"It's too late to regret now, just leave them all to me."

Seeing that Su Jie and the others were silent, Lu Feng touched his white beard, thinking that the other party had been shocked.

"What kind of strength did I think? With such strength, you dare to be called a heavenly master?"

Chen Yun didn't know where to complain. The Celestial Master on the second level of Yunling Realm had such a big face.

Fortunately, she was shocked, but it was too much to make a fuss about.

Gu Weinian couldn't help but laugh and said, "I stay here, maybe I am used to being flattered."

"After all, it's just a small town. It's good to have practitioners."

Su Jie shook his head, Shaoshan Town was just a small town, and those who could stay here were mostly practitioners with low talents and resources.

Really talented and powerful people have long joined various sects, or entered various wealthy families, or started their own careers. Who would be so unambitious and stay in a small town to dominate.

The current situation is considered realistic. If a small place like Shaoshan Town could produce a practitioner at the fourth or fifth level of Yunling Realm, the entire Ghost Ridge Palace would have been destroyed long ago and would not have existed for so many years.

Those who can compete with the disciples of Guiling Palace are mostly disciples of some famous sects. People like Shaoshan Town are at most casual cultivators with no talent or resources, so they are far behind in levels.

Su Jie didn't want to waste time and said to Lu Feng: "If you are sensible, get out of the way now. I can pretend that nothing happened."

Lu Feng held his head high, feeling that Su Jie was cowarded, and said arrogantly: "You have offended our Chu family and you still want to leave. If you don't kneel down, kowtow a few times, and offer a batch of apology gifts, I'm not that easy to talk to."

"court death."

Chen Yun was very unhappy with Lu Feng's rudeness to Su Jie, so she rushed over to teach the old man a lesson and speak out for Su Jie.

"How brave, you are a group of juniors. Let me teach you how to respect your teachers. How dare you be so rude to your seniors."

When Lu Feng saw that Chen Yun dared to rush up to challenge him, he suddenly became angry, shouted loudly, and clapped his hands together.

The Tianhe flows backwards.

The clear light of spiritual power spurted from the palms of Lu Feng's hands, turning into a surging river.

Unfortunately, due to his own lack of spiritual power, his power is much weaker. It is not as domineering as a big river, but more like a trickle of a small stream. It is surprisingly lethal to ordinary people, but when faced with a group of demon cultivators, it is just a trick.

Chen Yun took the lead, not even using the Ming Sheng Bat. With her fists and feet blessed by spiritual power, she dispersed the spiritual stream with one palm, and then rushed in front of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng's expression suddenly changed. He lost his previous composure and hurriedly shouted: "Come and help me, this group of people is difficult to deal with."

While shouting, he suddenly struck with both hands and chanted Taoist sounds in his mouth.

"Look at the thunder in my palm."


Electricity flowed through his fingers and slapped away at Chen Yun.

Chen Yun's horse stopped to avoid the slap of the palm thunder. The stinging electric current, accompanied by static electricity, passed over the horned scale horse's neck, causing the horned scale horse's mane to stand up. Then his palm fell on the wall next to the street. He smashed a few bricks, leaving a charred palm print.

With this power, Lu Feng was still proud of himself: "Haha, have you seen the power of the palm thunder? If you don't want to endure hardship, kneel down and surrender."

Su Jie touched his chin and made a judgment: "The spiritual power is not pure enough! His cultivation method is not good enough."

At the second level of Yunling Realm, if Su Jie knew how to use Thunder in the Palm, his power would be two or three times more powerful than this old man.

"You don't know what you can do."

Chen Yun pulled out a riding crop on horseback, poured spiritual power into it and whipped it hard. She saw the right moment when the thunder struck him again, and struck Lu Feng's leg with the whip, knocking Lu Feng to the ground on the spot.

"my leg."

Lu Feng screamed repeatedly while holding his broken thigh. It seemed that he had not endured much hardship on weekdays, but such an injury made him scream to death.

The few cultivators who followed Lu Feng behind him had not yet reacted. Just as they were about to step forward to help, they saw their leader being whipped over, and then the riding whip fell on their heads, making them howl like ghosts.

Even those members of the Chu family were knocked down, and in the blink of an eye, the entire audience was knocked down by Chen Yun alone.

Although the riding crop could not withstand breaking even under continuous use, it was enough. No one from the Chu family could stand in front of her.

“What are we going to do with these people?”

Chen Yun looked at Su Jie and asked Su Jie to make an idea.

The same is true for several other disciples. After all, in their opinion, Su Jie not only mastered the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, but also had an irreversible friendship with Pei Haibing. When Pei Haibing was away, Su Jie was the leader among the disciples.

"Let's loot it and leave."

Su Jie knew what Chen Yun meant and shook his head.

They came here to purchase supplies, so it was normal for them to have a fight, and no one would get into it.

If he kills people, it will be easy to make things worse and attract the attention of the righteous sect.

Chen Yun nodded and quickly dismounted to search for the resources of several practitioners.

But these guys are really poor, they are shabby and have few decent resources for cultivation.

Yes, if you go to a small rural town to worship the local owner, where else can you go with the money?

"How dare you do this? I am a member of the Chu family. Our Chu family has a third-level Yunling realm master who is studying under the Zixia sect. You have offended our Chu family..."

Lu Feng, who was robbed, let out a cry more sad than his broken leg, and held on to the money bag tightly without letting go.

"You're a third-level master of the Yunling Realm, right? I don't think you, the Chu family, are good at anything else, but when it comes to bragging, we are unrivaled."

Chen Yun was not going to tolerate the other party. She kicked Lu Feng several times, causing him to spit blood and become weak.

When the others saw that Chen Yun was serious, they honestly offered money to avoid being beaten.

After the last round of looting, Chen Yun only found some worthless cultivation materials. Even the pills and talismans were defective and resold. The only thing that caught his eye was five low-grade spirit stones.

This is a kind of cultivation material commonly used in the outside world. The spirit stone has abundant natural spiritual power inside. Absorbing it can speed up the cultivation speed. Its function and value are basically the same as blood marrow crystal.

It’s just that blood marrow crystal is suitable for magic cultivation, while spirit stone can be used by both the righteous and the magic.

Because of this, spirit stone is the hard currency of the Tianyuan world and is considered the mainstream currency among practitioners.

Chen Yun returned to Su Jie and wanted to give the few spirit stones she had found to Su Jie.

"Keep it for yourself."

Su Jie waved his hand and asked Chen Yun, "Have you been promoted to the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm now?"

Su Jie noticed during the battle just now that Chen Yun's strength at this time might have broken through to the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm.

"Thanks to those blood marrow crystals last time, my life insect Gu made a breakthrough, and I was promoted as well."

Chen Yun was not complacent at all. She already had the fourth level of the Soul Condensation Realm, and her life insect Gu was a rare dark voice bat. Her talent was also good among the disciples of Guiling Palace.

Now more than two months have passed, with the batch of blood marrow crystals given by Su Jie, her dark voice bat broke through to the lower-grade Gu worm, and it was normal for her to be promoted to the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm.

Su Jie nodded and looked at Gu Weinian next to him.

Gu Weinian smiled bitterly and spread his hands, saying: "I am old, my potential is basically exhausted, and I still can't break through now."

"You can't force this kind of thing."

Su Jie didn't say anything more. He glanced at the townspeople hiding behind the windows and watching on the street corners, and then looked in the direction of the Chu family mansion, then pulled the reins: "Let's go back."

Seven or eight disciples immediately followed Su Jie and rushed out of Shaoshan Town together.

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