Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 530 Countries on their knees


The disastrous defeat in the Gulf of Bengal caused Singh and other high-level officials to lose their reputation.

In order to appease the boiling public grievances in the country, Singh and others wanted to make peace with the Jeko Group, but they were overwhelmed by public opinion and could not proceed at all.

Anyone who dared to propose peace with the Jeko Group at this juncture would immediately be labeled a traitor and everyone would shout and kill him.

On the contrary, in order to stabilize the people's hearts and boost morale, Singh started a new round of military expansion.

India continues to recruit soldiers to increase its military reserves.

However, the combat effectiveness of these recruits is a matter of opinion.

At the same time, in order to express his determination to fight the Jeko Group to the people, Singh personally issued a severe order and sent his trusted general Vip to ask the front-line troops to capture the Siliguri Corridor within a week, enter the six states in the eastern region, and take back the old place.

In the Siliguri Corridor, when Vip came here to supervise the army, the Indian army, which had been trying to fish in troubled waters here, was forced to launch a "fierce offensive".

The Indian army, which had suffered a disastrous defeat at sea, tried to regain its face on land and make some achievements for all the people to see.


In the Siliguri Corridor, the sound of artillery rose and fell, and the bombed hilltops were shattered and shrapnel flew.

Large numbers of Indian soldiers cried for their parents and fled back in panic.

Above the sky, several Jeko Group's Magic Bird fighters roared past, dropping 500 kg precision-guided bombs, which blew huge deep pits on the ground.

Countless flesh and blood gathered in the deep pits, mixed with the scorched earth with green smoke, and it was impossible to tell the human appearance, and not even a complete corpse was left.

Twenty or so Spider main battle mechas moved with eight long metal legs, and aimed their 203mm main guns at the crowded places. Every shot sent limbs flying, or directly blew the armored vehicles into pieces and decomposed them into parts.

Around the Spider main battle mechas, machine guns and machine guns mixed with tracer bullets fired chains of fire. Any Indian soldiers who were swept by them had basically no chance of survival.

Accompanying these Spider main battle mechas in battle were gene warriors wearing biological colonization suits and super soldiers holding various heavy weapons.

The gene warriors were like gods of war in front of these Indian soldiers. Some gene warriors carrying 150mm mortars half-crouched down, grabbed shells and stuffed them into the muzzles of the mortars on their backs. Under the positioning of the eyeworms, they accurately bombarded the gathering point of the Indian soldiers.

There were gene warriors holding two Gatling guns in both hands, and two heavy machine guns on the biological suits on their backs, charging at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Wherever they passed, there were Indian soldiers swept down by machine guns.

There were also gene warriors holding flamethrowers, burning wherever they went. One by one, Indian soldiers were set on fire, screaming and running around until they became a charred corpse and fell heavily to the ground.

Under the joint attack of the Spider Main Battle Mecha and the gene warriors, thousands of Indian army soldiers who launched a "fierce offensive" were hit head-on.

A large number of soldiers surrendered one after another due to casualties, or ran away. As for resistance, that was impossible.

At this time, the Indian soldiers all missed the good old days and cursed Vip, the general who arranged their attack.

They had such a tacit understanding with the Jeko Group before, it would be great to fire a few blank shots every day to fish in troubled waters, but they had to provoke them. Now, they were killed and defeated.

The Jeko Group army, which had risen to the occasion, took advantage of the situation to rush out of the Siliguri Corridor and directly rushed into the first front and camp of the Indian country.

Seeing the army of the Jeko Group rushing like a tiger down the mountain, coupled with the impact of the fleeing soldiers, the Indian soldiers in the first front and camp collapsed instantly. They were in disarray before they even fought with the Jeko Group army.

Under the leadership of those fleeing soldiers, the Indian soldiers deployed here for defense, and no one knew who was the first to flee. The Indian soldiers in the entire position followed suit. In a few minutes, the first front deployed by the Indian soldiers, the 20,000 soldiers deployed here, ran away directly, and a large amount of ammunition and supplies were left on the position, all of which were received by the Jeko Group.

Not only here, but even the several fronts of the Indian country behind were also slightly unstable. This panic escape continued to spread, and more and more Indian soldiers were led to turn around and join the fleeing team.

They didn't even see the shadows of the Jeko Group's soldiers. They were like frightened birds, and were completely frightened by the Jeko Group's army.

In this way, the Jeko Group's 1,000 troops counterattacked and chased all the way from the Siliguri Corridor, breaking several positions in a row. More than 100,000 people were driven to flee in panic, and many Indian soldiers even trampled to death.

When everything was over, the Jeko Group directly captured three positions and captured more than 20,000 Indian soldiers.

Because there were too many prisoners, the Jeko Group had too few people and couldn't catch them. Otherwise, the results would be even greater. In the end, they could only see the Indian soldiers running fast and sighed in despair.

The Jeko Group itself didn't expect the results to be so great. A charge broke up a large area of ​​Indian positions. This battle was too easy.

India originally wanted to use the army to wash away the impact of the naval defeat, but it didn't expect that the army also pulled a big pile for them, which was no less than the shameful record of the navy.

When Singh heard the bad news, he was said to be so angry that he was admitted to the hospital on the spot.

As for Vipu, the supervisor, the offensive to capture the Siliguri Corridor launched under his command also failed miserably in the first battle. He no longer dared to launch any offensive, not even a tentative attack. Instead, he strictly ordered his own troops to defend outside the Siliguri Corridor. , we must prevent the Jieke Group's troops from entering the densely populated areas in the hinterland of the Asan Kingdom and protect the security of the elite areas.

The Asan Army, which originally came to attack the Siliguri Corridor, changed its strategic goal on the spot, from offense to defense, and retreated hundreds of kilometers along the way, leaving behind a large amount of arms and baggage.

Of course, such behavior naturally caused Vip to be impeached a lot, and he eventually left the front line in despair.

In short, the Jieke Group effortlessly blocked the land attack of the Asan Army and beat them to the point where they no longer dared to take the offensive.

Beautiful country, black palace!

Judith hurriedly walked into the president's office.

Entering the room, President Jasmin was already waiting here, and Navy Minister Federico Guevas was also here, talking to Jasmin.

"Your Excellency, this is information about the cruise arsenal collected by our CIA."

Judith looked serious, and he handed over a piece of information.

Jesming looked through it and found that there were only a few entries in the information, all of which were speculations without actual data support.

"Why is it just this little thing?"

Jasmin rubbed his temples. The results of the Battle of Bay of Bengal and the appearance of the Devourer cruiser arsenal had made him extremely anxious and became his main job recently.

"The intelligence work of the Jieko Group is very strict. It is difficult for our CIA to penetrate into the top management. In addition, many important engineering factories of the Jieko Group are placed underground, and the construction status of the Devourer cruiser arsenal cannot be detected by satellites."

Judith explained helplessly.

Nowadays, it is difficult for most countries in the world to hide satellites from their heads during the process of building warships.

But the Jieko Group built warships underground, and the cruise arsenal ship has the same diving capabilities as a submarine.

Therefore, the CIA could not find any information on this cruise arsenal ship. It was not until the Bay of Bengal naval battle exposed the other party that it suddenly realized that the Jieko Group still hid such a big killer weapon.

"What does the navy say?"

Jesmin turned his attention to Navy Minister Federico beside him.

"President, our navy believes that this kind of cruise arsenal ship has too much firepower. One arsenal ship has more than 500 missiles of various types, and the Jieko Group has six cruise arsenal ships, which means they have more than 3,000 missiles. missiles of various types, such saturation bombing would be very dangerous even for our aircraft carrier battle group.

To deal with this cruise arsenal battle group, a dual aircraft carrier battle group is not safe. We need more aircraft carrier battle groups. The best way to deal with this cruise arsenal battle group is to discover it first and then use our carrier-based aircraft A longer combat radius will sink it, and the aircraft carrier battle group cannot approach the combat radius of the cruise arsenal ship unless necessary.

As long as the number of our aircraft increases, we can break through the anti-aircraft firepower of their arsenal cruisers. However, the problem now in dealing with arsenal cruisers is how to find the opponent. The opponent's diving and stealth capabilities are really a headache. "

Federico explained, expressing his opinion from the navy.

"The dual aircraft carrier battle group should not go to the Bay of Bengal. We cannot take risks without making a combat readiness plan."

Jesming nodded. The aircraft carrier is an important weapon of their beautiful country. If they rashly enter the Bay of Bengal and have a conflict with the Jieko Group, and the aircraft carrier is damaged or even sunk, it will definitely cause an uproar in the country.

Therefore, after the outcome of the Battle of the Bay of Bengal came out, he immediately turned around and returned to his dual aircraft carrier battle group.

"Okay, Mr. President, I have a request, let those military industry giants study cruise arsenal ships.

It is best for us to have this new type of warship that is a revolutionary change in the navy.

When the research is completed and our navy purchases and equips each aircraft carrier battle group with two such cruising arsenal ships to serve as sword-carrying guards, the combat effectiveness of our aircraft carrier battle groups will definitely be more powerful. "

Federico made a request, that is, to join the race for this new arsenal ship.

This is also the common thought of many countries around the world. The performance of the cruise arsenal ship of the Jieko Group is really outstanding. As long as all countries in the world have capable navies, they all want to equip such powerful warships.

"Can it be studied?"

Jasmine thought of the futile research that those military industrial giants had on mechas in the past. Now, the so-called mechas in their beautiful country are still sitting in the laboratory like retarded people, and they don’t know when they can be used in actual combat.

Now he has every reason to doubt whether the study of follow-up cruise arsenal ships is another attempt to defraud research and development funds.

"Whether it can be studied or not, at least Jieke Group has told us with examples that the development direction of warships is correct."

Federico shrugged. He didn't make any promises because he was also in doubt.

A cruiser of more than 40,000 tons requires diving, air defense, and a large number of missiles.

This represents a large number of technical problems, which require nationwide efforts to tackle technical problems, and are absolutely extremely difficult to solve.

"I'll make a draft later."

Jasmine understood clearly that he was elected by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party represented the interests of many military-industrial complexes. At this time, it was necessary to give the military-industrial complex some benefits and appease them.

As for whether a cruise arsenal ship can be developed, Jesming doesn't hold out much hope.

It would take many years for the development and production to be put into service. He would no longer be the president by then, and it would have nothing to do with him.

"India is now in a hot pot. In a desperate attempt, they have invited us to lease the Andaman Islands to us so that we can build a military base."

Seeing Jasmin and Federico finish their conversation, Judien talked about another thing.

The Andaman Islands are the gateway to the Kra Isthmus Canal. If they can occupy this place, the Jeko Group will be restless, but now is not the right time.

"They have a good idea. If we go to the Andaman Islands, we will be forced to be dragged into the quagmire of war."

Jasmin curled his lips. India's intentions were too obvious.

If it was before the cruiser arsenal ship appeared, they would definitely be happy to go to the Andaman Islands to station troops.

But now the double aircraft carrier battle group is not safe in front of six cruiser arsenal ships, and they will not take the initiative to put themselves in danger.

The United States is not as good as it used to be. After years of deindustrialization and the development of the financial industry, the United States can no longer compete with warships like it did during World War II.

If an aircraft carrier is sunk, the United States will not be able to replenish it in a short time, so they are not determined to fight to the death with the Jeko Group.

After all, the interests of the Strait of Malacca are not enough for the United States to risk the sinking of its aircraft carrier.

"Then we can only temporarily abandon the maritime influence in the Bay of Bengal and try to appease the allies of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance."

Judien sighed. Their CIA has done a lot of work in the member states of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance in Southeast Asia, and all of this is backed by the United States' military force.

Now that the United States does not intend to use force to participate in this muddy water and support those Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance countries, all the work done by their CIA in the past has been in vain.

"There is nothing we can do about it."

Jasmin sighed. Although the United States is strong, they have made many enemies all over the world.

The Jeko Group has the ability to fight back, and the United States is unwilling to involve trade in armed confrontation.

If the Jieke Group was one of those small countries, the United States would have taken action long ago, and there would be no need to be so entangled.

The huge amount of wealth that the Jieke Group earns every year, especially the newly launched Tianyuan whitening liquid, makes the United States envious and jealous.

The three of them looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the office became dull.

The Jieke Group, a major concern, made the United States feel more and more like a thorn in its throat. (End of this chapter)

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