Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 77 Pei Haibing's Death

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A strange sound came from Pei Haibing's body, and the flesh and blood all over his body withered. A humanoid skeleton fell on the spot. The pale golden skeleton wrapped the brains and internal organs. The skeleton proliferated rapidly at an unimaginable speed, and countless disordered and deformed bones were rampant. grow.

"There are so many trump cards."

Seeing that Pei Haibing was about to use his big move, Su Jie was not as weak as in the TV series, he just watched the opponent complete his big move.

As a demon cultivator, Su Jie had no martial virtues at all. Before Pei Haibing could complete his transformation, dozens of pale corpse hands that could easily break steel pressed down on him.

The swarm of human-faced moths then covered Pei Haibing's entire body, wrapping it into a ball of insects, gnawing and corroding him crazily.

Under the control of Su Jie, the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword was aimed at Pei Haibing's forehead and inserted straight into it.

After being promoted to the fifth level of Yunling Realm, his spiritual power increased, making Su Jie's use of the White Bone Tiansha Sword even more powerful.

With one strike of the flying sword, Pei Haibing's entire head was penetrated, with bits of white brain matter spurting out. The flying sword flexibly turned around in mid-air, and flew away again, piercing through Pei Haibing's body crazily.

Pei Haibing's screams of extreme pain could be heard at the scene, as well as his increasingly chaotic and crazy words.

"It hurts so much, you deserve to die, you deserve to die! I'm going to kill the master, kill all of you, and turn you all into human slave sacrifices for my White Bone Immortal Dao. Haha, Immortal Dao, I'm going to become an Immortal Dao soon. Immortals ascend, become immortals and become immortals.”

Amidst those crazy screams, Pei Haibing's body further expanded and turned into a huge bone-like monster ten meters high.

Its overall shape is a bit like an enlarged version of the White Walkers, with a deformed body and a pair of wings that are spasming due to poor control.

On the thin and sharp head, a pair of scarlet eyes were full of bloodthirsty and ferocity, and a deafening scream came from his mouth.

However, because he swung forward too long with this move, his deformed and bone-like body became enlarged and had pockmarks that had been eaten by a swarm of human-faced moths. Exposed internal organs could be seen everywhere, and blood splashed everywhere like a fountain.


Pei Haibing roared and charged towards a hill two hundred meters to the left of Su Jie.


Pei Haibing crashed into the rocks, with disgusting and sticky saliva flowing from his mouth, and attacked the rocks and trees like crazy.

With every bombardment, a large crater would be blasted out of the ground, huge rocks would be easily smashed, and trees would be uprooted and thrown away.

At this moment, Pei Haibing seemed to regard this hill as his life-and-death enemy. Regardless of the desperate attack, even if his body was riddled with holes eaten by a swarm of human-faced moths, he ignored it and blindly attacked this hill. Xiaoshan vented wildly.

"are you crazy?"

Su Jie murmured, wondering whether this was a flaw in the White Bone Transformation Technique that Pei Haibing had practiced, or whether his brain had been damaged by the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword just now, causing him to become so insane that he even misidentified who his enemy was.

But that's fine, the bone-white Heavenly Evil Sword above Su Jie's head whizzed away again, constantly piercing Pei Haibing's body.

At this time, Pei Haibing was no longer a threat, but in this form, his vitality was extremely tenacious.

Even though he was repeatedly slashed and pierced by the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, and even though he was bitten and corroded by a swarm of human-faced moths, his life was not completely ended.

After all, for his current huge body, once there is no fatal wound, the wounds caused by the White Bone Tiansha Sword will indeed be smaller.

Seeing this scene, Su Jie patted Thousand-Handed Centipede on the head.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede twisted its body and ran quickly. With a huge forward pounce, it knocked Pei Haibing to the ground.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede, who is a low-grade third-level refiner, is considered to be powerful in terms of physique. Not to mention Pei Haibing's tattered body that is now riddled with holes, even if he is in his full glory, he is no match for the Thousand-Handed Centipede in a head-to-head fight.

"Big bug, such a big bug, ahhh, I hate bugs."

Pei Haibing shouted vague words, and his huge body was entangled with the Thousand-Handed Centipede. The two sides waved each other's hands and feet, and they continued to fight.

The rocks on the earth were constantly broken under the feet of one person and one insect. Thick ancient trees were knocked down in pieces. Broken bones and broken insect shells fell all around. It was like a hell-like scene.

Su Jie held his breath and watched the battle that was destined to end.

One hand beats a hundred hands, what else is there to say!

In less than ten seconds, Pei Haibing's huge bony monster had been twisted into two pieces from the waist by the Thousand-Hand Centipede. His upper body was tightly covered with pale corpse hands, and every bone was forcibly pulled out by the Thousand-Hand Centipede. out.

In this scene, Pei Haibing was like a toy that had been destructively broken by a naughty child, and was completely ravaged by a thousand-handed centipede.

His breath was visibly weakened. At the end of his life, Pei Haibing seemed to have recovered some of his consciousness, and he actually wanted to beg for mercy: "I have not yet perfected the Bone Immortal Way. I am an inner sect disciple, and my master is my master."

"Don't worry, master, if he wants revenge, he will seek revenge from the Zixia sect. Isn't this the one you picked, Senior Brother Pei?"

Su Jie chuckled, and Pei Haibing stared at Su Jie, his eyes full of unwillingness and resentment, but he no longer had the ability to speak.

Because as his brain was destroyed, he was filled with anger and resentment and lost the breath of life.

Su Jie did not go over immediately, but carefully let the Thousand-Handed Centipede tear apart Pei Haibing's bones.

After confirming that he was really dead and not deceiving himself, Su Jie raised his legs and walked over.

"The White Bone Transformation Technique is really a dangerous method."

Looking at the broken bones on the ground, Su Jie squatted down in front of Pei Haibing.


A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the dim environment, and allowing Su Jie to see clearly that something seemed to be growing out of Pei Haibing's head.

"Well, this is."

Su Jie looked carefully and saw a small bone tree that took root and grew out of Pei Haibing's forehead.

The tree was about the size of a palm, with bones as its backbone. It looked small and exquisite, but there was an inexplicable evil aura permeating it, which made people feel a little physically uncomfortable.

Su Jie put on gloves and carefully picked up the bone tree. He had already guessed what it was.

Su Jie had read many public books in Guiling Palace, and similar scenes were recorded in them.

When the cultivation reached a certain level, the cultivator had already trained his body into a magical body with various magical powers because of years of cultivation, like a magical instrument.

Therefore, after death, the cultivator would have a very small probability of leaving behind some special remains.

For example, the relics left by Buddhist monks after their death, and the immortal bones and golden elixirs left by Taoist masters after their ascension.

The devil will naturally have these things, such as the small white bone tree in front of you.

In terms of cultivation, Pei Haibing is far behind Buddhist monks and Taoist masters, but because of the special cultivation method, his bones are closely related to the white bone Taoist method. After years of training, this kind of relic was produced by chance.

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