Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 161: : Nothing you can't know

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Jing Hao calmly continues to eat.

As for the true calmness of the heart, or the pretense, only she knows it.

Li Hongyuan is single-minded and wants to feed Jing Hao. Others, whether it is Princess Heyang or the situation at the border, are all set aside. What he changed was mainly in the city of Qiyuan, except for Jingxi, the other is the force that concealed in the dark, and secretly changed the pattern of the temple - the face is actually not much different from the previous life, the biggest change is probably Luo Peishan, when he was alive, he always acted in a low-key manner, basically did not participate in the battle for victory; outside the imperial city, there were naturally officials who mobilized, but everything was under control, and nothing happened for the time being; The countries have put in a lot of spies, but these people are tightly collecting intelligence, there is no order not to act rashly, and these people do not even know who their true master is. So far, the situation outside Kaiyuan is basically no change.

Therefore, the situation on the western side of the border does not require Princess Heyang to say that he knows what is going on, but it is a small problem, but this small problem is inside Kaiyuan. In the past life, it was not solved, and the small problem caused a big problem. disaster.

Nothing is more than a problem of greed and indifference, the layers of exploitation, and finally left in the hands of the soldiers, the result is that these soldiers have joined forces to run two or three generations of military units, when the local snakes, squeezing ordinary people, because It’s not too small, it’s up to the day, and his old man sent someone to deal with it. Only when he entered the DPRK’s old nine, he was an imperial man, but the two men were the boss, and the third was the third. The age of the people is not too small, and their respective Yue family are also big-minded. In the dark, all kinds of jealousy will naturally give birth to their minds. Therefore, they disagree on this matter. As a result, they have not reached a consensus and have been unable to solve the problem. Then, because of the provocation of the heart, a riot occurred, the son of the emperor, the prince of Qiyuan, one was injured in the riots, and one was arrested.

The middle school is divided into two factions. One group advocates appeasement, the other advocates repression, and the Lecheng emperor is an emperor who does not like to fight. He finally makes a slap in the face, but the culprit who caused the riot is absolutely not tolerated. After all, the matter makes him lose. The face, just the re-edition of the imperialism is still halfway, the conflict on the border has once again escalated, and the angry mob has cut off an arm of the old ten, and the local garrison is arbitrarily arrogant and takes **** suppression.

If there is repression, there will be resistance, but the other party is a civilian. It is a threat to the garrison at the beginning, and the consequences are self-evident. And the garrison was a temper, and finally ordered to kill together with the old and the weak women, it is conceivable that the shock caused.

More crucially, this matter has leaked the news from the very beginning. Under the arrangement of the people, like the wings, the Qiyuan is almost universally known, which leads to the instability of the people, even with the Li Dynasty. The dominance has been questioned, and the house leaks have been in the rain all night. Not long after, there was a flood in the south, and millions of people were affected. Because of the inaction of the officials, there were few problems in the dams. less.

The disaster of the sky fell, and in the end, Le Chengdi came to the pot.

The sin of Lecheng Emperor has not yet been succumbed. Well, the victims have risen up and robbed the local granaries, and the wealthy households and many officials have not finished well.

In the end, it was natural to send troops. It didn’t take long for me to be messed up for more than a month.

Fortunately, other places have been prepared, and the enemy has not taken the opportunity to attack Kaiyuan. After all, even if Kaiyuan has a civil strife, it is within the controllable range. Qiyuan is also a huge monster to some extent. A piece of meat comes, you have to see if there is that ability.

After this incident, Le Chengdi’s face was gloomy for a long time.

It was thought that the enemy was behind the scenes, but the final result was completely internal chaos.

Li Hongyuan’s past life is far from being favored now, because he is excellent, his reputation is not bad, he has the qualification to compete for the throne, and his old man should have been jealous of him, but because of his superiority, he is not so much to be seen because he is The devil, regarded as ominous, simply did not qualify for the position, but he did not know, it was quite sad.

After this incident, his old man became more and more unwilling to see him. At first he was still inexplicable. What does this have to do with him? Gradually, some gossip about his mother was quietly spread. His mother was the first family of the Jiangnan first family and was a lychee prostitute. The loyalists were loyal to the former royal family. They were unwilling to loyal to the new lord, and reached an agreement with the new emperor to return to the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that from the beginning of the riots of the people, the rumors and the ups and downs, to the later uprising, there are shadows of the Yi family. . But there is no evidence for this. It should be noted that Taizu personally decreed in the same year, unless the Yi family made a rebellious sin, otherwise, Li’s emperor could not be awkward.

There is no evidence, which means that you can’t move your family. Even if you want to secretly do it, it’s not that easy. Because the family is flourishing in the Jiangnan generation, except for not entering the DPRK, all other aspects are involved, especially There are a lot of famous Confucian scholars in the family. These people have many disciples. However, many of these disciples have entered the DPRK as officials. Do you think that there is no influence when you are not in the officialdom? Innocent!

Moreover, the reputation of the family among the people is also very high. If you move home, it will mean that the whole Jiangnan will follow the move, and there may be a large number of officials who will be dismissed. More than Sun’s family with a national family.

No one of the emperors would like such a large and uncontrolled family. Li Hongyuan, the son of the family, was naturally angered by him at this time.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as the beginning of the change of Li Hongyuan's fate.

But now, when Princess Heyang knows a little drizzle through her Rouge Club, Li Hongyuan has already arranged everything. He still hasn’t moved in the big picture, just control the person who is planning to blaze everything behind, probably again. Soon it will be sent to the capital, the person who died in the early days of the past, Li Hongyuan is going to take a look at whether it is a family. Mother family? Oh, the tyrant Li Hongyuan cut most of the branches of the Yi family.

Going to deal with this matter, probably still the old nine old ten, he has already lifted the biggest disaster, they do not know what they are ending, if it is better, it will probably return, bad, and get things back It is probably trained, and then or may be abandoned by the people they trust, and this life will be over.

In the south, he was prepared two years ago. The place where Guan Jian has long strengthened the dam, although it is impossible to completely eliminate the flood, the serious consequences of the disaster can be reduced by at least 60%.

As for the person who wants to make trouble, he has already laid out the game. As long as the other party dares to do it, he will become a lieutenant.

When Jing Hao saw Li Hongyuan think that things didn't bother him, but he saw a cup of drinking that he didn't know, and he didn't eat anything. It would definitely hurt his stomach. In the end is her fiancé, who was still lingering before, and she was quite pampered with her. Hesitated for a moment, "Wang Ye, the most painful drink on an empty stomach, or drink less, or else you should eat something first."

Li Hongyuan smiled at her, as if he had never walked through the gods. "Is this Jiao Wang care about this king?"

Jing Hao also smiled, and there was no such thing as being "poor" before being bullied. "Wang Ye wants to think so, it is not impossible."

"It’s not easy to hear a good word from a delicate mouth. OK, don't drink." Throw the cup at hand. Pick up the chopsticks and eat something in the grass. "Is it delicious?"

Generally speaking, if the other party eats well, she will eat "good". If the other party does not eat well, she will accompany her to continue to "eat", but she thinks that they are only unmarried, and he is so indulgent to her. It was a bit surprising, so I chose "willful" once and nodded. "The girl has already eaten."

Li Hongyuan put down the chopsticks and was close to Jing Hao. He smiled and laughed. "What kind of rules are put out at this moment? It wasn’t like this before. It’s a **** on the king’s body, and it’s daring. Let the king shut up?"

Jing Hao blushes red, what is it that should not be mentioned? What's the matter, I still want to settle with her now? Jing Hao didn't talk, just looked at him quietly. She was a conservative girl who was not born. This thing has already happened. It is shameful and shameful. It is boring to hold it all the time.

In the end, Li Hongyuan was worried about annoying her. It was not easy to eat her mouth in the future. She stretched her hand and squeezed her face. "This king really can't take you." Needless to say, Mu Gonggong immediately called for water, hand washing. mouth.

Li Hongyuan has already wanted to help Jing Hao wash his hands, but Jing Hao has avoided refusing. I raised my eyebrows and said nothing.

"Others forget it, this bead is brought on." Li Hongyuan went to the beads and wandered around Jingguan's wrist. "-Let's go, this king will send you back." Actually, if you can, you want to keep Jing Hao and ponder for a while, but the time is not short, and you have provoked Mrs. Luo, and before he got married, he saw him. It is also unfavorable.

Although it has been said that more intimate things have been done, this kind of relatives still makes Jing Hao somewhat confused. They used to be just a few faces. It’s unreasonable. Suddenly, the relationship is so close. Although it is mostly a unilateral act of Jin’s prince, he seems to be very familiar with himself, and he seems to be naturally casual and does not see anyone. I think it is a "stranger." "Except for the three-year-old minister, is the prince all the same for his fiancee?" Jing Hao asked curiously.

Really, it’s just pure curiosity.

Li Hongyuan looked at her and did not care. "The king is not familiar with them, and half of them have never seen them."

So the topic stopped and didn't continue.

Li Hongyuan took her hand and matched her pace and walked slowly. "The next door is a yard that is almost the same as this one. The front is the Rouge Pavilion. It was originally the place where Yun Niang was. I want to rebuild it."

Jing Hao knows that the Prince of Jin is telling her some things about the discovery of Mils, so she only has long ears and does not have long mouths.

"Golden, you and me, you don't have to be so careful, my business, there is nothing you can't know."

"Thank you for your love of the king, but it is not the time for the minister."

Li Hongyuan has no choice but to say nothing.

On the carriage, Li Hongyuan still pulled her into her arms, just holding it.

Send Jing Hao back to Luo Jia, seeing her enter the door, the figure disappeared, and then people left in a carriage.

Did not go to find the Yun Niang, but directly back to the palace, in front of the palace gate, there is a guest waiting for him.

"The old minister has seen the prince."

"The first assistant adult is very early in the morning." Li Hongyuan sat in the carriage, just picked up the curtain and didn't mean to get off the bus.

"There is nothing today." So the officials of Kaiyuan are still relatively free. After finishing the work, they can also leave early.

"What are you looking for?"

"If Wang Ye is dissatisfied with the little girl, he can ask the Holy Spirit to recover his life. Why should he humiliate her?" Rui Ruizhong said as smoothly as possible. God knows how to get back home and sees his wife and daughter crying and how painful he is.

Li Hongyuan sneered, "I am always dissatisfied with the king. You have to be a good minister, and you have no resistance. Why should the king do the rebellious son? Mark yourself as the loyal minister of the king. The happiness of loving women, but the king wants to bear the reputation of being infidelity and filial piety. It really doesn’t matter if the king’s sewage is covered with more sewage. In the case of Rui Ruizhong, the double-loyalty standard should not be too obvious.”

Rui Ruizhong’s old face is red, and Li Hongyuan’s is not completely correct, but it is not completely wrong. The lips trembled. "The little girl is your fiancee. The prince knows that she has always been interested in you, and she has not talked about marriage."

"This king's unmarried wife is named Luo. She did not discuss the pro, it is your indulgence, and if you are optimistic about the king, you will not wait until today. In the middle of the sorrow, don't push the wrong person to the king, then say, hurt your face, still haven't raised If I ran out, she would not stop like this. If she changed to another girl, she would be afraid to hide at home. She would do the opposite. This kind of person, the name added to her, makes this king very doubt."

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