Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 160: : Indivisible one

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Compared with the last time in the Rouge Court, the clothes are thinner, the waist is tighter, the chest is more drum, the lotus step is walking in, and the catwalk is still on the line, the full hips are shaken left. Right pendulum. Jing Jing smiled, stunned, and fascinated.

At this moment, Jing Hao really did not know what face to face her.

It was Li Hongyuan, who didn't lift his eyelids. He put a piece of fish that had been stabbed into the Jingjing bowl. "Not hungry? Hurry and eat." The attitude seems to completely regard Yunyun as an invisible person. The daughter-in-law who feeds his hungry stomach is the most important. Others, let alone the grandmother, even if the grandfather climbs out of the emperor, he has to stand by.

Jing Hao saw this and hesitated. The stomach was indeed hungry. The other party used to be a princess, but she "does not know", and is in front of a certain prince, so Jing Hao concentrates on eating.

Yun Niang sees a certain filial piety who ignores herself, and her mood is not so beautiful. The princess and the princess turn around their eyes. The bad water of the stomach seems to overflow from the eyes, and the red color under the right eye corner. The more you look, the more red. Twisting his waist and walking to Li Hongyuan, bold and unrestrained, he directly rushed to Li Hongyuan and extended his finger to point Li Hongyuan’s head. "You have no conscience, no one, no new people, no old people, no fee, no one." You, you are so passionate," said one side, squinting at the corner of his eyes.

Jing Hao looked at her in amazement. It’s true that I dare to raise the face and make a birthday. I’m single-handedly killing the Princess of the North Xiongnu’s Heyang, and try another person. Who dares to pounce on the man, and the other is still Your own grandson. When I saw Yun Yun’s deliberately changing the two groups on the chest, they couldn’t stop the mouth.

Li Hongyuan’s face is dark and inky. Originally, it’s hard to ponder the long-lost daughter-in-law here today. Although he’s not eaten at all, he can’t change his good mood. I don’t know how to make trouble, even if the near-servant doesn’t make them close, let alone the old woman who doesn’t want to do it, and the fat powder that is completely different from the delicate and refreshing body, seriously affects his appetite. "Rolling--" The tyrant of the king of the living king is full of anger, anger, violentness, and coldness. The words "live king" are vividly displayed at this moment.

Rao is a man who has experienced great winds and waves, experienced battles and smothers, and then went to the north and south for decades. He was a shocked and stunned moment. He knew that this grandson is not simple. In the emperor, he is the most fierce beast in the dark. Although I don't know what he did specifically, but the other emperors often have big losses, there are ten behind them. Compared with other rules and regulations, the degree of exaggeration is actually just the grandsons of the hypocrites who are ruthless. It is obvious that Li Hongyuan, like her, does not like the grandson who regards ethics as her, but this boy sometimes has bad temper and private. The sinister and spicy underneath is equally annoying.

The rhyme was paused, and then if I had nothing to sit on, I licked the shampoo on my hand. "What is it, is this worried about the daughter-in-law?"

Li Hongyuan once again ignored her, and touched the head of Jing Hao, and the temperament of the moment was completely absent. "Frightened? Don't worry, this king will not target you, hurry to eat, don't worry This old woman."

Li Hongyuan was just a bit stunned, but Jing Hao was not scared. There is a feeling that "the original rumors are not false." The prince of Jin is in front of himself, and it really converges on his temper. Just, saying that Princess Heyang is an old woman, isn’t that equal to picking up people’s pains? Yun Niang looks far younger than the actual age, the body is also well maintained, and the dress is also more beautiful. It is obvious that I care about my age, and I am absolutely dissatisfied with the old one. I glanced at it. Sure enough, the black face turned into a rhyme. Niang, the wind and the enchanting atmosphere of her body swept away, adding a bit of sharpness.

Unfortunately, for Li Hongyuan, there is no half-threat threat. If you are not allowed, he will not move at all, and here is his territory, annoyed him, and if he is not enough, he will throw you out. This kind of thing, he does it absolutely. Come out.

To talk about the life of Yun Niang, how many men will play between the palms of the hand, it is still a big loss in Li Hongyuan, and I always want to find it back, but obviously, it has not been successful. As for using his secret to threaten him, huh, huh, I am afraid that it has just been such a sign, it has been wiped out by him, this point is very clear. Since receiving some of Li Hongyuan's nature, he has sent individuals directly to her. The service is on the one hand, in essence, in fact, everyone knows well, Yun Yunang accepts it, and it is also unkind.

Yun Niang can't change him, his eyes turn, his eyes fall on Jing Hao, and then think about the attitude of this living king to her, so he moved, "Little girl, who knows who the slave is?"

Jing Hao hesitated for a moment, still decided to "really tell the truth", "Listen to my grandmother."

"Oh? Luo Chen's, how could she bring a slave to you?" asked the rhyme interested.

"Because I met Yun Yunniang in the Rouge Pavilion, I went back to mention it with my grandmother. My grandmother said that it is *not the ten you are, after all, I am deeply impressed." In other words, I can’t shake my house, but let my grandmother The back pot is better. Yunnian always doesn’t ask her grandmother to ask for proof. The lie will not break.

"Hey, Luo Chen's impression of the slaves is that it should be. After all, the slaves almost brought your grandfather to bed." Yun Niang giggled like a girl, and her branches trembled.

Jing Hao smiled and shook his head. "Things and Yun Niang thought it was different. Grandmother said that Yun Niang had a strong memory and was well-informed. Although she was a daughter, she was a man, a family, a world. Don't let the eyebrows, and, your heart, pity the woman more than the man, even if it is the daughter's house, there are still many people who are heart-warming for you. The grandmother even said that if she is not married, she may also admire the rhyme. It."

“Luo Chen’s really said this?” Yun Niang laughed and patted the table. “It’s just like this. The old lady is Luo Peishan, and she directly hooks Luo Chen’s.”

Seeing the original form of Yun Niang, Jing Hao lightly coughed, grinning, "Yun Niang, image, lady and lady."

Turning her eyes, Yunniang showed her beauty and even gave Jing Hao a shy smile.

"Don't make a disgusting person here." Li Hongyuan whispered.

"Your daughter-in-law can still make you pregnant, disgusting you." Yun Niang went back to the top.

"Cough..." Jing Yu coughed, and quickly licked his mouth, it is not like Princess Heyang, pick it up, really...

Li Hongyuan looked at her with a cold look. "Speaking and paying attention, with a broken Jiaojiao, the king burned your rouge."

Yun Niang suddenly stretched out the hand of Jing Hao's arm, picked up her sleeves, and bloomed with red plums. I saw it and sneered. "You think that you are a good thing. Generally, men will do this for their fiancée. Child? Burning the old lady is the Rouge Pavilion? Now there is a wife and a daughter, there is a kind of you to burn."

Li Hongyuan opened her hand and put down the sleeves of Jing Hao. "I burned your rouge pavilion. The king can give her a bigger family." The wealth is thick and very disdainful.

"You don't ask if your wife is willing to let you raise." Yunnian feels that this Luojia Santou is actually thinking about himself in some places - never thought about attaching to a man.

This time, Yun Niang is simply a horse, how can it be like this old woman, he really does not depend on men, but does not mean that she accepts anything, her attachment is emotional, want to be right Waiting, not affecting feelings, material, that is just an additional product on this basis. If she accepts your person, then what you give, no matter how small, but expensive and inferior, she will accept it with pleasure. The problem now is that Jing Hao doesn't care, because he doesn't care about him, so he doesn't care what he gives. He wants to make Jing Hao a good boy. He wants to give Jing Hao the best of the world. But the most critical issue is not fixed.

At that moment, Yun Niang only felt that she was stared by a poisonous snake. She could bite her bite at any time, and she was killed in an instant, her scalp was numb, and her back was cold.

"Ayuan..." Jing Hao reached out and covered Li Hongyuan's back.

Li Hongyuan instantly returned to God and saw Jing Xiu's slender hand. He smiled and smiled as if the earth had rejuvenated, and he held the hand of Jing Hao. "It's been a long time, you haven't eaten much, eat it quickly, or the food will be cold for a while, if anything, eat it and say it."

I have a real understanding of his mood, but...

Jing Hao didn't know why he blurted out his name, so that he soon forgot the charm of Yunnian's sleeves. What is even more incredible is that the heart of Jin Prince is so easy to be comforted by her. It seems that His influence on him is incredible. Jing Hao suppressed the doubts and uneasiness in his heart and nodded.

Yun Niang squinted her eyes, and she was sharp and looked at Li Hongyuan. Then she did not look at Jingjing with deep thoughts. Instead, she did not bother to disturb their meals, and Shi Shiran got up. "Use the meal to find me. About the situation on the western border." Then he continued to sway and leave.

"Jiaojiao ignore her, she is the master of a rouge shop."

If there is no mention of the border situation, she is indeed a rouge shop owner, but when it comes to the Kaiyuan dynasty, then she is the one who killed the North Xiongnu, and once reversed the Qiyang Princess of Kaiyuan and the North Xiongnu.

Also, he seems to be trying to let himself know more, more about him, secret things that are not known. When I saw the tip of the iceberg, it was already doomed that they could not be separated again unless she died.

Dismissal of marriage before marriage, um, don’t think about it in the future.

Jing Hao calmly continues to eat.

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