Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 222: :And 笄礼, subtle

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Some people say that the simpler the clothes, the more they can map a kind of tolerance, which is undoubtedly the same in Jing Hao. Jing Hao is a completely different experience of the two worlds, and two distinct cultural accumulations. Because of her past life, she has a forward-looking vision and an atmosphere that is difficult for ordinary girls. It is also because of the hardships of her past life, which made her tenacious and unyielding. The ancient rhyme of this life is raised, and the warmth of the family makes her become more and more restrained and soft. These things are combined. She is not contradictory, she is like the most beautiful jade, and then carefully carved, blooming and burning.

Jing Hao stood in the middle of the venue, facing quietly and facing the south, bowing to many guests. Turned to the west, sitting on the mat placed beforehand. Zhou Yingshuang stepped forward to comb her hair, then placed the comb on the left side of Jingjing.

Perhaps because there are too many people and more guests, Zhou Yingshuang seems to be a little nervous. Jing Hao feels that she is a little shivering, but fortunately she is holding on to her. If it is ugly, it is something that others will not say. She will be herself. Responsibility will also be self-confident.

Jing Hao got up, turned around, and sat on the east side, hands naturally placed on the thighs, elbows outward, fingertips inward.

The big princess got up, Luo Rongyan and Zhang also accompanied him to get up. The long princess washed his hands under the steps, wiped them dry, and then went back to everyone, and sat down. Then, the coronation begins...

One of the divisions was carrying the front of the tray, the top was the plain dress, the skirt was the matching Ropa and the hairpin, and the big princess walked to the front of Jingjing, and the lips and teeth were closed. The beginning of the Canadian Yuan clothing. Abandoned the younger brother, Shuner Chengde. Shou Kao Wei, Jie Er Jing Fu." Then slightly tilted, combing for Jing Hao...

Because of his identity, the Princess Dachang did not squat with Jing Hao.

When the long princess took the hairpin, she rarely had a slight pause, and the noble lady with enough status, the maidens in the palace often rewarded a lot of things, and used for the hair on the head, hair, 钗Three things are basically rewarded by the Queen. Jing Hao is no exception, but for the Queen’s rewards, the Princess of the Great Princess has a lot of heart. After all, her former daughter and her sister also got a reward, and she started. It is concluded that this is not a queen's reward. The reason for not giving her daughter a reward is worse than that of Jing Hao. The Luo family is not a frivolous person. This is not a dry daughter. It is not good to abandon the Queen's things, and dare to dare to pack things. Except that the living king does not do what he wants.

The long-length princess seems to have found nothing, and she does not know what she is doing. When I finished, I turned back to the original place, Zhou Yingshuang stepped forward, and with a few symbolic meanings, Jing Weizheng was right.

Jing Hao got up and bowed to the Princess Long Princess, then turned back to the East Room.

Zhou Yingshuang took the tray from the hands of the company. With Jing Hao went to the East Room, there were two gongs of Gong Yu and Jing Jing, and no outsiders.

Jing Hao smiled and grasped the hand of Zhou Yingshuang. The palms were slightly sweaty and the lips were lightly opened. "It is doing very well."

Zhou Yingshuang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. Several people helped her to replace the plain dress.

And the pure color of the dress, symbolizing the girl's innocence, faded, seems to fade.

The skirt is similar to the middle, the rim has no ornaments, and the belt is also made of cloth.

However, whether it is a dress or a skirt, it is extremely simple to look at, and it is to wear it on the whole agenda. No matter whether it is used or work, it is the best.

Jing Hao came out in a skirt and showed his arms to the guests.

After a while, Jing Hao faced Luo Rongyan and Zhang, and he went down to pay tribute to the gift of parental parenting.

However, Jing Hao’s worship made the two feel that they were degraded. Zhang couldn’t stop crying and found that he was busy afterwards. He was unaware of her only because she grew up because of her growing up.

And Luo Rongyan looked at Jing's face, it is difficult to guess what kind of mood she is now with.

A few days ago, Mrs. Luo almost deprived them of their qualifications as masters in Jing Hao and Qi Li. They were both husband and wife who were struggling to find their parents. If they were not present as masters, outsiders How to think, I am afraid that it will breed a lot of speculations and gossips, and damage is not only the reputation of the Luo family, but also the tiredness of Jing.

Mrs. Luo’s swearing words made them shy, and once again let them deeply realize how failing they were as parents. When they think that their children don’t know how many times they are disappointed in the back, they will have no trouble.

Now, when I don’t think too much, I am busy asking her to get up.

Jing Hao once again sat on the mat on the mat, and carried out the second addition.

The big princess performed the same movement as before, and there was a two-handed singer with a singer and a hairpin. The big princess stood in front of Jing Hao and said: "Jiyue Lanchen, Nashen Jinger Weiyi, Shu Shende. The eyebrows live forever, and Hu Fu." After Zhou Yingshuang took off the hair on her head, Princess Dachang took a beautiful and precious hairpin and Jing Hao, and then Reset.

Zhou Yingshuang again helped Jing Zhengzheng to be worried. After Jing Hao got up and the Grand Princess gave another ritual, he took the Qufu deep coat in the hands of the division, and then entered the Dongfang with Jing Hao and changed clothes for her.

The light and elegant skirts symbolize the innocence of the cardamom girl, while the Qufu deep coat highlights the brightness of the girl in the flower season.

After coming out, I also showed clothes to everyone, and then bowed to the ceremony. This second worship expressed respect for the teachers and seniors.

Regardless of the angle, the Princess Dachang received her worship and laughed and called.

Repeatedly carried out the third plus... There are three-shouldered long-sleeved dresses and shackles.

The Princess Dachang stood in front of Jing Hao and made three remarks: "With the age of the right, with the order of the month, the salty Gard. The brothers are in, to become a virtue. The scorpion has no boundaries, and is celebrated by the heavens."

Zhou Yingshuang took off the previous hairpin.

The Princess Dachang and Jing Hao put on the donkey. ......

Three plus, three times to change clothes, let people see the gorgeous process of Jing Hao.

Standing in front of everyone, Jing Hao, big sleeves and long skirts, elegant atmosphere, elegant and elegant, it seems that no one is more suitable for this dress than her.

Many of the guests whispered whispers, whether in the look or the words, they were not admired by Jing Hao. Then, if they valued the prince of Jin, it seems that it is a pity to allocate such a living king.

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao deeply, no matter how many people around him, he could only accommodate her in his eyes.

I haven’t seen Jingjing dressing up, but it seems that there is no such thing as confusing now. It’s like a straight heart, itchy and numb, and with a bit of pain, perhaps because it represents She is an adult. To put it bluntly, Li Hongyuan is a wolf who has been guarding the edge early. He always thinks about going back to the nest. Now that the local people are ready, it will be a bad day. Many years have been waiting for him, and he is also anxious in the process. It is clear that there are still a few months. His arrogance seems to have reached an unprecedented peak at this moment.

Li Hongyuan took back his eyes on Jing Hao and bowed his head. He tried his best to suppress the impulse to take Jing Hao away from the crowd. Obsession, the magic barrier, can be eliminated, Li Hongyuan feels that this kind of thing probably won't happen to him. When he is close to a foot, he wants to be closer to him. Once he can count her to be close to others. Even the bad is in the dark, now, but anyone who wants to be Jing Wei, he wants to cramp his skin.

Prince Rui also took his eyes back from Jing Hao. I didn’t know the last few laments, but unfortunately, Li Hongyuan, who was sitting next to him, looked at him. "What’s wrong with the six brothers, but what is the body?"

The words of the Prince of Rui seem to have pulled him out of some unfavorable situation and jerked back...

At that moment, Rui Prince only felt that he was stared at by the most ferocious beast. It was violent and violent, with a big mouth and a mouthful of mouth, and it could be rushed to tear you into pieces at any time. The heart contracted sharply, and the body slammed and almost turned over the seat.

Rui Prince's face is unusually ugly. Although he did not really turn the seat, it is already very rude and shameful. He is a distinguished person. He is in the first row and how many people have seen it. At that time, he didn't even dare to look at the expressions of other people, and tried to keep himself calm, but it was not difficult for him. I don’t want to look at Li Hongyuan anymore. Actually, I don’t dare to admit my fear.

What can you do if you don't admit it? In fact, Li Hongming just wanted to escape with his instincts. It is not how much he has to restrain himself. It is pure because his legs are not standing up. From birth to the present, he probably didn't have such a shame, but others didn't know, and he was very annoyed in his heart.

The attitude towards Li Hongyuan has changed. This moment is more resentful than hatred.

Li Hongyuan glanced at his leg, and actually scared his legs to tremble, hey, this is a bit of a break.

Li Hongyuan smiled unreasonably, but it looked very evil. But everyone who saw it had some scalp numbness. This is a living king. It really makes people feel trembled and scared. Li Hongming was so mixed, Li Hongyuan’s instigation was relieved, and his eyes fell on Jing Hao. It was still the smile, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth had not changed, but the feeling was completely different. Hepatic tremor - confused.

Jing Hao licked her lips, and she now has a snack.

This man is just like the poppy. He knows that he is deadly, but he will still be confused by him. Especially when he specifically lures you, how many people can resist? And if it really gets on, it’s really hard to quit.

Jing Hao knows that she is in the heart of Li Hongyuan. She is safe. He can be safe. He never wants to abandon her. He just wants to put her on the apex and protect her hand.

However, he did not want to lock her up and not let anyone see it, and let no one think about it.

As long as she is within reach of his hand, he is willing to give her everything she wants, she can't help but marry her, but destroys everyone who thinks of her, other, no matter what, the one around him, his so-called three emperors Brother...

Li Hongyuan used to be in the same class as his three emperors. He had the same thoughts as him. Even a woman with a good face, even if it was a great thing, it was a plaything. Even if there was such a bit of heart, I thought that It is impossible to get on the table. If you can’t take it, it’s only a shame to take it out. And Jing Hao, like this, has a good family life, and its own conditions are superior to the best. It is the person who can best add face to them. Naturally, it is the most desirable.

Now this person is his eyeball heart and liver...

Because she wants her to have the thoughts that she should not have, can not tolerate, because the interests of selfish face rather than her body and mind mourning, then sin will die. Li Hongyuan laughed more and more to confuse people.

Jing Hao regained his gaze, this scourge...

The three divisions removed the furnishings used by the rites and placed a banquet in the western position.

The Princess Dachang gestured to Jing Hao to attend the seat, and Jing Hao faced the south side of the case on the west side of the case. When Zhou Yingshuang was on the wine, Jing Hao turned to face the north. The long princess took over the alcohol from Zhou Yingshuang and walked to Jingjing. Then she said: "Ganzi is thick, Jiajian Lingfang. By worship To Ding Erxiang. Chengtian’s break, the life test is not forgotten.”

Jing Hao went to worship, took over the alcohol, and the long princess returned. Then, Jing Hao took a seat, squatting and sprinkling the wine on the ground for a sacred drink, holding the wine glass, symbolically licking the lips, even so I still tasted some flavors, sweet, a bit like ordinary liqueurs. However, people like Luo’s family will naturally not be ordinary rice.

Jing Hao put the wine glass on a few, Zhou Yingshuang put on a small bowl of crystal clear rice, Jing Hao took it, took a small mouth, put it down, and then saluted the princess, after the other party returned, Jing Hao got up and left. .

Jing Hao went to Luo Rongyan and Zhang before, kneeling down and listening to the teachings of the two.

Luo Rongyan has a lot of tastes, and he has already written a draft. At this time, he can't say a word. For a moment, Luo Rongyan said, "I hope that life will be safe and comfortable."

Zhang gently twitched on the side, a word did not say.

This situation is not without it, and naturally it will not be criticized. Is Luo Rongyan a teacher? In the eyes of everyone, it is a sense of his heart and soul.

Jing Hao’s heart is also quite complicated. They are not qualified parents. However, they are not the scum fathers and mothers. At least, this embarrassment is already much better than the previous one. I don’t know because it’s too I was disappointed, so I no longer hoped for it. I still had an expired expectation when I was young. When I found out that they did not have the potential of qualified parents, they gave up decisively and could not remember.

In fact, Jing Hao is very clear that the result of today's results is not the unilateral reason for their parents. Her unintentional management is also a factor. After all, it is still too deep in the influence of past lives, because she is dependent on her grandmother, she taught herself too many things, in this life, in the face of grandmothers who have similarities with her grandmother, she is subconsciously close, willing to go To create a good relationship, and she is jealous and has a lot of sorrows. This breaks her senses to him. Maybe she still hates her in the subconscious. If she takes the same attitude as treating her grandmother, unless this Two people are not happy with her in their hearts, otherwise, they will not look like today.

Even so, Jing Hao did not regret it. She is remembered by more than one generation. Those children born like white papers are not all parents paying? So, she is right at all, isn’t it? Well, that's it.

Hey, this feeling of completely blaming others on the wrong is still pretty cool.

Jing Hao smiled at them gently, and it would be good to maintain such a situation. Although Luo Rongyan’s teachings are not the same, Jing Hao still follows the script lines. “Children are not sensitive, dare not inherit!” They also bowed to them.

Jing Hao got up and walked to the scene, and then bowed to the guests, the guests, the musicians, the priests, the praisers, etc., and the people bowed to the ceremony.

Luo Rongyan and Zhang got up and walked to Jing's side. "The little girl's ritual has been completed, and Luo has thanked you for his kindness."

Together, the three men went to the audience again.

The whole agenda is over.

The other masters of the Luo family came out to greet the guests. The male guests were led to the front yard and the female guests were led to the backyard.

It is still too early to leave the banquet. Now is the time for the relationship between the two countries. For the princes who need a lot of help, especially the opportunity to let go of this, not only to pull themselves, but also to prevent others from showing good, can really be said to be exhaustive.

Jing Hao took Sun Yijia. "The scorpion has worked hard, tired and tired?"

"Well, it's okay." Sun Yijia's self-recommended as a musician, this is a five-month stomach, the original family did not agree, but Sun Yijia feels that his state is very good, except for a little three months before the morning sickness, after all Very good, if it is not this belly, I am afraid that no one will think that she is pregnant, and the agenda of the ceremony is not long, there will be no problem.

Finally, I consulted the doctors and said that there would be no problems. The people agreed. Speaking of it, in the Luo family, probably no one's piano art can surpass Sun Yijia.

Sun Yijia also attaches great importance to this child, so no one doubts that she is stubborn.

Several people have gone together to go to Haishu Yaju, and the ritual has been completed, Jing Hao naturally can not always wear this dress, especially on the head, just a slap, how can not say, not to mention that today is her another It’s a big day, it’s a weekday, and it’s not going to be so.

At this time, Zhou Yingshuang complained about his nervousness and worried about his mistakes.

Yuan Qiaoqiao listened and patted his chest. "Fortunately, it is good for you to go, change to me, maybe you will lose face."

Jing Hao laughed. "Why are you exaggerating what you said?"

"Why didn't you have a feeling with Yi Jia, I used to feel the same with Ying." Yuan Qiaoqiao retorted.

Jing Hao and Sun Yijia looked at each other. It seems that this is indeed the case. Jing Hao was tempered by the scum of the previous life, and Sun Yijia was said to be playing in the palace. He was held by the Nine Five, and he was spoiled with him. The other nobles are too familiar to cook, so how can they be nervous?

"My sister is a prince in the future, more with her everywhere, when I see other people, I will not be nervous." Sun Yijia smiled.

"How can this be the same, two good things?"

"It's not a big deal. It's just a matter of a few things. It's a chance." Jing Hao patted the arms of both of them.

Zhou Yingshuang and Yuan Qiaoqiao may not have much deep understanding, but Sun Yijia is very clear that Jing Hao is to bring them, or to protect them. The women they are born in are not high, not low, there are The princes are supporting their backs. After they get married, they will be much better in their husband's family. Even if they don't have children, the husband's family will not dare to consult, and the husband wants to make a slap in the face, especially the Jingjing is special. I hate this kind of thing.

My sister is still a loving and distinct person. Although she does not want to "love her life, evil desires to die", she is still in the range of her ability.

Gong Hao, they have already prepared for Jing Hao and the clothes to be worn after the squatting. They don’t have to pick them up at this time. They quickly changed clothes and dressed up.

Sun Yijia was inadvertently attracted by the shackles that had been taken from Jingshou’s head. She also immediately thought of the same problem as the Grand Princess. “Before the hairpins and hairpins?”

"Three little grandmothers, here." Green bamboo will come over with a tray.

Sun Yijia went over and looked at it, sure enough.

"What's the matter, is there anything special about these things?" Yuan Qiaoqiao asked and asked.

"Nothing, it is very chic." Sun Yijia's faint smile.

It’s so disrespectful to adjust the things that the Queen rewards, even if I know it, it’s better not to know it. Even if it was finally shaken out, there was no culprits, and he worked with Locke.

According to Sun Yijia's understanding of her aunt, her patience with the Jin Prince is extraordinary, and she can even give up the emperor's dignity. Probably because she has tolerated it so much, the Jin Prince did not find her trouble. After all, it’s a queen, so it’s too much, it’s too much to deal with.

Many times, Sun Yijia admire the aunt, but it is clearly the most noble woman in the world, but she has tolerated the name of the nephew. Even if it is a matter of expediency, it is worthwhile to retreat to protect herself. I also let others feel that you are so bullied. Of course, the rest of the harem actually can't bully her. She compromised the concession. There is only one, and then there are only a handful of times she has met with the Prince of Jin. Less, yes, then how?

After Jing Hao dressed up, Sun Yijia felt that he was self-defeating. How can such a tender and tender cabbage be arched by the outside pig?

Leaving Haishu Yaju, Jing Hao as the protagonist of today, naturally wants to treat guests.

Just now Mrs. Luo has sent people to inform them, go directly to the West Park, everyone went there to listen to the drama.

At the gate of the West Park, Jing Hao saw Gu Xiaomei, who was stunned. Jing Hao’s first reaction was that he was very hard and didn’t die. At that time, the doctors could say that she might not be able to As a result, people were thrown into Zhuangzi, and no one was careful to serve, but she survived stubbornly.

As long as she is still alive, she appears here. It is not surprising that Jing Hao is still awkward. My aunt and my aunt are still stunned and moved out of their own hands. As long as they haven’t broken their skins and they are embarrassed, they are taken for granted.

When I saw Jing Hao, Gu Xiaomei’s eyes were full of bitter hatred, but she quickly regained her gaze. Even when she met Jing Jing with a good manner, she stood on one side and was obviously letting Jing Haoxian Go in.

Argument, Gu Xiaomei is an elder, and Jing Hao is not married. Even if it is an official girl, there is no grade. No matter when it is humble, it is natural to talk about ages. Is she really not understanding the rules, or deliberate? in this way?

It was Sun Yijia. When she saw her, she was very sharp in her eyes.

Jing Hao feels very speechless. It is you who want to get together with the man. It is cleaned up by him. You hate me instead. Is this role reversed? Isn’t it really true that you are angry?

"How do you stand at the door?"

"I have seen Wang Ye." The group was busy seeing the ceremony.

"Important. - Who is this?" Li Hongyuan's eyes fell on Gu Xiaomei's body, obviously because her talents stayed at the door, and it came out from there.

Jing Wei is different, "Wang Ye does not know?"

Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrows. "Is this king supposed to know?"

Jing Hao thought for a moment, the grandfather didn't see her appearance at the time, or just couldn't remember it at all, it seemed to be common sense. "No." Jing Hao went to Gu Xiaomei's body and trembled. It is also said that the person who wants to chase, who almost wanted his life, has no impression of himself. This blow cannot be small.

"Go in." Li Hongyuan stepped into the West Park.

Jing Hao was behind him step by step.

The three people of Sun Yijia deliberately slowed down a few steps. For this "Glorious Deeds" of Gu Xiaomei, Sun Yijia did not see it, but he also heard his husband said that the other two were witnesses. They were all thrown out. When she was at home, she saw more of her father’s disgusting mothers. Therefore, she hated Gu Xiaomei.

"Should frost, you said, there are so many skeleton bones in this world. If it is a man, it will be a problem, but there are girls who don’t want to make up their own faces, which encourages the arrogance of those men, and the more unscrupulous, the more unscrupulous. Is..."

Zhou Yingshuang licked her mouth. "The more you are not talking, the more you talk. Anyone who doesn't know that Jin Prince is now in Jingxi, and he has never been interested in the people who posted it."

Yuan Qiaoqiao opened her hand and smiled: "You are right, the name of the living king is not white, but I have escaped once, but I don't know what I want to do, I need to tell my family in advance. Remember to get the burial at the mass grave."

“Tell the family what it is, King Jin likes to sit even.”

"Well, don't say these swear words, hurry in." Sun Yijia urged.

The two thought of it, it seems that the pregnant person does not say something dirty, dirty ears, apologetic smile, left and right, holding Sun Yijia's arm, into the West Park, far away, I heard Oops, the sound of singing.

Bypassing a bunch of flowers and trees, I saw the stage.

Prince Jin Jin is still talking to Jing Hao, and he has no intention of going to the male guest seat to sit and watch the movie. Therefore, the purpose of someone coming here is obviously that the meaning of the drunkard is not in the wine, fortunately, although the two Closer to the point, but the Prince of Jin has a gentlemanly demeanor. Probably the reputation of someone is really bad. Even if it is closer, Jing Hao is also coerced. It is a "victim." In the moment when the woman has always been harsh, no one has accused Jing Hao of anything. It’s also one eye closed.

Jing Hao gradually realized this, and looked at Li Hongyuan in a faint look. "Wang Ye is deliberate?"

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao quite puzzled. "What?"

Install, you can continue to install. "It's nothing."

Li Hongyuan chuckled, his subtle step by step on his father's bottom line, so that he is absolutely conniving to him now, he can also subtly step on everyone's cognition, of course, he did not intend to do anything in front of people, only When she needs to stand with her, she is not allowed to be criticized, so simple, so she does not need to spend more than ten years like the former, and watching, seems to be reaching now.

When I was in the palace, Sun Yijia saw how the two of them were "greasy". At this moment, they secretly turned a blank eye and took the uninformed Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang.

The Princess Dachang took a book and ordered a play. She had already finished singing. Then she was sung by one of her peers, and she sang again. The mutual humility of each other, the granddaughter of the National Government, also gave a point. I sang the same...

Then, these old things will not rely on the old and old, let their juniors like what they like.

But to put it bluntly, "Where is Mrs. Luo, where did you invite the troupe? It’s really good to sing."

"Yes, the people in this troupe are not familiar with each other. They sing so well. There is no reason to be famous."

"It was sent by the prince of Jin, and I thought it would be the troupe that Wang Ye had raised in the palace." Mrs. Luo did not evade and bluntly told.

Everyone was silent. I was thinking about the next time I had the opportunity to go back and sing on my own home. Well, it’s a lively king. Don’t even think about it. I glanced at the flower on the stage. Twirling, beautiful face, light seems to have several like this. In the eyes of many people, the play is just like the scorpion. There is no squatting on the table. Then there is the fox, so many people raise a bunch...

The prince of Jin specially sent it today. Is it to pay attention to Luo San girl, or is it a special trip to face?

This old lady is really calm and replaced with other people. The girl holding the palm of her hand is treated like this. I am afraid that it will be blown up early. However, the other party is a prince of Jin, a living king, nothing to say. Said it too... Bai said, wrong, maybe it will bring disasters, so, in addition to being accepted, still accept.

From the very beginning, Mrs. Luo knew that there was such a prospective granddaughter, Luo Jia would definitely "black", sympathy, gloating, and my heart knows whether it is sweet or bitter, as to whether he will give it to the world. Prove that he is waiting for the end, Mrs. Luo has nothing to say now, she will only wait and see.

I don’t know the inside story, but the big princess is unbalanced in my heart, and my own dry prostitute, why is it bullied by the obstacle? "Jing Hao, how can I not see people in such a long time?" When I said this, it was clearly looking at the two figures that were separated by one step.

Others dare not go up, Gong Hao does not have that concern. "Girl, Grand Princess is looking for you."

Jing Hao subconsciously turned back and looked at the theme of the female guest seat. The mother-in-law is looking at this side. The distance is a bit far away, and it is not really clear. However, Jing Hao feels that the mother-in-law seems to be angry, and the inexplicable is short of breath. It seems that I only care about falling in love, and throwing away all the elders’ friends and guests. "Wang Ye, the female daughter first retired."

Before he responded, Jing Hao was in the air and quickly left.

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing's figure and disappeared for a moment. He soon appeared on the second floor of the building. First, he asked Ann and the ladies, and then did not know what the Grand Princess said. She held the arm of the Princess. It’s like a smile.

Li Hongyuan arms around his chest, leaning against the rockery, his feet overlapping, and the whole person looked very lazy.

On the stage, one drama after another, and even a martial arts.

Li Hongyuan was on a tour of God and had not seen Jing Hao for a while.

Hearing the voice in the direction of the courtyard, it was the men who exchanged their feelings to see the play and pass the time.

Li Hongyuan stood up straight and went straight to the female guest.

When I saw Li Hongyuan coming upstairs, I was busy with Mrs. Luo’s wife. I was a master. I was older. I didn’t need her to ask questions when she was trivial. Mrs. Luo’s wife was always sitting on the side, not sitting by her identity. After, but the first row, with the Grand Princess.

Therefore, the Princess of the Great Princess naturally listened to the words in her ears.

The Princess Dachang only wanted to reprimand him for a slap in the face. Li Hongyuan felt that he had sent it to the door. He turned a deaf ear to the one on the road, and the elders did not see him take the initiative. However, he did not care about him. If he really let him take the initiative, he still worried that he would lose his life.

Others don't care, the face of the emperor's aunt is still to be given, but before he opens his mouth, the princess will slap his face and cut his face. "...you don't know how to avoid it?"

Because the long princess has a good relationship with Le Chengdi, she will be mad at these nephews. When she is taught by her, you can only listen to it. Li Hongyuan feels it is not painful, not much with his father. the difference.

Li Hongyuan sat down next to the position. "The king has not done anything to see, but he said a few words. What is the suspicion? Jing Hao is my fiancee. Today, I am going to call the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the marriage." The matter, I am the master of the dust master's approval, it is difficult to become a problem with this marriage, let the king avoid another fiance she may exist?" The words have already brought a three-point cold.

"When you say something, you can shut up." For this difficult marriage, the emperor is also a broken heart. If there is a problem, it is his sister. It is a saying that should not be said, fearing that it will be angered.

"In this case, Jing Hao is destined to be mine. Then, just speaking before marriage, familiar with familiarity, not wanting to face a person who knows nothing when getting married, what is wrong? I am Li Hongyuan doing what I want to do. Children are also bright and straight."

Jing Hao immediately licked him in his heart, bastard, are you doing something sneaky? This kind of words can also be said that the face is not red and not breathing, this face is really invincible in the world. Jing Hao silently hung his head and shy.

However, there are still many people who nod their approval, and the reputation of the **** is still very high.

"Is this what it is? Here are all female guests, so many unmarried girls, you are a big man..."

"Huang Aunt," Li Hongyuan interrupted her without lightness. "The conscience of heaven and earth, I did not look at them. On the contrary, I don't know that they have fewer people who will look down on me. To avoid them, they will avoid the king."

The long princess was shackled and speechless. "Go rolling, go to the male guest, or go out of the garden."

Li Hongyuan got up and Shiran went away.

The great princess sighed with relief. The sins of this shackle were too many to be managed. As long as it was not too hot, it would be better not to worry about it. Otherwise, he must be alive and mad, and she is most worried about other people. Learn to use such an excuse to give and receive privately, so chaotic rules are still available. However, if he is timid and will not be beaten by the girl's family, it is difficult to find the second one.

The eyes of the Princess of the Long Princess seem to have no head of Jing Hao’s head. "Good boy, wronged you."

Jing Hao is not saying anything. Cough, she really didn't feel wronged, but now it is best to shut up. "Mother, I went downstairs and looked at what could be wrong."

"Go." Knowing that she is shy, she will not let go.

When the figure of Jing Hao disappeared, the big princess looked at Mrs. Luo. "Old lady, we are sorry for your family. Please ask for more." This "we" is accompanied by Le Cheng.

Mrs. Luo’s wife showed a slight helplessness and a slightly reluctant smile. “The big princess is serious.”

On the other side of the wall, Li Hongyuan casually drinks tea. Others talk and laugh, but they also enjoy themselves.

Jing Hao turned two rounds downstairs. Most of them were unmarried girls and young women who were married.

Determine where there is nothing rude, Jing Hao is ready to sit down and chat with other people and eat something. When the aunt gave up these things, Jing Hao believed that there would be no mistakes.

Just sitting down for a while, squatting in, attached to Jing Hao's ear and whispered two sentences.

Jing Hao looked unchanged, and a few people in the vicinity greeted him and went out.

After leaving the double-storey pavilion, there was a period of time. "White, you went to ask the grandmother to come down, and then talk to the old lady of the National Government, let her call the scorpion upstairs, and you will wait on the side. Don't be disturbing."

"Yes, girl."

Jing Hao took the other people out of the garden, waited at the entrance of the garden, and saw Mrs. Luo’s coming out.

"Hey, what happened?" asked Mrs. Luo, and her face was as usual.

"Jiang Lingshan intends to give medicine to the third brother. The result is awkward and wrong. The second brother is in the way. After the third brother found out that he was furious, Jiang Lingshan, who also took the medicine, pushed into the pool. She was not lucky enough to hit the edge. On the stone, the left eyebrow broke directly from the middle, and almost hurt the eyes. The second aunt was making a big noise."

Speaking of it, the coming of the total return, from the day when the third brother and the nephew became a relative, from Jiang Lingshan stared at Luo Jingbo, staring at Sun Yijia's dowry began, this is not an accident.

However, what Jing Hao can't figure out is why the cousin always rushes up. Is it a relative, is it better? Is there a relationship between relatives and will not be too good?

"What is her trouble, is it responsible for their brother?" Luo Lao's eyebrows did not move.

------Off topic ------

The pros are very powerful, the author Jun also decided to give strength, yesterday was a little late, the review has not passed, the author is simply more than three thousand words, today is a million, the card update at night can not pass the audit, start today Still adjust to the morning update, when to review, when to update, at least 9 o'clock at the latest ~

This month is only 28 days, today is the last day, and the ticket is quickly cast, it is not worthwhile to empty, love you!

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