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Sun Yilin and Jing Hao suddenly retired, saying that it is so many people feel incredible, even if the Shen family girl went to Luojiamen, this is not a "misunderstanding", so eager to retreat Marriage, now terrible is to regret death. However, does it also mean that Luo San girl is a very careful person, and this result has not come out yet, such kindness is not tolerant, and any mother-in-law will like it.

At the same time, "In other words, this Luo San girl is not only good at sorrow, but also the suspicion of Kraft. Before and after the two fiances, this is so short, I am afraid that there is no match."

To be honest, in the previous period, Jing Hao’s limelight was too strong, and the majority of the Jingcheng’s threshold was too bad, and there were too many people who liked Sun Yilin’s, but the result was that she was cheaper than a person with a low status. New hatred and old hate, now, this marriage is paralyzed, naturally it is schadenfreude, plus all kinds of speculations, this kind of speculation, when it comes to export, in addition to people and clouds, with a little heart to help, naturally formed a Gossip, and there is a tendency to get out of hand.

As for knowing the reasons for the true retreat of the two people, I don’t know what kind of psychology I have, and I have not come out to help Jing Hao. However, Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang were so popular, but they could refute two other words, "Jing Hao is not such a person." There is no other way.

Originally, according to the special circumstances of Jing Hao, even if the second marriage contract was broken, it would be just that some people would be satisfied and they should restore the state of "Xiang Yu". However, if these rumors come out, they must be considered.

As a result, Sun Yilin did not put it at the cusp of the storm, but let Jing Hao fall into a small dilemma.

Sun Yilin has some regrets. Sure enough, she should not retire so soon. He wants to help, but how can he help? There is no relationship between them, he is not qualified to blend in, and, perhaps because of his reasons, but to make things more serious, her mother said that Jing Hao is a fox, it is difficult to protect others will not think so The reputation of Jing Hao was completely unfavorable, so he could only remain anxious while keeping silent.

In this case, Sun Yilin and Chen Zhengmin inadvertently met.

For a while, Chen Zhengmin seems to be more and more calm. At this time, they look at each other, probably a bit more complicated than the complicated ones. How to say that they are also rivals, and then there is probably a sigh of relief. After all, it is the same horizon. Fallen people. I would like to invite the other party to have a drink.

Instead of going to the restaurant, people bought wine and found a quiet place.

Nothing was said, first, one person, three glasses of wine, and then some speechless.

Once, when Jing Wei and Chen Zhengmin decided to kiss each other, Sun Yilin felt that he had been shackled by the matter, stepped on the missed opportunity, and God gave him a chance, but unfortunately he could not hold it; and Chen Zhengmin was aware of Sun Yilin’s favorite. When Jingjing was said, he said that he would not give the other party a chance.

After a few glasses of wine, Chen Zhengmin finally took the lead. "Why are you retiring with your cousin?" To say that it is rumored outside, he is absolutely unbelievable. Not to mention cousins, grandmothers and grandparents are extremely wise and rigorous people, how can they be indiscriminate, do not ask right or wrong, then make a final conclusion.

Sun Yilin silently held the glass, "because of the mother."

Chen Zhengmin sneered at the corner of his mouth, thinking of his grandfather, he does not seem to be qualified to laugh at each other, although his marriage with his cousin has nothing to do with his grandfather, but the so-called family has a difficult experience, here is not If something is wrong, it will also catch fire in another place. However, he may be better than Sun Yilin. After all, their family is basically, he has the final say, and there are not so many restrictions.

The two of them are pulling in the West, and if they don’t know what, they are caught in Li Ruyu’s body. Although they are not well-known, everyone who knows knows that the king of the county, Li Ruyu, is not the leader. Small things. I haven't heard of her marriage with Chen Zhengmin now. "Are you going to drag it?"

"What, distressed? Also, she is so good because you count me."

Sun Yilin twisted her eyebrows. "When I didn't ask." The recent events were too much and too chaotic. He also had a period of time when he didn't see his aunt. He didn't feel anything about Li Ruyu, but he still had some feelings with his aunt. After all, from a young age to a big one, the aunt is good to him. Li Ruyu is dead or alive. He is only a poor parent. However, when she thought of her mother, Sun Yilin poured a glass of wine.

However, people who have suffered from losses, even if they are frustrated, have restrained and are not drunk.

In the Luo family, because of the rumors outside, the most concerned about is Sun Yijia, she always has a jealousy about Jing Hao, but seeing Jing Hao does not seem to care, she is converging some, once something happened Children, Jing Hao once and again to comfort her, but it is to add trouble to her sister.

"Xunzi, I have not been able to go out recently, let my third brother take you out for a walk." Jing Hao suggested. Speaking of it, these three sorrows are much more boring than her. Going out and distracting, it is not a good thing to be depressed.

And she does not go out, but she is not afraid of others pointing, but does not want to listen to those words, really annoying. As for the invitation of Yan Fangfei, her person would not be ignorant of this kind of thing. In fact, Jing Hao really didn't want to contact her.

"I don't want to go out, let's say, your third brother is also busy."

"It's not bad this day." Jing Hao looked at Sun Yijia's silent face. "Is the blind man concerned about someone else pointing to my third brother because of your face?"

Sun Yijia did not care about her disfigurement or not, but she was afraid of letting Luo Jingbo lose face because of her.

Jing Hao suddenly smiled. "Hey, I will give you a makeup."

Sun Yijia is quite confused. How do she think about giving her makeup? However, it is said that the original makeup of the black girl was painted by her sister. She looked very beautiful and had no style. Instead, she came up with some interest and wondered what makeup she would paint for herself.

Jing Hao did not pull Sun Yijia back to the dormitory, but went to the study room. More precisely, it was later for the convenience of the studio from the study room, and then let the makeup go.

Jing Hao looked at Sun Yijia's face and thought about it, and then picked out several of his many pigments.

Anyone should see what Jing Hao is going to do. "Hey, is this going to paint on my face?"

"I haven’t tried it before, just in the face of the scorpion to practice hands.” Jing Hao smiled, but also obviously with a little bad, how to look a bit unreasonable look. "The blind man rest assured that the pigments I picked, that are harmless, promise not to break your skin, let alone, even if it is not good, wash it off."

Sun Yijia did not worry much, but instead let Jing Xiao smile in the heart. Then, just look up and close your eyes.

Jing Hao followed the shackles on Sun Yijia’s face and painted the plum blossoms. The eyes were always in the middle of the neck.

Because it was the first time to paint on the face, it took a lot of time, but the effect was quite good.

Not to mention the people are amazed, even Sun Yijia looked at himself in the glass mirror, very unbelievable, scarred position, basically covered by squid, and is along the lines, handled very well, do not touch With eyes alone, there are no scars at all, and not only that, but also looks very beautiful.

Instead, Jing Hao held Sun Yijia's chin, looked at it as a whole, and then painted a few flying petals on the other side of his face. "perfect."

Sun Yijia is delighted, and the happiest is the ones she has since. In their view, the girl is afraid to go out with a veil for a lifetime, but she did not expect that she would have even more beautiful photos than when she was married.

"Okay, now go back and take my third brother out to go around, and then draw again, that is his business."

After being ridiculed by Jing Hao, Sun Yijia naturally did not rely on it. However, Jing Hao forced her to leave.

Haishu Yaju has restored peace, and Jing Hao has begun to find something for himself.

Gong Hao naturally knows that her own girl has not been affected. However, she always feels that Jing Hao seems to be planning something. However, because she has not revealed anything, she does not want to do anything.

Luo Jingbo was surprised when she saw Sun Yijia's makeup. It was not because she became a beautiful woman. She was obsessed with it. It is obvious that Luo Jingbo is not very concerned about her face. "Is the girl painting?"

Sun Yijia nodded with a smile.

"I will help you paint in the future." Luo Jingbo thought without thinking. It can be seen that this coffin head has been opened a lot after marriage, and some skills are slowly filling in the invisible. "I see you are unhappy all these days, let's go, let's go out and turn around today, I think you should not refuse. Just let the husband go out to show off and show off how beautiful they are." ""

Sun Yijia groaned, "Okay." It turned out that he also wanted to take himself out, just worried that he was not happy. In fact, he was as gentle and considerate as his sister. As for showing off, he has the capital to be shown off, why do you have to fill the facade with yourself.

Sun Yijia went to report with Mrs. Luo, and this kind of thing naturally did not allow it.

Then I went to speak with Zhang and there was no problem.

After the marriage, the husband and wife, for the first time, went shopping together, but there was no destination. They asked the driver to drive slowly in the carriage and opened the curtains. The two men sat together and looked at the outside. Whispering softly, the eyes are unconsciously filled with happy laughter, and outsiders inadvertently see, the first time will feel that this is a small couple of love.

In the relatively lively neighborhood, the two got off the carriage, and Luo Jingbo naturally helped her down.

After that, even if there are people behind him, there will be no one who is too close. Luo Jingbo will always protect Sun Yijia. Therefore, the attitudes of the two are particularly intimate, Sun Yijia. Some are embarrassed, but more are sweet.

Luo Jingbo accompanied her to take a leisurely stroll, and when she found that Sun Yijia did not know many gadgets, she served as an omniscient commentator.

Sun Yijia was born noble, basically no contact with the civilians, plus no friends, clothes and jewelry that girls love, and so on, are often sent directly to the house, so she rarely comes out When talking about shopping, I am also interested in this activity. Besides, Bai Yijia is actually a house.

However, the mood is different now, it feels very interesting and very happy.

While passing by a small booth selling masks, he also reached for a button to buckle Luo Jingbo.

There are not many young couples, but they are definitely not too small. Just like the two of them, they are intimate. At first glance, they can’t find the second pair. Together with the special makeup on Sun Yijia’s face, they attract a lot. Human attention.

"Mother, look, is that a cousin?" A pair of mothers and daughters who just came out of the jewelry, the young girl said to the woman around her.

And the woman looked in the direction she pointed and silenced. "It is her."

"Oh, I have never seen her smile so much in the past, is it difficult for the government to be ill-treated?"

"Probably not accustomed to the Jinyi jade food and seafood, and prefer the porridge."

The young girl smiled unclearly. "Mother, when I meet on this street, I should always say hello." Pulling the middle-aged woman goes there. "cousin."

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Sun Yijia turned his head and looked at it, and the smile on his face was closed down. "Auntie, cousin."

What I saw before was Sun Yijia’s side face. This time I saw the front side, there was no horrible scar of anticipation. Instead, it was a branch of plum blossoms, with a three-pointed charm and enchanting, but because of her cold temperament, enchanting and cold The mutual weakening of each other makes her whole person appear more and more bright and moving.

The smile couldn't stop stiffening. I thought she had ruined the biggest capital, but it was made up in another way, and it was more perfect. I maintained the superiority of how long it took, and I was licked for food.

Luo Jingbo met with Sun Yijia and did not kiss.

Both the mother and the daughter have their eyes on him. Luo Jingbo is handsome, and he may be more casual on weekdays. However, the end is naturally endless, and the cultivation is not bad, plus the future "world" "The aura is added, the attraction is not worse than Sun Yilin. I don't know what I thought of. A girl looked at Luo Jingbo's blushing face and unconsciously brought a bit of shyness.

Sun Yijia will not know how many recruits Luo Jingbo now has? However, she did not show any unpleasant expressions. She believed what he said. In this case, no matter how much coveted it is useless, you can't find it, you can't get it, you are mad at you.

Sun Yijia and the two of them had a sentence without a word. The mother and the daughter had no intention of leaving. They had met before, but they couldn’t say three words and they scored. This cousin has a heart and mind, and the aunt is actually...

Luo Jingbo always stood on the side of Sun Yijia with a slight side and quietly. He didn't have the meaning of taking a step forward. His eyes were drooping and he kept the gentleman's way. He didn't look at the opposite girl.

In the girl's eyes, his eyes always fell on Sun Yijia's side face. If he looked good, he would draw it. He would not believe that he could still receive Sun Yijia's face in private. The smile on my face is more and more charming. "Cousin husband, I especially like meticulous painting. Can you find a private one and ask you for a painting?"

Luo Jingbo finally gave her a positive eye, but that look is quite strange, "men and women are different."

In a word, the smile of the other party is fixed on the face.

Sun Yijia almost laughed out loud, but it was really rude, not euphemistic, and sister-in-law was really a brother and sister.

"Jingbo is misunderstanding. It is this girl who likes her grandfather."

"Oh." Luo Jingbo should not be salty and not light.

The middle-aged woman is not very angry, but she can't say anything.

"I heard that my mother was ill, and I haven't had time to visit her in person. What happened to my aunt?"

Sun Yijia stunned, and she did not know that the Dingguo government did not send someone to send her a letter.

"Hey, my cousin didn't go back and squatted. I was so happy with my cousin. I thought that my aunt had nothing to do." When I saw Sun Yijia, I had a different meaning in my eyes, and I carefully took care of Luo Jingbo.

This kind of low-level provocation, in the case of Luo Jingbo, is not even drizzle. "Yi Jia is very anxious, I took her out and walked away." Whatever anxiety is. "I won't bother my aunt and my cousin." Reaching out and gently taking Sun Yijia and going to the side, "Don't you just say you want to buy something back?"

"Yeah." Sun Yijia should have a voice.

The two whispered and gradually drifted away. Sun Yijia’s people directly gave the mother and daughter two disdainful expressions.

"This should be the consideration of your five brothers. Don't go to your heart. It is not very serious to think about it. However, since I know, I will accompany you back tomorrow to see it. You just remember, you are now a family. ""

"Thank you, Jingbo."

"You and my husband and wife, one thing, why bother."

Although there was this episode, it didn't have much impact. The two said they would continue to visit.

Clothing jewellery shop, rouge gouache shop and so on, Luo Jingbo used her patience to accompany her, no bit impatient, she asked herself, and patiently give advice, although there may be differences in taste, but it does not hinder anything.

When the two of them came back to the Luo family, they heard that four matchmakers came to the door and asked Jing Hao.

Only when the situation improved, however, after learning about the situation of the four families, both husband and wife were trembled with anger, a scorpion, a straw bag, a broken house, and even more unspeakable thoughts of Nao Jing.

That is quite good, but in the words, it is the name of the Luo Jiasan girl. It is not bad to be willing to marry her, but also Koff, even if she is jealous, it is risky.

Mrs. Luo’s wife made them beat out, that’s really big.

"Who is, who is so vicious, actually wants to ruin his sister!" Sun Yijia hated the channel.

No, if someone doesn't deliberately do it, how many of them will come to the door at the same time?

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