Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 76: Bone Forest

Bang bang bang!

In the rainstorm, a burst of applause came from the rain.

"Wonderful and wonderful. As expected of Senior Brother Pei, he is very powerful. A few Zixia Sect disciples solved it so easily."

Su Jie stood on the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head, squinting his eyes and applauding.

"I thought you didn't dare to come out. Did you think that my spiritual power was exhausted and you thought you had a chance to defeat me? Haha, you think too highly of those losers. The reason why I asked Zixia to send me to do it for me is because I can defeat them."

Pei Haibing turned his head and looked a little surprised when he saw Su Jie appear.

He thought that after witnessing the battle just now, Su Jie would probably be scared away.

But soon, when he recognized the Thousand-Handed Centipede under Su Jie, his eyes showed a solemn look, and then he understood the source of Su Jie's confidence.

With his eyesight, although he is not a Gu Master, in the Ghost Ridge Palace sect, who has never eaten pork and never seen a pig run away?

With such an exaggerated size, the Thousand-Handed Centipede can be recognized at a glance as a powerful Gu insect of low-grade third level.

Su Jie smiled and said: "Who knows if you don't try? No one can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Instead of living in fear, it would be better to kill you here and frame you for the Zixia sect. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?" "

While talking, Su Jie also took out the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword from the storage bag.

"You want this flying sword, right? Come on and see if it likes you."

With a smile on his lips, the flying sword in Su Jie's hand suddenly disappeared, pierced through the clouds and sky, and flew in front of Pei Haibing the next moment.

Pei Haibing slammed his hands together, trying to catch the flying sword, but the White Bone Tiansha Sword was sharper than his bones.

At the moment of intersection, the flying sword flew high into the sky again, and two fingers of Pei Haibing's left hand fell to the ground and were cut off by the flying sword.

Hou Yongqing could not withstand the sharpness of the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword even though he had been able to break bones.

"Good baby, really good baby."

Two fingers were broken. Pei Haibing didn't care. He stared greedily at the White-bone Heavenly Evil Sword that was attacking again. Large white-bone branches surged crazily in mid-air, like a group of pythons and poisonous snakes, chasing the White-bone Heavenly Evil Sword and constantly growing and entangling. .

Under Su Jie's control, the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword was like a flexible bird, passing through the gaps.

At the same time, Su Jie patted the head of the sitting Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede raised its head, its mask cracked, and there was purple fluorescence flowing in the gap.


A second later, dozens of purple light rays burned the air, instantly hitting a large area of ​​white bone branches, and large areas of white bones were burned into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, pale corpse hands crawled out from under the belly of the Thousand-Handed Centipede and ran towards Pei Haibing quickly.

"Heavenly Bones!"

Pei Haibing was a little afraid of the high temperature of the purple ray, but at this time he still maintained his confidence in victory and uttered two words coldly.

The rain in the sky stopped for a while, and a strong sense of crisis swept over his body and mind. Su Jie suddenly raised his head.

In the sky, the rain stopped and heavy snow fell.

If you look carefully, you can see that these are not snowflakes, they are clearly bone meal.

The bone powder that fell to the ground dyed the ground white, and Su Jie immediately let the Thousand-Handed Centipede wrap himself up for protection.


The Thousand-Hand Centipede made two screams. The bone powder was completely ineffective against stones and trees, but it was completely different when it came into contact with the body of a living creature.

Those bone meal actually melted its chitin shell, which was a strong shell that was difficult to damage even with anti-aircraft cannons.

The Thousand-Hand Centipede's outer shell continues to crack, turning into small centipedes that divide and die, and heal their injuries through super self-healing.

Fortunately, Su Jie acted quickly, otherwise the end would have been very miserable if he had come into contact with these bone meal.

You can tell this just by looking at Chu Pu. He was touched by the falling bone powder, and all the bones in his body melted. In the end, he still couldn't escape death.

"Earth Bone!"

Pei Haibing put his hands together, and it was like a dragon and snake were rolling under the earth. The earth was lifted up, and white bones were mixed with earth and rocks, growing into white-bone trees. Countless bones on the trees grew continuously and split, blocking the rain from the sky. .

Looking down from a high altitude, a dense forest of white bones blooms on the ground. The layers of white bones are crisscrossed and crisscrossed, turning this place into a realm of white bones.

Just after rushing into the area of ​​the White Bone Forest, both the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword and the Pale Corpse Hand were strangled by the continuous white bones. There were white bone branches in the sky and white bone tree roots on the ground, almost completely blocking all attack routes.

"So what about the Third Refined Gu Insect? In the dense forest of bones I created, not even a single insect can fly in."

Pei Haibing's voice came from the Bone Forest. This is his true strength. He is at the seventh level of Yunling Realm. When fighting Zhang Changxin and the others, he only controlled a giant tree of bones. But now it is the Forest of Bones and the trees of bones. There are dozens of trees, which shows that they are afraid of Su Jie.

“One bug is not enough, what if it’s a swarm of bugs.”

Su Jie slapped the insect bag on his waist, and a black smoke rose rapidly from the bag.

Tens of thousands of human-faced moths flapped their wings, like a thick black cloud, rushing towards the dense forest of bones.

"The Body Insect Concentration Technique, you are not an inner disciple, how did you learn it?"

Pei Haibing's voice was a little confused for the first time. It was obvious that Su Jie's trump card had caught him off guard.

The swarm of human-faced moths was commanded by Su Jie, the insect king. They were not afraid of the bone powder falling from the sky. They used the life of the peripheral human-faced moths to cover the inner layer. The large swarm of insects rushed straight into the dense forest of bones.

The creatures like human-faced moths are just inferior poisonous insects. Apart from a good set of teeth and corrosive acid, they have no other abilities. But that is a single human-faced moth. When they grow in groups, they are truly killers.


The dense forests of bones began to collapse one after another. Wherever the swarms of human-faced moths passed, it was like a surging torrent. All the vegetation and stones along the way were corroded and eaten, turning into a barren land.

The same was true for the dense forests of bones. If it was an ordinary body insect concentration method, it would not be so powerful. However, among the swarms of human-faced moths that Su Jie cultivated very well, there were dozens of golden human-faced moths that broke through to the lower level. One of them could melt a large piece of bones by spitting acid. They led the swarms to rush through the dense forests. The branches of bones that tried to attack were eaten up by the human-faced moths as soon as they approached.

"I found you."

Suddenly, Su Jie raised his lips. Under the rampage of the insect swarm, the dense forest of bones was destroyed in large areas, and Pei Haibing, who was hiding in the dense forest of bones, was also exposed to Su Jie's vision.

"Human bones."

Pei Haibing's face was ugly. He looked at the supersonic bone sword that attacked, the pale corpse hand crawling strangely on the ground, and the insect swarm that covered the sky and swallowed him. He bit off his tongue fiercely, and carved a twisted human character on his forehead with the blood from the tip of his tongue, trying to fight back.

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