Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 122: : No more moths

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Sun Yilin was distracted by the attitude of Mrs. Dingguo’s wife, but in general it did not hinder anything, but it also strengthened some of his thoughts.

Because Mrs. Dingguo’s wife is not happy, she originally wanted to perfunctory things, but in the end it’s also about the son’s face, the face of the government’s government, and the old lady’s promotion. If she’s sloppy, she’ll say no. The old lady was dissatisfied, but she did not have half the benefits.

However, the original sense of Jing Hao's sensibility has suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Now, how can the son be partial and married, and he is married to the government of the country. Isn’t it right for him to say that it’s not a matter of course? Therefore, in the early stage of the matter, I still tried my best to get the "best" posture of the government of the country, so that the world would be embarrassed, and she valued this daughter-in-law. In fact, it’s not that I didn’t mean to suppress Jing’s identity at this time, let her see her identity, and let other children’s daughters feel awkward, knowing that they are only talking about their family, even the nephew’s wife. None of them are worse than Jing Hao. Now that this degree of attention is even more than that of Changchun, is it still worth it?

If Jing Hao is married, it must be surrounded by all sides.

The wife of Dingguogong was very quick. Every two days, the matchmaker went to Luojiamen.

Originally in the eyes of Luo Peishan and Luo Lao, this matter, even if it was handed over to Sun Yilin, I was afraid that it would take some time, but I never thought that the government of the country still had such a big killer, Mrs. Sun. When the shots are on the top of the Megatron, the talents of the sharp-knives are ready to fight, and they have to stop. Therefore, the speed of the door to the relatives of the government of the country is too fast to respond.

If you don’t say anything, this matchmaker will bring a gift to the door for the first time. It’s just a “exploration of the road”. The gift of this kiss is quite expensive. It only needs 30 things that represent good luck, but the matchmaker. Brought to it, in addition to what should be, there are hundreds, and the pieces are expensive, if this is to say to the eldest son, or the door of the Luo family is very high, this is naturally no problem, but neither of these When I saw these things, Mrs. Luo’s face was black. Is this a marriage proposal or a forced marriage?

If there is still a trace of reason, Mrs. Luo wants to sweep the matchmakers out with these things.

Because Sun Yilin has been selected, if this time the people are driven out, there will inevitably be new twists and turns. However, the actions of the government of the country, or the actions of the wife of the country, gave her a suspicion. Is it really okay to marry someone like that? There is no doubt about her ability and wrist. Moreover, she is really willing to let go of her body to please a person. She can’t do it. However, let her suffer from arrogance and let her suffer such grievances. I can’t help if I want to.

The matchmaker is actually a bit embarrassed. The fact that the Dingguo Gong’s wife did this is indeed not kind. Even if you value this daughter-in-law again, you can’t bring hatred to others at this time. Even if she took her hand again, she said that after the girl married in the government office, she had the support of her mother-in-law. There is still a slight difference in her practice. Instead, Mrs. Luo said a lot of good things.

Mrs. Luo promised to consider it, and then sent the matchmaker out.

To say that this is also a very normal thing, except for special circumstances such as giving a marriage, in general, even if the two sides agree in advance, the matchmaker will still hold the first time when the matchmaker asks for the first time. However, what this matchmaker felt from Mrs. Luo’s wife was not a housekeeper but a real consideration.

This time, because all parties are paying attention, naturally it is impossible to be as quiet as Chen Zhengmin’s first time, and perhaps the people of the Prince Kang’s family will show off their victory to their opponents, plus Mrs. Deliberately making a big fantasies, saying that it is a fuss over the city, it is really a bit of a forced marriage.

To say that this is a happy thing. There are not a few happy people in the Luo family. Those who are still very happy, I feel that they are really the three girls in their family, even if they are retired. There are better people, who is Sun Yilin, that is the first son of the capital, one of the four masters, the red man in front of the holy, the future is boundless, the object of the number of women and girls in the spring, this is to become their grandfather It is.

Then, those who saw the clues had a popular science, let them know the twists and turns around them, some people were embarrassed, some people did not care, and they made people awkward, and several of them were not like this. There is such a husband, but also thinking about the kindness of the mother-in-law, how can there be such a good thing?

Where is this good thing? Sun Yijia knows that he has encountered such a good thing. When she knew this, she was so angry that she was so comfortable that she was comfortable at the Locke House. No one was embarrassed. Her best handkerchief was handed over to the little girl. This was just beginning to be a relative, and her aging mother began to figure out how to do it. Give her ugly, what makes her daughter in the Locke family so embarrassed? I never thought about it. You are not good for your daughter. Is it bad for your daughter? Does she have her own daughter in her heart?

Sun Yijia’s elders of Luo’s family lived comfortably, including Jingbo’s good for her. She knew very well that more reasons were due to the love of the house and the black. Jing Bo looked at her intimately, and she also had weight in her heart, but this weight is far less than Jing Wei. After all, they lived together for a short time. At this time, let him choose one of his sisters and his sister. He will definitely choose himself. Sister, she is not embarrassed, because nothing is good.

However, when I think of the newlyweds who are cold-faced to themselves, they think that the old lady who was originally kind and cold-eyed, and the person who is like a mother-in-law will show dissatisfaction with herself. Sun Yijia only feels that the heart is cut by the knife. Hurt, she will not see her when she is pregnant? And the girl who is so good as her sister, can't find a second time, why should she target her? Don't you know, the more you do, the more your son will centrifuge with you?

After seeing Luo Jingbo returning, Sun Yijia watched him carefully, fearing to see alienation and disgust from his eyes. Luo Jingbo quietly watched her for a moment. To tell the truth, after knowing what the government of the country was doing, it really gave birth to anger. On the one hand, he is a close-knit sister, and on the other hand, he is a wife who is not deeply in love. Naturally, he will subconsciously anger. However, on the way back, he was sent by the younger sister to intercept...

Luo Jingbo reached out and took over Sun Yijia. "Yi Jia, you are now a family of Luo." The younger sister said that she should not be angry with her. She didn't know anything. She was innocent.

Sun Yijia hugged Luo Jingbo, could not stop tears, a apology, it is her mother.

However, the days of Mrs. Dingguo’s wife were not good. I didn’t expect it to be just a moment’s temper, but it was like a big mistake. My son accused her, and her mother who has always been strict but does not say how to talk is even more direct. She licked a dog's blood sprinkler, the most heart-wrenching sentence - looking at the mother, the heart is actually more vicious than the queen.

Mrs. Dingguo’s wife wanted to argue, but she really forgot that her daughter was still living in Luo’s family.

--Unrepentant. Then, Mrs. Sun let her roll.

This is not over yet, and it was called into the palace by the Queen's maiden. The tone of the Queen's speech is still as usual. However, the content of the words is called Ding Guogong's wife. - This palace thought that Xunzi is a wise man. Now, it seems that he is wrong. You are not only stupid, but also stupid, no one can, or do you have a hatred with this palace or the emperor? The kindness of Luo San’s girl, if mastered in the hands of the emperor, may even be overwhelmed by the prince of Rui, how many people want to marry her, because the relationship of the mother, let those people stop, let Yilin have a chance to get the first chance You are so eager to push people out? Are you arrogant to board the throne and then clean up the Prince of Kang?

Although Mrs. Dingguo’s wife is also very powerful, but it is only on the issue of the house, the external vision is still lower, she did not expect it to be a little girl, how can there be that ability?

——Do you believe that if the Luo family refuses to settle down the government, will there be a bunch of people running to Luojia to kiss? No matter what method you use, it is best to make this thing beautiful and happy. If the Locke refused the marriage, you should not sit in the position of the lady.

Dingguogong’s wife naturally did not dare to neglect, but at the same time, she did not like Jingjing and directly evolved into hate. If she was not her, her son would not centrifuge with her. If it were not for her, she would not fall into the present. This is the case. Also, a girl's home, stimulating the situation, it is not safe to squat, how can it be suitable for IKEA?

However, regardless of his inner feelings, Mrs. Dingguo’s wife still did a good job and personally started the Luo family. The attitude toward Jing Hao was more than a relative of the relatives. Jing Hao’s whole journey was only a shallow smile.

Mrs. Dingguo’s wife said that she really did it because she paid attention to it, but she did not want to cause bad results. She also thought about it and so on.

Mrs. Luo has already discussed with Luo Peishan privately, and Luo Peishan also looked for Sun Yilin in private and got his guarantee. In this way, Mrs. Luo is reluctant to agree.

Mrs. Dingguo’s wife can be considered a relief. In order to implement this matter as soon as possible, the next day, I will go to the Luo family to receive the gift.

This time, there is no moth. Although Naxi Li is richer than the average person, it is also suitable for Jing's identity. It is considered to be quite satisfactory. Because the same time is tight, the geese used are also woodcarving geese.

Then I exchanged the Geng Post, and after the text, the following things are basically smooth and smooth.

The most happy thing is Sun Yilin, and the heart seems to have fallen into practice.

However, during the whole process, Jing Hao was the most shocked and calm.

------Off topic ------

Want to cry without tears~

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