"It's been a day, we can't wait any longer."

"We went to inquire about the news. They said that there were traces of Zixia sect disciples. Maybe Senior Brother Pei..."

"There are three days left on the mission, so we must arrive on time."

In a forest with high mountains and dense forests, where insects and birds chirp, a team of dozens of people is temporarily stationed here.

Su Jie listened to the noise of his disciples while turning the roasted rabbit in his hands and spreading seasonings on it from time to time.

"Come and see how my skills are."

Su Jie divided the roasted rabbit into three and gave it to Gu Weinian and Chen Yun who were sitting next to him.

"Brother Su, do you think Pei Haibing is really dead?"

Gu Weinian was eating rabbit meat, his eyes filled with joy.

If Pei Haibing dies, then they no longer have to worry about being retaliated by the other party.

"Who knows, now that the other party is alive and dead, it may be that he was unlucky enough to meet an upright sect. Didn't some disciples go to investigate? They said that Zixia sect disciples have been in this area recently. Fortunately, we didn't run into them. "

Su Jie shrugged and speculated based on Gu Weinian's words.

"I can't believe it. It is said that Pei Haibing's Bone Transformation Technique is so powerful that ordinary disciples from famous families are probably no match for him."

Chen Yun looked at Su Jie with a vague look. Yesterday, Su Jie returned halfway without a trace. Thinking of Pei Haibing's disappearance, she had a terrible guess in her heart, but thinking about the strength between the two, she was not sure.

"I don't know. Maybe the disciples sent by Zixia Sect are also powerful people."

Su Jie smiled, no matter what, now there is no evidence.

An hour later, the team of dozens of people made a decision and continued to ride on their horses.

No matter whether the leader Pei Haibing had an accident or not, everyone has a mission and cannot wait forever.

Three days later!

At noon, with the sun high in the sky, Su Jie and others finally arrived at the agreed escort location, Liuyun Villa.

This is an extremely spectacular villa built on a mountain, surrounded by dense woods and flowing mountain streams. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

From a distance, you can see antique pavilions and pavilions scattered in the mountains in an orderly manner.

The architecture of each pavilion looks extremely delicate, and the flowers, grass and bamboo in the courtyard are in full bloom, emitting bursts of fragrance.

There are a large number of guards patrolling the villa, many of whom are well-educated. It is expected that they can do human slave business with Guiling Palace. The strength of Liuyun Villa cannot be underestimated. It is not as simple as a simple businessman.

Su Jie's horse team was very obvious. As soon as they walked out of the forest, several fast horses from Liuyun Villa came up to them.

According to the agreed meeting, Su Jie and others unfurled the flag of Ghost Ridge Palace in advance to indicate their identity.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Your Excellencies at Guiling Palace, the villa has prepared a banquet for you all to welcome you."

Several guards rushed to the cavalry. It was obviously not the first time for the other party to entertain the disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace, and they were very familiar with the process.

The two parties briefly negotiated and after confirming that their identities were correct, they followed the guards into Liuyun Villa.

"This is so rich."

Gu Weinian's eyes were full of envy. The villa had well-proportioned houses, gardens, pavilions, ponds, rockeries, and green trees, which highlighted its strong financial resources.

"Everyone, please."

The guards took people to a separate courtyard, where tables and chairs carved from wood and stone were placed. Beautiful-looking maids in long skirts made tea for the disciples and brought delicious dishes one after another.

At this time, there were already many disciples of Guiling Palace in the other courtyard, drinking and mingling among each other, making it very noisy.

Most of these are outer disciples, but there are also a small number of them wearing the costumes of inner disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace.

Obviously, they also accepted the task of escorting human slaves and gathered at Liuyun Villa to wait for the time to set off.

Su Jie also saw an acquaintance among the group of Ghost Ridge Palace disciples. Yu Wenxian was sitting among a group of inner sect disciples. She was dressed in white brocade clothes, like a white lotus blooming in the beginning, with a beautiful face and long hair like a waterfall.

A new group of disciples entered the annex hall, and the attention of the disciples who were drinking tea in the annex courtyard was attracted.

"Hey, Junior Brother Su."

Yu Wenxian stood up with the teacup in hand and approached with lotus steps.

"Senior Sister Yu!"

Su Jie shouted honestly. In fact, he didn't want to attract attention.

Because as Yu Wenxian approached, the group of disciples from the Ghost Ridge Palace also looked at Su Jie and heard that someone was inquiring about his origins.

"I didn't expect to see you here. I remember that the leader of your group of disciples should be Junior Brother Pei. He's not in trouble, right?"

Yu Wenxian looked very surprised. She glanced over, but did not see Pei Haibing.

Su Jie coughed dryly and said, "I haven't reported it to Senior Sister Yu yet. On our way here, Senior Brother Pei disappeared unexpectedly. According to our speculation, he might have encountered a famous and upright disciple, and the two sides had a conflict. He has not returned to the team yet." "


Yu Wenxian blinked, her foxy eyes looked at Su Jie for several seconds, and then she suddenly said: "Don't you know where he is?"

Of course Su Jie knew what Yu Wenxian was suspecting. She was the one who warned Su Jie to be wary of Pei Haibing.

Fortunately, Su Jie was mentally prepared, with a calm expression on his face, and spread his hands: "You are joking, Senior Sister Yu. If I knew the whereabouts of Senior Brother Pei, I would have found him long ago."

Yu Wenxian thought thoughtfully, chuckled, and said: "Hey, Junior Brother Pei is really unlucky. It's a pity that Master is such a good disciple. Fortunately, Junior Brother Su is here, otherwise I would be really lonely alone. "

For some reason, Su Jie felt that Yu Wenxian's eyes were looking at him even more intensely.

"Do you think you've fallen in love with me?"

Su Jie panicked. He knew Yu Wenxian's nature. He couldn't bear such a poisonous woman.

While talking, Su Jie heard a cry coming from a building in the other hall.

Immediately afterwards, several young men and women escaped with fearful faces and trembling hands and feet, desperately trying to escape.

Following the door they opened, the smell of blood hit his nostrils, and Su Jie narrowed his eyes slightly.

Inside the door of the house, it looked like a slaughterhouse. More than a dozen slaves were tied here, waiting for the banquet to be served.

Not far away, several inner disciples of Guiling Palace were drinking hot wine and eating special ingredients prepared for them by the dedicated Liuyun Villa chefs, cooking, frying, and eating them raw and cold. have.

When they saw a few human slaves running out, these inner disciples did not chase them. Instead, they pointed and laughed heartily. Their bloodthirsty and cruel faces showed an extreme morbidity, and they took pleasure in doing so.

Some of the inner disciples who were drinking tea in the other hall sneered, and some were dismissive. Most of them were not surprised by the behavior in the room. Obviously, not everyone liked this tone.

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