Type Moon: Me! Magic King! I Want To Marry Timmy!

Chapter 562 The Self-Sufficiency Plan Starts And The Idea Of ​​Raising Gu

Of course, the reason why this wave of operations works is mainly because Marne is too lazy to care about so much with Reinis.

Controlling Chaldea with materials was an operation in the previous version. For Marne now, it is not as important as before.

Now under the influence of strength and various layouts, Marne can now be said to have completely controlled the entire Chaldea.

The card of materials seems to be dispensable, and it is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless.

So Marne doesn't care much about the supply of supplies anymore, as long as the application is reasonable, he will basically agree.

After all, the card material is just to increase the right to speak, not to hinder the development of Chaldea.

Now in Chaldea, there are not only many people he brought, but also various research projects that he arranged [The entire Chaldea can basically be said to be operating for his ten cities.

In this way, the operation of card material seems a bit meaningless.

Because, to get hold of Chaldea's materials, isn't it tantamount to making things difficult for him, getting stuck around his own neck?

Back to Marne.

After he left the warehouse, he turned a corner and returned to his personal space.

In the palace in the center of the space, Marne came to the research room of the palace, cleared out a space, and built some servers.

After being put off for a day by other things, Marne is now going to get down to business.

The 'Self-Sufficiency Project' is now officially launched.

First of all, Marne needs a server that is large enough to save the massive amount of knowledge he has accumulated so far for easy retrieval in the future.

At the same time, the storage space of the server must also be large enough for future updates.

The storage element is a quantum hard drive that Marne can perfectly build after recent practice. The size of a fingernail has a capacity of 100,000 terabytes.

As for such components, Marne directly filled the space of more than 500 square meters with a two-meter-high chassis.

As a result, when Marne copied the knowledge he had mastered to the server, less than one-tenth of the storage space was used.

For a moment, Marne didn't know whether to be happy about the amazing storage capacity of the quantum hard drive, or to be disappointed by the little knowledge he had.

Then came the big game.

Marne wants to build a strong artificial intelligence, and even intelligent life.

This is a plan that Marne has long thought of.

If we just gather a group of talented researchers and give them materials to study for themselves, the efficiency may not be too high.

Not to mention where such a genius comes from, even if there are so many researchers, it may be difficult for them to unify their internal opinions, and there will definitely be quarrels caused by disagreements.

Another one is that the retrieval of data is also a troublesome task on the basis of such a huge database, and it is also inefficient for researchers to rummage through it by themselves.

There is also the issue of researchers subordinates.

There are always a few geniuses, and research requires a lot of experiments and calculations. Many of them are repetitive tasks, which will greatly waste the time of outstanding talents. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange for researchers to find subordinates to deal with some less important work.

So, Marne thought of artificial intelligence.

With artificial intelligence, data retrieval, basic calculations, and experiments will all become simple.

Researchers only need to propose what information they need, and artificial intelligence can immediately filter and push out the corresponding information.

Basic computing is also the case. If researchers have any ideas, they can input algorithms and let artificial intelligence simulate computing first, saving a lot of time.

As well as experiments, artificial intelligence can also assist experiments, and researchers cannot stare at them all the time, further liberating researchers' time.

It can be said that as long as there is artificial intelligence, there will definitely be a qualitative improvement in research efficiency.

Finally, there is the issue of disagreement among researchers.

With AI, Marne doesn't even need researchers to get together and collaborate.

With the assistance of artificial intelligence, it is completely possible for one person to set up a research group, and each person to study their own.

And Marne, just pass the background and issue tasks to them.

As for technical exchanges?

The big deal is to create an internal network platform, which is controlled by Marne. Unless there are major projects, offline meetings of researchers are generally minimized, and quarrels are stopped online.

Even if there is still a quarrel, at that time, it is only necessary to quietly guide the wind direction and establish the atmosphere to speak with technology. Then no matter how much the quarrel is, it will have to form a healthy competition, which is more beneficial to Marne.

...... Ask for flowers 00

Even, Marne is planning to come up with a contribution rating system, turning the platform into a gu-raising model similar to the Lord God's Space.

In other words, the information is not free, and you need to contribute points to access it.

The source of contribution points is various research results, which are uploaded to Marne, and Marne will reward him with contribution points based on the degree of completion of this result.

When the accumulated points reach a certain amount, the account of the communication platform will be upgraded and the corresponding level title will be obtained.

Although it is basically useless except for looking awesome, but this is enough.

Who is not a truly arrogant genius?

Marne can't believe it, they can tolerate people stepping on their heads.

Once someone has a quarrel in the technical exchange and uses the account level to overwhelm the other party, then Marne's goal has been achieved.

At that time, the party who has been angered will definitely work hard, do more research independently, and come up with more results to improve their account level and try to get back in the face.

When the slapped face goes back here, the slapped face will definitely not be reconciled, so what can I do? Upgrade! Go back with the slapped face too!

In this way, wouldn't these researchers roll up?

Arguably, the more the researchers rolled, the more Marne benefited.

Thinking of this, Marne couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with this plan.

Of course, this is not Marne's ultimate goal.

In the final version, Marne is preparing to mark the [Thinking Disk] and make it into a form similar to [Thought Key Pattern].

Because in this way, he doesn't have to spend so much effort to invite researchers to join his team.

Just meet the right talent and send an account to the other party.

As for whether the other party is willing to use it and become a part-time researcher working for him, this is not what Marne cares about.

After all, as long as the number of distributions increases, there will always be a few willing ones.

Da Vinci, who was not planning to join the team after considering it before, also accepted it as an external researcher.

....To be continued...Zero....

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