Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 526: Deep Sea Hunting (First Update)

Under the quiet deep sea of ​​the Gulf of Bengal, a humpback whale was foraging here, but suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something and swam over with its fins.

In the deep, dark, and thousands of meters deep sea, the sound of electricity broke the silence.

A steel giant slowly swam underwater, and eight octopus-like thick tentacles stirred the water.

Humpback whales are highly intelligent animals. When they saw this creature combined with steel, their big eyes were very confused.


The humpback whale curiously swam back and forth around the steel giant, but suddenly, the steel giant slowly floated up, and eight tentacles sprayed high-speed water.

The humpback whale made a cry and was dizzy from the impact of the water.

The speed of the Devourer-class deep-diving cruiser continued to increase, leaving the humpback whale behind.

Inside the cruiser, more than a hundred crew members were busy, and the various instruments of the warship emitted faint lights, projecting on the focused and silent faces.

"Surfacing, depth 958 meters, 700 meters, 300 meters."

"Torpedo loading completed, adjusting the firing angle, ready to launch."

"Launch the attack on time in one minute, and surface at the same time to complete the annihilation."

Commands were transmitted in the cruiser, and the biological radar and biological sonar loaded inside the Devourer-class cruiser were already operating at high speed.

On the electronic screen of the sonar radar, a dense patch of light spots was displayed more than a hundred kilometers away from the Devourer-class cruiser.

That was detected by the biological sonar, the main fleet of the Arsan Navy.

The data on the screen was jumping every moment. After the Devourer deep-diving cruiser surfaced to the predetermined height, the torpedo launch button on the console was toggled.

The eight octopus tentacles of the deep-diving cruiser suddenly stood up, and the end opened into a hideous chrysanthemum-shaped mouth, with a series of bubbles coming out from inside, and eight rocket-assisted torpedoes drilled out from the tentacles.

The rocket-assisted torpedoes drilled out of the water in an instant, and the hot flames at the tail expanded a circle, like a missile taking off, flying towards hundreds of kilometers away.

Rocket-assisted torpedoes, also known as anti-submarine missiles, are composed of rocket aircraft and acoustic self-guided torpedoes. The rocket carries the torpedoes to fly. When it reaches the predetermined point, the acoustic self-guided torpedoes detach from the rocket aircraft, enter the water, and automatically search for submarines according to the predetermined program, destroying submarines within its power radius. It is a powerful weapon against submarines.

It is not just this Devourer-class deep-diving cruiser that launched the attack at the same time.

Around the Asan fleet, the other four Devourer deep-diving cruisers that had been ambushed here had already surfaced and launched rocket-assisted torpedoes for saturation bombing.

In the bridge of the aircraft carrier Vikrant, the bridge is the brain of the warship, the place where the warship is controlled and the battle is commanded, including the command room, the driving room, the open-air command post, etc.

The bridge, which should have been tense and busy, had an extremely depressing atmosphere before. Kumar and a group of senior officers of the fleet had dull expressions and looked ashen.

They had received the news that the carrier-based aircraft formation was completely wiped out. Not only did not one of the twelve MiG-29K fighters return, but the stealth cruiser of the Jeko Group was not damaged at all.

"How could this be possible? So many carrier-based aircraft were gone just like that."

Kumar muttered to himself, he was unwilling to believe this cruel truth.

That was a full 12 MiG-29K fighters!

Since the rise of aircraft carriers in World War II, the theory of aircraft carrier victory has become the truth in naval warfare. The United States can become the overlord of the blue planet by relying on their 12 aircraft carrier battle groups.

And cruisers are an outdated type of warship that has long been eliminated by the times, and mainstream countries do not build them now.

However, when the two collided, with the mobility and flexibility of carrier-based aircraft, they should have bullied the stupid and big cruiser, but in the end, there was not a single carrier-based aircraft left, which Kumar could not understand.

"Commander, we still have two destroyer formations, and we will soon bring the stealth cruiser into range, and then the other party will be ours."

The naval staff spoke up on the side, breaking the dead silence at the scene.

"Our destroyer has a maximum speed of 32 knots, and he can't escape."

"As long as we sink this stealth cruiser, it is reasonable to pay a little price."

"The aircraft carrier is still there, and the subsequent replenishment of carrier-based aircraft can restore combat effectiveness. Compared with sinking a 40,000 to 50,000-ton cruiser, our results are greater."

The voices of officers came from the conference table, and everyone was looking for excuses for their failure.

However, they did feel that they still had a chance. Their huge fleet was still there, and the speed of the destroyer was definitely higher than that of the cruiser. The other party had exposed its position and could no longer escape the pursuit.

Just as many naval commanders were fantasizing, the alarm pierced this atmosphere.

The communicator received the information about the incoming missile from the outer frigate and sounded the air defense alarm of the aircraft carrier without saying a word.

The Indian crew on the aircraft carrier was startled by the alarm, and they were in a panic due to lack of training on weekdays.

The radar operator's face suddenly changed at the radar warning work station on the aircraft carrier's bridge, because the Vikrant aircraft carrier also discovered the incoming missiles. The aircraft carrier is equipped with a large number of radar electronic equipment for air defense and terminal guidance of air defense missiles, with strong early warning information.

"Commander, the radar detected forty incoming unknown missiles, and the target is heading straight for our fleet."

The red light of the incoming missile flashed, and the radar operator immediately reported more detailed intelligence, hoping that the higher-ups could immediately come up with a regulation.

Kumar stood up after receiving the news and said anxiously: "The counterattack of the Jieco Group has arrived. Prepare anti-aircraft firepower immediately. Be sure to destroy these missiles, and then find the launch source of these missiles for me, right away."

"We are investigating and have found it. We have determined that the source of the attack is in five general areas around our fleet. The latitude and longitude coordinates are"

Radio waves are constantly transmitted back and forth on the fleet, and the sea radar and air search radar on the warship can search hundreds of kilometers.

Anti-submarine rockets fired more than 100 kilometers away were captured by radar soon after they took off from the sea, and then were continuously pushed back by the radar to find out the approximate direction.

Seeing the missile's incoming direction marked on the screen, showing five points on the front, back, left, and right, surrounding their fleet of the Three Kingdoms, Kumar felt a panic in his heart for no reason, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

So much so that his voice became sharp.

"Submarine? Let the anti-submarine helicopters immediately move to conduct reconnaissance in these areas, drop sonar buoys, frigates and destroyers turn on active sonar, find the enemy submarine, and drop depth bombs to sink it."

Kumar made urgent arrangements for the operation and asked the fleet to prepare for air defense and anti-submarine warfare.

The siren echoed on the warships one after another. The 30 main fleets of the Asan Kingdom were like a nest exploded at this time. The frigates and destroyers kept sailing out, preparing to conduct anti-submarine operations. At the same time, they arranged an air defense fire network to protect Aircraft carriers and supply ships in the center area.

On those frigates, short-range air defense missiles have been launched to intercept incoming missiles.

Just when the tension was at its peak, a ball of fire suddenly lit up in the sky. It was the scene of an anti-aircraft missile destroying an incoming missile.

The number of incoming missiles was visibly reduced, and they were continuously shot down by anti-aircraft missiles. This made the fleets of the Three Kingdoms breathe a sigh of relief.

Only a few missiles broke through the firepower network of anti-aircraft missiles, but the destroyers, frigates, close-in anti-aircraft guns and naval gun defenses, and the aircraft carriers inside also had anti-aircraft firepower.


Suddenly, the incoming missiles had no intention of penetrating further into the air defense fire network. Instead, they separated automatically in the air, and the front end plunged into the seawater, like a spear, drilling towards the seawater.

At this time, the aircraft carrier formation of the three countries was organized in a circular formation, and among them, the two 6,000-ton nuclear submarines, the Arihant and the Aligat, were located in front of the aircraft carrier formation, which provided better warning, surveillance, and protection for the entire aircraft carrier formation. Tracking and attack tasks.

Therefore, the incoming torpedoes are not intended to hit warships, but to attack submarines without continuously impacting and breaking through the aircraft carrier formation's fire blockade network.

Once the rocket-assisted torpedo enters the water, it immediately starts the automatic enemy search mode.

The torpedo adopts the acoustic homing mode. The pulse sound signal emitted by the guidance head continues to spread in the seawater until it touches the submarine and is reflected back into the torpedo to complete the locking.

When the two nuclear submarines Arihant and Aligat detected incoming torpedoes and wanted to respond, it was already too late.

The positions of the two submarines had long been captured by biological sonar. The flight trajectory of the rocket-assisted torpedo was carefully calculated. The falling torpedo was located just above the two nuclear submarines.

When several acoustic homing torpedoes dived and approached at a speed of 50 knots, the two nuclear submarines were unable to avoid them at all. They could only dive as far as possible to the ultimate depth of the submarine, hoping that the torpedoes would misjudge and be dodged by them with luck. past.


An acoustic homing torpedo exploded in the middle of the Arihant nuclear submarine.

The power of a bomb exploding underwater is much greater than on the ground because water is incompressible.

In the face of such an explosion, the Arihant nuclear submarine is defenseless. The submarine does not have the huge reserve buoyancy of a surface warship, and cannot be protected by thick armor and watertight cabins.

At the location where the Arihant was hit, the shock wave tore open the submarine's shell over a large area. A large amount of water entered each cabin, and the submarine instantly lost control.

The entire scene is like an egg shell, crushed directly between two fingers, extremely fragile.

The submarine sailors in the Arihant were submerged in the sea and they could not find any means of escape.

Because the Arihant submarine is currently diving to a depth of 300 meters, the human body exposed to seawater at this depth needs to withstand 31 atmospheres of pressure, which is equivalent to a pressure of about 30 kilograms of force per square centimeter of the human body. The internal organs of each submarine soldier are directly After being squeezed, blood spurted out from the seven orifices, bones and muscles were squeezed and torn, and the blood dyed the sea water red.

The other ship, the Aligat, was even more miserable. The submarine sailors stayed in the submarine as if they were huddled in a sealed steel ball. When the acoustic homing torpedo exploded, it was like someone outside was hammering the head with a hammer. When the knocking, the violent vibration and sound made them uncomfortable.

Due to the premature sinking of the Arihant, the remaining acoustic homing torpedo firepower was attracted by the Aligat, and three acoustic homing torpedoes hit simultaneously.

When the explosion occurred, the Aligat was like a chopstick that had been bent by someone. The middle part was broken. The seawater expanded and impacted repeatedly. A huge amount of seawater poured in, destroying everything inside the submarine, whether it was machinery or the human body.

All sailors of the two nuclear submarines, a total of 208 people, died along with the submarines.

When submarine sailors are far more dangerous than warship crews, there is still hope of escape when the warship sinks, but when the submarine sinks, there is almost no possibility of survival.

On the bridge of the Vikrant aircraft carrier, when Kumar heard that the two nuclear submarines had lost contact and a large amount of oil and debris floated on the sea surface, he closed his eyes in pain, knowing in his heart that the Arijah and the Arigat had been killed.

But Kumar had no time to continue to be sad, because the reconnaissance drones launched from their aircraft carrier had arrived at the launch source area of ​​those rocket-assisted torpedoes and discovered the movement of enemy ships.

Kumar walked quickly to the large screen in the command center, where the reconnaissance perspective of the drone was transferred back.

On the turbulent sea surface, suddenly a sea water arched up like a mountain peak, and a dark steel behemoth pushed away thousands of tons of sea water and floated to the surface of the sea like a whale jumping out of the sea.

Countless sea water and small fish and shrimps slid off the steel hull, and as the sea water flowed, the windows of the missile launch units opened synchronously.

The number looked like a beehive being opened, and anti-ship missiles ignited one after another, spraying dazzling flames and pulling out beautiful tail flames into the sky.

Too many missiles were launched, and the tail flames continued to gush out due to the continuous launch.

A bridge of flames appeared between the blue sky, the sea and the warship.

And this happened in five places at the same time. There were more than a thousand anti-ship missiles attacking them. What an exaggerated number.

Witnessing this scene, Kumar and a group of naval officers in the command room of the Vikrant aircraft carrier's bridge all stared with their eyes wide open. Some even had legs that were out of control and trembled like sieves.

"A stealth cruiser, a submerged stealth cruiser, how could it have so many missiles? Order the entire fleet to immediately organize air defense firepower. This is an ambush against our Indian Navy."

Kumar's heart was cold and his lips trembled. This sentence almost drained all his strength.

He realized at this time that the stealth cruiser they were chasing was just a cover to lure them into a carefully set trap, because the Jeko Group still had five such missile arsenal cruisers.

But he was unaware of it, filled with desire for military merit and glory, and plunged into the trap set by others.

Although the others only had five cruisers, looking at the terrifying firepower attack in the video, one cruiser could match the firepower of their ten destroyers. The two sides were not at the same level of strength.

He finally understood why the carrier-based aircraft formation would never return. With such powerful firepower, how could the carrier-based aircraft break through successfully? (End of this chapter)

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