Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 62 Current Development Status

After leaving the laboratory of Fumen Breeding Farm, Su Jie came to a meeting room.

At this time, Liu Yingying, Chen Yaoguang and Liang Lianjun were already waiting here. They were the core of Su Jie's team.

Among the three, Liang Lianjun was responsible for the timber business of Tianyuan Furniture, Chen Yaoguang was responsible for the breeding, production and acquisition of poisonous insects, and Liu Yingying was responsible for all matters of Jieke Company in Mande area.

"Mr. Su."

"Mr. Su."

Liang Lianjun and Chen Yaoguang stood up quickly when they saw Su Jie.

Especially the former, Liang Lianjun did not expect Su Jie to make such a big fuss in Chan Country, which was equivalent to becoming a local tyrant in Mande area.

Su Jie nodded and said, "Please sit down. Let's talk about what happened recently."

Liang Lianjun stood up first and said, "Mr. Su, the wood shipped back to China last time has been sold out. Tianyuan Home Furnishing received 4.3 billion yuan, which is the income after deducting the tax rate. In addition to reserving 300 million as company development funds, the remaining funds have been deposited into Jieke Company."

Su Jie knocked on the table and praised, "Very good, don't worry about resources. I have prepared a batch of precious wood and put it in the warehouse. After customs declaration, it can be shipped back to China for sale."

Liang Lianjun's eyes lit up. With Su Jie's words, he was reassured.

As long as the supply of precious wood can be guaranteed, he is confident that Tianyuan Home Furnishing will become the No. 1 high-end furniture in China.

After Liang Lianjun reported, Chen Yaoguang stood up immediately.

"Boss Su, the poisonous insect breeding activities I have carried out in the countryside are basically completed. Now every household in the Mande area breeds poisonous insects. Our industry is very prosperous, but the funds for purchasing poisonous insects are spent too quickly."

"Yingying will solve the money problem for you."

Su Jie did not comment and looked at Liu Yingying.

Liu Yingying took out the file and reported: "Now there are 800 million yuan in the account of Jieke Company. In addition to the payment from Tianyuan Home Furnishing Company, after taking over the Mande area, we cleared the property of Lv Wenbo and a group of officials related to him. They have been squeezing the people's fat in the Mande area for many years. Luxury cars, shops, gold, etc. are very rich, which largely supports our construction in the Mande area.

In addition, according to your instructions, President Su, in addition to building livelihood facilities in the Mande area, we have also increased investment in Jieke security.

Currently, retired soldiers from other countries have been recruited for corresponding military training. After the streamlining of the Jieke security team, there are a total of 5,000 combatants. The eliminated people will do logistics and production. In terms of weapons, there are also arms dealers contacting us. Jieke Company has purchased a batch of weapons. This is currently the largest expenditure except for the breeding factory."

"Is there any accident in buying weapons?"

Su Jie did not react much. Zen Country is a turbulent country with a long-term civil war. As long as there is a war, there will always be arms dealers.

After the turmoil in the Mande region, many arms dealers contacted us, hoping to make a fortune in the arms business. This was in line with the needs of the Jeko Company, and now they have purchased a batch of arms worth more than 10 billion yuan.

"No, we are doing spot transactions in the Mande region, and arms dealers can't play tricks. The weapons we bought are mainly light weapons according to the suggestions of retired officers from other countries. The tropical mountainous forest environment here in Zen Country makes light weapons more suitable for our current needs."

Liu Yingying said very confidently that the influence of the Jeko Company in the Mande region is unprecedented, and ordinary arms dealers can't make trouble in the Mande region unless they don't know their mothers who want to be beaten.

"Thank you for your hard work. If there is anything you can't handle, please notify me again."

Su Jie nodded. Now that the development of the Mande region has been on the right track, Su Jie doesn't have to worry much.

"Working for President Su, I am full of motivation now."

Liang Lianjun told the truth. He now wants to make Tianyuan Furniture bigger and stronger and become the leader of domestic wood furniture.

The spiritual sublimation brought by this career advancement, coupled with dividends and rewards, even Lianglian soldiers are still full of energy in middle age, and their spirits are no less than those of young people.

"Boss Su, I am the same."

Chen Yaoguang scratched the back of his head and smiled innocently.

He is extremely satisfied with his current life. In the past, he ran a small scorpion breeding farm. Now he is the actual controller of hundreds of thousands of small family breeding farms in the Mande area. It is still a career he loves, and he can't ask for too much.

After chatting in the conference room for half an hour and instructing the next development plan, Su Jie and Liu Yingying were affectionate for a while and returned to the Tianyuan world again.


Gate of Guiling Palace.

Su Jie returned here alone.

Just after entering the gate, a disciple looked over suspiciously, obviously recognizing Su Jie, the lucky guy.

Yes, in the eyes of most disciples, Su Jie, who obtained the White Bone Sky Sword, is a lucky guy who got lucky and picked up others hunting down the aliens.

Su Jie pretended not to see it. Anyway, if someone couldn't help but want to do it, Su Jie didn't mind sending them off.

Instead of returning to his cave, Su Jie came to the Zhiling Hall and walked in.

"Brother Wu."

In front of a counter, Su Jie found Wu Bin, the manager of the Zhiling Hall.

Wu Bin, who was dozing off out of boredom, raised his head and saw that it was Su Jie, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Haha, brother, where have you been for more than two months? I haven't seen you come to see your brother."

Wu Bin stood up enthusiastically and said with a hint of blame.

Wu Bin was impressed by Su Jie. Not only did he kill three aliens, but he was also appreciated by Taoist Qiu and given the White Bone Sky Sword. He will most likely become an inner disciple in the future.

As the manager of the Zhiling Hall, who has a moderate amount of power, Wu Bin intends to befriend Su Jie, a potential stock, betting that Su Jie will be promoted to an inner disciple in the future. It is very beneficial for him to become friends with an inner disciple.

Su Jie sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to, but there are too many people who are thinking about me recently, so I can't spare the time."

Hearing this, Wu Bin understood and said, "I still have confidence in my brother's strength."

"In order to avoid those troubles, I would like to ask Brother Wu for a favor."

Su Jie coughed twice and took the opportunity to make a request.

"What's the matter?"

"I want Brother Wu to help me arrange a task for me."

Su Jie said his purpose. In Guiling Palace, the transfer of disciples must go through the Zhiling Hall.

As the manager of the Zhiling Hall, Wu Bin is not qualified to mobilize inner disciples, but he can assign outer disciples to participate in the task.

For example, if a task requires collecting herbs or catching insects, after Guiling Palace issues it, it will assign disciples of that level to take it.

However, there are so many disciples in Guiling Palace, so there is room for maneuver in who will take it.

This depends entirely on the arrangement of the Zhiling Hall. As long as the rules are made by people, they will definitely be affected by human factors.

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