Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 137: :the truth?

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Sun Yilin entered the palace, and some things need to say hello to the empress of the empress. This matter is what the mother wants to bear, and it is not a wise choice.

"Yi Lin, you have to know, this way, has a great influence on your reputation." The Queen frowned.

"Chen Niang came to bear, the impact is equally large, the minister can not pick clean, and may even be detained by a filial hat, the result is even worse, the best way is to prove that the child is not a minister." In fact, the reputation, Sun Yilin doesn't care at all. He can't find the girl he wants. He doesn't have to worry about his reputation affecting her. Besides knowing the Queen's ambitions, she values ​​her own out of use. So, the influence of the readers. Smaller is better.

In the dark, there is such a person as the Prince of Jin, who will become the final winner, it is really hard to say, in fact, Sun Yilin has been biased towards the Prince of Jin in the subconscious. Some things don't know how well, once you know, you will find that the prince of Jin is much stronger than other princes, and he can see from his usual style that he is not a person who is willing to succumb to people, and He has already given himself a broken path. At that position, he will not give it to anyone. Even if he can't get it right, he will use extraordinary means. He doesn't care about his reputation. He doesn't care about the world's evaluation of him. Naturally, he is even more I don't care what kind of notes I will leave on the history books.

In this case, it is wise to reduce the sense of existence in those who do not belong to the same camp. It is a pity that Sun Yilin will not know that his practice does not play any role. From the moment he saw Jingjing, it has become Li Hongyuan’s eyes. No matter how low-key, it makes no sense.

"This kind of thing is the most difficult to understand. How do you prove it?"

"Find out the child's father is finished." Sun Yilin said indifferently.

The Queen looked at Sun Yilin, and the recent changes are getting bigger and bigger, especially this temperament. She is not very clear about what it is. "Can you be 100% sure that your child is not yours?"

Sun Yilin twisted her eyebrows, although the Shen family said that the child was his, but "the specific situation, the minister has not checked, the possibility of more than 80% is not, but the remaining 20%, even if it is, Let it become no." And what kind of consequences this will have on Shen's daughter, is not in his consideration, he is never a saint, the chief culprit of his marriage is that his mother is not fake, but Shen The housewife is the fuse.

As for his mother's attitude toward Jing Hao, even if there is no such thing, most of them will make other moths, perhaps from the beginning it is doomed that this marriage can not be done, Sun Yilin refused to think more.

In the end, Sun Yilin laughed at himself. In fact, he may have made a mistake. He underestimated his mother’s “care” for Jing Hao. If he was prepared in the first place, he might know his mother’s mentality earlier. Let me talk about it, things may not be so troublesome.

After calming down, Sun Yilin actually found some doubts. For example, how did Shen’s daughter catch up with her own mother? If she really found herself pregnant, shouldn’t she be looking for her family? Why does she think that finding her mother is more beneficial to her? Sun Yilin always feels that there is still a flaw in it. Although he does not want to face his mother, the specific thing is still to be asked.

The empress agreed with Sun Yilin's request. However, her nephew did not put her words in her heart and once again did something stupid. It seemed that she had to give her some practical training and long memory.

Therefore, the wife of the Dingguo, who holds the power of the government of the country, was seized of all the rights and was divided by several daughters and sisters. This attack is not too big for the wife of the country, and the house is gone. Hosting the right of CIC means that you may want to live under the hands of others. Although her status is still there, it is not so. However, from the past, to many people, she may not be able to call it, it is too Big.

Sun Yilin looked at his mother's violent state, and she was fortunate that she was seized to ask her to ask things clearly.

He wants to drag on the marriage contract, but the Luo family doesn't think so. The reason for him is also exceptional. If you don't want to expose her mother, then it will be the best before he can find out the matter.

However, in this way, Jing Hao really has to carry a bad reputation that is kind and unacceptable.

Sun Yilin was very concerned. Luo Peishan and Luo Lao’s wife did not care, because Jing Hao had a retreat, and the reputation was slightly bad. It doesn’t matter. Moreover, as far as the royal family is concerned, what is good at it is not going to take seriously. As long as the emperor Laozi is willing, he can give the son and even the clan a number of women.

Sun Yilin was very embarrassed. He felt that Luo Jia sacrificed Jing Hao’s reputation in order to maintain his mother’s reputation, and let him stand on the land of Luo’s family. In fact, he also thought that he would figure things out, so, Luo Jia at least. There is no reason to retreat on the bright side. The attitude of Locke made him feel ashamed, and he couldn’t do anything to force the attachment of Jing Hao.

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

In fact, if you think about it, you should know that Mrs. Dingguo’s wife stepped on the face of Jing Hao, and Luo’s family would think of her with her complaints. How silly and naive is it to think so? Is Sun Yilin stupid? Can't think of this? There is no doubt that the Luo family should be anxious to quit this marriage. Probably it is really hating his mother, and he is worried that he will not hold it. In addition, Sun Yilin can't think of other reasons.

He has clearly felt the extreme and stubbornness of his mother, expecting her to accept Jing's daughter-in-law, perhaps a dream of a hundred days is more realistic.

Sun Yilin opened his mouth. After all, he did not say anything about recovery. "In fact, you can wait until this matter has subsided, and then you can retire on the grounds of disagreement. Now retiring, it is not good for the three girls."

"Since we have decided to retire, it is better to be better. We can't do anything that keeps the people in front of it." This kind of involvement is really unnecessary. Luo Peishan is also really good for Sun Yilin, otherwise I am really afraid that Li Hongyuan will pick him up. The one who is active, the three-pointer, he can make a twelve-point effect.

"I do not mind."

"Don't say this stupid thing."

Sun Yilin said this sentence from Luo Peishan for the second time. With the care and persuasion of the elders.

After the discussion was over, the retreat was very quick. Sun Yilin originally wanted to meet Jing Hao. Naturally, he did not see it, but he met Sun Yijia. Even if he understands what his five brothers want to know, Sun Yijia still has no words, not only because he said that Jing Hao’s true attitude will make him more sad, but also because it is not wise to disclose the things of Xiaoguzi to outsiders. To sum up, Sun Yijia simply said her own situation. She is very good at Luo Jia. No matter whether it is the elders or Luo Jingbo, her attitude has not changed.

"There are Luo San girls, I don't have any worry about you, but the five brothers hope that you will be happy and happy in this life, together with the one of the five brothers."

"Five brothers..." Sun Yijia looked at Sun Yilin, who was obviously thin. It was very sad. Is this really a slap in the face of her sister? Is it buried together with all the good things?

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. The government of the country, if you don't want to go back, don't go back as much as possible."

Because Sun Yilin is dealing with this side of the matter, there is no question about nature. The related to Jing Wei is naturally more important than that, even if it is a retirement. Because he did not come out, the Shen family and the Dingguo government became more and more fierce, and because people secretly pushed the waves, so the Shen family unmarried pregnancies almost everyone is well known.

Yes, it’s Shen’s house, not the specific one. Therefore, the Shen family’s girls, especially those who are married, are affected. They don’t dare to go out because they go out and the opportunity is used. Looking at the lower abdomen, some even blatantly asked for an exit.

I was ashamed, annoyed and angry. I didn’t dare to go out at home, especially when I was negotiating. My relatives had to be yellow. I don’t know how many times I cried in the house, and the culprit was naturally the most unlucky. After a series of troubles, all kinds of shame and cursing, she is going to collapse, maybe it is still necessary for her to be in the stomach for the time being, and the right Dudu’s wife is properly prevented, but it only prevents them from joining hands and feet, but the culprit Qin Yu Niang suffered, and the other niece was implicated because of her niece, and all the anger was vented to her.

Obviously, this kind of situation that is very unfavorable to Shen’s family, Rui’s genius did not expect it. After Shen Shuhan clarified the whole thing, he and the prince of Rui were vented, and the whole family of Rui’s princes were Committed to placing the Shen family in the position of the suffering master, but this kind of thing knows that once it happens, the impact on the woman is particularly large. Sometimes, it is obvious that the girl is strong, and she will be said to be shameless, and the next, Various insults. This time, the nature of the things is a little different. After all, Sun Yilin’s previous wind evaluation is too good, there is no stain, this suddenly touches, it is reasonable to say that it will be particularly bright, plus guidance, it is too easy to lead other people’s eyes to his mountains. , thus weakening the Shen family.

Obviously, the original purpose was not achieved.

This smashed Shen Shu, a woman who is not strict with the female religion, is also laid on the royal case of the Lecheng Emperor like a snowflake.

This can explain what can only show that the other party is too high. There have been countless times when you came to me, and there was a win or loss between each other, but this time it seems that the loss was too bad.

Prince Rui is so thunderous that Prince Kang is naturally happy.

However, people still feel that there are problems in it, one of which includes Sun Yilin. When he handled the marriage contract and found out that the outside speech was going, the control of the people of the Prince of Kang was not so strong. There must be a third party to push the hand. Who? Prince Gong? Or... Jin Prince?

Sun Yilin seems that the latter is more likely. However, what is the purpose of his doing this? In fact, he does not have the need to intervene at all. Even if he intervenes, shouldn’t it be the same on both sides, just stir the overall situation. Is it more chaotic? This is in his interest.

No, only he knows the real situation of the Prince of Jin. Others don’t know. If the situation is too messy and beyond the control of any party, it will definitely cause doubts of many old foxes. Only this one side, let The prince of Rui has determined that it is the prince of Kang. However, why he "helps" himself, not Shen, and it is reasonable to say that even if he sees Su Guifei's share, he should "help" Shen Jiacai.

When Luo Peishan and his wife talked about this situation, they could not stop sighing again.

"What sigh?" Mrs. Luo is puzzled.

"I am worried that my family will become a sinister singer in the future. Luo Jia's niece stepped on the face of the three hoes. The prince of Jin will put the whole Shen family into it. I am squatting. This is only a matter of fact. The more and more fierce, the poor and the married Shen family will be implicated. The prince of Jin is so heavy, and in the future, if you have a little preference, can you make a big thing?"

Mrs. Luo directly gave him a blank eye. "What kind of temper is you, you still don't know. She has always insisted on her heart at the age of the first time. In the future, she can be blinded and lost. What does it really encounter? What should be done, I will naturally persuade some. When the Shen family feels in front of the Luojiamen, when they are well known, they should think that there may be such a consequence. I don’t think that Jin Prince What is wrong with doing it."

Luo Daren chose to shut up. He understood it. It involved three gimmicks. The idea of ​​his old wife and the prince of Jin coincided. OK, this marriage contract has also been lifted, and it has been released for the time being. Everyone’s attention is on the other side. For the time being, no one will make another three-headed idea. It’s just that you are familiar with this time.

Mrs. Luo’s contemplation, it is reasonable to say that Dingguo’s wife is the culprit. The Prince’s choice of Shen’s family rather than the government’s government seems to be unreasonable.

Li Hongyuan made a push on the previous things, but did not want them to make a noise on the face. The Shen family is a knife on the bright side, but it is a dark knife in the government of the country, or it is specifically for the wife of the country. When people care about the most, let her lose something. The higher she is, the more she wants you to be low-lying.

On these two days, relatives and friends of the Dingguo Government Office did not have to go to the door to "see" the wife of Dingguogong. All kinds of ridicule and sarcasm, but also various curses on Sun Yilin, Ding Guogong’s wife was so angry that she was shaking again. When the lady of the country was in the prestige, no one would care about her at all, and even had the daring, directly resisting.

After a few anger and anger, after all, it is a disease that can't afford to be sick, and if you can get well, maybe you still have a good day, but all kinds of accusations, all kinds of humiliation, let her carry too much pressure, let alone It is calm, not to mention reflection, becoming more and more paranoid. I don’t want to take medicine well. Every time I mess with things, I still want Sun Yilin to personally help the sick. Sun Yilin wants to go to the palace and is busy, and is busy checking who the children in Shen’s belly are, and not getting married with Jing Hao. Slowly coming over, his mother is still desperately tossing, it can be said that it is a hard work.

Originally drinking and drinking medicine, Mrs. Dingguo’s wife suddenly overturned the medicine bowl. “Are you a scorpion, and I’m gonna die now, then you can lick the Luo’s fox?”

After a while, I cried too hard. "Yin Lin, the mother is immediately giving you a marriage, will you get married soon?" Probably I am afraid that Sun Yilin will no longer marry his wife in this life.

Unable to respond and began to lose temper.

Sun Yilin was silent, then got up and left, ignoring the brothers and sisters outside the house. He also owed a look to Sun Yibin’s provocation. As for him, Sun Yilin, I told you that I am not so easy to die, you can’t think of Luo’s home. The fox singer came back, and he also became a whisper.

Sun Yilin is sometimes very confused. How can his mother become what it is today? It used to be temperate and temperate. It must be cultivated and cultivated. Although it is harsh, it is gentle, now...

Shen Jiajiao’s head was ruined, and naturally he was arrested by Sun Yilin.

Sun Yilin’s heart is stunned, and the same can be used to stab the body, without speaking dirty words, the Shenjia girl will be worse than the flower house’s nephew, and she asked the child from the Luo’s doctor. Probably lasted for more than three months, and the other party insisted that he was. He basically confirmed the time and place of the incident. It was not long before Jing Hao entered Beijing, and Prince Kang was invited to the emperor outside the city. village.

In fact, it’s really bad, it’s not that hard. However, he did drink a lot that time.

Just when he was preparing one by one, someone took the initiative to stand up, not someone else, it was Prince Kang.

Sun Yilin was not sure if he was, or the empress made him stand up. However, since this pot was picked up, Sun Yilin was so happy that he was not interested in checking it out.

In the face of the Shen family, Prince Kang was very bachelor. He drank too much. He was confused and asked his cousin to go to the candlelight night. As a result, he fell asleep and took up the cousin’s room. The cousin moved to another house. The girl’s original statement was that she climbed the bed herself. "You said that it was the time back, otherwise the king admitted it early, why should he rely on him because he came to Yilin's jade. To say yes, OK, the king will be carried to the Prince of Kang. ""

Prince Kang said this, who is helpless to him, he is the prince, the son of the emperor, the Merry is a happy night, the daughter of the minister, how not to abandon her is a broken shoe, willing to accept the government is not bad.

So, this thing can only be so unsuccessful.

All said, this kind of thing is the most unclear, empty mouth white teeth, you can bite to go up, people can also die and do not recognize. In the end, looking at the bright side, the biggest loss is probably Shen family, not to benefit from the government of the country, not to say, or bad reputation, the married grandmothers were affected in the husband's family, the most miserable The marriageable girl, who is detained, has been retired, and she is dear, and she is dear, and she is going to be dear. In short, there will be no good marriage, and only those young people have little influence.

At the same time, Sun Yilin’s resignation with Jing Hao is slowly becoming known, while the other is that rumors that are unfavorable to Jing Wei are also spreading.

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