Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 89 Is he really a good person?

"Tsk, tsk, you are worthy of being an inner disciple, your net worth is rich."

Su Jie counted the loot in the storage bag, and after the battle, thousands more blood marrow crystals were recorded.

Sure enough, it is really easy to get such windfall with a gold belt for murder and arson.

The premise is that you must be strong enough, otherwise if you are killed by others, you will become someone else's trophy.

"Dead? Xu Yihu is really dead?"

Chen Yun's head was still dizzy. There was actually an outer sect disciple who counterattacked and killed the inner sect disciple.

If someone had said this to her in the past, she would have just thought that there was something wrong with the other person's mind.

But now that she witnessed Su Jie killing Xu Yihu with her own eyes, Chen Yun had no choice but to believe in such exaggerated results and secretly classified Su Jie as a monster.

After all, there may not be many inner disciples who can cultivate a Gu insect that has been refined three times.

"Whoever makes the other party want to kill me, I can only send him on his way first."

Su Jie shrugged, raised his finger to his mouth, and reminded: "You know this and I know it, remember to keep it a secret."

"I know, I won't tell you even if I die."

Chen Yun nodded repeatedly. This was the second time Su Jie had rescued her. This kind of kindness could never be completed. How could the secret be leaked?

Su Jie was not worried about leaks. Apart from the human slaves and the surviving Su Jie and Chen Yun, there was not a single living Ghost Ridge Palace disciple or crew member on the entire ship.

Even if Chen Yun really couldn't stop snitching, and made empty claims to identify Su Jie, a disciple who was valued by Qiu Laodao, no one would believe such one-sided words.

After cleaning up the loot on the slave ship, Su Jie looked at the ship that was in a mess and dilapidated due to the battle.

This boat is basically on the verge of being scrapped. The fact that it can be towed without sinking is considered to be made of solid materials. Su Jie cannot drive it back to Guiling Palace by himself. It will sink to the bottom halfway.

After thinking about it, Su Jie asked the Thousand-Handed Centipede to jump back into the river, push the stern and push the slave ship toward the shore and run aground.

With the buoyancy of the water and the split pale corpse hands paddling the wood pulp, although this process was a bit difficult, it was still barely completed in the end.


The bottom of the boat was deeply embedded in the sand and mud of the river. The boat, riddled with holes, finally swayed a few times and ran aground on the shore.

"Chen Yun, go and bring those slaves out and let them go home. Remember not to let them see your face."

Su Jie gave instructions to Chen Yun, turned around and entered the third floor of the cabin, arriving in front of a door covered in frost.

Breaking open the ice, Su Jie walked into a room with temperatures tens of degrees below zero.

"It's you bastard."

Within the ice crystal, after Ning Xinyue saw Su Jie, Emei frowned in anger and immediately stopped pretending to be asleep.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I slept well."

Su Jie walked up to Bing Jing and said with a smile.

"What do you want to do again? Hum, no matter what you want to do, I won't be fooled again."

Ning Xinyue's face was full of vigilance. She still couldn't forget about Su Jie's prostitution of her Xuanying secret technique.

"I'm here to keep my promise and rescue you. Have you forgotten what I promised you?"

Su Jie seemed to have completely forgotten what he had done a few days ago, and said it very sincerely.

"Uh, wait, wait, you said you want to rescue me?"

The girl was a little confused. She made many assumptions, but she didn't expect Su Jie to really come to rescue her.

"No, for you to be so kind, there must be a conspiracy that I don't know about."

Having been fooled once, Ning Xinyue became much more vigilant.

Su Jie called out the Thousand-Handed Centipede and asked it to carry the ice crystal out. At the same time, he said: "How can there be so many conspiracies in this world? Don't think too dirty of people."

"Isn't it true that demon cultivators are people who think about conspiracies and tricks all day long? Besides, you lied to me last time."

Ning Xinyue wanted to scold Su Jie, but she was hugged by the strange and ferocious Thousand-Armed Centipede. Even though she was separated by solid ice crystals, goosebumps still appeared on the fair skin of her lotus-rooted arms, and her face was slightly trembling. Bai, turned his head and didn't dare to look.

After walking out of the cabin, Ning Xinyue was shocked when she saw the devastated slave ship: "What happened here? I heard shouting and killing below. Did you encounter thieves?"

"What kind of thief dares to rob a demon cultivator at the risk of his own life?"

Su Jie was so amused, this girl couldn't even think ahead of her words.

Ning Xinyue thought about it. Compared with demon cultivators, thieves and bandits were completely dwarfed.

It's like a gangster bumping into a heavily armed army, or an army engaging in concentration camp persecution. If you really mess with them, it's not easy to die happily.

"I understand, there is a righteous sect coming to rescue us."

Ning Xinyue's mind turned around and she shouted in surprise.

"It's too early to be happy. The rescue team has been repulsed. And in your situation, I think it might not be a good thing if you really want to be rescued."

Su Jie curled his lips, those righteous sects were equally cruel in their attacks. This can be seen from the fact that they had no scruples and ignored the harm caused by their spells to human slaves.

If Ning Xinyue falls into their hands, she may not have a good outcome as she has many skills.

"No matter what, it's better than falling into the hands of a demon cultivator."

Ning Xinyue gritted her silver teeth and refuted Su Jie's words.

"Hey, you are right."

Su Jie chuckled. At this time, Su Jie had already walked to the bow of the deck and looked down.

The tidal flats of the Jinsha River were filled with human slaves who had been released by Chen Yun. These slaves knelt down one by one, and the black mass of heads continued to knock on the ground.

"Thank you, sir, for giving us a chance to live. Although we don't know your name, we will never forget your kindness. We are lucky to be alive. After returning home, we will write a book about you and worship you in the temple."

The group of slaves shouted three times in unison. The mother knelt down with the child in her arms. The old man bent his knees tremblingly. Even though there was a blood mark on his head, his face was full of gratitude and joy. The gratitude was completely from the heart.

Chen Yun stood aside and looked at Su Jie sideways. She couldn't imagine that Su Jie would actually release all these slaves.

Logically speaking, if Su Jie could bring back a large number of slaves that Guiling Palace urgently needed when the slave trading fleet suffered heavy losses, he would definitely be greatly rewarded by the sect. But Su Jie didn't do so. Instead, he chose to set the slaves free.

On the other side, Ning Xinyue secretly opened her eyes, and then her phoenix eyes widened. Looking at the incredible scene in front of her, she was completely confused.

What did she see?

A group of human slaves who were trafficked and transported actually knelt down to thank the demon cultivator who was guarding them.

"Is he really a good person?"

For a moment, Ning Xinyue had such an absurd thought in her mind.

"Go away quickly. I can't guarantee that there will be no demon cultivators passing by here. If you are seen by them, you know the consequences."

Su Jie waved his hand. Hearing this, the human slaves panicked and hurriedly ran towards the nearest village with the moonlight and the map given by Chen Yun.

Su Jie also took Chen Yun and the Thousand Hands Centipede holding Bingjing away from the slave ship and entered the dense forest.

While walking, Su Jie glanced at the quiet quail-like girl in Bingjing. The biggest gain of his trip might be in this girl. It depends on what kind of skills he can get from her.

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