Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 219: : When it comes to learning, play

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The scourge does not have the suspicion of a little scourge. The eyes of others will never affect him. If you have the courage to find it, you will certainly not be afraid of death. So why bother to be kind to this kind of person? It is.

Li Hongyuan gave his lotus flower to the Jing Hao.

What do you write, what are you writing, are you? - Jing Hao did not reach out, so he looked at him quietly.

Li Hongyuan seems to understand the meaning of her eyes, nodding his face and nodding his face. "There is no king in this heart. The king can only let people know that you have a king in your heart, only the king."

Jing Hao is extremely speechless. Even if this girl falls in love with you in the future, she will never have only you, let alone now. However, Jing Hao also saw his stubbornness in some aspects, and his stalemate has no effect. It will only attract more people's onlookers and take over the lotus water lantern in his hand. "How can Wang Ye come out later? "After the question, Jing Hao realized that he had committed stupidity. "Wang Ye is not a minister."

Someone would have liked to say, "Would you really want to know?" If the wife is so enthusiastic, he would not be able to refuse it. Oh, unfortunately, how can I recover it if I say it, but it’s really thin in the face. When she said something she shouldn’t say, she should be annoyed. "Let's go, let go of the lights."

Jing Yan glanced at the two friends next to him, saying that this girl is not a man who abandoned his girlfriend because of men.

Li Hongyuan just glanced at her eyes. There were still two girls who were fascinated by the male color. Suddenly the scalp was numb, and it was estimated that the whole body’s hair was blown up. This man would not become a good person and be confused by him. Now, wait for the dead to die. One let them stay, one let them roll, saying that as a good sister, naturally everything is for their own sisters, so ... smashed and smashed.

Jing Hao had the water lamp left by his cousin. It was too ignorant. Why did he want to be "being"? So, it was a curse, even if it was a curse, but even her was a scourge.

Jing Hao walked to the river with two water lamps, stepping on the stone ladder to the bottom position, the water surface was only a finger shorter than the stone ladder under the foot, squatting down, putting the water lamp into the river, in the slight shackles of the river As slowly as the water lamps of other people, the world of lights on the water, the underwater world of lights, the stars on the water, Jing Jing quietly watching, I hope my family is good, okay, I barely counted the scourge around me.

Li Hongyuan stood beside Jing Hao, she looked at the water lantern, he looked at her.

On both sides of the left and right sides, there are no more than three feet away. In some places farther away, it is clearly crowded.

For a moment, there seemed to be only two of them left in the heavens and the earth, and the hustle and bustle around them seemed to disappear.

Sure enough, having her place always makes her inner peace. However, this peace did not last long. He looked down and his range of sight was not wide, but that was the case, but someone came in.

Two steps away from Jingjing, I thought that the beautiful squat body, put the water lamp, and then put my hands together, it seems to be a very pious prayer, the whole process, all slightly lower head, the entire neck is undoubtedly exposed .

Under the light, it looks very white and very weak, and people have a kind of * want to smash!

Seeing that the original good-hearted master was shrouded in a moment, Mugong’s guards wanted to jump over the river, but before that, they only wanted to give the most blame.

——Are you blind or what? Didn’t you see so many people who dare not pass? When others can't see what your intentions are? A monk is a monk! Mu Gonggong cursed in his heart, but what to do now, can not be towed away from the face of the real Luo girl. But the most annoying thing is, how did they let her go, so many people do not want to stop her? Is this an assassin who wants to stab? What are they doing, what they eat, what they eat, what they eat. Each one looks gloomy and violent inside.

The girl who prayed for the end turned back and looked at Jing Hao, revealing a soft smile, "Jing Hao..."

Jing Hao wants to turn his eyes, girl, you want to see the people next to you to see directly, want to know or want to hook up, go directly to him, you want to see and hold back the look of not seeing, tell the truth, really not very good-looking.

Li Hongyuan reached out and pulled Jing Hao up. "Let's go." He doesn't want to be broken by irrelevant people now.

Jing Hao nodded. If it was Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang, Jing Hao would be happy to throw this man away, but now, she would rather stay with this living king.

She was disregarded by a thorough girl who was resentful and unwilling. She already knew that this ten-year* is Luo Jingyu’s fiancé, who is honored, has the right to have money, and is still so good. She is simply her best candidate for husband and wife. Even if he is someone else's fiancé, even if she can't be his wife, she still doesn't want to give up.

A bite of the teeth followed, but the so-called ideal is full, the reality is the bones, the guards who have been overtaken by the horrible eyes of the master, and then let people close, it is not as simple as going back.

Mu Gonggong’s death and death caught the girl’s arm. The eyes were really eager to swallow her. In fact, with Li Hongyuan’s master, no one would be pure, and Mu Gong’s did not touch the special blood. Something in his bones has long been blackened.

"Let me go, do you know who I am? I tell you..."

Mu Gonggong’s backhand licked her mouth. Luo’s girl was not far away from the master. If she was alarmed, she should not be able to eat it. “Throwing her into the river, leaving a little life is enough. It is."

Gu girl can't believe her eyes wide open, but her mouth is full, but she can't afford it.

The guards who took over the side were also rude, and unceremoniously tore her dress, stuffed her mouth, she wanted to take the things in her mouth, and immediately folded her hands and grabbed her back neck. I rolled down from the stone ladder and slammed into the water. She threw herself in the water, but her hand was folded. There was no way to climb up. It took a long time to find that the water was not deep, but it was waisted. However, I squatted at the foot, almost stepped on the air, the shock was undecided, my mouth was still blocked, and the pain in my arms made it difficult for her to endure, tears falling down, mixed with hair rolling down. The water drops, and the feet move carefully inside.

When she asked for help from the people on the shore, the guard went down, and she stepped back in horror. The guard quickly reached out and grabbed her hair. She forced her into the water and forced her for a while. Pulling her up again, this time and again, Gu girl no longer struggled and became dying.

The guards carried her up, threw them on the stone ladder, clap their hands and walked away. From the beginning to the end, there was no fluctuation on the surface.

The whole process was seen by many people on both sides of the river. These people, including several brothers of the Locke family.

Some timid girls didn't dare to look at them, and they left in a hurry. Some of them were scared, but they seemed to be very curious and then stayed. Naturally, there was also a lot of interest.

It’s just that there are all sorts of emotions in this heart.

To say that among these people, Luo Jingbo and her relationship are the closest, but he is now expressionless, not to mention compassion and pity, the eyes are watching a dead object.

The younger sister does not want to have a third person to intervene between their husband and wife, then she should be the same. For those who are trying to get close to the future brother-in-law, he naturally has a little bit of good feelings.

"Jingbo, still let people send her back, after all, it is from our home, let her die here, even the hands of the people of Jin Prince, the reputation of our family is not good." Luo Jingde whispered Said.

Luo Jingbo had a bit of a bit of a head. However, she was all wet and answered, and she was still alive and dead. She couldn’t be called to go back to her home. So, not only was her reputation ruined, but Luo’s family would also be criticized.

If the Gu girl is the tail of Jing Hao, then her niece is the tail of Luo Jingbo.

Luo Jingbo sideways, and I saw the pale face of the pity, tears like broken beads, completely unable to control, see Luo Jingbo look over, like the main heart, "Cousin..." Poor Just want to smash the past.

"Take your shackles and send her back. The prince of Jin is the hand of the prince, and she will die. She will only be white. Also, if you take it for granted, Xiao thinks it should not be thought of, you probably It will be the same end." Luo Jingbo is a clear warning.

Gu Perry may be a person who is as weak as a silk flower, but he does not understand the human language completely. He is a white face and dare not step closer.

Luo Jingbo no longer cares for her. "The younger brothers and sisters are running away, and we are going to turn around?"

Luo Jingde and Luo Jingming nodded. Although they are seen every year, they still have different places every year.

They are big men, and it’s enough to follow their own little sister.

Watching them leave, Gu Perry bit his lip and looked at the unmoving little aunt on the stone ladder. She also wanted to leave it, but not. Will it be dead? She is not sure, she is afraid of it. Looked at the shackles of the side, "Don't you go see your girl?"

Obviously, I am equally afraid of dying, but I have to go. Trembling and groping, shaking and reaching out, and found that there is still breath, it seems that it just fainted, could not help but cry, " still, alive."

Of course, I am still alive. Since I have said a sigh of relief, I will naturally not die. It’s a good friend of Luo San’s family. It’s not always good to kill people. However, this lesson is enough. If there is another time, there will be no chance.

Gu Perry called his own help to help.

Together, she lifted her up and let her go back and step by step to the place where she parked the carriage.

Seeing that situation, I don’t know what’s going on, is this falling out of the river?

The insider snorted, "The people of Jin’s princes squatted in the river, blocked their mouths and folded their hands. The prince of Jin took Luo San’s girl to the river lantern, and the two girls who were close to Luo San’s girl avoided it. I don’t know how to live and die, and I don’t look at my virtue. You didn’t see her appearance at the time, it’s hard to look straight.”

"You can't think that you are beautiful, it's a man who will be attracted."

"I really can't say it. It's not a joke to say that the Prince of Jin has a red face and a bone."

The prince of Jin is so beautiful, but he has always been picking people, and he has rushed himself. No one will have a good end.

Other people face each other, and then look at the unconscious girl, with a little pity, more is disdain.

When the crowds were almost scattered, Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang reappeared on the river. In the same situation, they all looked at them. At this moment, they looked at each other and didn’t know what to say.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Qiaoqiao suddenly laughed. "It should be frost, now it is quiet enough. Let's go and put the lights on, or else there will be more people." Xinghong went to mention a few river lights, and then called Shangyu helped, just in the place where Jing Hao just put the river lantern. In the place where the girl almost died, Yuan Qiaoqiao put the river lanterns down one by one. It seems that they are too slow to use them. Hand strokes.

As for the hawkers who have never seen such a squad, they are almost scared and can only slow themselves down.

There are people who don’t know the situation. The position here is very wide. Although they are confused, because they have Yuan Qiaoqiao, they don’t think much. They bought the river lantern and went on.

Jing Hao wandered around Li Hongyuan, and looked at Xiqiao in the east, feeling the rich festive atmosphere. This is something that the past life would never have. Therefore, for so many years, Jing Hao’s love for many festivals has not weakened anything, not to mention the fact that Beijing is very different from Qi’an.

Built in the pavilion corridor by the river, the nine bends and eighteen bends are lanterns with flowers, birds and fish worms. Of course, there are also very square lanterns. The white paper is also painted with beautiful paintings.

Countless games, listening to the bursts of cheers, is the lively and prosperous of this era.

"Want?" Li Hongyuan’s voice rang softly in her ear.

Jing Hao subconsciously licked his ears, looked at him sideways, and turned his gaze to the high platform that was full of lanterns. The third time he closed the lantern, the last prize was hung in the center of the elevated, that is a The glazed lamp is not an ordinary appearance, but a person, a foot on the auspicious cloud, holding a jade rabbit, although only half a person is high, but it is lifelike, because the lamp inside, wearing a gauze, but not frivolous, On the contrary, it seems to be with the same scent, this craft is absolutely.

I don't blame men and women for so many people, but there are not many who seem to break into the second level.

"If you want it, I will take it."

Jing Hao is biased, trouble, don't rely on talking so close, the normal tone of speech is already very foul, and the voice is depressed. "Get? How does Wang Ye plan to take it? Take it?"

"I have given it to you, isn't it a disease for you? If they are a king, it doesn't matter."

It is said that Jin’s prince has no face, and this knowledge naturally includes it. However, Jing Hao dares to conclude that it is not the case. Since he has spoken out, he will certainly be able to get things by conventional means. The things he deliberately concealed are not exposed. Shaking his head, "Just feel pretty, didn't want it."

Li Hongyuan seems to have seen her thoughts. "It doesn't matter." How can you expose something?

"I really didn't want it." Jing Hao said, his eyes turned and then suddenly lowered his voice. "Is it difficult for Wang Ye to make me face up with a beautiful woman day and night?" In the eyes, he smiled and said three points.

Li Hongyuan suddenly turned black.

Jing Hao mouth, laughed and scored outside.

Can make her so open, Li Hongyuan slowed his face and reached out to touch her face.

When Jing Hao saw it, he immediately stepped back. Even if men and women walked together tonight, there would be no gossip, but if it was too close, it would not work. "Wang Ye, let's go." He said, his eyebrows took a few steps back with a smile, then turned around and walked forward leisurely.

When they went far, behind the lamp stand next to them, came out alone, official Sun Yilin, he did not call friends, not even with the brothers at home, he followed a small beggar.

Xiao Yan looked at him a little embarrassed. He knew how deep his own young master had used the Luo San girl. The scene just now, for him, is just like inserting a knife into the heart. The smile on his face is getting less and less. Many times, the silence from morning to night, to say that the heart is not worried, is absolutely impossible.

Sun Yilin knows that she may meet Jing Hao tonight, and she knows that she may be following the Jin Prince. He is still here. He did not go to the Wan Deng Building when he was worshipping the moon. I want to try and have a fate with her. After all, after all, This neighborhood is not small, even if it is deliberately found, it may not be able to find it. It turns out that this "fate" is still there.

Ignoring the pain from the heart, Sun Yilin turned his gaze to the lamp. After a while, he walked over.

The appearance of Sun Yilin showed a loud applause, and everyone had great expectations for him.

In fact, Sun Yilin did not let them down, playing text, he has not lost.

The hard work of others is not even the first half of the first level, but he does not have to stop the three links, often blurted out, and even do not need to think.

Finally, carrying the beauty lamp, it finally revealed the first smile tonight, which attracted many women’s blushing hearts. In recent months, there was no news of his West. When I saw it, it seemed more attractive. Such people, I don't know what kind of woman I want to be worthy of. However, Mrs. Dingguo’s wife does not seem to be a good mother-in-law.

Sun Yilin left the high platform and gave the beautiful lamp to Xiao Xiao, and went to the opposite direction with Jing Hao.

"Young master, this light, Minger sent to the Luo family?"

"Leave it, what does the young girl need, she has her husband."

Xiao Yan silently shut up.

And said that Jing Hao set foot on the stone bridge, looking at the lake not far away, countless water lamps passed under the bridge, all into the lake, there is a feeling of a gathering with the stars in the sky, beautiful.

"This lake is naturally formed?" Jing Hao asked curiously.

"No, it was the life of the Taizu."

Jing Hao’s heart sighed that although the Emperor of Taizu was born in the grass roots, it was also very sentimental. The lakeside willows, the pavilions, the lights and the light, can be regarded as a dating spot. Don't ask Jing Hao how to think of this alone, not drinking water, because Beijing does not lack water at all, and it is convenient for many people to have rivers, but this lake is purely redundant.

"Those ships, is it a painting?" The boat on the lake has more than a dozen ships. The worst is two floors. At this time, the lake is slowly drifting in the lake. It is also brightly lit and beautiful.

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao and seemed to understand the meaning of Jing Hao. "Correct."

"Which Huaiqin painting is it?" Jing Hao was extra curious.

"Why do you ask this?"

"That is not the Huakuo painting singer's singer to see my third brother, and, I heard that Huaiqin painting is the prince of yours, the girl inside you have to pick the rest of the guests?" Jing Hao looked at him, It seems to be pure curiosity, but also like teasing.

Li Hongyuan’s expression is quite unpredictable. “Who would tell this kind of thing to the girl in the back house?”

"I not only listened, but also want to see and see."

It is a pity that the paintings such as the brothels are all forbidden by the daughter's family. If you dare to try it, the spit will drown you.

"When you get married, the king will take you there." With him, where can I go.

Jing Hao was surprised, and immediately smiled, this man is really... "The hour is almost the same, let's go back?"

Li Hongyuan nodded.

Instead of following the original road, I chose the opposite side of the river.

Going back to the front of the Wan Deng Building, Vata has already burned completely, like a pile of bonfires, but it is far more beautiful than the bonfire, and the tiles are burnt red, and there is a kind of ruby ​​like fire. Aesthetic. Far beyond the original expectations.

It seems that there is nothing strange about meeting other Wang Ye.

Prince Rui invited the Prince of Jin to have a drink. Li Hongyuan agreed, and turned to his head and said to Jing Hao: "Go back to the rest earlier, and your family will be busy."

Jing Hao nodded, and instead of chatting with Rui Prince, Jing Hao was more willing to go back to sleep. So, if you don't say anything, just leave with them and then leave with us.

"The old sixth, you are so worried." Rui Prince and awkward smile.

For this kind of temptation, Li Hongyuan has always been too lazy to take care of. Li Hongming brought a bit of truth to himself. I was afraid that Su Guizhen told him everything, oh, the son of the ghost? The emperor of Jiangshan is all packed out.

Jing Hao returned to the carriage, and the appointment time was almost the same. After all, several younger brothers and sisters in the family were not old enough to play the night, and waited in the car.

It didn't take long for the land to appear, but Yuyao did not want to go home.

Spoiled and jealous, Jing Hao also helpless, and discussed with Yuyao's milk lady, sent a personal back to the Grand Princess to report a letter, and brought her back to the Luo family. Yuyao was very happy, then abandoned Jing Hao and went to see two little sisters.

When I finished using it, Jing Hao couldn’t help but smile and found that there were two people missing. "...Where did you go?"

"It has already gone back." Luo Jingbo said.

"Go back?" Jing Hao looked at the side, the carriage really did not have one, and the groom also said affirmatively.

That's all, there is nothing to say.

However, Jing Hao did not take long to return to the Luo family, I heard that the eye-skinned girl of Gu family is dying.

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