Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 220: : Go out, full moon

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However, Jing Hao did not take long to return to the Luo family, I heard that the eye-skinned girl of Gu family is dying.

Jing Hao was shocked. Before it was still good, this is a big meeting. Is this going to die? Jing Hao did not believe it. This is the Luo family. The doctor is the doctor of the Luo family. The Gu family can still be sick under her eyelids. Besides, will this kind of thing be deceived by her family? So, absolutely true.

The aunt and the aunt came back in advance, and it is very likely that something happened after she left.

Jing Hao slightly thought, the girl who first entered the capital, the outside person and her no enmity, not to set her sacks to beat her, will not be forced to lose her chastity, or the third brother said she has returned When it is not so indifferent, the most likely thing is to fall into the river. In the current cold, it can cause death. The drowning causes lung infection, causing high fever, the weather is getting cold, or it may be cold, and it is extremely human life. possible.

Jing Hao decided to go to jealousy, but not much care about each other, purely want to know what happened.

Just out of the gate, I met Luo Jingbo, apparently their destination was the same.

"Three brothers, what happened in the end, you should know?"

Luo Jingbo screwed his eyebrows and hesitated for a while, eventually passing the matter to her.

Jing Hao’s foot is down, okay, it’s really falling into the water, but it’s not an accident but a man-made, or it’s still a sneak peek at it. If you can do this kind of thing, then the person who lives with him and the other is replaced by someone else. The emperor Laozi was afraid to act in secret. In the feudal society, under the imperial power, there really is no human rights.

Jing Hao licked a little swelled temple.

Luo Jingbo saw her like this, knowing that she was kind and worried that she was separated from Jin’s heart. “Little sister, Prince Jin has already seen you in your face, otherwise it might be a body.”

"I know, I am only worried that he will kill too many kills and damage the Yinde. It is always bad." Gu family hated it, but he still sinned, but he only wanted to teach the girl, no. I want her life, but this lesson is really a bit tricky. It’s like this, and things are irreparable. Can Jing Hao still have a conflict with her Jin’s Prince? The distant and close relatives Jing Jing was very clear. She was not the Virgin. It was Li Hongyuan who killed irrelevant people in front of her. She could not blame him.

When Jing Hao arrived, they were accompanied by Luo Rongyan, Zhang and Gu’s family, and Mrs. Luo’s wife and Wang’s.

Wang presided over the feed, and all the big and small things had to be asked. Mrs. Luo’s wife, the highest ruler of the back house, should also take a look. However, at this time, they were very silent. The doctor opened the medicine and took the needle and medicine. I also feed the girl, can you come over and see her own creation.

Gu Zhang’s husband, who has been crying, has been crying, and the uncle’s uncle, Jinghong’s eyes are red, and a pair of faces on the edge of anger, although not issued, but look like that, I’m afraid This account counts on the Luo family. "The old lady said nothing, is it hard to achieve that when this incident has not happened? My good sister, when I go out, it becomes like this, that is, Shangshufu is not so overbearing and unreasonable, so if you don’t give Gu When one person confesses, it is to give up this life, and it will definitely not give up."

Who is Mrs. Luo, who will not see the calculations in the eyes of this man. They have come to Beijing this time. They originally wanted to take advantage of the situation, whether they are seeking an official position or want to achieve other purposes, but these days Luo Shangshu did not care about his meaning at all. It is impossible for him not to worry in his heart. Now that he has such a thing, he is not happy with his heart. With such a handle, it will naturally benefit.

Mrs. Luo’s wife is indifferent. “It’s about to explain, and the old body needs to know what happened. If it’s what the girl has done, I’m not going to investigate the things that you have to do with the Luo family. I’m stuck in the house. If we are responsible for it, we will never say that we are not wording, but we should not be responsible for it. No one wants to marry us."

The Gu Yufu realized that his attitude was too radical. He also said it in his mouth, and if he really confronted the Luo family, it would undoubtedly be the end of the battle with the egg. "Old lady, I am also anxious, please forgive me, after all, my father and mother handed over my sister to me, but now it is, let me, let me explain to them...." Speaking, he whimpered.

Jing Hao's brothers and sisters looked at each other outside the door, and the acting was also awesome.

It is no wonder that the girl who can cry when she cried and said that she is crying, the parents are a middle-aged, and they combine the "excellent genes" of the two, but it is not blue. However, the time they came back is not short, and it’s hard to tell the story of the matter.

Mrs. Luo’s indifference, what has not been seen before, can still be blinded by such a small trick. "Since the embarrassment and the awkward are both shocked, the language is incoherent, and the other children in your family have asked three questions. I may have an insider in the family of Luo’s family. I believe that they will not be the same as the order, and they will be frightened. Now, let them come over and ask, but they don’t know. There are so many people at the lantern meeting. They can always find out what is going on, who is right and wrong, naturally clear.” Then people came to find someone to come over.

In this regard, Gu Yufu is not good to say anything, watching his little girl lying in bed, unpredictable.

The mother around Mrs. Luo’s wife has not yet reached the door, and the brothers and sisters outside the door let the cockroaches open the curtains and go in one after the other. "grandmother……"

Mrs. Luo looked over and nodded. "It’s just right, you know what's going on?"

The two first invited An, Luo Jingbo will narrate again, "... Grandmother, the prince of Jin is a temper, who does not know who is in the entire capital, who is not ignorant, rushing forward, purely self-seeking Road, if it is not the relationship of the younger sister, it is probably to directly fish the body in the river. And know that it is the younger sister’s fiancé, still doing this, not to be disgusting, let alone the person of the Jin Prince, I I want to slap her into the river." Luo Jingbo said, looking at Gu Xiaomei, who was sleepy, his eyes were cold.

Mrs. Luo’s face is also getting cold. “Is it true?”

"The cousin was also on the side, and it was not clear, so I couldn’t even shake my head."

Gu Yu’s father’s face was green and white, and it was a prince. Sure enough, he died of white death. He said to Gu, "Is your cousin saying it is true? Cry and cry, say -"

Gu Perry was shocked, crying even more pitifully, seemingly difficult to nod.

Mrs. Luo stood up and said, "There is nothing to say about it. According to the generations, the sister is still a sly elder. I have never seen such a shameful thing in my life. This is a prostitute. To my grandson, I am really a family student. - Boss, arrange people, send her to Zhuangzi overnight, Minger is your grandchildren full moon, if people die at home, they are not angry, it is death Life is all about her own creation. - Your family, move out of the Luo family within three days, otherwise, don't blame the old body and leave you in the door. - Zhang, you better draw them with them. Boundary, otherwise you take the book and roll out of the house." Mrs. Luo said, go straight to the sleeves, it is visible, really moved the real fire.

Wang and the Jingxi brothers and sisters followed Mrs. Luo.

Zhang’s sister sat there, not knowing what to do.

Luo Rongyan pulled her, "Go, stay here and do it."

Zhang’s image is to find the backbone of the heart and hold his hand tightly.

"Go back and say." In this place, he does not want to stay, this relative, don't give up.

Gu Yufu wants to keep them, but no one cares about him.

After Zhang’s marriage, Luo Rongyan is the focus of her life. Her children occupy the corners of the corner. The maiden’s family still has a line. If you keep your good, I’m good, everyone’s good, then it’s natural. But if someone threatens her marriage, then let alone the married sister, the parents, she can also break the relationship.

Gu Yufu clenched his fists and glared at the mother and daughter who were still crying. "Cry and see, it’s all good things you do." Eating and living in Luojia, nature is much stronger than the original, Luo Shangshu does not Any expression, they are also grinding, do not want to find a house outside, but now have to find, after all, if it is really sweeping the door, it is too ugly.

Gu Zhang did not expect to be like this in the end. She only used her sister as a good one. Her kind of temper can be in the Luo family. The mother-in-law must also be a soft one. Who knows that the prediction is completely wrong. "Can this blame me? It's not all good things for your sister. The dragon is attached to the phoenix. Is it true that she can think about it? When I said that I should not take her, I have completely offended the Luo family. Are you satisfied?" Gu Zhang is a small flower outside, not at home.

Gu Yu’s father is very blue, indeed, his daughter has something wrong, but the more important is his sister, who completely angered Mrs. Luo, who heard the most at Luo’s house, probably how Mrs. Luo’s wife loves her granddaughter. .

Therefore, when Wang sent people to take Gu Xiaomei away, their family did not say that they were blocked, and they could not help to get rid of people. After Wang heard it, he was undecided. This selfish and self-interested person saw more. When it was useful, it was like a blood-sucking worm. When something went wrong, it was pushed to others, and he could not wait to die.

Wang did not have any opinion on Zhang. For her, Wang also knew it well.

Gu Xiaomei was sent away, and did not cause a little bit of turmoil. As for the fact that she could not see it, she could see if she could hold it.

The next day, Jing Hao asked them to come out from the main house and went directly to the big house.

Yuyao, who refused to go home last night, followed suit. He said that he was the best partner with the four-room prostitute. He didn’t know if the Luoqi girl followed Jingwei in the same time as the small tail in Qi’an. Jing Hao’s influence is quite deep.

Xiao Wang's out of the month, to clean up, the whole person is not a lot of money, after all, when carrying the child has not been good, the spirit is not bad. When I saw Jing Hao, they came and smiled very happy.

Jing Hao, they looked at the children. I just saw them when I came back. It didn’t take many days. It seemed to be a little longer. The children really saw the sky. Because I was thinner at birth, I took care of it very carefully. Now I look at the white fat, my eyes are very round and bright, and Jing Hao estimates that this child should have no problem.

Probably because there was one in the belly, Sun Yijia now looks at the children and likes it very much. I can’t wait to hold this little baby back.

Xiao Wang’s laughter, “Don't worry about your brother and sister, wait a few more months, wait for your belly to come out. After a long time, you should be bothered.”

"I don't bother to say it again, let me be rare now."

They talked and laughed around the little guys, and the guests came on the door.

The first guest to come, naturally is the Wang family, Wang's mother, a few nephews, younger siblings, and two junior daughter-in-law. This family of Wang is also a leafy family.

Because it is the long-term grandson of Changfang, the first of the fourth generation, it is naturally very important, so it is also very grand.

The officials in the DPRK and China cannot come, and the family members are also coming. They are not suitable for the door. For example, the princes, as for Luo Jingbo’s marriage, it’s because Li Hongyuan’s one has no taboos. Others follow him. This time. Li Hongyuan is just a gift, and their Wang Hao is naturally not good at the door, but the gift is heavy.

The Princess Dachang also sent a generous gift, and Yuyao became the representative of the Princess of the Grand Princess. After she ran in front of the Luo family, she saw her, and she thought a little more, but A child, perhaps tightly, represents that the two have a relationship, and there is no deeper contact.

The banquet is about to open a banquet, Luo Peishan came back, but with the "dead rival" 阮瑞中, the atmosphere between the two is harmonious, is this already reconciled?

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