Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 78: The Relict Skeleton Tree

The touch of the small white bone tree was cold, and there was a chill spreading along his palm.

Su Jie was not afraid. He had killed Pei Haibing while he was still alive, so why should he be afraid of his remains after his death!

After trying to feel around for a while, Su Jie poured some spiritual power into it, and the small white bone tree suddenly trembled.

The bones grew rapidly, and after landing, they took root in the soil. The bones continued to branch out and turn into a large white bone tree more than ten meters high.


Su Jie stood up and felt the abundant spiritual power emanating from the tree in front of the large white bone tree.

Looking up along the trunk, Su Jie was surprised to find that the crown of the large white bone tree was absorbing the spiritual energy floating in the air all the time.

The roots rooted in the ground were also slowly absorbing the spiritual energy spread throughout the earth veins.

In the overall distribution of spiritual power in the Tianyuan world, the spiritual power floating in the air is often the thinnest.

Under the earth veins, the spiritual energy is the most abundant. The spiritual energy here flows like an underground river. Over the years, spiritual stone mines and various rare minerals have been formed.

The spiritual energy that escapes to the surface, some with more spiritual energy, will form various cave paradises, and some with less spiritual energy will make an area suitable for the growth of spiritual plants.

For example, the miniature spiritual field that Su Jie saw in Shaoshan Town, belonging to the Chu family, was actually formed after the spiritual energy of the earth veins escaped to the surface.

Now on this white bone tree, Su Jie actually sensed that it not only absorbed the free spiritual energy in the air, but also absorbed the spiritual energy underground.

"Could it be that I hit the big luck."

Su Jie's heart pounded, and he sat cross-legged with his palms pressed on the white bone tree.

As soon as he touched it, a rich spiritual energy poured into Su Jie's limbs, making him feel so comfortable that he almost groaned.

The branches and leaves of the white-bone tree swayed in the wind, continuously absorbing the wandering spiritual energy. The roots that were rooted in the ground for dozens of meters were also absorbing the scattered spiritual energy in the soil that was difficult for practitioners to use.

A little bit of crystal water droplets emerged from the branches and leaves of the white-bone tree, like dewdrops in the morning. In fact, it was the atomized and liquefied form formed after the spiritual energy was highly concentrated.

The liquefied spiritual energy slid down the tree trunk and was captured by Su Jie halfway, and then absorbed the pure spiritual power contained in it.

Su Jie closed his eyes slightly and concentrated on absorbing this rare pure spiritual power. Even the obstacle of breaking through the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm felt a little loose.


The heavy rain hit the white-bone tree, and the storm swept the leaves one by one. In the dim environment, Su Jie sat cross-legged on the ground, and the branches and leaves of the white-bone tree behind him swayed, like a demon with bared fangs and claws.

After absorbing the nutrients and spiritual energy from the heavy rain, the white-bone tree gradually grew rough bark, like human skin. The top branches have aerial roots hanging down, like a woman's long hair, blown by the wind, looking weird and eerie.

If ordinary people see such a strange tree, they would be considered brave if they are not scared to faint on the spot.

Ten minutes later, Su Jie slowly opened his eyes and looked at the big bone tree in front of him, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Just because of the contact just now, the spiritual energy provided by this big bone tree is more than three times the spiritual energy that Su Jie usually absorbs from the air.

Such abundant spiritual energy is comparable to some miniature caves and blessed lands.

Even in Guiling Palace, even if there is a cave and blessed land with similar effects, it is not something Su Jie can ask for, and this big bone tree can actually help Su Jie artificially create a cave and blessed land for cultivation.

Then, Su Jie continued to try and discovered more about the role of this big bone tree.

In addition to absorbing spiritual energy, this white bone tree is also a living plant. It can change its dormant and growing forms through spiritual power. One is the dormant form of a small tree, like a seed.

The other is the current growing form, which means that it can continue to grow in the future, and the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy will be improved.

"If such a treasure is known to others, even the elders of the Secret Treasure Realm will not be able to resist snatching it."

Su Jie muttered to himself, looking at the white bone tree, and the smile on his mouth could not be concealed.

Today seems to be his lucky day, and he has come across such a relic treasure.

It can be said that with this miniature cave paradise that can be carried with him, Su Jie's future practice speed will be greatly accelerated.

Carefully restored the white bone tree to its original form and put it away, Su Jie then opened Pei Haibing's storage bag.

This is a storage bag of five cubic meters. There are more than 800 blood marrow crystals and low-grade spirit stones in the bag. The rest of the elixirs, talismans, materials and other miscellaneous things are worth at least a thousand or eight hundred yuan according to Su Jie's simple estimation. In addition, there are two alien corpses.

Adding up everything, this storage bag alone is worth more than three thousand blood marrow crystals. Compared with Feng Wenjin, who Su Jie hunted last time, Pei Haibing's wealth is obviously much richer.

But think about it, Su Jie has fought with both Feng Wenjin and Pei Haibing.

One is at the sixth level of the Yunling Realm, and the other is at the seventh level of the Yunling Realm.

Pei Haibing's combat power is much stronger than the former, and the wealth of practitioners is often linked to strength.

For ordinary outer disciples, the monthly income is only a dozen or twenty blood marrow crystals, which must be paid to the elders, and buy some elixirs and talismans. There is no money saved throughout the year.

But the inner disciples don't have this trouble. Apart from other things, Su Jie learned that Pei Haibing had collected tributes from his outer disciples during the last alien incident, just to arrange a better stationing location.

And Su Jie's harvest was not only that. In addition to Pei Haibing's spoils of war, there were also four corpses of Zixia Sect disciples at the scene.

Soon, Su Jie harvested three more storage bags. Only Chu Pu, who was so shabby, didn't even have a storage bag.

From each of the three storage bags, hundreds of spirit stones and materials burst out. Although their iron clothes and iron hats were a little damaged, Su Jie also collected them. When the raw materials were recycled, they were worth a lot of money. Selling stolen goods and destroying corpses was considered a special skill of the magic cultivator.

In addition to these gains, Su Jie did not obtain any skills this time.

Come to think of it, most of the advanced skills are in the form of jade slips. In addition to not practicing well, you need to observe the skills repeatedly from time to time. Most people hide the skills at home. There are not many practitioners who carry the skills with them.

Su Jie originally wanted to try to learn the Wanxiang Tianwei Zhenfa of Zixia Sect, but now it seems that he thought too much.

Fortunately, Su Jie was not disappointed, as he had gained enough today.

"You died a worthy death. Don't worry, I will inherit your legacy and carry it forward."

Su Jie glanced at Pei Haibing's corpse on the ground, clapped his hands, and the pale corpse hands crawled out from the belly of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, like a group of flexible and diligent elves, quickly cleaning up the battlefield.

Finally, he used the purple light ray to destroy all places where he might leave traces of himself several times, and after confirming that there was no blood, hair or dandruff left, Su Jie left this place alone, led the horn-scaled horse back, and chased after Gu Weinian and his team.

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