Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 110: : Idiot, group of wolves look around

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In the process of waiting for Li Ruyu to open his mouth, the complex and unspeakable may be more than two people.

Luo Peishan, I really don’t know that my old wife almost disappeared three years ago. He always knew that he owed a lot of old wives, but fortunately, there are three gimmicks, such a grandmother, who has been accompanying her and taking care of her. Otherwise, it will be better for the grandson in the future, not only because the old wife, as Shantou said, the feelings are mutual, and this girl is still a good point for her, she can be very good to you, Isn’t the best proof of Jingbo’s affairs?

He also wants to experience the feeling of being treated wholeheartedly by his grandson. Now think about it, when the parents died and filial piety, why didn’t they have the advantage of being with the grandson at that time? Why didn’t he think about having to spend more time with his sick wife? However, it is strange to say that, according to his wife, the number of times that Santoutou is often around her, how many times he sees it is only a handful? It shouldn't be!

Li Hongyuan fell into silence. Before he entered Beijing, he was paying attention to her bit by bit in the following years. However, how can the words of the secrets come back as a party, he thinks He is a cold-hearted person. He has already seen all the people in his previous life. He even suspects that if he did not die in the past life, he would finally be able to get what he wanted, then, when life came again, he Maybe I still want to get it, but I shouldn’t have such a deep obsession, but in fact, after listening to Mrs. Luo’s words, he thinks his obsession will only be deeper, he said long ago. In the past life, he was the last winner, but he won too much, and suffered from internal and external problems. It took several years to rectify. Jiangshan was stable and his body was not working. If he was around, she would always be there. Side, meticulous care, never give up. Take care of your indulged body for ten years. When you have a healthy body, will you abandon her? No, it will only hold her closer to the palm of her hand, occupying all her care and care, and bit by bit.

The trick that gave him was far more than imagination. If this life can't get what he wants, he will probably be crazy.

Moreover, he always thought that Su Guizheng treated him, except for those one or two things, all of them were wholeheartedly, obviously, not, the real one-mindedness, and definitely not the bad things in it.

Others present here, especially the old Wang Lao, who was a year old, used to feel that his own children were very filial. From time to time, they were still showing off outside. Fortunately, they did not meet such a lady, Mrs. Luo, otherwise, Isn't that waiting to be beaten? It is said that without comparison, there is no way to distinguish between them. In contrast to Mrs. Luo’s words, they even begin to wonder if the younger generations are doing the play. The most heartfelt words - how do you compare to your loved ones, think back, how is it right, surrounded by people, careful and thoughtful, you will probably feel annoyed, there is a smile, but if your loved ones stay with you Even if it is just a casual chat, I will feel happy.

Those filial sons and filial sons, it really does not have a real intention, otherwise how can they not know what the elderly really need. After suspicion, there was some anger. After anger, I began to envy again. Why didn’t I encounter such a grandson? This Luo Chen is also too good.

Therefore, this group of living ancestors began to pick up after they went back. Wherever they were, wherever they are, they are not pleasing to the eye. However, these living ancestors still tempered their temper and refused to say where their children and grandchildren did not do well. In their thoughts, others Granddaughters can think of it, you can hardly think of wood? Make a lot of children and grandchildren. Those who are really filial, when they are preached, have repeatedly pleaded with anger; and those who are really just doing it, this cold, I thought that I was exposed, and I was panicked when I was inadvertently. This is the real thing.

Well, if the desired treatment is not available for the time being, it will blow up the "true feelings and falsehoods" first. It is naturally irritating to find that you are actually petting the white-eyed wolf.

Jing Hao probably couldn’t think of it, and he accidentally “pitted” so many people.

When it comes to the moment, Li Ruyu can't say it for a long time, and after the words of the king of the county, Mrs. Luo's words, the heart is as ruined, and after the words of the emperor, it is completely numb. Therefore, when Li Ruyu turned to her for help, she did not react at all.

"If you are jade, you don't have to worry about your mother. The emperor asks you. You can tell things clearly." The Queen said softly. There is no swearing, but the woman in the harem knows that she completely gave up Li Ruyu, and she did not intend to reach out and help. In the heart, it is really ruthless. However, they are replaced by them. In the current situation, they will not hesitate to abandon Li Ruyu. It’s a pity that I can’t attack the Queen with this incident, but the Queen’s day is a big loss.

Li Ruyu’s beginning began to cry.

To say that in this harem, Lecheng Emperor saw more women crying, what is pitiful, what pears are raining, what is reluctantly wronged, that is his own woman, when there is that mind, he will say a few words, what is Li Ruyu? However, it is a niece, originally, the government is busy, but also to solve these broken things, but also Jing Yu that Zhu Yu is in front, this time seeing Li Ruyu, it is more and more impatient. "Enough, if you don't want to say it, you will not be able to speak in the future."

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault..." Li Ruyu repeated this sentence while crying, but this sentence, instead convinced her to be ordinary. "It’s all Luo Jing’s fault, if It’s not her, Lin’s brother won’t dislike me. She grabs my favorite person. Why can’t I grab her fiancé...”

The more I said, the more I felt that I was right, and even went out loud afterwards.

Everyone was made to look at her.

Mrs. Luo’s face is blue, only when she has fallen into her face, she does not want to be such a “crime”.

"Wait, like jade, who is Lin’s brother in your mouth? Is this also related to the fourth person?”

"The emperor, such as jade is Yilin." The Queen is confusing for the Emperor.

"The Luo family robbed Yilin? What is this mess?"

"The emperor, such as the jade county, this is purely filthy. When the minister first entered Beijing, he took the granddaughter to the Dingguo government office, because the three-headed girl was a fan of love, and was in the government of the country. When the sisters talked about flowers, they were inadvertently heard by Sun Bingbi. He heard that Sun Bingbi is also a person who loves flowers and plants. He probably took two sentences. For example, the jade county owner shouted and killed at the time, and did not have a daughter’s house. The cultivation system, such as Yuxian, is the first to insult the person, the wounded first, my granddaughter is angry and her face is lost. For example, the jade county owner has played against many girls because of similar things, Sun Bing pen to her this time The behavior has long been abhorrent, and on the spot, he threatened to say that even if he is a monk, he is not as a wife of the county, but he does not want to count the fault to the head of the woman and granddaughter. It is simply unreasonable." The man stared sharply at this Li Ruyu.

The daughter’s family’s reputation is greater than the day, and it can be arbitrarily damaged.

"Mrs. Luo said this, the king also remembered it, Li Ruyu, this king seems to have let you close the door for three months to learn the rules, so early to come out, this is the king's words. ?" Li Hongyuan has some cool openings.

Li Ruyu almost shakes the conditional launch and shrinks into a ball.

"Hey, this ghost-like, but also the royal county owner?" Li Hongyuan said very indifferent, tone disdain.

Lecheng Emperor leaned over his own son, but he didn’t understand it now. How did this obstacle come to this fun? Shouldn't he be the most impatient? "you shut up."

Li Hongyuan faintly looked back at Le Chengdi, and opened his eyes, but he also gave him the face of Laozi, and did not speak again.

"Just because of this, you lose your own innocence, calculate Chen Zhengmin?" Le Chengdi felt very speechless. Is there a problem with this brain? Look at Li Ruyu's expression, Niang's, really because of this.

At the beginning, Chengjun Wang Yi only thought that his daughter had a holiday with the Luo family, or she saw Chen Zhengmin. After all, Li Ruyu’s shackles were exchanged for diligence, and the two cockroaches on the day did not know the reason. I know Li Ruyu’s calculations. As a result, she now only wants to open up Li Ruyu's brain and see what she is thinking.

"Chen Zhengmin, what do you want to say?"

"Emperor, can I ask the county owner a few questions?"

Le Chengdi nodded.

Chen Zhengmin looked at Li Ruyu indifferently. "Have you listened to Sun Bing's pen and said that he is a friend of Luo Jiasan?"

Li Ruyu shook his head in a stupid moment.

"Have you heard or seen them in private contact?"

Li Ruyu continued to shake his head.

"So, just because they all like flowers, do you think Sun Bing pen will admire her? Without her, Sun Bing pen will marry you sooner or later?"

Under this, Li Ruyu nodded first and then shook his head. "My mother said, I can never marry my brother. Since I can't get what I want, Luo Jing's little watery Yanghua is based on what..."

"Shut up." Chen Zhengmin's cold mouth, then he suddenly smiled, smiled cold, everyone can feel it, he wants to reach out and kill Li Ruyu, but because the reason still exists, so did not do this kind of thing After all, murdering the royal family is a felony. Chen Zhengmin originally thought about whether there were other people who peeped at the cousin to calculate him, and this most likely person is Sun Yilin, so it seems that he wants more. "Counter, I know this time, there are people who are so stupid in the world. You do this kind of thing to calculate me, why don't you calculate Sun Bing pen directly? You can't get what you want." Marry him? You count what I am doing, break up my cousin, and then maybe let Sun Bing and the cousin come together. It turns out that you are a person, so selfless, you have to let yourself He is looking for a love match?" Chen Zhengmin feels that it is not easy now.

This time, Li Ruyu was completely sluggish, and she seemed to find out that what she did was not deflated, but it was really possible... how could she be stupid?

And all the other people have the same problem in their minds: Mother, how can this product be stupid like this?

In fact, when Li Hongyuan calculated Chen Zhengmin, the final idea was to throw him away with Li Ruyu and then let people grab the current one, but in order to have less trouble later, let Li Ruyu first understand Chen Zhengmin. There is also an excuse to throw this pot directly to Li Ruyu's back. As a result, the goods are too good, and the person who sent it temporarily changed his mind and tried to induce her to do it herself. Oh, she not only did, Still doing it, the result is really unexpected. Well, Li Hongyuan sent people to watch things go smoothly.

Chengjun Wang Muran looked at the sluggish daughter, this idiot was actually born to her? Wouldn't it be changed after birth? If she really has the power to calculate Sun Yilin, maybe she would like to praise her, then, if she is desperate to fight, she will marry her back to the government, but this idiot...

Cheng Wang Wang also fell into the chaos of the wind, he wanted to dig a pit to bury himself.

Chen Zhengmin wiped his face weakly.

"Chen Zhengmin..."

"The emperor, the micro-command was counted by such an idiot. Does it mean that the micro-committee is also stupid and incurable?"

Lecheng Emperor wants to nod, but think about Chen Zhengmin's talents, think about the articles he made, really stupid people, there are not many smart people under the day. He has been coughing for a lifetime. "The so-called people have lost their hoofs. You probably didn't expect to have such a thing. If you are not careful, you will be forgiven."

"But, Weichen and cousin have already retired."

Le Cheng Emperor will not see, this kid is a deep root of Luo San girl. "So now, how are you and?"

"Can the minister ask the emperor to kill Li Ruyu? Can you ask the emperor to marry the minister and the cousin again?" Chen Zhengmin decided to look at the emperor.

Le Cheng is speechless, is this still used? Not a child, can you say something reliable?

Li Hongyuan just thought about it. He saw that he would swear by an idiot. He wouldn’t be jealous and let him go. However, at this time, he still dared to think about his wife, and he could not bear it.

"No! So the minister will marry her." Chen Zhengmin said with a very indifferent expression.

However, everyone knows that after Li Ruyu marries, there will never be a good day. An enemy who has destroyed a good marriage, do you still expect others to treat you kindly? There is no such good thing in daydreaming.

"No, no, I don't want to marry him." Li Ruyu was slow and felt Chen Zhengmin's hatred towards her. Even if she was a county lord, she didn't pay much respect to herself. If she married him, she must be miserable.

"Is it too late to say this now?" Le Cheng's cool opening. "When you make something that doesn't know how to be shameful, why don't you think about the consequences? Don't want to marry, you can, or be monk, or violent. Just like Chen Zhengmin does not want to marry you, you are dead, one hundred."

Li Ruyu immediately closed his mouth.

The so-called good death is not as good as living. The royal family will be removed from the family, just like ordinary monks. Moreover, there are special places to look after them. Because they are royals before they are born, they are more vulnerable to abuse, just because they are in charge. Their people can get comfort from the abuse of "noble".

Is this all the time? No, naturally not.

"Li Ruyu is a member of the royal family, enjoying the honor of the county owner, but not self-cultivation, no support, no rules, no body, temperament, irritability, irritability, and even shamelessness, ruining the white body, folding the county name, making the royal family Shame, today I took the lord of the county and became a monk.

"No, the emperor, the emperor, you can't do this, you can't... oh..." To say that Li Ruyu is most concerned, of course, is her county, and should also say that all people whose status is not as good as her, including Sun Yijia and others. They are all awkward, just because Sun Yijia and others are not what she can provoke, and they dare not declare it to the mouth. Now her county lord has become a monk and has become a monk in her mouth. How can she suffer? Moreover, to a certain extent, the status of the captives in the royal family is actually lower, the psychology is actually the same, trampling on the once honorable people, how happy, and Li Ruyu itself is notorious, then will only be stepped in the future It’s even worse. Anyone who has been bullied by her will find a way to bully back.

No one can say "no" to Lecheng, but that person is definitely not Li Ruyu, so when she opened her mouth, she was directly blocked by the palace of Kunming Palace.

Le Chengdi coldly swept Li Ruyu, and clearly told you what is the real Tianwei can not be scanned, and then see the king of the county is also poor, "Chengjun Wang, enjoy the county Wang Lulu, do not think about self-cultivation Qi family, raising a woman does not teach, today, the county king gave down to the Duke, hope to teach children more in the future, if similar things happen again, they will be severely punished."

"Chen, Xie Huang Shang Longen." Chengfu Wang Fuzhen was on the ground and could not get up for a long time.

He did not commit stupidity like Li Ruyu. At this time, the decree of the embarrassment may still leave some face, such as a few rebellious things, maybe it will be smashed to the end.

"At this point, it’s gone, let's go." Le Chengdi got up and walked to the front of the uncle.

The old prince was busy standing up, and Le Chengdi reached out and held him. "Thank the emperor."

"The emperor's aunt's words can be broken. Today is tired of the uncle's ancestors."

"The royal family has such a thing. As a member of the royal family, it is naturally that there is no light on everyone's face. However, the emperor is properly handled and does not need what our old guys say." Even as a patriarch, in some respects, it does not count. Low voice, but also have self-knowledge, need the emperor to deal with things, it is best not to intervene, if you dare to rely on the old and sell old, there will be no good end.

Originally, this matter should actually be dealt with by the emperor later, but the matter was pulled out by Luo Peishan, and he was not idle these days, if he thought that the king of the county was only because the foster daughter did not teach, it would be a big mistake. Wrong, there are not many people who want to push down the king of the county. Except that the king of the county is not happy, this is not a faction. From the bright side, the king of the county is the government of the country. Nüwa, naturally, belongs to the Queen's prince's faction. Then, the Queen's handling of this matter is not so proper, so it was the decision of the Emperor Lecheng to handle this kind of thing personally.

After the lively visit, the people of the post and the clan can leave each other. As for the emperors, they are looking for their own aging mothers, or to deal with the official affairs, or to do their own thing from the palace, that is their own business, as long as Do not affect the right thing, Lecheng Emperor is too lazy to take care of them.

Mrs. Luo’s wife wanted to take Jingjing out of the palace immediately, but Lecheng’s emperor said that he was looking for Jing Hao. So, Mrs. Luo stayed in Kunyu Palace.

When the Emperor Lecheng crossed the gate of the Kunming Palace, Lecheng Emperor suddenly stopped. "The Queen, the woman who was killed in the palace was embarrassed, and I don't want to see it again."

"Yes, the emperor." This kind of thing does not only appear in the Kunming Palace. With the words of the emperor, the emperor is naturally unscrupulous. Others can abolish her. She is the head of the harem and abolishes. Other people in the palace are not difficult.

Taking advantage of Mrs. Luo’s wife to change clothes, Kang’s prince was thinking about the time to say goodbye, but the queen stopped him. “Hello, let Luo San girl give you what to do with Wang Hao? She is fourteen this year, just next year. And when you get there, you can continue to win the king."

Kang Prince was surprised. He originally wanted to say that Luo San’s identity is not low, but if he thinks about it, even if he wants to marry a high-ranking woman, there is no suitable now, and then, just after Wang Hao, his status is lower. It should be better. Another advantage is that the threat to the nephew left by the yuan is relatively low. The most crucial point is that what he decides after his mother is that he can say no. "It’s good to decide after the mother."

The Queen looked at him indifferently. "This palace knows what you are thinking. You dislike that people are low, and people may not be able to see you. You should not think that the girls in the world will yearn for heaven, let alone stare at this girl." It’s just us. Although she has a low status, she is a big boy of the family. Let her pick it. From the previous Chen Zhengmin, it can be seen that Luo’s husband chose her husband. The first thing I watched was not the door, but Because of the things in the Princess of the Great Princess, her value has doubled. When I try it today, you can see it in your eyes. Your father has praised her. I want to ask her to marry her. It is not difficult for her to be your successor."

"So, what do we do now? Please ask the mother."

"Before seeing this girl, this palace is actually Yilin Lin. After seeing her, maybe it is more appropriate for her to be your Wang Hao. When you open your family, this girl is definitely better than the one who was before you."

Prince Kang did not expect his mother to evaluate this Luo San girl so high, but he believes that the mother's vision, she will rarely look away. "After the mother..."

"After seeing people, Su Shi will not easily stop, not to mention Yi Jia married to Luo, they naturally want to capture this girl in their hands. Su Shi's family does not have a suitable child, but she There are other foreigners, her cousin is right-handed, and there is a scorpion, and it is extremely excellent. Now, we can't do anything, and wait and see for a moment. After all, this thing, the attitude of Locke is also crucial, you have to know Unless your father is the next to give a marriage, the Luo family has the possibility of refusing to marry. In fact, your father also knows that this girl is very involved. He can sit and watch, and it is not bad to help any party. Taking advantage of Mrs. Luo’s wife is still in Kunming Palace, and this time the house explores her meaning. At this time, you go to your father, if other brothers are not there, you will do your own thing, but where There is one, you are left."

Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits, for those of them, let alone be just a matter of "changing relatives", even if you change a few more.

"Yes, mother." Prince Kang is about to leave, and thinks of something, "Mother, the general manager in your palace..."

"Why, is the royal family the only one available for this palace?"

"It’s a matter of care for the children, and the children are retiring."

"A general manager, no one, the palace can also mention ten eight." For this, the Queen is quite indifferent, if a person can affect the overall situation of her Kunming Palace, then her queen will also No need to mix.

When Su Guizhen took the two sons to the Jade Palace, he also told them that Jing Yu’s marriage was like the Queen’s guess. Su Gui’s primary candidate was the cousin’s nephew. “The Queen’s side, before the first choice. The person is Sun Yilin, and now the Queen is afraid that she will be more interested in Luo San’s daughter as her daughter-in-law."

Therefore, this woman in the harem, which is not worse or much.

Li Hongyuan seems to be listening casually, but his eyes are condensed with squally showers. Although he knows that he is now retiring, he will be subject to many peeping calculations, but he will hear these people marry him. To that, she never thought about her own thoughts, and even did not consider her happiness, she could not help but anger. Although these things, they consider it or not, he can only be his in the end, but considering it or not, it affects Li Hongyuan’s senses to them. If you think about it when you count it, then when he starts to pack people, maybe he will light it.

"Yuaner, what are you thinking about?" Su Guizhen said and suddenly looked sideways at Li Hongyuan.


"This palace also thinks that you have been afraid of being bored lately. Otherwise, you will not enter the palace today."

Li Hongyuan faintly sighed. When I heard that Luo Jingbo’s defense against other women was strictly guarded, I knew that I was very disgusted with those people and those things. He felt that even if he was playing on the spot, he would add as few as possible to other hospitals. People, although he said that he doesn't mind looking for him to settle accounts in the future, but those people may delay the time when they get their hearts and minds. However, careful calculations, from knowing that you are going to Beijing, it seems like I haven’t played the “Seven-day splendid pet”. It turns out that he didn’t have to reflect on himself, and the subconscious has already converged? When was Li Hongyuan so embarrassed? Very good, and found a reason why you must compensate him.

"Yuaner, let Luo San girl give you a Wang Hao how?" Su Guizhen said with a smile.

"Female 妃..." Li Hongming is going to stop talking, and this can't be done.

Su Guizhen glanced at him and Li Hongming had to close his mouth.

Li Hongyuan did not react. "Is the mother-in-law wanting to avenge Luo Shangshu?"

"This is mainly because you like it or not. Others don't matter. It's just that the girl's identity is still low. If her father sits in the position of the four-product official, then let Luo Shangshu retreat early, then bring her father up. Everything is not a problem, but unfortunately. However, it is still possible for her to give you a sideline."

"In front of the throne, everything in the courtiers is not important. It is most important to be able to win the support of the courtiers." The meaning of the words, shut up, don't open this meaningless joke. He only needs to wait for his father to take the initiative to consciously give him a marriage with him. Before that, he only needs to clear the obstacles for himself and remove the obstacles.

Look, but a word of things, how simple! simple? Mother, too many people staring at you, one by one will be very tiring, not at all simple! The current situation is much more complicated than when he was in his previous life. At that time, she was not clear about how he was, but nothing more than being retired by Chen in two days. Chen Zhengmin’s Princess still has something to say, she, They were all unknown, but in the following month, they were suddenly calculated, and a second fiancé was set up. Then, after a long time, they married a man, or married in the time of the man’s filial piety, but she was waiting for another three years. In other words, at that time, the family of Luo actually couldn’t wait for her to wait three more years. Why did she let her marry at that time? There is definitely a reason for this, but it is a pity that Li Hongyuan basically did not know about this person at the time. He did not pay attention to her affairs at all, and how could he know the reason.

"What did Mrs. Luo say, it really has an impact on Yuan Er? Right?" Su Guizhen sighed.

Li Hongyuan's slight eyebrows looked at Su Guizhen. "The mother-in-law thinks a lot. The mother-in-law is waiting for her children. The children are not feeling it. The mother-in-law does not need to prove anything in this way."

"Yuaner, the mother-in-law wants you first, and the rest can do it again."

Li Hongyuan glanced at Li Hongming, sacrificing the interests of his parents to fulfill a "like" of raising a child, and not blaming your son for always thinking that you are born with a child. Those two things have been done, and then these things will be done to this point, why bother. "The mother does not have to worry about the child."

Su Guizhen smiled. "Yes, Yuan Er, mother-in-law, but I heard that you have a secret recipe from Luo San girl, and you are preparing to honor your mother. The mother-in-law has been waiting, but I have not seen it until now. Go to the trace."

"Forgot." Li Hongyuan's indifferent opening.

Su Guizhen grinned because she felt the embarrassment of her son. "That Luo San is really true. You don't ask her again. She doesn't know to take the initiative to send you."

"Proactively send things to the children? Her reputation still wants it?"

"Okay, okay, remember to try it for the mother, and the mother's skin is really good."

"Know it." Li Hongyuan was impatient with two points. "A woman is trouble."

"Mixed kid, what do you say?" Su Guizhen raised his hand and took him.

Li Hongyuan frowned and resisted the urge to avoid.

Seeing his son was really bored, Su Guizhen refused to let him go. "Mother is squatting, the skin of Yuaner is also good, you are just a man, the color is deeper, or you can't escape a natural beauty."

Li Hongyuan's black face, "mother, enough."

Su Guizhen could not help but laugh.

Li Hongming looked at the relatives of the two of them, and they were like an outsider. If there were those who did not know, who would think that they were the sons of Su Guifei? Ming knows the reason for these things, but the mother-in-law regards herself as a strict requirement of Chu Jun, but she is a real son to Li Hongyuan, but she still can’t help but hate. Li Hongyuan has taken up the pampering of the father and has possessed The care and love of the mother-in-law, even if the mother-in-law and her own guarantee, the father will pass the emperor to no one will pass to Li Hongyuan, then what can it be? He got too much, and it was too difficult to tolerate him to go to the father to die, but he could only bear it.

Li Hongming moved his throat and swallowed it.

Li Hongyuan didn't have to look at it all, and his heart sneered.

"The niece, the squatting people directly sent Luo San girl out of the palace, and sent someone to Kunluo Palace to pick up Mrs. Luo."

Su Gui is different, "So fast?"

"It seems that there is an urgent government."

"Know it." If it is an urgent government affairs, it is no wonder that in the case of emergency government affairs, everything else must be left. "The emperor actually sent people out of the palace directly. It seems that I don't want to leave people in the harem so that we can see each other alone. You said, what does the emperor mean? It won't be your own thoughts..."

"Mother, the father will not be so unconstrained." Li Hongyuan interrupted her. If this action is really moved, even if he is Laozi, Li Hongyuan will do nothing to kill the father. Anyone who robs him of him and who he is, will surely become his enemy and kill innocent people!

"Okay, okay, this girl is not a prostitute of a local official. After all, your father has not been drafted for many years. The young and beautiful in the palace is basically sent by local officials." Su Guizhen said, cold. Cold smiled.

"So, women are troubles."

"You, patience with women is never more than seven days."

"The children are gone first." Li Hongyuan was impatient, turned and left.


"Give you a secret recipe."

Su Guizhen smiled. His son didn't think much about the patience of the same woman. However, she was always an exception to her mother. Even when she was young, she would have to listen to her words. I am impatient with my mouth, and I will forget the posture when I turn my head. In fact, everything is firmly fixed.

Li Hongming kept silent, and then he spoke, probably only training.

Li Hongyuan was a little bit rude to stop Jing Hao, "Is there a thing that Luo San is still missing?"

Jing Hao nodded. "Can Wang Ye go back and let people go to Luo Jia?"

"No, you open the shop yourself, it's really easy to use, the king took the things and sent them directly to the palace. How much money, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, you are free, the king is the most lacking is the silver."

Jing Hao mouth pumped, what is the local tyrant, this is the real local tyrant! Conversion, it is the point of skin care and maintenance, are tens of millions of billions of cockroaches, the past life of those shackles, what is the car, what is weak? "As far as Wang Ye is concerned, the ministers will get it as soon as possible."

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