Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 285: : Differential treatment

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These people were convinced by Li Hongyuan's realism. It was Jing Hao, who had already seen some of his talents. He also revered this time. However, this reverence could not be maintained for three seconds. Li Hongyuan turned back and passed the glass. The cover-up, a little "smug" to Jing Hao, seems to be saying, look, it is so easy to get it.

Jing Hao couldn't help but want to help the people. In other words, the feeling of "seeking praise" is what is going on, and it must be an illusion.

So much so, Jing Hao’s heart was raised with some doubts—some things can be learned and learned quickly, but there are some things that can’t be learned. After he was born, he is said to have never left the capital. Why are there far beyond? The mind "experience" and "experience" - he was thrown into the clouds by him.

Finally, Luo Pei-song said that he would stay in Kaiming for a period of time, until he left, and he would leave. As for the next destination, since there is an idea of ​​returning to Beijing, and there is no other clear plan, it is better to go to Beijing. By then, he will leave his letters and famous posts.

"This is no better, grandparents will be very happy, if you can live here, you will probably be more happy." Jing Hao smiled.

"This is also possible. After all, it is not too young now. I have worried your grandparents for many years. When parents were still in their early years, they were always willing to help them in their parents’ hands. It’s a mess, it’s always been their indulgence, and it’s a bit too much to continue to worry them. In their eyes, no matter how old I am, it’s probably uncertain, not reliable, private. I thought it was like this in the early years. It was only later that I was used to it. I was used to walking outside and drifting. This impression may be the time for them to change." Luo Peisong was a little rainy.

"Uncles don't need to care, because you and your grandfather are a mother and a close relative, so these little things, they won't mind."

"It is true. However, in many cases, it is self, not others, because of feelings of apology, blame, and even resentment."

Indeed, Jing Hao can fully understand and appreciate this feeling, because she is the same, but now... Jing Hao looked at the man around him, seems to accept him more and more calmly, sometimes even take it for granted, this It is also what he wants. She wants her to believe in him without reservation. She relies on her. He is committed to "nurturing" her, letting her learn to be extravagant, learn to enjoy, and try to "bribe" her with the best things in the whole world. She can't live without him.

Even if he didn't say it, Jing Hao could feel this from his behavior, even though he knew that it didn't mean much. More, probably just want to give her the best, that's all. It is as simple as wanting to "retain her" forever, as long as he is physically and only, and belongs to her only.

When he left, Luo Pei-song unknowingly left the living and the history of the adults. After all, after Luo Peisong’s opening, it was absolutely a surprise. Shi Daren had many shortcomings, so that he knew a lot of things, but Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to make a speech at all. After all, ordinary people do not think that what he knows is useful, and those who know who they like always like, and cited the classics, once caused the history of adults to understand, so he also called for "destroyed people." .

However, at the level of Luo Pei-song, it is not necessary to "show" his own talents. It is like returning to the truth, the most straightforward words, it is strange to understand.

Li Hongyuan did not have any opinions on leaving the history of the adults. Anyway, the situation in Kaiming and the surrounding areas has already been known. In Li Hongyuan’s eyes, he is swearing for “waste.” So, it’s true that he’s not a lot of him. So, it was so ruthlessly "abandoned".

I can follow the thought of "learning" for a period of time around the famous Daru. For Shi Daren, it is also a very joyful thing.

For some considerations, neither Li Hongyuan nor Jing Hao had ever asked people to wait around. Therefore, when leaving the small courtyard of Luo Peisong, only Gong Yu and Mu An were waiting at the door, but it was probably Many people know that they are here, so there are not a few people who seem to be wandering around intentionally or unintentionally.

These people have no influence on Jing Hao, and they are directly prepared to leave the Kaiming College.

Li Hongyuan knows very well what his son is thinking, although Yu Zhongqing will not inform him, but Li Hongyuan is really not interested in paying attention to this group of obviously young but ambitious students.

Walking along the way, some people want to go forward, but there are always men and women who don’t know where to come out from the "fancy dresses", isolate them, and then gather around a few people headed by him, this only knows They are the people they brought out. With such a clear rejection gesture, naturally there will be no ignorant people to continue to get together.

It’s unexpected to meet Luo Pei-song, so this fallacy is not too late, so I can go back directly.

In the next few days, Jing Hao, who finished the place where the city could wander, began to move outside the city. Because of Li Hongyuan’s indulgence, Jing Hao almost abandoned the carriage, and the ten ** was riding or riding alone. Or the two people share, this equestrian is soaring.

From this hill, to the valley, from this temple to the dam, when the flowers are in full bloom, whether it is natural beauty or artificial carving, it is so beautiful, and the mountains are steep, the sea of ​​clouds Change is impermanent, the sunrise is magnificent, and the sunset is magnificent.

Sometimes I hear that there is something in a remote place that is delicious, and I will go straight. Even if the final result is not satisfactory, Jing Hao still smiles very happy. Li Hongyuan originally only played with him and saw Jing Wei’s Smile, it is enough for him to feel happy, deep in the heart, but Jing Hao will not let him go, let alone live king will play, in fact, also play very elegant, the most crazy and mad is probably the horse rushing, finally Still, the clothes can not be scattered, the hair is not chaotic, the first time when the image is completely absent, it is probably in the Huangzhuang, was pulled by the Jing Hao, and the experience of that time, Li Hongyuan did not have any sense of rejection, and After truly understanding the unrestrained arrogance, the people raised under the most rigorous dogma will be addicted to it.

Jingxi’s whim was originally intended to return to the city. Her grind is to refuse to return. She is going to have a “camping camp”. It’s important to know that she’s willing to take her will, and no one will say anything. Things are not prepared. According to Gong Yi, people are going back to the city to take them. Jing Hao is resolutely not allowed. She will do this. It is not without a step. The people around me must prepare a bunch of things in it. No surprises and accidents are inside.

Isn’t it the number of factors in Jing’s bones that seek to stimulate love and adventure, is it just that the people around you are too “stereotyped”? !

However, after such a time, Jing Hao did not want to play this "accident" anymore, because after this time, but when he went out of the city, the people around him prepared more and more things, and any time they would "camping" into a star. Waiting for the senior accommodation, think about those things, Jing Hao can not stop the sigh, help someone, but someone is just optimistic about the show, and said to the people who serve her, done on the spot, back and add salary.

No one listened to her opinion. In the end, Jing Hao could only helplessly say that she would not be reluctant in the future, and Gong Yu said that she had not considered it in the past and would not make the same mistake in the future. If this is Gong Yi’s dissatisfaction with her, she still said that Jing Hao knew that she really thought so.

Moving the stone to your own feet is no different.

In addition to these little "unsatisfactory", the rest are very enjoyable and really enjoyable.

Because in the intentional or unintentional, Li Hongyuan unlocked a lot of new postures, the clear springs of the mountains, the bushes of the wilderness, the horses walking, too many places left their breath, the live king wiped his mouth, simply not too lame. You must know that these people, in addition to the special good people, are mostly restrained and polite. In the past life, before the change, he was more intelligent than most people, and he was also a qualified noble son. Later, his temperament changed greatly, and his body was not good. He lived in his heart, and his mind was weak. This life is even more Needless to say, the person at the tip of his heart has always kept himself as jade, but he never thought that he could still play like this.

Don't look at the madness of the king, the madness, the skill of the fish and water is full, but in some respects it is still called "conservative" and "innocent", but after this, Jing Hao himself gives himself a point. A row of wax.

As Li Hongyuan’s time spent in Kaiming’s residence increased, and he saw the Dragon Boat Festival, the officials in Kaiming’s government were more and more anxious. Although I saw that the Prince of Jin did not do anything, there was always a sense of urgency in which the mountains and rains were coming from the wind. The Jiangnan four-county and twenty-eight provinces, with strange and calm, were completely different from the expected turmoil. Moreover, invisible, even pointing the finger at Kaiming, this does not make a loss of heart, naturally it is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, but in fact, the officials of the Kaiming government, there are really few people who are not guilty.

Jing Hao, who played almost the same, returned to the "home", and the husbands finally found the opportunity and excuse to visit the family, and invited the Jin and his wife to participate in the Dragon Boat Festival.

Jing Hao received a post and said that he will definitely arrive at the time.

Later, these husbands and gentlemen mentioned that they had mentioned their own obstacles, but they did not want to bring people back. They only said that they could see people.

Although he showed as much care and restraint as possible, Jing Hao still saw anxieties and worries from their eyes, and also prayed with some pity.

Jing Hao thought that this is also a group of scorpions who lived in the other house, and they played too much fun, and accidentally left the sea. So what, she sent people to re-educate them, it will not last all the time? The face is not changed, but my heart is a little empty. Looking back, "Hey, what about the sons?"

"Back to Wang Hao, all the sons have a good night's sleep, everything is fine."

Jing Hao nodded. "I told Wang Ye, let me go back to the son. How do you feel?"

"It is just this morning that Wang Ye mentioned that the things of the sons, Wang Hao can look at the master." Gong Yi answered.

"This way? Go, please ask the sons to come out and go back with your ladies."

The master and the servant sang one and one, and in the absence of early ventilation, the tacit understanding of this matter was simply handled.

Things are so smooth, naturally, my wife is delighted, but the worry in my heart has not been reduced. Besides, my children have always been spoiled, and they have come to open their mouths. Who knows how these days come, this time Will it be too thin? As soon as I thought of it, I couldn’t stop the pain of my heart. However, my face could not be expressed a little bit. At the same time, I would also like to thank the Prince of Jin and the Prince of Jin for the "care" of their children.

Jing Hao listened to their insincere words, and there was some restraint on the face. Jing Hao bowed his head and drank tea. When he did nothing, he did not see it.

I thought I had to wait for some time, but I had to pack up my own children, but I didn’t want to be very fast. Then, when I saw this group of familiar and unfamiliar "children," the husbands were stunned. To say this person, as long as I haven’t seen my descendants in the past few days, and I will habitually say, “My children, I’m stunned.” At this moment, no one can say this sentence in disbelief. On the contrary, the face is ruddy, almost everyone is fat, and the spirit is also good. Moreover, it is not as good as at home, when the wine is too much, the words and deeds are ruthless, and they are arrogant. Seeing all the headaches.

Can't help but doubt in my heart, is this really my own child?

Until they saw the ceremony for the ladies, and then looked for each mother, the relationship between the non-natives was faint, but the biological, some emotions in the eyes have been hidden, is the familiar person, how could not be their own child? It’s just that the occasion is not right. Some words are hard to say, and I strongly resisted telling Jing Jing.

Instead, the Governor’s wife stayed at the end because she did not see her son. "Wang Hao Niangniang, this, this..."

Jing Hao is also puzzled, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Back to Wang Hao, about the Governor's son, the situation is a bit special. I am afraid I will ask the Governor's wife to go back first. Later, we will send the people to the Governor's Office."

This is also the case, the subconscious mind will think about the situation to the worst, even if his son is not good, it is also the meat that fell from the individual, and have a good impression on an outsider, can this feeling still exceed his son? The Governor’s wife suppressed the anger. "The obstacle can be taken care of by Wang Ye, who is his blessing. How can I continue to trouble Wang Wang? The special situation is not harmful. The minister can wait."

"That's it, hey, let people come over directly, they all come in together, but it's not easy to treat them differently. It's only sent out together."

Gong Yihe hesitated, "Yes, Wang Hao."

The man was quickly carried over, and it was carried by four people. The Governor’s wife could not believe her eyes. Is this really her son, not a fat pig? Until the familiar voice of the other party came, the Governor’s wife was soft and almost fainted.

When Jing Hao first saw it, he coughed directly. What, is this means too embarrassing? However, in such a short period of time, the person is fed like this, how is it done? This is not fattening, is it directly fattening? Jing Hao is embarrassed to talk to the Governor's wife.

The Governor’s wife looked at Jing Hao and gnashed her teeth. If her son was like everyone else, she might really thank Jing Hao, but she would become fat like this, and she would say that she was not stupid, and she did not believe that she was killed. The anger in his eyes turned into a substance. "This obstacle is really taken care of by Wang Ye."

Jing Hao did not speak, but Gong Hao was not so polite. "Mrs. said, after all, the son is personally taken care of by the prince, naturally different from others. Speaking up, the appetite of the son is really good, the Governor’s Office does not say Countless family wealth, raising a son should still be no problem, and it will be harsh in the future."

The Governor’s wife was so angry that she had a rapid ups and downs. “The minister gave her a first resignation.” The angry squatter went away, but the remaining cockroaches could not move the pig.

Finally, the guards helped to send the carriage.

After sending away the person, Jing Hao asked the Governor’s son. The result was that the living king gave him medicine, and he would hungry whenever he was eating anywhere!

Jing Hao selectively put this matter aside, and then I realized that after the festival, she was completely forgotten, and naturally she was not prepared to send a festival to the capital. They are so late to be late, and now they are remorseful.

"Wang Hao assured that the festivals in the capital have been sent back. There are some, there are copies, no one has fallen."

Jing Hao exhaled a breath, there are such thoughtful and thoughtful people, it is sincere gratitude, "Thank you."

"Wang Hao is polite, did not tell Wang Hao, he is good at making claims, the original should be sinned to Wang Hao, how to be a Wang Xie a thank you." Gong Yu is still rigorous.

"I am also boring. You and I have been servants for three or four years. You have helped me a lot. I have taught me a lot. I am nominally a master servant. In my heart, I will be a good old man. If you are self-disciplined, you will not be more and more divided. In this heart, is it really pure when I am the master?"

Gong Yu was silent for a moment, and smiled in a rare smile. "When Wang Hao said this, why should he and the slaves say thank you."

"That is also true."

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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