Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 223: : Domineering power

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"What is her trouble, is it responsible for their brother?" Luo Lao's eyebrows did not move.

Jing Hao took the arm of Mrs. Luo’s wife. "Grandma thinks, who is responsible for the second aunt?"

Mrs. Luo sneered and did not answer the question of Jing Hao. Obviously, she had a lot of thoughts.

Compared with Luo Jingming, Luo Jingbo and the former are the ones who smashed out and created a new way of painting. Nowadays, the meticulous paintings are gradually popularized and become more and more popular, becoming "a generation of masters". It’s a nail on the board. Although it’s a wife, it’s ruined, and the dowry is very rich. The latter is a smashing out, the relatives are already lying in bed, and now they are studying at the Guozijian, and Xiu Cai’s fame is in the body. In comparison, he The advantage should be an unmarried wife?

There is a saying: Ning is a poor woman who does not be an emperor.

In fact, how many women have such will and feelings?

Luo Jingbo and Luo Jingming are still far from the gap between the emperor and the poor. Their biggest gap is nothing but fame, future, and wealth. But these are enough. Many people are not pursuing this in their lifetime.

Some people still believe that Luo Jingbo will not like Sun Yijia. The common people think that a girl's family, face is everything, ruining the face is equivalent to ruining everything, also believes that men seem to only value that face, how ridiculous.

The relevant people have already concentrated on the main house of the second house.

When Jing Hao and Mrs. Luo arrived, the second grandmother of Luo’s family was sitting in the main position, as if she was the master here, as others showed her strong presence.

And several other people, their faces are not very good, especially Luo Jingming, the hair is still wet, if you remember well, his clothes should have been changed, his face is a bit pale, but there is an abnormal flush on his cheeks, look like, It seems that the efficacy of a certain medicine that has been eaten has not been scattered. I don’t know if he has been splashed with water or he has turned into the water.

When I saw Mrs. Luo, the momentum was slightly weaker, and some unwilling to get up and meet other people to see the ceremony.

Mrs. Luo’s look was faint. After sitting down, “What do you want to do?”

Luo Ergu’s grandmother breathed a stagnation, as if it was a big blow. “What is this, my granddaughter is being bullied like this, you actually asked what I want to do? What do I want to do, what can I do, but I want to give it to me. The poor niece is just to be fair." Then, it is the bite of the teeth, the grievances.

"To be fair, what do you want to be fair?" Mrs. Luo’s face was indifferent.

"Jing Bo hurt her face and told him how to marry him in the future? Is it difficult to achieve this?" Luo Ergu's voice was a bit sharp.

Luo Jingbo has a face, and even wants to ignore the identity of the monk, and thinks that he is more and more free and easy, even if he matures a lot after marriage, he still has a bit of informality. Now, it can be seen that it is discouraged, but it is forbearance.

"Then you are talking about how Jingbo will hurt people?"

Mrs. Luo asked this, and Luo Ergu’s grandmother’s face was resentful. Huo Di looked at Luo Jingming, and the look was like eating him. "This is going to ask me this good voice, the black heart and the liver actually count my cousin, Lingshan almost ruined by him."

Luo Jingming is uncomfortable at this moment, probably still influenced by his origins. Among the eldest brothers of his three brothers, he is the most restrained, but the so-called clay people are still three-dimensional, he is awkward and innocent, even After a slap in the face, the mood will not be good, and I will see Luo Ergu’s grandmother coldly.

"Jiang Lingshan is a national fragrance, or is your Jiang family's high weight worthy of his peek? Don't put gold on your face."

In fact, don't look at Luo Jingming is a blind man, but his education is not bad at all. His future may not be as good as Luo Jingbo. However, as long as he is steady, he will certainly not be bad in the future.

Plus, the Luo family is now in a good position, and there are too many people who want to marry. However, the children who are not younger than the Luo family are directly rejected in the marriage. Luo Jingming is a fragrant scent. His scorpion may have a little influence. However, he was personally taught by Luo Peishan like the other two brothers. That little singer was simply not enough. And, don’t forget those who secretly voted for the prince of Jin, their niece could not enter the Prince’s Palace, and wanted to have more with him. Close contact, naturally, can only start from other slowdowns, other emperors must not be able to do it, you are the best candidate for your family, so don’t say Luo Jingming, there is no need to worry about the back. of.

Luo Jingming’s marriage has already been put on the agenda. Now he has basically set a few, only to do the final screening. Everyone’s education has a background quality that exceeds that of Jiang Lingshan. When he gets into the water, he will count Jiang Lingshan.

Mrs. Luo also unceremoniously pointed out these one by one.

Luo Ergu's grandmother stiffened a face, and then the teardrops fell down. "Mother, I am not your own, you really don't want to see me. My marriage is not as good as the big sister and the three sisters, now the spirit Shan also..."

"Enough, a few children are here, I don't want to knock your face down."

Luo Ergu's lips squirmed, but did not dare to say anything.

Jing Hao felt strange. Although the two aunts were out, they were grandmothers. They said that she and her grandmother were no different from their mothers and daughters. When they were in Qi’an, the people around Jing’s grandmother heard some. It is indeed not bad, but Jing Hao probably feels that it is not particularly good, at least not comparable to the other two aunts. The grandmother’s character Jing Jing is believed, and accepting it will probably not be treated differently. It seems that today, it is not ordinary to wait to see, it should be what the second aunt did to anger her grandmother, so that her grandmother hated her.

In fact, the second aunt's wife's family, although slightly worse than the other two sisters, but the second uncle's character is very good, when Luo Peishan was chosen, he was far from sitting in today's position.

"Don't think that you are smart, make the world a fool, the point in your mother and daughter's heart, and dare to play in front of me. If you want Jing Ming to smash Jiang Lingshan, I will barely look at you, fast. Twenty years ago, you still have no change in death. A good child is taught by you as a virtue. With Jiang Lingshan immediately rolling out from the Luo family, you remember it for me. Even if she lost her innocence today, she would not forget. Enter the door of the Luo family."

Grandma Luo Ergu looked at Mrs. Luo with a look of disbelief. "Mother, you are actually so heart-wrenching? Indiscriminately, the crime of Lingshan is fixed. How can you, how can you..."

Mrs. Luo’s wife just looked at her faintly, just like watching a stranger.

Probably it was really stabbed by Mrs. Luo’s wife, and it looked like a collapse. "Mother, I’m with Luo Rongping, and the son he took out is holding, and the niece I took out, you are doing this... ..."

"Now the cockroaches are rolling, the Luo family is still your mother, otherwise..."

Luo Ergu's grandmother's face was green and white, just like the palette. "You are so ruthless, so ruthless... well, I am going, I am going..." A tearful tear, like the heart was broken, through It’s a disappointment.

Jing Hao sighed, and sure enough, all of them were acting emperors. They were obviously afraid of the grandmother’s threat. They were afraid that they would lose the Luo family, but they felt sad and desperate because of their ruthlessness. However, Jing Hao’s grandmother is a little admired, but it’s really domineering.

Grandma Luo Ergu walked with the injured Jiang Lingshan, and she cried when she left. As a result, she was directly slapped by her mother, and she was killed and killed. .

Everyone knows that she is listening to other people present, but Mrs. Luo is completely indifferent, and she has to take Jiang Lingshan away, even if her resentment is not reconciled, she must bow in front of the power.

Jiang Lingshan also had a bit of pity, and a large piece of brow bone was wrapped, and the specific injury could not be seen. The large circle of the uncovered area was also red and swollen. As a result, there were two more palm prints on the face. .

But this poor man must have hatefulness, and if it is not his own thoughts, why is it so?

The man was sent, and Mrs. Luo got up. "There are so many guests in the house. Why should you go. Today, your brothers and I have also reflected on me, and both are so stupid." ”

When Jing Hao and Mrs. Luo left, the rest of the people still have some blasphemy, just finished?

Luo Jingbo and Luo Jingming’s brothers looked at each other. Indeed, they made a stupidity today. Luo Jingming easily went to the road, and Luo Jingbo was even more stupid. He did not need to mix himself in, except for Jiang Lingshan. He has no effect on the original things. However, even if he was stupid, he was very admired by his grandmother. The clean and tidy thing solved the problem. He thought it would be very troublesome. It would really make a disgusting person enter the house.

Jing Hao also had a similar idea. She thought it would be a hard battle. I thought about seeing if I could help. I just watched a play for free, and I put the donkey in front of her grandmother in advance, worried that it would spread. When she arrived, the result was all white worried. However, Mrs. Luo’s words and deeds also tell us that relatives are not good pits. Relatives are not good at doing things, but they are also easier to do. Some things may have three points of scruples for outsiders. For example, today’s matter is replaced by Others, Mrs. Luo’s wife probably won’t be so simple and rude.

"What are you thinking about?"

"The things just happened, the results are expected, this process..."

Mrs. Luo’s wife laughed. “Grandma will tell you this time. You can’t be polite when you can take advantage of it. When you can take someone else, don’t be soft, don’t be soft, it’s a loved one, when you want to take it. It has already been said that he is not worthy of your pay, so you don't have to be polite. The Prince of Jin is a good banner."

------Off topic ------

Today will add more ~

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