Type Moon: Me! Magic King! I Want To Marry Timmy!

Chapter 561 Chaldea's Difficult Situation, Reinis's Calculation

In the accounts, almost all material expenditures are in deficit.

Magic materials, Da Vinci's various experiments and research, and the tasks that Gary arranged for her, the materials needed are more and more.

Not to mention Rin Tohsaka, who also consumed a lot when researching the second method reactor before.

Then there is food and water.

Fortunately, Marne's banquet was also organized by him on the spot.

But he should have made a head start, leading everyone down, and then Olga Marie also arranged a banquet.

This is a real consumption of Chaldea's reserves!

And the people brought back by Marne recently doubled the population of Chaldea several times in an instant!

Now the daily normal food consumption is much more than the original banquet.

There are also other living materials and daily necessities, but also because of the problem of population surge, political consumption areas have appeared.

Therefore, all kinds of materials in Chaldea are about to be consumed to the bottom, and it will last for ten days at most.

That's why Reinis came to Marne.

No way, the only way Chaldea can get materials now is to build Marne.

"As you can see, I really can't do anything about it. Although it's not yet time to replenish supplies, Chaldea is already very tight. Let's not talk about anything else. You have to pay for these expenses."

Reinis pointed to those, and Da Vinci submitted the material application form, including the research requested by Marne, and the surge in material consumption, and said 310 with a helpless face.

If it wasn't really impossible, she wouldn't have found Marne either.

After all, asking for money from the patron's father is a difficult technical job.

Especially under the premise of regular payment.

No matter what the reason for increasing the allocation of funds is, if it is not handled properly, it will always leave a bad impression on people, making the funder feel that this person is not reliable in his work.

That's why Reinis pulled Marne over to let him see the evidence and facts for himself.

It's really not that she is not good at handling things, but the mess you caused by the leader, the people below really have no way to clean up.

"That's it? I think it's a big deal, isn't it just supplies, no problem, I'll give it!"

Marne was slightly embarrassed, and immediately agreed to the request for payment.

After all, it's all said and done, how can he not understand what Reinis means?

This problem is indeed caused by him, and he should pay the bill.

"That would be great (ceac), here's the list.

Seeing that Marne promised to give the 'money', Reinis laughed immediately, and handed over a list that she had prepared long ago with a bright smile.

After a slight pause, Marne stretched out his hand to take it, and at the same time cast a glance at Reinis.

"It seems that you are well prepared."

Reynis just smiled and didn't speak.

Marne looked at the contents of the list again, no more, no less, just enough for Chaldea's increased consumption to support the next replenishment date, so he didn't say anything more.

"That's fine, I'll add it right now."

Marne got up and went out, and Reinis quickly followed, and so did Grey.

The three came to Chaldea's material warehouse.

Marne didn't talk nonsense, just found an open space, and built the corresponding materials according to the requirements on the list.

Marne is here to build, and Reinis is taking Gray to count in the back.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'm leaving.

"No problem, sorry to trouble you, thank you very much."

After replenishing the supplies, Marne left, and Leni watched them off enthusiastically with a smile on her face.

After Marne walked away, Gray, who had been silent by the side, finally couldn't help asking:

"Why is it so troublesome? Wouldn't it be better to have a relationship with him? It has to be delayed until now, and I have made such a thing again."

"You don't understand, this is the best way."

Reinis shook her head, put her arms around her hands and said with a confident smile: "Believe it or not, if you find him from the beginning, although you will give supplies in the end, you will definitely be embarrassed, at least you will be scolded."

Upon hearing this, Gray couldn't help tilting her head to look at Reynice in confusion: "Why?"

"Because our duty is to deal with this kind of thing, if we don't do anything, just go to the people above, people will think there is no use for you.

"So even if you know from the beginning that there is no way out, even if you put on a show, you have to try to deal with it yourself, and finally throw the people above you."

"Of course, everything should be clearly graded, and those matters that may be difficult to handle at the higher levels should be reported as early as possible."

"But this time, it has become clear that Marne can handle it easily, so I have to delay."

This is the routine of getting mixed up in the workplace.

"I see, you made it really complicated." Gray nodded half-understanding, only feeling that these people are not on the same channel as her.

"Hmph, people are such complicated creatures, that's why simple characters are so pleasing."

Reinis hugged Grey with a smile, and rubbed her cheek on the other's face.

But the deeper reason behind this, she did not say.

That is, materials have always been one of the important means used by Marne to control Chaldea and maintain the right to speak.

If you go to Marne to ask for supplies, it will probably be regarded as a provocation.

After all, as more and more materials exist in Chaldea, Marne's control over Chaldea will weaken accordingly.

Knowing that Marne intends to use materials to control Chaldea, but you still ask Marne for more materials, what do you think people will think of you?

The first reaction is probably, you are not rebellious, are you?

This is the same as the ancient salt and iron, weapons, and armor, all of which are strictly controlled by the royal family and used to maintain imperial power.

But if you want more, you should ask the emperor for it directly. The emperor should not doubt it, do you want to rebel?

That's why Reinis put so much effort into sorting out the account, just to show it to Marne.

At the same time, after finding Marne, she didn't say why, and told Gray not to say anything, and finally threw the bill directly in front of Marne.

This was also to prevent Marne from misunderstanding something, and Leni asked for supplies only when the facts were in front of Marne.

During the whole process, Marne didn't know that she wanted supplies.

Although I already guessed it after reading the accounts, but here Reinice directly shows her cards and doesn't pretend to be. I just want supplies, so you can say whether to give them or not.

There was no room for Marne to misunderstand her intentions, and finally got the supplies smoothly, and the operation was perfect.

The only fly in the ointment is that when the list was finally handed over, Marne still saw through it.

But it was precisely this that made Reinis's operation even more brilliant.

Because of the loopholes in that list, Leni did it on purpose.

Otherwise, if it's too perfect, even if it's deceiving for a while, Marne will understand Reynice's calculations when she thinks about it later, and I'm afraid she will inevitably find trouble with her.

So in the end, Reinis sold this loophole, which is equivalent to telling Marne that I was calculating, but I have absolutely no bad intentions, I am just afraid that you will think too much.

The number of materials on the list is also telling this point.

In this way, Reinis not only got the supplies, but also escaped smoothly.

......to be continued.......

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