Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 63 Jia Changxun

"Your rest period should have expired. You may be transferred to handle tasks related to the White Walkers. It's very difficult for me to arrange this."

When Wu Bin heard this, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Ghost Ridge Palace is currently threatened by the White Walkers. Except for White Walker-related tasks, most tasks are on hold.

Wu Bin thought that Su Jie wanted him to arrange a leisurely security mission. This kind of thing was not easy to operate.

After all, the White Walkers threaten the safety of the entire Ghost Ridge Palace, but you go fishing to do other tasks and fight to the death with the White Walkers. The other disciples will definitely have objections.

"No, I can accept missions related to White Walkers, but I have to stay away from the mountain gate of Ghost Ridge Palace."

Su Jie expressed his needs. With Su Jie's current strength, as long as he did not encounter a large-scale White Walker attack, a few White Walkers would not pose a threat to him. Su Jie naturally had nothing to fear.

The reason for doing this was that Su Jie wanted to stay away from the mountain gate of Guiling Palace.

Because he has too many secrets, low-grade third-grade refining Gu Insects, the wild insect control method and the body insect concentration method that can only be practiced by inner sect disciples, especially the body insect concentration method, there is a lot of movement, and there are knowledgeable people in the mountain gate of Ghost Ridge Palace. Inner disciples and elders will be seen through once they use it.

Before being promoted to an inner disciple, Su Jie planned to stay away from the mountain gate and find a remote place to develop.

"So that's the case, then it's easy to handle."

Wu Bin breathed a sigh of relief, this request was easy for him.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Ang for making arrangements for me as soon as possible."

Su Jie would not let people do things in vain, so he took out some blood marrow crystals from his storage bag and handed them over.

"My dear brother, what are you doing? Why are you so polite about such a trivial matter?"

Although he declined like this, Wu Bin's hands were not slow at all, and he took the blood marrow crystal familiarly, with even more enthusiasm on his face.

Su Jie didn't think so. The relationship between the two parties was just like that, it was just a connection of interests.

After walking out of the military hall, Su Jie returned to his grotto to practice peace of mind.

Breaking through from the fifth level of Yunling Realm to the sixth level is an extremely difficult level.

The key to breaking through this step is to compress the gaseous spiritual power into liquid in the Dantian.

In this way, the spiritual power reserve will be increased four to five times, but it is not easy at all to achieve this step.

This is why the inner disciples and outer disciples of Guiling Palace use this as a dividing line. Only when they reach the sixth level of Yunling Realm can they be promoted to become inner disciples.

Most disciples will be blocked by this difficulty throughout their lives and can only wander around in the fifth level of Yunling Realm.

Su Jie's own cultivation qualifications are average, even rubbish.

He has been able to go all the way to the fifth level of Yunling Realm today, not by relying on his own talent, but more by relying on the spiritual power of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

Now Su Jie is facing the same problem. After practicing for several days in a row, there is almost no progress in cultivation, and there is no hope of breaking through to the sixth level.

Su Jie could only hope that the Thousand-Handed Centipede would be promoted to the mid-level Gu insect as soon as possible, so that he could be promoted to the sixth level of Yunling Realm.

Several days passed by in a hurry.

Su Jie was still practicing in the Guiling Palace Grottoes that day, waiting for news from Manager Wu, when he suddenly heard faint noises from the outside world.

Pushing open the stone door of the grotto, Su Jie saw the Ghost Ridge Palace today, and it seemed like there were distinguished guests coming to the door.

In front of the stone steps of the mountain gate of Guiling Palace, groups of women in colorful dresses and colorful dresses walked stiffly up the stone steps step by step.

If you look carefully, you will find that these young women have numb and sad expressions on their faces. A red silk brocade passes through the waists of all the young women, forcibly controlling their actions.

The person holding this red silk magic weapon is a middle-aged man behind the team of women in colorful clothes.

This man's hair is sparse and greasy, his belly is bulging, he is dressed in silk, and he has a jade thumb ring, showing his wealth and luxury.

He was sitting on a sedan chair carried by a group of servants, holding a red silk ribbon in his left hand and a pair of dragon-patterned walnuts in his right hand, laughing heartily.

"Liuyun Villa Jia Changxun, under the order of the owner of the village, came to visit Guiling Palace, and specially paid tribute to 36 young virgins."

Thump thump!

One by one, the young women released their control and knelt down in front of the gate of Guiling Palace.

Some women were sobbing, some were yelling angrily, and more were looking around in fear, trembling and not knowing what to do.

Su Jie was squeezed into a group of Guiling Palace disciples who were watching the excitement. Hearing the name Liuyun Villa, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The last time I heard this name was when I killed Jia Xin.

As one of the five special caravans in Ghost Ridge Palace, Liuyun Villa is a well-known slave owner in the black market and operates a large number of slave trades.

The Jia Xin that Su Jie killed was from Liuyun Villa. Fortunately, Su Jie did a good job of hiding it and did not arouse any suspicion.

"It turns out that Liuyun Villa is visiting, please come in quickly."

In the Ghost Ridge Palace, an elder whom Su Jie did not recognize, with half-white hair, wearing a long robe, and a goatee, stepped forward and offered his hand to Jia Changxun.

"Elder Hu, long time no see. This is a small thank you."

Jia Changxun got off the sedan chair and seemed to understand Elder Hu's preferences very well. He clapped his hands and several servants immediately grabbed a pair of young children about ten years old and brought them to Elder Hu.

"I'm interested. The black market is out of stock these days, but I haven't met such a good slave for a long time."

Elder Hu stroked his goatee, his eyes glowing green. A soft, wet, slug-like soft-bodied worm emerged from the bottom of his robe and instantly dragged the two children into his wide robe.

Everyone only saw the robe flutter a few times, accompanied by a sound of bones breaking, and then there was no sound.


Elder Hu's face became particularly ruddy, with a sense of white hair and a youthful face.

Su Jie, who was watching, felt a chill in his heart. If it was in the past, he would not have known what this method was, but now Su Jie knew.

Elder Hu was clearly practicing the human-insect sacrifice method, feeding the insects with humans and combining his body with the insects.

Jia Changxun seemed to have seen many such cruel scenes. He smiled and said, "Our manor owner knows that Guiling Palace is out of stock now, so he ordered me to come and help. We have stored many human slaves outside the mountain, waiting to be transported in."

While saying this, Jia Changxun whispered in Elder Hu's ear, "Elder, please help us say a few good words in front of the sect master. If there is a chance next time, you can come to our Liuyun Mountain Manor as a guest. We have many children of the right age there."

"I appreciate the kindness of your Liuyun Mountain Manor, but I dare not leave the mountain gate at will. If those crazy people in Jiuluan Sword Pavilion know, I may not be able to come back if I go out."

Elder Hu shook his head. He had just swallowed two children alive, and now he said that others were crazy. It sounded very ironic.

"As for the Sect Master, I will help you speak. As long as you can get a human slave, the price is definitely not a problem."

"Thank you very much. I'll trouble Elder Hu."

Jia Changxun smiled and shook the red silk brocade. The group of young girls who were kneeling on the ground became stiff again, and walked towards the depths of Guiling Palace with stiff steps like puppets.

I don't know what kind of fate and experience will be waiting for them. Thinking of the two children before, it's really scary.

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