Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 90 Ah! Open your mouth! (First update)

In the dense forest.

A bonfire was crackling, with several pheasants, wild birds and rabbits skewered beside it, their skins roasted to golden brown, and the smell of burnt food floating in the air.

Chen Yun sat in front of the bonfire, carefully turning the food over to ensure even heating.

On the other side, Su Jie stood in front of an ice crystal as tall as a person and said, "Miss Ning, now you are safe, do you still plan to stay in there?"

Inside the ice crystal, Ning Xinyue looked around, with a hint of joy in her eyes: "Then I'm out."


The ice crystal cracked, and the next second it exploded.

At this moment, Ning Xinyue suddenly jumped out, her body split into four, and fled in all directions of southeast, northwest and northeast.

"I've been waiting for you to do this."

Su Jie clapped his hands, and pale corpse hands fell from the treetops on the surrounding trees.

The three shadowy fake bodies were exposed, and Ning Xinyue's real body saw the pale corpse hand jumping on her body, her face turned pale, and a layer of white shield was propped up, which was the protection of her magic weapon clothes.

"Lulu, if you want to catch me, you still need to practice for a few more years."

Ning Xinyue turned around and smiled at Su Jie triumphantly, stepping on the Seven Star Gang Step, her body was strange and erratic, and she was about to disappear from sight.

However, Ning Xinyue was running, and suddenly her feet softened.

The whole person was like a drunk, staggering, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"You poisoned me, so despicable."

Ning Xinyue heard the footsteps behind her, and she felt that she had no strength in her body, and pointed at Su Jie with a face full of grief and anger.

It turned out that the air was full of colorless and odorless toxins. After all, she lacked the experience of the martial arts world, and did not alertly shield her breathing. In addition, her breathing was rapid due to running, and the circulation of qi and blood accelerated. Unknowingly, she had been poisoned too deeply and could not use any strength in her body.

Su Jie walked to Ning Xinyue with a smile and grabbed her by the back of the neck, like picking up a kitten.

"You said that you were caught last time because you were poisoned. As a demon cultivator, how could I not know how to use poison? I was just trying, but you actually fell twice in the same place. I didn't expect that."

"Ah, you stinky hooligan, you are too insidious. If you have the ability, let me go. I want to fight you one-on-one."

Ning Xinyue jumped hard in Su Jie's hands, but she had no strength and was completely like a fish on the chopping board. There was no way she could break free.

"Are you sure you want to fight me one-on-one?"

Su Jie grabbed Ning Xinyue back to the campfire and put her against the tree trunk.

Behind him, dense corpse hands gathered around Su Jie.

Seeing this scene, Ning Xinyue shrank her neck. With this weird method, she felt that three of her tied together might not be the opponent of the man in front of her.

"Okay, it seems you have figured it out."

Su Jie sat cross-legged in front of Ning Xinyue, pinched her chin, and said, "Now let's fulfill our promise. I rescued you with good intentions, so you should tell me the skills you know."

"I won't tell you. What if you kill me to silence me after you know it?"

Ning Xinyue turned her head away like a child in anger, and her eyes just met the roasted chicken in front of the campfire. Her throat couldn't help but move.

"Don't tell? I'm very patient. If you don't want to tell me, just wait."

Su Jie's eyes moved slightly, and he turned around and sat in front of the campfire. He picked up a golden and fragrant roasted chicken and took a bite.

"Chen Yun, your cooking skills are really good!"

Su Jie gave a thumbs up. The roasted chicken tasted really good.

"These seasonings you brought are great. I didn't know there were so many seasonings in the world."

Chen Yun ate a rabbit leg and pointed to the bottles and jars on the ground. These seasonings were brought by Su Jie.

"Even if there is seasoning, you can always control the heat yourself, um, delicious, eat more."


Suddenly, an inappropriate sound came.

Su Jie and Chen Yun turned their heads at the same time, only to see Ning Xinyue tilting her head, pursing her lips, pretending to look at the moon.


The sound came from Ning Xinyue's stomach again.


Ning Xinyue's pretty face was as red as a tomato, and even her fair neck was stained with a layer of crimson.

"I almost forgot, you haven't eaten for so many days since you were sealed in the ice crystal. You must be starving. Do you want to eat something together?"

Su Jie tore off a chicken leg, waved it in front of Ning Xinyue, and seduced: "Come on, don't be polite, ah! Open your mouth."

Smelling the meaty chicken, Ning Xinyue nodded imperceptibly and opened her mouth to bite the chicken leg.

As soon as Su Jie lifted the chicken leg, Ning Xinyue stretched her neck, and Su Jie put the chicken leg into his mouth.

"Delicious, this chicken is smooth, tender and fragrant, so delicious!"

"You, you are bullying me."

Tears rolled in her eyes, and Ning Xinyue was about to cry because of Su Jie.

Su Jie held a roasted chicken and raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, do you want to speak now?"

Ning Xinyue puffed her cheeks and said nothing.

"Is that so! Then Chen Yun, you should eat all the food with me, and there is no need to leave it for her."

Su Jie chuckled and pretended to take back the roasted chicken, but Ning Xinyue couldn't help it.


Ning Xinyue opened her cherry mouth and bit the roasted chicken.

Su Jie pulled back and pinched Ning Xinyue's pink face, wanting her to let go.

Ning Xinyue bit it tightly, with a spirit of not letting go even if she was beaten to death. The last big piece of chicken was bitten off, and the girl swallowed it with satisfaction. As a result, her stomach became even hungrier after tasting the food.

"Just tell me, and this roast chicken is all yours."

Su Jie squatted in front of Ning Xinyue, looking at the roast chicken with a bite hole, and his voice was like a demon tempting people to fall.

Ning Xinyue's stomach kept making noises, and she couldn't help smelling the fragrance of the roast chicken. In the end, she couldn't help but say, "Most of my skills have taboos, and they can't be spoken or written down. I can only teach those who can write."

Su Jie looked at Ning Xinyue's face carefully, and the other party should not be lying.

"Paper and pen, write it down now."

Su Jie took out paper and pen from the storage bag and placed them in front of Ning Xinyue: "When you finish writing, you can eat. You have to be quick, otherwise we will eat up the food first."

"Leave some for me!"

Ning Xinyue was startled and picked up the pen to write quickly on the paper.

Su Jie deliberately stood by and made a smacking sound while eating, which made Ning Xinyue angry and anxious.

Angry that Su Jie was not a human being, and anxious that the food would be eaten up.

Just like that, under the temptation of delicious food, Ning Xinyue found for the first time that she could write so fast. In just half an hour, four new exercises were written.

"I'm done, give me the roast chicken."

Ning Xinyue threw down her pen and stretched out her hand to Su Jie angrily.

"Eat it."

Su Jie handed over the roast chicken, pointed to the roast chicken and roast rabbit in front of the campfire, and said, "Those are all yours."

Ning Xinyue took the roast chicken and took a bite. The full juice and meaty aroma filled her mouth. Her crescent eyes narrowed happily, and she ate with satisfaction.

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