Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 531 How can I allow others to sleep peacefully beside my bed?

With the sudden change of course of the United States' dual aircraft carrier battle group, the originally scheduled participation in the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance military exercise was cancelled.

The whole world watched the jokes and excitement of the United States.

Originally, the opening of the Kra Isthmus Canal touched and destroyed the interests of the United States in controlling the global golden waterway of Malacca.

The United States, which was ready to support a number of members of the Thousand Islands Alliance, launched a fierce dual aircraft carrier battle group.

However, after the Jeko Group provoked a series of conflicts with the Indians, this dual aircraft carrier battle group began to slow down and wait and see.

When the Battle of the Gulf of Bengal ended and the Devourer Cruiser Arsenal Ship appeared, the United States saw that the situation was not right and withdrew the dual aircraft carrier battle group as soon as possible, saying that it would visit Saudi Arabia, and once it visited, it would not move for a week, completely forgetting the Gulf of Bengal naval exercise, and focusing on a dead friend rather than a poor Taoist.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the United States has shrunk and dared not to easily provoke the Jeko Group in the Gulf of Bengal, especially the cruiser arsenal ship.

With the United States running away, India's calculations all fell through, and Temasek and other members of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance were in a mess.

Because before, in order to cooperate with the United States' large-scale naval military exercises and counter the domineering behavior of the "Jeko Group", they had said all kinds of harsh words.

Now their only backer has slipped away quickly, leaving them staring at each other.

The navy that was originally prepared to participate in the exercise was neither moving nor not moving. They couldn't rely on their own fleet to conduct military exercises, and this wouldn't scare the Jeko Group!

Didn't you see that the Indian Navy was beaten into a pig's head? The deep sea of ​​the Gulf of Bengal is still full of sunken ships of the main battleships of the Indian Navy.

However, perhaps because it was afraid of losing face, on March 15, the United States responded to the outside world, asking the Jeko Group Navy to restrain itself and stop making trouble and infringing on the maritime interests of the coastal countries of the Gulf of Bengal, otherwise don't blame them for taking action against the double aircraft carrier battle group.

As for why they did not participate in the military exercise in the Gulf of Bengal, it was because the dual aircraft carrier battle group had a sudden malfunction and had to go back for maintenance. When they completed the maintenance, they would definitely return to the Gulf of Bengal.

Then they checked the location of the dual aircraft carrier battle group. Well, it was still in the waters around the Arabian Sea, thousands of kilometers away from the Gulf of Bengal.

Responding to the threat to the Jeko Group thousands of kilometers away made the outside world laugh, and the members of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance were even more complaining.

However, when the six Devourer-class cruisers of the Jeko Group embarked on the return journey and returned to the Port of Bangkok.

The US Navy reacted like a conditioned reflex. In just one week, it drove the dual aircraft carrier battle group out of the Red Sea and ran all the way back to the Indian Ocean.

At the same time, it continued to issue high-profile statements to the outside world along the way, saying that the dual aircraft carrier battle group is the largest front-line deployment formation of the US Navy, and will maintain maritime security with allies and partners and protect the free and open Indo-Pacific region. '

The three countries were dumbfounded and speechless about the shamelessness of the United States.

It is clear that when the dual-carrier battle group sailed to the port of Coron, it was only one step away from the Gulf of Bengal. As soon as the Gulf of Bengal naval battle ended, the dual-carrier battle group trotted all the way to the Red Sea and hid there without caring about anything.

Now that the Gulf of Bengal is temporarily calm, the US Navy is shouting and yelling again, fearing that others will not know that it has returned to the Indian Ocean.

It is unknown whether this ridiculous round-trip run has deterred the Jeko Group. Anyway, a group of allies of the US have been messed up by his coquettish operation.

The US will not take a step closer. The dual-carrier battle group will stay in the Indian Ocean. If the Jeko Group ignores him, he will be ready to move at sea in the name of maintaining the safety of the coastal cities of India.

And when the Jeko Group takes action and India urgently asks for help from the US, the US will immediately put on an attitude of "it's none of my business" and withdraw the dual-carrier battle group to the Arabian Sea, making a fool of India.

Of course, in order to give an explanation to the country and its allies, the United States took the initiative to act as a peacemaker. In the name of mediating the war between the Jeko Group and the Indian Union, it actively sent people to the Jeko Group, repeatedly arguing with the Jeko Group and asking both sides to sit down and talk, as if it had completely forgotten the many contradictions between itself and the Jeko Group.

Seeing that the United States was unreliable as a backer, many member states of the Thousand Islands Alliance were harassed by the United States.

When the originally scheduled exercise in the Gulf of Bengal arrived, no country had sent warships to participate in the exercise.

More member states of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance have shown goodwill to the Jeko Group.

Among them, the Johor State, which has a land border with the Jeko Group, changed its previous tone and shouted to the media: "The Jeko Group is an important pillar force in maintaining the Gulf of Bengal and nearby waters, and is also an important participant in the international order. We support the Jeko Group in maintaining free navigation and security in the waters."

It should be noted that before the end of the Gulf of Bengal naval battle, their propaganda caliber for the Jeko Group was that the Jeko Group was the evil axis of the world.

After the Jeko Group declared war on India and destroyed the Andaman Islands in a night raid, they said the Jeko Group was a war demon.

When the Jeko Group annexed the six states in the eastern region and supported the independence of Assam, they changed their words and said that the Jeko Group was an unstable factor in the region.

Later, when the battle of the Gulf of Bengal was concluded and the main force of the Indian Navy was annihilated, their propaganda about the Jeko Group had become an important force in maintaining stability in the surrounding areas and an important participant in the international order.

In the future, it can be foreseen that if the strength of the Jeco Group is further improved and seven or eight cruiser arsenal battle groups are formed, the image of the Jeco Group will become the cornerstone of peace and stability on the Blue Planet in their eyes.

The speed at which Johor fell to the Jeco Group was beyond imagination. After being stood up by the United States, the country bordering the Jeco Group by land was most afraid that the Jeco Group would turn its guns on it.

Small countries like Johor have always liked to jump back and forth between big countries.

Seeing that the United States was timid, they could not bear the pressure of the Jeco Group. They knew the situation very well and chose to give in to the Jeco Group at the first time. Not only did they change their style of external propaganda, but they also actively sent people to visit the Jeco Group to reach a package of important cooperation with the Jeco Group. The whole country began to move closer to the Jeco Group.

In order to show its loyalty, Johor cleared a group of political representatives of the United States in the country and cut off water and food for Temasek. It almost strangled Temasek by the neck and brought this rebellious son who had provoked the Jeco Group several times to the Jeco Group to pay homage and say, "Brother, we are one of us!"

Temasek's country is too small, and their resources are all imported from the outside. Even water and food cannot be self-sufficient.

After the Strait of Malacca was blocked by genetically mutated kelp, if Johor, which is separated by a sea, had not helped Temasek and provided fresh water and food, people in Temasek would have starved to death.

Now, in order to please the Jeco Group, Johor directly offered Temasek as a token of surrender to the Jeco Group.

Not only did they stop providing fresh water and food to Temasek, but they also sent their own troops. With just one order, they can occupy the entire territory of Temasek, and they don't even need to fight. The lack of water and food alone can make Temasek half dead.

Not only Johor, but other members of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance have shown goodwill to the Jeko Group to varying degrees, but their speed of change of face is not as exaggerated as Johor.

In short, with the victory of the Jeko Group in the Gulf of Bengal naval battle, the main force of the Indian Navy was completely wiped out, and the image of the Jeko Group with abundant martial virtues was further spread.

Those Southeast Asian countries are all trembling and frightened. Most of them actively choose to get close to the Jeko Group. They don’t ask the Jeko Group to be good to them, but at least don’t send troops to attack them.

Bangkok Port!

This is the largest port in Siam and one of the world’s top 20 container ports. It carries the import and export of many materials in Indochina.

At 12 noon on March 18, the Bangkok Port was already crowded with people.

There are hundreds of thousands of people, including those from Indochina countries such as Siam, Zen, and Annan, as well as tourists from China, the Bear, and even the United States.

In addition, there are media reporters from all over the world who have set up their guns and cannons on the dock early.

In front of the dock, the honor guard and military band in neat uniforms had been waiting here, staring at the sea with focused eyes.

More soldiers formed a human wall in front of the crowd to prevent the crowd from crossing the cordon.

There were also several Spider main battle mechas and gene warriors on the scene to maintain order, but these former stars did not attract too much attention from the crowd today.

Because today is the day when the Devourer-class deep-diving cruiser returns, the Jeco Group specially opened the Bangkok Port to the public and the media.

Giovanni Herman had a camera hanging around his neck. He was a reporter from the United States and also an external informant of the CIA. He used his identity to collect some public intelligence for the CIA.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Giovanni was a little anxious waiting. The CIA was very generous this time, and he wanted to take more photos of the cruiser arsenal ship.


Suddenly, the crowd made way for a passage. Under the escort of many gene warriors, Su Jie took Liu Yingying and stepped into the Bangkok Port.

"Even this big shot is here."

Giovanni's heart skipped a beat. Although he was only collecting some public intelligence, he was working for the CIA for money after all. Seeing Su Jie, the big boss that the CIA tried every means to get rid of, he was inexplicably scared. If he was discovered, he might never be able to return to the United States.

"Hey, isn't that the president of Johor?"

Giovanni saw a man in his fifties or sixties next to Su Jie, nodding and bowing.

Giovanni recognized the other party's identity. The president of Johor, he didn't expect to run to Su Jie's front and back.

"Commander Su, you see, we in Johor are sincere and invite the Jeko Group to enter our country to develop business and promote long-term friendship between the two sides."

At this time, in Giovanni's eyes, the president of Johor, Datu Hou, had a flattering smile on his face and spoke carefully.

Johor had followed the United States before and took advantage of the tiger's power. It was a good scolding of the Jeko Group. Now it's their turn to pay the price for it.

Su Jie stood in front of the dock, facing the sea, and said with a chuckle: "Long-lasting friendship? You Johor can cling to my Jieke Group today, and you can run to the United States one day and say the same thing in the same tone."

After these words came out, Datu Hou's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Mr. Datu Hou, your sincerity does not look like cooperation. Since you have made a decision, you should face the reality as soon as possible."

Liu Yingying glanced at Datu Hou and made it clear: "The premise of cooperation with us is that Johor needs to open up to five sea, land and air military bases to our Jeko Group, allowing our Jeko Group to station troops and deploy air forces and missiles. The army under Johor needs to accept the guidance of the Jeko Group, and the military industry needs to be aligned with our Jeko Group's procurement. Our warships can enter the major ports of Johor for replenishment and repair at any time without notifying you in advance."

Datuo Hou trembled, feeling angry and sad about this lion's big mouth.

Anger is the insatiable greed of the Jeko Group. They Johor is not a defeated country now, and it is not like being stationed.

The sad thing is that they have little choice for Johor. They originally hoped that the United States would be a backer, but the backer ran away first, and they need to face the powerful military peak of the Jeko Group.

Among them, Johor, which borders the Jeko Group by land, is the first to bear the brunt.

They need to face those wolf-like spider main battle mechas, gene warriors, magic bird fighters, and even cruiser arsenal ships.

As long as he thought of this, Datu Hou felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

This is not a terrifying existence that Johor can resist at all. In front of the Jeko Group, their Johor army is like a sheep facing a tiger, and can only use fat flesh and blood to make the other party salivate.

The more he thought about it, the more desperate he became. Datu Hou couldn't help but think of a sentence that President Temasek had said before.

Being too close to the Jeko Group and too far from heaven is the sorrow of all their Southeast Asian countries.

Now this sentence has come true in Johor.

Su Jie turned around slightly, looked at Datu Hou with a gloomy face, and asked lightly: "Dato Hou, have you read Chinese history!"

"I have read some."

Dato Hou didn't understand, and a trace of suspicion appeared on his face.

"Then you should know that there is an old Chinese saying, how can I allow others to sleep peacefully beside my bed?"

Su Jie's casual words made Datu Hou's feet soften and he swallowed nervously.

"In fact, I prefer to get what I want with my own hands. It's not my own home anyway, so it doesn't matter if it's broken. It's good to get the things."

Su Jie had a smile on his face, but his words made Datu Hou feel cold all over and his eyes were terrified.

Datuo Hou didn't understand that if he didn't agree to the harsh conditions of the Jieke Group, Su Jie would give an order and the Jieke Group's army would march south immediately and smash Johor into pieces with artillery fire.

"I am willing to cooperate. Johor is willing to cooperate with all the arrangements of the Jieke Group. In the future, everything will be based on the Jieke Group and we will never go west. The Jieke Group asked Johor to go east, and we will never go west."

Datuo Hou struggled for a full minute, and finally said this with a face full of reluctance and frustration.

Because Datuhou knew that his country's army could not stop the Jeko Group at all. If he did not agree, the other party could also use force to force them to agree, and the conditions would be even more harsh.

Since he could not resist, he might as well lie down and enjoy it. At least he could suffer less.

"You are a smart man, and I like to be friends with smart people."

Su Jie patted Datuhou on the shoulder, expressing his high opinion of him.

"I am honored, honored that Commander Su values ​​us. Our two countries are one family, one family! Haha, ah ha ha."

Datuhou agreed with a far-fetched smile, but his smile was uglier than crying, like a young wife who had suffered all kinds of grievances.

But who made Johor stand on the wrong side, and it happened to be around the Jeko Group and bordered the territory of the Jeko Group.

Originally, half of the island territory did not border Jeko, and they thought it was safe with the protection of the navy across the ocean.

However, when the Jeko cruiser arsenal ship appeared, all their territories were unsafe.

If the Jeko Group really wants to attack him, they don't need to use the "kill them even if they are far away" approach. They can just march south and destroy them in a matter of minutes.

As the saying goes, "I am the fish at the mercy of others", this is the true portrayal of the current Johor State. (End of this chapter)

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