Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 128: : noisy, no shame

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Can multi-blocking hinder or even prevent Luo Peishan from taking control of the cadres? Not to mention Luo Peishan's own ability, just because he has such a prospective granddaughter, it is like opening a hang, the whole cadre situation has already touched a seven seven eight eight, you think he said the inquiry, The following people shoved, should he know nothing? Don't tell him, it doesn't matter, Luo Peishan is happy, and there is nothing to say, and give him two days, slowly getting familiar with it. When it is time, don't say that his new official took three fires, and they feel that they are too pain.

There are a few people who always think that the head of the peak looks at their own strange eyes. It seems that they are so meaningful. If they are just right, they are very calm, but there are also those who have a bad heart. Can't help but wonder if your secret has been discovered? In short, it is very embarrassing.

Luo Peishan didn’t think about it, but these people were dressed up like each other. For their respective “masters”, they were all supernatural, but in fact... In retrospect, at some point, they are actually in special pits. The main son, this hate value is properly pulled, and sure enough, this official mixed, but no one is simple.

In addition, there is still a person who is not very comfortable, that is Luo Peishan's big son-in-law, Yuan Qiaoqiao, she is, what if, if the father-in-law is the boss, he should be more and more prosperous, but He is a person over the Prince of Rui. He once wanted to bring his father-in-law to the prince of Rui, but he did not succeed. In order to avoid the suspicion, he rarely went to Luojiamen. Before his mother-in-law was not there, his wife rarely returned to her family. But now, his situation has become awkward. The most obvious point is that after the former sergeant Shangshu was retired, Rui Prince alienated him a lot.

This half-day squad, Luo Peishan mixed, and still very happy.

Luo Peishan's attitude makes people more and more unpredictable. One day, he should have felt the rejection of the entire squad, and he was so flustered. I still know that my position is very embarrassing, so I give up on myself?

The Prince Kang, who was reprimanded by the Queen, was reluctant to look down on Luo Peishan. Unfortunately, he had no sincerity and a few words on his mouth. Luo Peishan was also not salty and not rude, and Prince Kang was mad at him. In his view, Luo Peishan was unfaithful to him. Now he is willing to use him. That is to give him a big face. Sincere and sincere, he is loyal to him. As a result... "Mother said, Luo Adults are a heavy affair, and they value their family. Now, it seems that it is not entirely true. Luo Daren is like most people. No, no, it’s far worse than them. They will at least think about their own girls. Will it be bad, Luo Daren, huh..."

Luo Peishan smiled, but his eyes were cold and cold. "In the meaning of Wang Ye, the granddaughter of the old minister has not yet entered the gate of the government office. Just like your aunt, do you want to give her a bad time? This foreigner Xiao Xiao, let the prince here, this is the nephew Xiao Yan mother?"

This can be a vicious thing. To be lighter, the Prince Kang’s actions are the same as those of the women’s Taoist family. To the point, he is skeptical about the birth of the Prince Kang, even if he is a queen who steals the dragon and turns the phoenix. It is not the kind of Lecheng Emperor.

"Luo Peishan -" Prince Kang directly throws his fist at Luo Peishan.

Suddenly, the human eye is fast, and it stops. Otherwise, this fist is solid. Luo Peishan is a young man, and he may be guilty of sin. Maybe it will be impossible to climb from then on.

Luo Peishan’s face was completely cold, and Kang’s face was even more blue, “Luo Daren, not a Luo Daren—” Kang’s prince went away. Under this circumstance, I am afraid that I will never pull my face to "summer".

The words "Xiao Yu Xiaomu" were quickly spread, and it is said that this Luo Daren is not really daring.

However, more people, but also think that Luo Daren is indeed the truth, even if you are a prince, want to draw people, no sincerity, even if the granddaughter has not married, it threatens, but not with your aunt same.

This kind of words, unless it is deliberate, will not be passed to the ears of Lecheng, but other people are different. After Li Hongyuan’s words in the Prince’s Mansion, he was undecided about Luo Peishan’s words, whether it was a layer of meaning or two layers of meaning, but when it comes to 婉婉, he will let Li Hongyi so easily. Therefore, Prince Kang will encounter an unfortunate incident.

When Li Hongming came to the newspaper, he went back to the government after a round of squatting in the shackles. At this time, it was the soft fragrance Wen Yu was in the arms, not others, it was Luo Jingying. Dressed in Chinese costumes, all over the body are expensive jewelry, relying on Li Hongming's arms, more importantly, the eyes are charming. She is like this, and she is seen by the discerning eye. One can guess what happened. Luo Jingying, has lost his innocence.

Li Hongming saw the near-servant not far away, and whispered softly in Luo Jingying's ear. In the eyes of Luo Jingying's affection, Li Hongming got up and left. "what's up?"

Li Hongming was told about the words that came in from the outside of the waiter.

"Looking at Xiao Yumu?" Li Hongming smiled very funny. "The idiot probably didn't even think of the second layer. Otherwise, it won't be so easy. But unfortunately, there is nothing to do at this point. However, Li Hongyi pushed Luo Peishan farther, and this is a great good thing for the king.” Li Hongming glanced at Luo Jingying, because the two had the closest relationship, Luo Jingying’s eyes were no longer concealed. Li Hongming smiled softly on his face. In his heart, Luo Jingying was no different from the nephew in the flower building. The good girl’s house learned the technique in the room. It was really not a general squat.

Therefore, this man is like this, he clearly enjoys it, and feels that the girl is not enough.

"You go on." Luo Peishan, there is no need to immediately recruit, but also a step-by-step process, it is best that Luo Peishan has struggled and found that it is not too late to control the crotch. Instead, I can watch Li Hongjun continue to do it.

Not waiting for Li Hongyuan to turn back, another closer to the newspaper, "Wang Ye, Fang Cai Wang and the dancers (Li Hongming from Li Hongyuan to go to the dancers) have come, just left the station and left."

"Don't worry." For his backyard, Li Hongming is still very confident. What to do, what not to do, everyone is very interesting and very acquainted.

However, it took a long time for Luo Jingying to spend this half-day, and it was a waste of time. Li Hongming approached Luo Jingying and sat down. Luo Jingying naturally got into his arms.

Li Hongming touched her face and said warmly: "Yinger, this king will let you go back."

Luo Jingying glanced, "But, but people don't want to go, can't bear the prince."

"This king can't bear you, but if you go back late, let your family know what to do?"

"Wang Ye didn't want to let 妾...the female family knows?" Looking up at Li Hongming, she was so weeping.

Li Hongming was busy kissing her eyes. "Of course I think, but this king does not want Ying's reputation to be damaged. I want to see Yinger's bright and honest Jin Dynasty. Yinger gives the king some time, this king must let Yingerfeng The scenery of the Prince of the Prince."


Luo Jingying was on the waiter's service and changed back to the original clothes. Although the close-fitting clothes were not replaced, Luo Jingying still felt that the original clothes were not well-dressed, and could not help but smash the Chinese clothes. When can I wear them out? However, I don’t want to think about it. Even if I entered the Prince of Rui, even if Li Hongming gave her a slap in the face, it would be a slap, and there was no qualification for returning to the door. Can't get out, still want to wear out? Before she entered the Prince of Rui, Li Hongming gave her a lot of good materials, and she did not wear that daring. I don't know if her brain has a pit.

Waiting for the slap in the face is unusually respectful, but her heart is too much for her, I have never seen such a shallow eye, and have never seen such a shameless. In fact, there are very few people who want to climb a bed in the Prince of Rui, because anyone who knows a little about Li Hongming’s true nature knows that even if the bed climbing is successful, there will be no coveted glory. Rich. So, what is the difference between a good official girl and a flower girl? I heard that it is still the granddaughter of the new cadre Shangshu. Luo Jiake is the scholarly sect of the book. He is known for his centuries. If he is known to the elderly, there is such a granddaughter who is so ruined that he will not be killed directly.

Luo Jingying quietly returned home from the back door, and the heart of the watchman’s woman who thumped and thumped finally fell back. The girl’s family secretly went out and thought that it was not a good thing. If she was known, she could not escape the first one.

Luo Jingying’s education and calmness calmly took over the big baggage of Luo Jingying’s hand, but the weight was not light. When Luo Jingying went out, it was empty hands, and the harvest was not small. Turning around, I want to bring Luo Jingying back to the three rooms.

The woman who was watching the door grabbed her. "But let me say this once." If she was not caught by the old aunt, how dare she do this kind of thing.

She raised her hand and threw a silver ball from her sleeve and threw it at her. "It will be annoying next time."

The woman is so angry that she has liver pain, but she really does not dare to go out.

Luo Jingying looked in his eyes and did not say anything.

After training, Luo Jingying took the place to go to the secluded place and walked around the big circle before returning to the three rooms. However, fortunately, Luo Jingying slackened down.

"What is this dress for the four sisters? Come back from the outside?"

Suddenly heard the voice of Jing Hao, Luo Jingying was shocked by the stunned, guilty and fearful, "Luo Jingwei, how are you here?"

"To my sister's name, what is the fourth sister?" Sun Yijia looked at Luo Jingying's dissatisfaction.

Luo Jingying was anxious and angry. Perhaps Sun Yijia had too much influence on her before, and she would not dare to refute it.

"Slaves have seen three little grandmothers, three girls. Four girls..."

Jing Hao waved his hand, "Three, let's go." Apparently do not want to listen to them.

Waiting for them to go far, "How can they come to the three rooms?"

"Two girls marry at sunrise, I want to add makeup."

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