Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 123: : The pattern changes again

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Jing Hao and Sun Yilin’s relatives must be, even if Luo’s family is completely relegated to the Prince of Kang, how many people sigh and swear, naturally there are so many hateful teeth, if it is after multiple contests, then lose, maybe Not reconciled. But it is not so wrong. In this case, let alone Li Hongyuan wants to know the relationship between Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Le Cheng, and others don’t want to know, it’s the fact that all parties are coming together, and it’s necessary to find out what’s going on.

Li Hongming’s fists creaked, and the Luo family had not touched the other big brothers before the other’s three grandfathers. Before that, it’s not so easy to integrate them. The original ones are excluded. He, because he will dilute their benefits, and Luo Peishan is not on his own, and may not be willing to blend in.

As a result, he may not be able to reverse the situation. Do not say anything else, that Luo Sanye, actually feels looking for the door, this time do not want to quit. This divergence, once used, is a big weapon, perhaps without a single soldier, you can call the enemy to fall apart.

Luo Jingying is still resentful of Jing Hao’s good fortune. She has retired a pro-person, and there are also girls in the whole capital who are envious of the good marriage, but she can’t express it at half point. At this time, she received it from the outside. The things that were brought in, a set of valuable heads, although Luo Jingying did not know the specifics, but at least it was comparable to one of Sun Yijia’s twelve sets of heads, and there were 18 pieces, Luo Jingying. One piece of care, like it, can't do it, then find out the most beautiful clothes, put the whole set of heads one by one.

However, the result made her very dissatisfied. In her opinion, this dress is really bad. It is not worthy of this face. Sun Yijia’s dowry is a lot of good materials. Yuehua silk, peacock silk and 鲛 鲛 都Yes, and there is more than one, but the granddaughter who once was famous in the capital city, like Luo Jing’s monk, is very stingy.

"The girl's face is very beautiful."

Luo Jingying’s next one, looking back at her education, rushing to get things down, is fearful and angry. “I’m not saying, no one is allowed to come in?”

Privately accepting such a thing, if it is known, she will have to peel off the skin if she does not die.

"The girl is flustered, and the slaves will never tell others to know, including the ladies. The slaves are the ones who serve the girls. This is one." The teacher is not too slow to approach, "Well, it's really beautiful." It’s a good thing to wear a girl. It’s just a piece of clothes. However, such a good head has it. Are you afraid of no clothes? However, such a valuable thing, should the girl thank the infatuated person? ”

Luo Jingying turned from panic to shyness. "But, hey, I have nothing. How can I thank him?"

"How can a girl have nothing? You have the most precious thing in the world, and that is yourself." The education seems to have a profound meaning. "The girl must go to see him at least, and thank you in the face."

Speaking of this, Luo Jingying was a little discouraged, "but the grandmother will not let me go out."

"If the girl really wants to go out, there is a way for the slave to see the girl dare."

Luo Jingying’s eyes lit up at once. "If you don’t dare, let me say."

"In fact, it is very simple, but it is to return the clothes and go out from the back door. The slaves are very familiar with the women who guard the back door."

"Hey, I want to go out, I am going out now."

"The girl is in a hurry, and wait for tomorrow morning, today, the slaves will send the news first, and they will not let the girl be a waste of time."

"But how do you send the news, he is..." Prince of the House, Luo Jingying also knows that it is not so easy to get close. She was faintly confused last time, and did not ask him how to deliver the news.

The education is very careless, laughing. "According to the attitude of the infatuated person to the girl, I will definitely stay outside the house, always pay attention to the girl's movements. Therefore, the slaves only need to go out and find each other. Just fine."

“Is it true?” Luo Jingying asked with a little excitement, and her heart was very sweet.

Nodded by the education.

"That would be annoying." Luo Jingying said with a smile.

"It’s all slaves should do it." After the ceremony, he retired.

Oh, the simple, ignorant and stupid girl, blindly immersed in her illusory love, can't see the current situation. Luo Jia has been tied to the ship of Prince Kang, but if he has a bit of a brain, he should know that if he continues to entangle with the Prince of Rui, there will be no good fruit to eat, not to think that it will not happen, the purpose of Rui Prince is so obvious. Once you get it, how can you hide it? Nowadays, Luo Jingying thinks that he is hiding very well. Even if one or two people around him know something inside, they don’t know who the other person is.

However, she is a sinner, just obeying the instructions of the master. However, Ming Mingrui’s prince was even more optimistic, but Luo’s family was forced to be tied to the Prince Kang’s family. However, it’s okay, Rui’s prince is not yet to stop. In the end, only to keep the three rooms, let the three houses become Luo. What about the top pillars of the family?

At the same time, Luo Sanye, Luo Rongping, also secretly received a gift from the Prince of Rui, 100,000 silver, plus a gorgeous dagger inlaid with several gems. The intimidation of Galilee is so simple and rude.

Luo Rongping knows very well that there are many things in this family, and the father will only tell the older brother. Now Luo Jia is caught in a battle for victory. It is reasonable to say that he should not hesitate to follow the pace of the family, but he wants to get out of the Prince of Rui, but it is difficult. Not only that, but the father did not value him at all. He did not seem to be the same, and he had done so much work on the people on the side of Prince Kang. Basically, there was no effect. But now, the meaning of seeing the Prince of Rui is obvious. "Reuse" him. It is to choose family concentricity and continue to be unseen. Even if the Luo family finally has the merits of the dragon, it may be a lifelong inaction. Or choose to be separated from the family, be reused, and bet on the brilliant future of one person and one thousand people?

Luo Rong looked at the things on the table calmly. He didn't think too much time and collected things. Apparently, he chose selfish desires and deviated from the family.

In addition to a few people who knew it, Luo Jia and many people outside thought that Luo Peishan was forced to go to Kang’s boat. However, Luo Rongyan still had suspicion. In this case, the source may still be on his father. He will himself. The daughter considered it, he chose Sun Yilin. This idea is not only in the mind, but in the roots. After all, the father said this problem. After a day or two, things basically have a conclusion, which is too coincidental.

In the hall, it is also not calm. Because of the expectation of others, the old cadre Shangshu is as expected. After the trial, he is ready to resign. Sure enough, the official handed down the official affair, and the music is dismissed. Two times, when he was on the third time, he was finally allowed.

The scorpion is the head of the six, and the sacred book is the head of the scorpion. It is the real high power and heavy weight. I don’t know how many people are staring at the fat. Li Hongming was originally prepared to take Luo Peishan back to him and push him to this position, but now he has changed his life. Although he has not given up, whether he wants to push one or not, he is hesitant. You must know that Luo San is only a relative to Sun Yilin after all, and there is no substantive involvement. It’s still a year since Luo San’s girl and her sister, and Luo’s family may not wait for her to marry. So long time, what changes are possible, Kang Prince and others in order to win the trust of Luo Peishan, but in full force, if the Rui Prince pushes one more, basically it is the ten-nine-nine, yes, the Prince of the family, then only dry Blinking. Moreover, Luo Peishan also has the possibility to use it for himself. So, is this bet still not going down?

Li Hongming summoned all the staff behind him and discussed all aspects in detail. Although Su Guizhen did not have the ambition to be in power as the Queen, she could not ignore her wisdom. Therefore, her opinion, Li Hongming also asked. . There is a great risk of pushing Luo Peishan up, but if Li Hongming plans to succeed, it may bring huge benefits. More importantly, Li Hongming does not have a more suitable candidate. Those who are qualified to sit in that position have mastered it. With other important points, you can't let the benefits of being in business for years to go out for the position that you haven't gotten yet. The final decision - push!

Because he has already fallen into a quagmire, Luo Peishan no longer cares so much. In the hall, he is no longer a leisurely one. He rarely speaks except for his own affairs. He becomes active. At this time, people are also aware of it. The greatness of this ritual Shangshu adult is that it is only a knife and a sword. It is often like a sword. Many times it is a shot, and those who argue with him will be mad at him. And "death".

The Lecheng Emperor, who is sitting on a dragon chair, is looking at it. He didn't expect that he would look at the full-fledged elegance and the temperament of Luo Aiqing, who is still a slap in the face.

Lecheng Emperor left Luo Peishan to speak, and the husband and the minister handed over the heart. Luo Peishan is also frank, and when he does not want to fall into a dispute, he naturally wants to be low-key. When he has to do it, he naturally no longer hides his shackles. If nothing else, he must always add some enthusiasm to the children and grandchildren. Otherwise, There are always some people who want to bully and bully, but if he is still alive and still an official, he must not let it go.

The thing that Jing Hao was "bullying" by Mrs. Dingguo’s wife would naturally not be passed to the ear of Lecheng’s emperor. The Lecheng Emperor thought that the junior of the Luo family might have had a dispute with other people and the result was a loss.

Luo Peishan’s attitude also clearly told the Emperor Le Cheng that he was going to the position of Shang Shu’s book. As for the promotion of Kang’s Prince, it would have been an inevitable thing. In order to push Prince Kang to the throne, he I will go all out, and now I will see if the Emperor Le Cheng is going to suppress Prince Kang.

Luo Jingying’s education is expected to be good. There is Li Hongming’s person near Luo’s house. She just shows a little bit of looking for someone, and someone directly finds it. However, it is not expected to be approved this day, but it will be pushed back one day. Just because the music master of the day, the emperor asked the courtier to recommend the candidate for the book, but no accident, there will be results tomorrow. At this time, Li Hongming has time to deal with Luo Jingying.

However, they probably couldn’t think of it, and all the words and deeds clearly fell into the eyes of the third party.

Sure enough, the early morning of the next day, Le Chengdi complied with the opinions of the courtiers, and Luo Peishan "has been expected to return", and Le Chengdi also said this without hesitation. I also ordered the Ministry of Rites to help the Shangshu management ritual department. If it is done well, it may directly take over the work of Shangshu. If it is not good, it will naturally choose another.

The people of the Prince Kang’s family know that the Prince of Rui is not weak because there is no one, but the majority of them recommend Luo Peishan, and even more of them have more.

What does it mean?

After retreating to the DPRK, the people on the side of Prince Kang have not said anything yet. The people over the Prince of Rui have already congratulated one by one, and he is stunned. It is a sincere and happy, not a fake.

Li Hongqi was originally a person who was more temperamental. This scene is like a horse cell. After the person has not dispersed, Li Hongyi directly stunned Luo Peishan and then walked away.

Li Hongming went to Luo Peishan and smiled. "Luo Daren, congratulations. The big emperor has always been that temper, don't let him know."

Luo Peishan faintly accepted two sentences.

He thought that Li Hongming might not have been so easy to stop, but he did not expect to be so thorough. He completely gave up the position of the 吏部尚书, so blatantly separated from him and Kang Prince, but because it is too bright, it is good. I have nothing to say. Not to mention Li Hongyi, even many of his "strategists" have looked at him with a strange look. I wonder if this is what they have planned for a long time. They have relied on Prince Kang on the bright side, but they have long since The prince hooked up, for 100% to push Luo Peishan to the position of the book?

Li Hongming was very satisfied with the result. He was better than he expected. His decision was correct. Li Hongyi was clear to him. Even if he let him know his intentions, he was afraid that he would still be guilty. Trust Luo Peishan, then the role played by Luo Peishan will be greatly reduced, or even counterproductive, the number of times, Luo Peishan is not cold, only to blame, when he is not guilty, then Li Xianxian corporal, let him use for their own possibilities Not too big. In this short period of time, he has seen the power of Luo Peishan. He has the help of his position in the book, and will definitely be more powerful.

Li Hongming's mood is very good, very good.

Look at him like this, the suspicion of Prince Kang is deeper.

Luo Peishan sighed in his heart. He was a prince of Xiao Ruirui. Although he had a house, he had something to offer. However, some things are not so easy to be used. However, the prince of Rui has just given up, and this kind of heart and courage is the Prince Kang. Far from being, don't blame Rui Prince for being optimistic. It is not so easy to add chips to Prince Kang.

"Luo Daren..." The fifth Taiqing came forward, and it was a happy event for her "old rival", but she was not happy. He does not believe that Luo Peishan is a person with two sides and three knives. He can only say that the prince of the prince is a good person, and then the art of the emperor of the singer is playing well. It is said that it is not that Lecheng Emperor will have those who recommended Luo Peishan to give it up. Probably most people think that Luo Peishan has been recommended the most. No one knows that the high is so outrageous, and he will not think about going to check it. . After all, this fold was directly sent to the hands of Le Chengdi, without going through the cabinet.

"The fifth adult." Luo Peishan returned to the ceremony, and he did not have the mood to bicker with the fifth Taiqing.

"I am afraid that there is no chance to enjoy the flowers with Luo Daren in the future." One is that the Shangshu Shangshu is too busy with the ritual Shangshu, and the other is that you are a neutral person, and the person who runs to the prince of the People’s Family Kang Qing and I want to tell everyone. Are you Dali Siqing also ready to vote for Prince Kang? The most painful thing for the fifth Taiqing is that he can no longer run to Luofu. Those who are so ill, how many times have they been, how can people live.

Luo Peishan faintly glanced at him, he was not happy, and he did not want to let others happy. "The three-colored peony of my family's three-headed peony opened."

The fifth Taiqing couldn't help but have a beard. "Luo Daren, you are really not kind." Is there such a temptation? unacceptable.

"Oh," Luo Peishan smiled and smiled. "The official is not kind, but it is a trivial matter."

For those who don't love flowers, it must be a small thing that can't be small, but for those who love to be crazy, the temptation can be no small feat. Not to mention the fifth Taiqing, the other few who have not gone, it is all itchy, want to beat him and let him show off.

"Luo Daren Ren Bianbu Shangshu, although it is only a flat tone, but in fact it is a high rise, a happy event, it is worth celebrating. After I am not going to kneel down, I will meet in Luofu, and Luo Daren will make a drink of joy?" Said.

"The words of the first assistant are very reasonable." One after another.

This group of people, which factions have, there is no need to worry about what they will discuss together, purely drinking, of course, the meaning of drunken is not wine!

Luo Peishan black face, eye knife can be hard to poke on the body of Rui Ruizhong, but unfortunately, the first assistant adult is thick, full of smiles, and he is not moving. Luo Peishan has killed the Quartet in the court in recent days, but it does not mean that he has no opponents. My heart stalked an old blood, "Tomorrow." There is no such feeling in this day.

"That's it."

After the end of the early dynasty, the Luo family did not know, but Luo Peishan was the subject of the Shangshu book, but everyone knows that the Luo family from the master to the next, there are few who do not care, Wang is the master, each under People pay more than a month's worth of money.

Luo Peishan did not want to sweep the interest of everyone, so it did not appear on the face. However, for those who are extremely connected, they still see the clue. "Master, what's wrong?" asked Mrs. Luo.

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