Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 111: : black and white eyes, Yun Niang

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Li Hongyuan saw that Jing Hao was very speechless to him, but he was still a serious speech. This small appearance is really, what to do, it seems to be in his arms, kiss and kiss, and the fingers that move around are moving, but Still controlling myself, did not really reach out. This fragrant big fat is in front of you, when can you eat it in your mouth? The situation is a bit complicated now. Compared with his plan, there is a slight deviation. However, he has not yet reached the point of losing control, but he is not sure when he will be able to win. This is not very good, it seems to be too attractive. Well, he still prefers to look at the radiant shackles. As for the wolves, hehe, there is one slaughter, and two have a pair.


This eager and worried voice is going on, just as he would smash her granddaughter, he really wants to marry.

Jing Hao sideways, seeing the grandmother who came down from the sedan chair, actually came down from the other side of the sedan chair is still a grandfather. Doesn't it mean that there is an urgent government affairs? This is not a grandfather, but it is also a good book. It is always OK to listen.

Mrs. Luo walked quickly to the front, grabbed Jing Hao, and took the belt with her subconscious mind. Then she saw Li Hongyuan's black face, and realized that she was a little overreacting. However, all has been done. "The minister has seen the prince."

"Free." Li Hongyuan's body is a bit sullen, and his eyes are dark and heavy. "Even if the king is really a wolf and a tiger, the minimum size is still there, and Mrs. Luo does not have to guard against this." Wang."

"Wang Ye is a famous name, you know from your own, it is not you, the rumors."

Li Hongyuan's face is black, but this person, one is the old man, and the other is the grandmother who is very concerned about him. He really can't change her. However, some of the angry anger looked at Luo Peishan who came slowly and walked away.

Jing Hao stood behind her grandmother, but she felt very cola. Her grandmother kept her guarding and didn't say it. It was mainly because the prince of Jin was not as bad as the rumors, at least he respected the old man.

When I saw Li Hongyuan’s carriage on the Prince’s Palace, Luo’s wife was slightly relieved. When facing the Prince of Jin, the face was hard and the heart was actually very nervous. I was afraid that he would do something to himself. It aroused his anger, and if he really did something to him, it was really terrible.

"Mrs. need not be like this." Luo Peishan walked in, they actually see the most clearly, if the bad reputation of the Prince of Jin is 12 points, in fact, at most seven or eight points.

Mrs. Luo’s dissatisfaction looked at him. “Is it worried about this? I am worried about being seen.”

Ok, well, once you are involved in the three-headed body, he has to stand by his wife. Luo Peishan also felt a little bit wrong, silently beard, looking at Jing Hao, "What did the Prince of Jin look for?"

"The matter of nourishing the secret recipe."

Luo Peishan nodded, and he was there at the time, naturally no need to ask. "Let you give him the recipe?"

"No, it is probably troublesome. The Prince of Jin asked his granddaughter to open the shop directly. He bought the finished product."

"Well, this is also good. If the Prince Jin spent money to buy it, I believe that other people will not reach out. You don't have to suffer from the three-headed girl. But it is not very good. In case there is something in the middle, you are three-headed." The responsibility is too great. The harem is a place of right and wrong, and there is no day to stop."

"Opening the shop is not a simple matter. I have never done this before. The most troublesome thing is that the teacher who modulates the rouge gouache is hard to find, and all the flowers and plants are used, and a large area is needed. This time and a half will only be unable to get up." Mrs. Luo's interface.

"Grandfather and grandmother don't have to worry, I actually think about it. It's good to let us all the troubles."

Luo Peishan’s eyes lit up, and Mrs. Luo’s wife almost understood the meaning of Jing Hao. "Hey, you mean..."

"When I go back and modulate some of the finished products, I will write down the recipes, and then go to the Rouge Pavilion."

Where is the Rouge Pavilion, even Luo Peishan, the great man, knows. It is a matter of knowing the name alone. It is a place that sells glutinous gouache. The entire city of the Qiyuan dynasty has its own shops, and even other countries in the surrounding area have the figure of the rouge pavilion. Some of the secret recipes, other used rouge gouache, are basically derived from the Rouge Pavilion, which is truly famous.

Jing Hao cooperates with the Rouge Club. It can be said that even if something goes wrong, she has no responsibility at all. The worker master, Hua Tian, ​​everything is not to worry about it. The only thing she has to do is to take out the prescription and then sit. Receive dividends.

"Our family of three gimmicks is smart, so I thought of the solution so quickly."

Jing Hao smiled. "My grandfather has won the prize. In fact, this plan has already been made, but I have never taken time. It is just the right time."

"You are really rude, you are not afraid of their disagreement?"

Jing Hao hooked his lips, don't have a deep look at Mrs. Luo, "Grandfather thinks they will disagree?"

Mrs. Luo’s wife reached out and shot her. “You’re so sloppy, even more like a word, even grandparents dare to play fun?”

Jing Hao immediately flicked openly, and squatted behind Luo Peishan, stretched out his head and smiled at the opening. "Grandfather, is it wrong for me?"

Luo Peishan looked at Mrs. Luo’s face and looked at the wrinkles less than her peers. There were no spots, and the mouth of the beard smiled. “The three hoes are very right.”

Jing Hao smiled even more, and Mrs. Luo couldn’t help but look old red, and smashed Luo Peishan, "I don't fix it."

Luo Peishan couldn't help but laugh, the old wife's body is still pretty good. Although the children and grandchildren are so unsatisfactory, the whole is still worthwhile. There are also three gimmicks who are so happy. He feels the mood in recent times. Smooth, energetic, um, can have such a day today, what can you ask for?

"Taro, go, take a ride with your grandfather today."

"Grandfather can go straight to the court without having to go to the ritual department?"

"Well, you can go straight back."

In this case, Jing Hao will not speak much. As for why he did not participate in emergency government affairs, it is not something she can ask. So, I immediately took the arm of Luo Peishan, like the old lady who helped Luo Luo on weekdays, "Grandma, then I am going with my grandfather?"

Mrs. Luo took advantage of Luo Peishan’s very useful appearance, laughing and nodding.

Mrs. Luo went to another carriage in the Luo family. However, Gong Hao did not keep up, but chose to follow the Luo Peishan carriage, the accident of Bailong Temple, so that Gong Hao would not dare to have the slightest sloppy. Even if it is in the city, however, when this accident comes, it is simply impossible to prevent.

Luo Peishan, who was afraid to look at a middle-aged cockroach, followed the carriage, and he sat next to the coachman, so he let out the position and walked down.

Gong glanced at his small body that was not so strong. He walked back from here and decided that he would not be tired and panting. However, she did not refuse. That little cockroach was seen inexplicably, but always felt that the sly eyes were wrong.

"You are stumbling with loyalty." Luo Peishan nodded in the carriage.

"Isn't that still being found in Beijing?"

"Well, your aunt gave me a look, but she also used her heart." Luo Peishan faintly said. My daughter-in-law, the nature of this contact is even rarer. When I see it, I can't confuse a few daughter-in-law, it's not bad.

"The big aunt is naturally good."

Luo Peishan is undecided, not his own relatives and daughters, can use five cents of mind is not bad, can find a very good in all aspects, it is beaten up, but also the luck of the three-headed, she should have such a person.

"There was a war, but it should not be serious. My grandfather did not play any role in this respect. He took the initiative to ask the emperor to leave early. The emperor left the sensitive brother." Luo Peishan suddenly said.

Luo Peishan talked to her about this, and Jing Hao was not surprised. "That is the creation of Min Cousin."

"Can you be unwilling?"

"I don't want to, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You must be yours, it is asking for trouble."

"It’s too sensible to say that you are a gimmick. It’s too sensible. It’s too thorough. Some things, you don’t try to ask for it. How do you know that it’s not what you have in your life?”

"My grandfather said this is also true, but my granddaughter is a lazy person. I don’t want to ask for anything from my hand. Grandfather, you should think so, this time, no, maybe it will be better. The initiative is coming to you."

"This is true. If you are really poor and poor in the future, then it is really unfair."

"Grandfather, don't say that, God can't manage so many people, and maybe people will not be under the control of people, and they will blame God for all their numerology. What is the innocence of God?"

Luo Peishan laughed happily. "You have a bunch of books, and your grandfather said you."

"The people are telling the truth."

"When you go, your grandfather doesn't fight with you. Right, Shantou, the years when my grandfather was still in Qi'an, aren't you always at your grandmother, how have your grandfather never seen you?"

Jing Hao stared at him with the look of "You don't know the reason", so that Luo Peishan thought he was stupid? Slightly annoyed, the fingers slammed and knocked on Jing Hao’s head.

Jing Hao slammed his head, flattened his mouth, and succumbed to Luo Peishan.

Luo Peishan also thought that she would hurt her, and some regret it. "Hey, oh, grandson, really hurt? Grandfather?"

Jing Hao smiled and avoided. "No, I am having fun with you. But my grandfather can't play next time."

"Well, don't fight or fight. - Grandfather is not as smart as our family. Tell my grandfather why."

"Sun daughter just thought, grandmother should want to accompany his grandfather more. When you are there, other idlers and other people will naturally disappear. Are you right?" Jing Yan eyes.

"At that time, you only had a big doll, can you think of it?" Luo Peishan looked incredible.

"Sun's daughter can't think of it, but our second room is not ready-made. My mother wants to stick with me all day. If I don't go out one day, she will send me early." Jing Hao pushed the reason to her old lady. It was a little bit blushing. Besides, she did not panic. Her aging mother had done this kind of thing, not two times. "So, granddaughter thinks, grandmother must be the same."

Luo Peishan’s old face is “red and black”, red is that things that small grandsons can think of, but he didn’t realize it at all, the black one is – “The two things, you are still so small. Regardless of you, you will know how tired and tired you are all day long, but you have to be a director since you were a child. Otherwise, they have not been taught by them."

Jing Hao thought, not knowing what to do, she was not really a little doll at that time, she didn't want to be flashed by her old lady, but she couldn't do it anymore, even if it was a prostitute. That is also very irritating.

Jing Hao quickly gave the angry grandfather a shame, and transferred Luo Peishan's attention. However, if her grandfather was afraid to write a note for her, then it would have nothing to do with her. Jing Jing was even a little gloating.

She was also suffering from psychological harm at that time. It wasn’t the two days before the flowering, and you yelled at me. She was lonely and lonely, and she was born, but Luo Jing was born, but she could barely be forced. Overcoming the dissatisfaction with this kind of creature, she doesn't want to play with real children from time to time. Occasionally, it is teasing and teasing together, often playing together and crashing. Therefore, now that Laozi is going to be cleaned up by his grandfather, can't blame her for being not kind.

Talking about laughing and laughing along the way, opening up that point is not good, Luo Peishan feels exceptionally comfortable, it really is a very intimate little cotton jacket.

Mrs. Luo’s wife could hear Luo Peishan’s laughter in the carriage behind her, and she smiled unconsciously. However, when she thought of the Queen’s meaning, the smile on her face faded, and her eyes were covered with haze. Chengdi sent people, she was afraid that she still did not know how to deal with the Queen. Why can't those people be safe? Why do those who are in their favor must be caught in their hands as a chess piece? Can't you be a little human?

Thinking about this, Mrs. Luo laughed and laughed at herself, expecting those people to have a feeling of affection? It’s really old-fashioned!

Returning to the Luo family, Jing Hao returned to his small courtyard, and Luo Peishan did not go to the former study, but returned to the backyard with Mrs. Luo, apparently there was something to say to Mrs. Luo, and obviously, Mrs. Luo also When I think about going together, what is going to be said is actually very clear.

Hurry and find another one like Chen Zhengmin? Obviously, it is unrealistic. Maybe it will anger the maiden princes. After all, Chen Zhengmin’s situation is different from what he has set up in a hurry. The former has been decided beforehand and will not make people angry. It will only be pity, and the latter is obviously to block them, deliberately do so, so obviously dislike them, then find death or find death? Maybe it will do something unreasonable, whether it is for Jingjing, for the Luo family, or for not implying innocence, Jing Xi this affair can not be easily determined, but can not be determined.

However, letting Jing's marriage become another competition for those people. Which side wins is which party has the final say, and Mrs. Luo is extremely angry, and Luo Peishan is not so good, but they are powerless. That little arm is not a big leg.

Fortunately, it is Jing Hao, what should I do, change one, maybe how many times I will cry.

Jing Hao is in a good mood to prepare the things to bring to the Rouge Pavilion. There are still some good ones, and there are quite a few semi-finished products. It doesn't take too much time. You can go to the Rouge Pavilion tomorrow.

When Jing Hao was busy, her wife took two squats to see her, saying that it was bought not long ago, adding two to Jing Hao, now these two are only brought to Jing Hao, if they are not satisfied Go to another place and change to someone else.

The two baboons are a pair of twin sisters who look very similar, but one is whiter and the other is darker. It is darker than most people's skin, and it is obviously not dried, but it is born because Whether it is on the neck or on the hand, the color is very uniform. As for the face, don't mention it.

Such two people should be fraternal twins.

In fact, when Jing Hao’s wife was called to pick someone, she only picked the white one. The black one didn’t want it. The sisters asked for the milkmaid, and the milkmaid brought it back to let her girl say it.

The darker one sees Jing Jing looking at her, some uncomfortable shrinking, she knows that she is black, not very lovable, but if the girl can not leave her, she will not have good fruit to eat, after all, they are deliberate When I was sent to Luo, I came to wait for Luo San’s girl. "Girl, don't rush to slaves, slaves are ugly, but slaves are very capable, so slaves can do anything..."

Jing Hao laughed. "I didn't say I want to drive you away. And, it's just black, it's also a little beauty." The dress is too miserable. The Qiyuan dynasty is also white, and the black girl also tried to make herself look white. The powder used was very thick, and then rubbed with rouge. Jing Hao looked at her eyes and it was dressed. Her skin was not very good. Taking it naturally makes her look black and ugly. In fact, her facial features are the same as her sisters. It is only white and looks beautiful. How can she be really ugly?

The girl may be the first time to hear someone say that she is a beautiful woman. She is not sure that Jing Jing is satirizing her, or she thinks she is beautiful and looks very helpless. "Girls are laughing at slaves."

"I laughed at you. Go and wash your face. After a while, I teach you how to paint a makeup that suits you and make sure you are as beautiful as your sister."

"Is the girl talking about it?"

Other crickets grinned, and the most lively green chrysanthemum pulled her hand directly. "The girl can never talk big, go, I will take you to wash your face."

After the two left, the whiter girl squatted down and gave it to Jing Shantou. "Thank you girl."

"Get up soon." Later, Jing Hao asked the origins of the two men, because Jing Hao saw that the sister's hands were somewhat different from the ordinary girl's hands. The old man was thicker and his knuckles were thicker.

It turns out that the two sisters were born to the Orion family. They had been hunting with their father since childhood. Especially the black girl, the skill is very good. One hand archery can be said to be a hundred and one hundred, but then the family was in trouble, and the two sisters were forced to flee because two If a person has martial arts in his body, he can transfer to the capital with his daughter and the displaced people. However, they do not have a household registration, but also a girl’s family. They cannot find a place to stay, and they cannot be a helper. They must not be sold as slaves, but they do not. The traffickers who met the black heart were only two of them except one martial arts. They had a strength, others were not doing it, and the black girl was not happy, and Baimei didn’t want to be separated from her sister. It took me three years to get to the Luo family.

In the past three years, how else and not to say anything else, this rule is no problem at all.

Moreover, although Baimei is only fifteen years old, she is very calm and looks like a green bamboo.

In fact, when seeing Baimei, Jing Hao knew the reason why her mother chose her. Qingzhu is already seventeen. It is basically impossible to marry Jingjing. Then choose a similarity to her temper. It is also easier to use.

"I will stay with me after that day. I will take the second-class money for the first time. The milkmaid will arrange for them. I will take the money directly from me. I will cut a few clothes first. Baimei, Baimei will call Bailu, black. Sister is still the name. I don’t care about the clothes of Baimei, mainly black girls. The clothes are dark purple, grayish green, brownish red, brownish yellow, etc. The light and soft colors are not needed, but the clothes are on the clothes. The embroidered figure is simpler, with a warmer color, just like this."

The people around Jing Hao will not question the words of Jing Hao, and although Bai Xi is the heart of his sister, wearing the clothes of those colors will not be old-fashioned, but this is the absolute of the master, they only need to obey.

The black girl washed away the things on her face and looked more pleasing to the eye.

Jing Hao is going to give her makeup. This is not appropriate, but other people don’t know how to apply makeup to black people. It’s just that Jing Hao is a little itchy. However, Jing Hao’s own daily use is Absolutely can't be used, or Gong Yi will really train people. However, Jing Hao has never been the master of jealousy, and the things she uses are absolutely not bad.

The skin of the black girl is not bad. Besides, the 15-year-old girl is 30% worse.

Jing Hao gave her a little bit of swaying, rouge or something, all abandoned, and finally let Qingmei re-combine her hair, a new black girl, completely like a person, the face is still that face, Still the same black, but it looks like radiant, smart and another kind of indescribable beauty.

To say that, Gong Yi’s eyes are the most poisonous. She can see at a glance that there is something in the black girl who is very attractive to men. It’s just specific but I don’t know how to describe it. If asked, Jing Hao should tell her that it is vitality, beauty, and release of the true wildness. Yes, the black girl itself is a prey, and the martial arts are in the same body. It is different from the average girl. Once released, it is released. It will cause men to conquer. Jingjing said that the black girl is still young, and she has been as comfortable as possible when she put on her makeup. In a few years, when she is completely open, she will be truly charming.

To say that the deepest feeling is still white, when I was at home, I didn’t care much. After coming to Beijing, I was being picky again and again. The black girl also began to care about her face, her skin color, and her envious sister. The skin is white and beautiful, and even gradually becomes a little inferior, silent, where there is a arrogant publicity in the mountains, and when it is later trained, it is also a life-threatening thing. The sister is not at all ugly, but she has not found the right way before.

The black girl saw everyone staring at her, and she was nervous. "How, what?"

Jing Hao smiled. "Go and bring the glass mirror."

For the first time, the black girl used a mirror that could make people look so clear, and looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe it. "Is this really me?" After a positive reply, the black girl was delighted. I will kneel down with Jing Shantou.

Jing Hao took her and smiled. "I didn't do anything, just restored a little beauty."

The black girl was not a self-deprecating girl. The problem that had been originally ignored disappeared instantly. The whole person was full of vitality, and even the trend of restoring the nature of the past in the mountains, the whole person was fascinated. When this spirit is back, it will naturally be more dazzling. If the milkmaid is not always squatting, she will never believe that this is the girl she brought back. However, it is still awkward. "If you go out, those people before will definitely not recognize it. However, if you say that the girl is very powerful, others will not have this ability."

Others nodded and agreed.

"Okay, let's do something."

At night, Gong Yu said to Jing Wei, going out in the future, Bai Yan and the black girl must bring at least one side, or let her stay away.

Jing Hao also knows that because of the White Dragon Temple, Gong Hao has always blamed herself for blaming her for not protecting herself. Even a little scared bird. Now there are two girls who will be martial arts, but they are just right, she just, In less than half a day, Gong Yu assured that he would give them protection. Do you trust these two girls? Jing Hao’s mouth should be on.

The next day when I asked Mrs. Luo to ask for Ann, Jing Hao took the black girl, a different beauty, out of the show.

To say that this group of people bought it, Mrs. Luo saw one side, because the black girl is very characteristic and naturally noticed, but it is not awkward to watch, and since it has already entered the government, keep it. I didn't expect to see you again. Not only did I go to the Santuoyuan, but I also changed completely. "It's a good boy, and you will be waiting for your girl in the future."

"The old lady is relieved that the slave will be a good waiter for the girl."

Mrs. Luo’s nod again, this rule was adjusted very well.

If you want to go out, you will also ask Mrs. Luo, and naturally there is no answer.

Jing Hao knows that Luo Jingying’s eyes have been spinning on her own, but she has never spoken. She can see that she should not regenerate moths for a short time.

When going out, Jing Hao was still preparing to choose two of the four big gongs. However, Qingzhu offered to let Bai Bai replace himself. It seems that she also understands the meaning of the existence of 芍.

Jing Hao also has no objection.

The Rouge Pavilion is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Dongcheng District. Although it is not particularly distinguished from the affluent area and the civilian area in Beijing, the valuable things are mainly concentrated in Dongcheng District, and the entrance and exit is mostly glamorous. , people in Jinyi Huafu.

The curtains were opened a small part, and the outside was lively. Because it comes and goes, like Jing Hao, there are not a few, so it doesn't have to be too scruples.

"Girl, Rouge is here."

Jing Hao got off the carriage. How do you say that the people who entered the Rouge Pavilion were much less than she expected, not to say that they are famous all over the world?

Perhaps it was the confusion of Jing Hao, Gong Yu opened her eyes for her confusion, "The girl does not know, there are several in this city, this thing is the most expensive and the most rotten The cabinet has existed for so many years. There are some things in it. Basically everyone knows it. Everyone basically has their own habits. When things are used up, they are called directly to buy them. It’s nothing to stay, the time. After a long time, this situation has formed."

Looking at it carefully, sure enough, many girls who are dressed well and dressed up are actually embarrassed, and this is how many people come in and out alone.

Jing Hao, a few of them went in, the store was full of exquisite eyes, and the people who bought things were actually not too small. As Gong Yu said, what to ask for, directly said, the waitress in the store gave them something, they paid for it. Just leave, basically no one stays.

Being a waitress here is naturally very eye-catching. When I saw Jing Hao and his party, I basically decided that this was a newcomer. So, a waitress smiled and greeted him. "What does the girl need? ?"

"I am looking for your treasurer." Jing Hao bluntly stated his purpose.

The waitress gave a slight glimpse. "That girl waits for you." Let another female waitress go upstairs, and she will lead Jing Hao to some places inside. Jing Hao did not expect that there is a small and elegant cubicle. Through this small compartment, Jing Hao knows that the people who arrange it are very interesting and tasteful.

Jing Hao looked at the things placed on the Duobao Pavilion. It was not much more expensive, but each one was very delicate and had its own unique features.

"It seems that Luo San girl likes things from slaves."

Jing Hao heard the words and saw a middle-aged woman.

Obviously, there is a dignified temperament of a lady. It is dressed and dressed, but it has the smell of dust. Of course, this is just the view of Gong Yu and others. In the eyes of Jing Hao, there is no feeling. She just wears a little thinner and then clothes close. A little bit, then there is a little better. It’s not very beautiful, there’s a red cockroach under the right corner of the eye. It’s not big, but it’s red like blood. It’s a very charming woman, not to mention young, even now. I am afraid that they are all sought after by men.

"Mrs who know me?"

The woman laughed, and she smiled and swayed. "Hey, for the first time, someone called a slave lady. The girl called the slave family, and everyone else called it. The big princess was born that day, slave Also."

Jing Hao nodded. "Yun Niang is the treasurer here?"

"It is not, however, the Rouge Pavilion is a slave." Yun Niang smiled.

"Oh, it seems that it is time for me to come here today."

Yun Niang’s smile is deeper. Few people know that she is the owner of the Rouge Pavilion and she is not surprised. Especially, she is a little girl born in the backyard of the deep house. However, there may be limited knowledge and no idea of ​​the rouge. What is it, however, it is not like a short-sighted person to see the girl’s performance at the Princess of the Great Princess. "Girl please sit down." Then let the waitress give Jing Hao a cup of tea. "The girl came to the shopkeeper to find the treasurer. I don't know what is going on?"

Under the gesture of Jing Hao, the wooden box that Bai Hao will hold on the table opens. "This is something I use very often. How about Yun Niang?"

Yun Niang’s slight blink of an eye, she already knows the purpose of Jing Hao’s coming to her. "You don't have to slap them, slaves can be a girl." He took out a flat jade bottle and took a lid but couldn't open it.

Greenland stepped forward and screwed it twice to open the lid.

Yunniang rubbed the two threads on the edge of the jade bottle, "good ingenuity." Then use a finger to touch a little creamy cream, smudge it on the back of the hand, with a touch of tea, then look at Jing Hao's Face and hands, "Do not blame the girl for taking things to the Rouge Pavilion."

"So, what does Yun Yun feel?"

"So good, if you refuse to do it, the slaves may regret it for a lifetime." Yunniang took out all kinds of skin care products from the box, and the paper underneath was the real baby.

"Where I give the recipe, I want a 30% bonus, and the rest will not matter."

The rhyme looks like a helpless sigh. "The girl’s shopkeeper is really free and easy."

"Because you are afraid of trouble, otherwise you will have a difficult opponent in the Rouge Pavilion for two years."

"That's really lucky."

Having said that, however, Jing Hao can feel her disapproval. She also said that she is a woman, she has no point, how can she keep the money tree of the Rouge Club. "I have a little suggestion. You may wish to listen to it. Of course, if you are willing to accept it, accept it. If you are unwilling to accept it, you should be good at it."

"The suggestion of Luo San’s girl to the Princess of the Great Princess caused such a sensation. The slaves felt that if you really thought of your words, it would not be a wise decision."

"Yun Niang has won the prize." Jing Hao just said that the packaging problem, propaganda means what, does not need it, after all, the reputation of Rouge Pavilion is so big. Fine packaging, that is definitely an effective way to improve the value of goods, the grades go up, the value of things may be ten times times the skyrocketing. "Wooden boxes, silver boxes, gold boxes, jade boxes, gemstones, wooden boxes can also be divided into different kinds of wood, and then several sets of matching sets, single product, can have a more popular box, naturally can also have A special box that belongs to someone alone...."

In the eyes of Yun Niang, she looked at Jing Hao, and it was incredible. "You little girl is really a bad thing. If you let me do something, people who are with you are afraid to have no food."

"Yun Niang is exaggerated, and I can come up with ideas. In fact, I don't know anything."

Yun Niang smiled and shook her head, then went to write a deed.

"Four Chengli? Yunniang, this is too much."

"Not much, the value of your idea is far more than that. If the slave is a businessman, sometimes, the slave is happy."

"That's disrespectful."

"So, Luo San girl has no other requirements, for example, people from your family come to buy..."

"According to the price of 10% of the selling price, but each person has a fixed amount every month, the excess is still the original price, I can not let Yunniang you suffer loss. Oh, yes, my four sisters to buy, you You can also raise the price." Even if she took it out, it would make you Luo Jingying unable to use it. As for Luo Jingying will not "rob" other people, then regardless of Jing Hao's business. After all, except for Liu’s, Luo Jing’s hands, I’m afraid that it’s no longer good to grab, but Liu’s not much money, will he be willing to give his share to Luo Jingying? Ha ha……

------Off topic ------

Recently, the code word feels so tired and tired, how can I not lift the speed, hehe~

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