to deal with the unknown stealth cruiser, all 12 carrier-based fighters took off.

The carrier-based aircraft completed the formation in the air, then flew toward the southeast, and continued to increase their altitude.

On the decks of aircraft carriers and other warships, crew members shouted loudly, took off their military caps and waved to see off the twelve fighter planes.

The entire Asan Kingdom's huge fleet was in a state of excitement. They seemed to have seen the scene of their own fighter planes successfully destroying the enemy ships and returning with a great victory.

Four hundred kilometers away.

On the Irrawaddy Devourer-class deep-diving cruiser, Peng Hongtai stood on the deck, staring at the sea not far away.

There was a layer of oil floating on the sea surface there. This was the Asan Kingdom reconnaissance plane that they shot down with anti-aircraft missiles. After crashing into the sea, the fuel leaked out and polluted the sea surface.

"Commander, the enemy already knows our location. Our biological radar has captured it. The fleet from the Three Kingdoms is accelerating towards us. At the same time, it has also taken off fighter planes. They are about to enter our best hunting circle."

Tu Fengpu came in a hurry, with a hint of uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

The bioradar of the Devourer-class deep-submersible cruiser has a longer detection range and captured the movements of the A-Three Kingdoms navy first. Not to mention that the Jieko Group also had satellites. The A-Three Kingdoms fleet was so large that it was very easy to find.

They did it deliberately to let the Asan Kingdom reconnaissance plane find them. The purpose was to allow the Asan Kingdom fleet to rush at full speed and enter their best ambush circle position.

"Order the entire ship to be prepared for air defense and bring their aircraft closer to test the air defense capabilities. At the same time, notify other cruisers that in ten minutes, they will launch an attack on the Navy of the Three Kingdoms on time and destroy them all in one fell swoop."

Peng Hongtai's eyes were sharp and he gave this order in a cold tone.

Soon, on the Devourer cruiser, the hatches of the missile launch units opened one by one, and the anti-aircraft missiles loaded inside were ignited, rising straight into the sky, then turning halfway and flying towards the northwest.

This scene is very violent. A large number of anti-aircraft missiles are jumping out as if they are free. Several missiles are launched into the sky every second.

In the sky, although the MiG-29K carrier-based aircraft is not very advanced, it is only a few hundred kilometers away. For the MiG-29K fighter, it can actually arrive in less than ten minutes.

The person commanding these 12 MiG-29K fighters is Air Force Colonel Feppiton.

"What's going on? Why haven't we found the enemy ship yet?"

Feppiton frowned. The MiG-29K fighter's radar had not yet captured the whereabouts of the enemy ship, which gave him a vague feeling of bad premonition.

If the enemy's position cannot be found, the precision-guided bombs and anti-ship missiles carried by the fighter planes cannot attack.


Suddenly, a light flashed on the avionics radar screen, and Fepidun showed a happy look on his face. He glanced and saw that the radar had locked the position of the stealth cruiser.

"The distance is 125 kilometers. The stealth ability of this cruiser is too good. It is worthy of being a stealth cruiser."

Fepidun couldn't help but exclaimed, but he didn't hesitate any longer and shouted to the pilots of the carrier-based aircraft in other formations: "The enemy ship has appeared, launch anti-ship missiles in three waves"

Before Fepidun finished speaking, the fighter screen suddenly flashed a violent red light alarm.

"Oh no, I'm locked by a missile."

"Me too, it's an anti-aircraft missile launched by the enemy ship."

"Quickly dodge, release the infrared decoy."

The panicked shouts of other pilots came from the communication channel, and the incoming signals of anti-aircraft missiles appeared one by one, causing the carrier-based aircraft formation to panic.


A MiG-29K fighter was hit by an anti-aircraft missile, and brilliant fireworks bloomed in the sky. Countless parts of the fighter flew apart, and the pilot was dismembered along with the fighter before he could parachute.

Two kilometers away, a MiG-29K fighter urgently evaded, and the infrared decoy bomb released deceived an anti-aircraft missile. Then, through its own exquisite control and a little luck, it successfully avoided another incoming anti-aircraft missile.

Unlike in the movies, anti-aircraft missiles are intercepted in advance on the flight path of the fighter in the air, and there will be no operation of crossing with the fighter and then turning around to chase.

Two anti-aircraft missiles flashed in succession, but the alarm radar of the fighter was still flashing.

The pilot looked at the avionics screen and found that the MiG-29K could track ten incoming targets at the same time. The radar screen showed that there were still three anti-aircraft missiles fired at it.

This made the pilot despair immediately. The threat efficiency of ship-launched anti-aircraft missiles to aircraft is often higher than that of air-to-air missiles.

Because the warhead of the ship-borne air defense missile has more explosives and a larger guidance head, the weight limit is not as great as that of the fighter's air-to-air missile.

Three air defense missiles almost sentenced him to death.

Ten seconds later, the MiG-29K was hit head-on by an air defense missile during an emergency evasion.

The air defense missile detonated in advance, and a large number of fragments covered a range of hundreds of meters in diameter, making it impossible for the fighter to maneuver and escape, and the fighter was hit like a sieve.

The precision instruments inside the fighter were severely damaged, the cockpit cover was penetrated, and a fragment directly pierced the pilot's neck and cut off the blood vessel artery.

The plane that lost control was emitting black smoke, circling and rolling from the sky, and fell heavily into the sea, smashing huge waves as high as 20 to 30 meters.

There were also pilots who successfully launched the ejection seat before being shot down by air defense missiles.

But there was a vast ocean below. When the parachute opened, he fell into the sea. What greeted him was undoubtedly deeper despair, because the sea waves were two or three meters high now. He could not wait for the rescue helicopter of his own fleet to rescue him. He would be swallowed by the big waves and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Many Indian pilots also launched anti-ship missiles at the stealth cruiser during the attack of anti-aircraft missiles to reduce the weight of the aircraft and better avoid anti-aircraft missiles.

On the Irrawaddy cruiser, facing the anti-ship missiles hastily launched by the carrier-based aircraft, the missile launch unit on the ship once again spewed flames, and one by one the ship-launched anti-aircraft missiles intercepted the incoming anti-ship missiles and shot them down halfway.

12 MiG-29K fighters, 8 of which were directly destroyed in this round of anti-aircraft missile attacks.

There were 3 injured in the remaining 4 MiG-29K fighters, with thick smoke and electric sparks running around the tail, and it was obvious that they could not drive back to the aircraft carrier.

Fepidun's eyes were red. Seeing his subordinates being shot down one by one, he roared angrily: "Damn it, you bastard, I must sink you."

He had already arrived above the Irrawaddy cruiser and could see the huge hull of the cruiser, which was extremely eye-catching on the sea level.

Looking at the cruiser that was still intact under the attack of anti-ship missiles, the intact MiG-29K fighter ran away without looking back.

Fepidun gritted his teeth. He wanted to launch the KAB-500 precision-guided bomb in the ammunition bay, but during the detonation of the anti-aircraft missile just now, the shrapnel destroyed the ammunition bay throwing device, so that this precision-guided bomb could not be thrown at all.

That's not all. Fepidun looked at the rapidly decreasing fuel gauge and knew that the fuel tank must have been penetrated and broken by shrapnel.

The MiG-29K fighter was notoriously short-legged, nicknamed the Airport Guardian, and had an effective combat radius of only 500 kilometers. With this fuel leakage rate, he would fall into the sea before returning to the aircraft carrier.

Thinking of this, Fepidun pulled the joystick, stared at the Irrawaddy cruiser, turned the afterburner of his fighter to the maximum, and dived towards the huge stealth cruiser.

He wanted to use the kamikaze tactics against the enemy ship, because he didn't want his 12 carrier-based aircraft to be shot down without even damaging the enemy. Such a shameful result would also be nailed to the pillar of shame of the Indian Navy after his death.

The fighter planes flying at full speed dived from the air, and the huge cruiser could not compete with the fighter planes in speed.

However, the Irrawaddy cruiser did not think of evading. On the cruiser, the eight 11-barrel 30mm close-in defense guns were fired. In an instant, hot flames gushed out and shells were thrown out like a waterfall.

"What kind of hedgehog is this."

When Fepidun saw this scene, a final thought flashed through his mind.

The next moment, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness. Together with his aircraft, he was torn apart by hundreds of 30mm shells and turned into a huge fireball in the sky.

With the second wave of Irrawaddy anti-aircraft missiles, the last three Asan fighters in the sky did not escape the disaster, including the MiG-29K fighter that escaped, which was blown up in mid-air before he escaped the range of anti-aircraft missiles.

So far, none of the 12 carrier-based MiG-29K fighters have been spared. All of them were turned into turkeys in the air by the Irrawaddy cruiser, burning and dismembered and fell into the sea.

The Devourer-class deep-diving cruiser can carry a large number of missiles, with more than 200 anti-aircraft missiles alone, so it can be fired freely, and the firepower density is extremely exaggerated.

These MiG-29K fighters are facing what can actually be called the anti-aircraft firepower of a destroyer squadron.

In addition, biological radars are more advanced than phased array radars and are more efficient in capturing and locking incoming missiles and fighters. The fate of these MiG-29K fighters has long been determined, becoming test subjects for the air defense of the Devourer-class deep-diving cruiser. (End of this chapter)

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