Su Jie watched Chen Yun and others enter the store to get supplies. The so-called Chu family was obviously the owner of the spiritual field. They were used to being domineering in the small town. Today, they didn't expect to be beaten by outsiders. They definitely weren't. If you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better leave as soon as possible.

Su Jie did not participate in collecting supplies, but instead walked around the town.

"What do you call me, uncle? I came from out of town to do business. I was a little thirsty along the way. Can I go to my uncle's house and ask for a bowl of water?"

Su Jie stopped an old farmer who had just finished plowing and returned home with a hoe, his face covered with ravines.

"Others call me Old Man Chen. I see you are from a wealthy family, sir. As long as you don't dislike our small family, that's fine."

Old Chen was stunned for a moment, then opened the door of his house and invited Su Jie in.

The layout of the house is simple, with a set of old and damaged furniture, and a small amount of coarse grains piled in rice vats in the corner.

There were other people in the room, a gray-haired old woman lying on the bed in the back room, sleeping.

In addition, there are five children, the oldest is twelve or thirteen years old and the youngest is three or four years old.

The children were curious and a little scared and hid in the house, secretly looking at Su Jie, a strange guest, through the crack in the door.

"There is nothing good at home. Master, if you are really thirsty..."

Old Chen was a little cautious, and he came over with a bowl of water. The bowl had several cracks, maybe because he felt that he couldn't handle it, and Old Chen's dark face was slightly red.

Su Jie took the bowl and drank the water in one gulp, then wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "What did the old man say? We are running around in the wild and drink the river water when we are thirsty. How can we be so pretentious?"

Old man Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Su Jie was very talkative, he relaxed and shouted towards the back room: "Erlang, watch your younger brothers and sisters. Don't disturb the distinguished guests."

Su Jie touched his body, secretly took out a pack of candies without packaging fonts from the storage bag, put them into the hands of several children, and patted their heads: "Take these candies and eat them."

"Alas, how could this happen?"

The children looked surprised, but Old Man Chen wanted to refuse.

"It's okay. We are destined to meet each other. I want to ask my uncle about something."

Su Jie waved his hand. Seeing that he couldn't stop it, Old Chen could only let the children play outside.

"Thank you, brother."

The children shouted sweetly and went out happily. The bottom layer of Tianyuan World was the same as that of Blue Star in ancient times. Sugar was a very precious thing in ancient times. These children rarely had access to sweet things.

Su Jie put down the bowl and said, "I want to ask my uncle about the origins of the Chu family. I see that many people in the town pay rent to his family. Don't your fields belong to you?"

Old Chen's face darkened and he said: "To be honest, young master, in our Shaoshan Town, there are very few people who have their own fields. The Chu family is a scourge. In order to produce spiritual fields, they invited experts from the big cities. , cast a spell to gather all the nearby underground water veins into Lingtian, forcing us to have no water to irrigate the fields, so we can only work as tenants for them, otherwise we can only watch the fields fail. "

Su Jie thought in his mind. Generally, large sects look down on ordinary people because they are trivial, but the situation is different for practitioners from small families.

Through land annexation, people can obtain a large amount of food output by working as tenants.

Food can be exchanged for gold and silver, and gold and silver are materials related to weapon refining. Although the value is very low, for practitioners in small households, gold and silver can be exchanged for practice resources, which is considered a very good thing. a monetization channel.

After pondering for a moment, Su Jie asked: "The government doesn't care?"

"The Chu family is a big local family. There are scholars in the family for generations. Some of the family members are officials in the city. In addition, the Chu family relies on the output of the spiritual fields to cultivate cultivators. The government will only turn a blind eye."

"I see."

Su Jie nodded and continued to learn more about the situation in Shaoshan Town with Old Man Chen.

"Son, why is there an outsider in the house? Did the yamen come here to ask for the devil-killing tax again? Didn't you already pay it this year?"

At this moment, the white-haired old man from the back room walked out in the dark. This was Old Man Chen's mother. She was awakened from her sleep by the sound of the two talking.

The old woman walked tremblingly, her eyes were white, and it was obvious that her vision was unclear.

"Mom, that's not it. There are guests at home."

Old man Chen quickly helped his mother back to bed, fearing that her mother would not see the way and fall.

When Old Man Chen came back, Su Jie asked out of curiosity: "Uncle, what is the demon-killing tax that the aunt mentioned just now?"

"Ah, Master, don't you know?"

Old Chen was startled, then slapped his head: "I almost forgot, Master, your background must not be simple, and the tax from killing demons will not be collected from you.

The demon-killing tax was set by the Jiashao government. It was said that in order to prevent the evil ghosts from coming out to harm the common people, the demon-killing tax was levied and the money was used to train the army to protect the country and the people. Cancer eradication.

This tax is very heavy, and a lot of money has to be spent every year to pay for it. However, I heard that as long as there is a cultivator in the family, this tax can be exempted. It is said that the cultivators have already contributed in the battle against Ghost Ridge Palace. There is no need to pay taxes anymore. I believe your family must have had some capable practitioners. "

"Ah, that's right."

After listening, Su Jie was speechless and at the same time thought of something inexplicably.

We don't have the courage to suppress bandits at all, but we do have the courage to make money in the name of suppressing bandits, and it's very big.

Guiling Palace has been rooted in the mountains for so many years, but Su Jie has never heard of it, let alone seen any government troops entering the mountains.

On the contrary, the fact that the black market in Guiling Palace can flourish so much is probably related to the laissez-faire attitude of the local government.

The topic of demon extermination tax was a bit heavy, and the mood of old man Chen became depressed.

Seeing this, Su Jie stopped bothering him and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Su Jie secretly pressed a piece of broken silver under the water bowl and left.

When Su Jie returned to the store, Chen Yun and others had already collected the supplies and were riding on the horn scales.

Unexpectedly, the Chu family mobilized quickly. Just when Su Jie and others were about to leave on horseback, a large group of Chu family members blocked their way.

"Tianshi, they are the ones who beat our Chu family."

Among the Chu family members, several practitioners with exquisite clothes, embroidered and trimmed clothes, or wearing silk scarves on their heads, came out.

The leader was even more white-haired and childish, with dragon-like steps and tiger-like steps, and his eyes were shining, giving him the image of a master.

"I am Lu Feng, the elder of the Chu family. Where did you learn from and what is your purpose here? Tell me the truth quickly, or I will be rude to you."

Lu Feng snorted coldly, guessing that Su Jie and others were practicing, but he was not afraid at all. Instead, he showed his strength and operated without concealing it.

With the cultivation level of the second level of the Soul Condensation Realm, the spiritual power fluctuations were not like the tide, but just a breeze.

The same was true for the several cultivators who followed Lu Feng, who released spiritual power fluctuations with a proud look on their faces. These people were even more powerful, all of them were in the first level of the Soul Condensation Realm.

Su Jie and his group looked strange, especially Chen Yun, who had beaten someone before. Seeing Lu Feng's arrogant attitude, she thought that the other party was a Taoist master who was hiding in the city in the small town, with a cultivation level of the Secret Treasure Realm that was no less than that of his master, Master Qiu.

As a result, after all the appearances, such a little strength, her fear was in vain.

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