Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 127: : gnashing teeth

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Luo Peishan expressed mercy to Prince Gong.

Li Hongyuan seems to have seen Luo Peishan's thoughts. "Luo Daren can still pity Li Hongyi again. After all, in his eyes, Qin Tianming is loyal to him, but this is probably not a few things that make him worthy of praise."

Luo Peishan Mo, the face is suppressed by this temper, can only detour, even if he is secretly digging the wall, all kinds of calculations, rectification, framed, but still can not find the main master, with others It was called a fierce. After all the preparations for sharpening the knife, Huo Hu was tempted to clean up the master. I don’t know, all of them were played by him in the palm of his hand. In his eyes, perhaps like a clown, I thought before... wrong...

"Wang Ye, the granddaughter of the old minister is at the cliff of Bailong Temple. Is it also your handwriting?"

"That was an accident," although it was an accident created by Yan Fangfei, and they were only implicated. "This king will make a joke with his life? The assassination is indeed prepared, but it happens to happen, ahead of time." ""

Luo Peishan’s throat has a **** mouth, and it’s really something that can be used by you. What kind of unexpected life-saving grace is clearly the “bitter plan” that this live king has staged, deliberately letting San Shantou alone with his lonely man and daughter. If you really stare at it, according to this stinking virtue, nothing happened, Luo Peishan did not believe in death.

"At most, it is the kiss and hug. Before the marriage, the king will not let the shackles break."

"That's really thank you Wang Ye!" Luo Peishan said with a grin.

"A family, you are welcome." Li Hongyuan said shamelessly.

Who is his mother and you are a family? Can't afford it! Luo Peishan finally realized that the Emperor Lecheng was so violently thundered by this scorpion king. It was really a leisurely slap in the face of his grandson, and dared to say such words brazenly? This face is really thicker than the old oil that they have mixed in the officialdom for decades. "Congratulation to the prince, it is dark, please also ask the prince to be careful." The night road is gone, beware of ghosts.

Li Hongyuan nodded. "This king can think that Luo Daren is caring for the future granddaughter?"

Luo Peishan returned to him with two sneers. Fortunately, Li Hongyuan did not send him to Luojia as early as a few years ago, but he did not know that the most believing person around Jingyi was his own, and Luo Jiaming’s eyes were all dark. Quite a lot, these have let Luo Peishan know, maybe it will be mad at the blood.

Li Hongyuan's skin is too thick and does not care. "Dark one..."

Someone who kept outside heard the words, came in quickly, and handed a book to him respectfully. The master is a devil or something, and I haven’t heard it. It’s like a slap in the ear. The risk of being valued is too great. Should you consider switching to someone else next time?

Li Hongyuan took it and handed it to Luo Peishan. "Luo Daren, you can help you control your cadres."

Although Luo Peishan was so angry that he was dying, he did not refuse this kindness.

"Luo Daren only needs to manage the cadres, and nothing else needs to be done, including the hustle and bustle of the princes. The time has come, and it will be natural to retreat."

Luo Peishan looked at Li Hongyuan and soon disappeared into the night. He couldn't help but think of two people. Chen Zhengmin and Sun Yilin, who used to slap their noses and squint their eyes, didn't have a good face, but this time, right. They are extremely sympathetic.

It is said that this person is old and fine, and he will not see that they have moved their true feelings towards their own grandchildren. Originally, they can be detained with their favorite girl. This is already a reward, just need to wait for a year or two. The last step can be done, but when it is the spring breeze, it comes to the blue sky.

Think about Chen Zhengmin, Jinshi and Di, and explore the flowers. As a result, there is no such thing as a half-point of joy. Even if you don’t slow down, you may even delay your future. Without knowing the truth, only when he is not good at the road, but after knowing the truth, this road is really very bad, and it is not the blood mold of the eight generations that the living king sees it as a stab in the eyes.

There is Sun Yilin, originally, there is no hope, but now there is a failure to recover. However, he simply does not know that this is just a mirror, his joyous marriage contract is actually a paving stone for others. I may still be happy now, maybe I will be very sad when I am.

Luo Peishan now has extra pity for them. They are actually good children. They just want to be a favorite person. If they don’t have emotions about the three hoes, maybe they won’t... No, this is the heart that hurts. This is not a favorite, and may not be able to retreat. My girl is so good, why don't you care about it? Luo Peishan thinks that he is such a state of mind. Standing on the angle of the living king who never acts according to common sense, may he think that the person who can see the king, you can't see it? Oh, this last end may not be better than "not good", maybe even worse. In short, as long as it is the paving stone selected by the living king, it is a bad luck.

In the case of Luo Peishan, Jin’s prince should have prepared at least two people, and according to the previous two standards, I am afraid that they are all first-class young talents. It should be said that the prince of Jin is really affectionate about his grandson, and this picking person is the object of countless women’s thoughts. This stepping stone must choose the best ones. It’s really, it’s not acceptable. Although, in fact, Jing’s two companions, the men are their own choices, but if someone is not satisfied, I’m afraid I will give up before I set my parents.


Luo Peishan took back the scattered thoughts and returned to the desk. Only then slowly opened the booklet. There were some things on the top. Luo Peishan looked more and more shocked. At least half of the people were loyal to the prince of Jin. From top to bottom, there are people in charge of all aspects. It can be said that although the Prince of Jin is not in the crotch, the situation of the crotch is that no one knows better than him, so even if he is a loyalty to a master. They may not be in the same position as each other.

Under this time, Luo Peishan was also pity for the prince of Rui. He also spent nearly a year in the shackles. The phone bills had countless efforts, and the results did not reach expectations. Those who were wooed were more than half of the princes of Jin. Where is the help, clearly is the destructive power, he will never get the most real thing, he knows everything is true and false, the fake thing is not obvious, but at the critical moment, any wrong message may be defeated.

The crotch is like this, what about other places? Luo Peishan did not believe that he did not intervene.

However, Luo Peishan is more and more alarmed by Li Hongyuan's means. He has no advantage at all. Without anyone relying on his support, he can do this alone. This is terrible. It is against this one, even if there is The gas transport against the sky may not all be fighting with it. Moreover, he can go to today, and this air transport is certainly not bad.

He has taken advantage of the time and place, and forcibly reversed the "human peace", which is invincible.

The prince who had felt good before, was immediately squandered by the prince of Jin. They were afraid that they would add up and could not fight with him. If there is support from the emperor, maybe he is now righteous. Prince. Unfortunately, devils!

It’s just... Sayong’s loss of horses, knowing that he is not a blessing, if Jin’s mother is still alive, he will be the true son of the Son of Heaven, beloved by his parents, and be flattered by the various people around him. Then he may not be far from the present.

Luo Peishan silently burned the booklet, his grandson, will you really marry such a man in the future? And such a man really guards a woman for a lifetime? It’s the best that I can’t get it. I don’t marry him now, so he counts, so he can keep it, but in the future, after he’s got what he wants, maybe it’s the love that comes from dreams. Will fade away little by little, he will become like the other emperors, the harem of the three thousand?

Luo Peishan sighed softly, facing this, it was only what he said and there was no room for resistance.

However, the prince of Jin, who is forbearing and unassuming, is often said to be one of the best. He can basically do what he says, maybe he has such a way of life?

Luo Peishan thought about this, and the anxiety gradually fell. Besides, the established thing, he is now sad and has no effect.

As for the taboo "devil", Luo Peishan is not a bit.

Looking at the booklet completely into ashes, his little hurriedly rushed in and threw himself down.

"Where have you been, how long have you been?" Luo Peishan asked quietly.

"Master, lord, small, small accidentally fell asleep, small damn, small..."

"Okay, get up, it's not early, go get ready, take a break."


I am afraid that I am not asleep, I was taken to the medicine.

The next day, because there was no early pilgrimage, Luo Peishan went directly to the shackles of the shackles, and all the way, he saw that he was calm, not half-depressed, really, or forced out, in fact, how much It can be seen some, so many people are facing each other, what is going on? When I went down yesterday, I obviously felt him...

When I saw Li Hongming, the other party smiled at him. Luo Peishan had a lot of laughter in the mountains. He wanted more sincerity and sincerity. When Li Hongming asked him to take care of him, Luo Peishan’s machine was even more slippery. .

Li Hongming still smiled on his face, but in my heart, it was not so happy. What is going on? It’s hard not to know that Li Hongjun’s shot was over, and it’s not only a misunderstanding, but also a fast-paced relationship in a short period of time.

The people on the other side of Li Hongyi are also depressed. Can Luo Peishan really rely on Li Hongming? Now even disguise it and do it? He is not afraid of both sides not pleased? It was so odious, so the people on both sides decided to give him some color, and it was not so easy to control the crotch.

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