Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 286: :coincidence?

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When Jing Hao turned back and Li Hongyuan talked about the Governor’s son, Li Hongyuan just looked at her and said, “I will raise his son to fat, instead of being skinny, he should be grateful to the king, and his son has eaten so much. The king has not yet asked him for money. He dares to have opinions? Muan..."

The Mu Gong public horse staying outside responded at the door. "Master, what is the command?"

"Go to the Governor's Office and tell the Governor that his son can eat too much. One person has a group of people. On this day, the king only said that he should raise a man. He did not say that he raised a pig, so that he could quickly count the excess part into silver and send it over. If you are a human being, you should be conscious. Every time you want the king to tell him personally how to do it, his governor’s government affairs are also told by others?"

Li Hongyuan’s words are poisonous and heart-wrenching. This ability is slightly inferior, and he has to be mad at him.

"Yes." Mu Gonggong said, the words of the master, he will surely convey all the words.

Jing Hao looked at what Li Hongyuan wanted to say. Li Hongyuan looked back at her like a smile. "Hey, this is to ask for love?"

"Ayuan thinks a lot, I ask someone who is irrelevant." Well, that's right. Those are outsiders. She should be "singing a woman to follow".

Li Hongyuan played with Jing Hao's fingers, one by one, like studying the most perfect art, and kissing him on the lips.

It’s a bit numb, and it seems that there is a small current flowing from the fingertips throughout the body. Jing Hao can’t stop shrinking. Naturally, it’s not successful. Then I’m slightly condemned by Li Hongyuan, just like what she did wrong. Things, the first time is really a bit guilty, Jing Hao wants to swear. Yan Gao is amazing, can Yan Gao use the beautiful man? She won't eat this one. "About this Dragon Boat Festival, Ah Yuan didn't want to say anything?"

"There is nothing to say, the worst is nothing but a feast. Even if you use the Kaiming government, the king can also get away. And, do you think that they have the courage to use the government? The army of the 10,000-year-old army, because the same is the county town, is only 20,000 more than other places, plus 30,000. The governor of a county, the general army of a county, but the people of the government are vegetarian, you must know Originally, in order to decentralize, the following people, in the original arrangement, is not a heart. This Tongzhou County, it is good to have 50,000 people completely listen to him, and within 50,000 people, Kaimingfu top ten thousand And one move, will inevitably be blocked by other people, using the government to deal with a prince, has been rebellious, no reason, check the door, how many people have this courage? Even if it is a secret, one less Thousands of people don't think about a king's hair. If it exceeds this number, can it be a secret act?" Li Hongyuan raised his hand and pointed his back across Jing's cheek. "But when I have a breath, I will not ask you to have the slightest Damage, it’s really unfortunate, there’s that First, I will send you one step ahead, rest assured, will not be painful, I always start crisp. "

When Li Hongyuan said this, he smiled softly, but this was not a joke. He said that he could definitely do it with blood and blood.

"On the blue sky, under the yellow spring, the king does not lose, I will not give up." Jing Hao smiles close to his arms.

"Is it really unwilling to suffer losses, and there are prerequisites for not leaving." Li Hongyuan caressed her back.

"Of course. Can't you?"

"Yes, nothing is impossible."

When I talked about this, Jing Hao naturally stopped asking questions. Moreover, in the case of Jing Wei, in the eyes of Jing Wei, the possibilities are infinitely close to zero.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Li Hongyuan was not a prince's servant. Jing Hao was not a prince's attire. However, it was all dressed up, not a low-key luxury, but a high-profile smash, and they could feel the difference when they were far apart. Generally, the extravagant, and more importantly, they can hold down their sturdy clothes. For them, they only add color to them. They will never wear robes or princes. Hey, the first thing I noticed is that this person is always, and then what is on them.

Moreover, Jing Hao also put on makeup today, highlighting its own advantages, weakening some places that seem to be not perfect, people, or that person, but it is unusually amazing, and there is a great pressure on the crowd.

In fact, this person does have a beautiful and ugly point. However, in Jing Hao’s view, this beauty, who wants to choose the first, is very difficult. After all, everyone’s aesthetics are not the same. Li Hongyuan’s beauty "Color" can become the first recognized in the capital, I have not seen myself, it is difficult to imagine, you can imagine, to what extent his height, and his mother, is said to be the first beauty in Jiangnan, to what extent? Still the kind of plain. It is possible to give birth to a son like Li Hongyuan, who completely overpowered the Emperor Lecheng in the value of Yan. It shows that the gene is powerful. However, Le Chengdi is also a handsome face, and the instrument is so arrogant. If it is too ugly, there is a son like Li Hongyuan. Everyone has to think that he is green.

Their imposing manners are not only reflected in themselves, but also in the uniform costumes and the guards wearing the waist knives. The six shackles of Jing Hao are also dressed up in a beautiful, yet savvy and capable manner. There is a **** in the eyes, but it is close, and it is found that there are female guards inside the guards.

Jing Hao has been married as a woman, or a prince, naturally there will be no man Xiaoxiang, Li Hongyuan is not the same, a wife can still think about it, force all men, it is really difficult to not let those women Even if it was repeatedly told by the family.

Don't say anything else, just look at the Jin Prince's body, the clothes material is the most people they have never seen before, the ultimate gorgeous and beautiful, and the whole set of the best ruby ​​head, even one, exceeds them. The whole value of the body is added, and it is so delicate that it can't be opened, obviously the craftsmanship of the top master.

Didn’t you see those sly dresses that beat these housekeeper girls?

These things, how many women do not love under the sun? Perhaps something that is beyond the reach of a lifetime, as long as "married" Prince Jin, everything will be at your fingertips.

Is it really like this? Oh, it’s too naive, Li Hongyuan will only pile up on Jing Hao, and there will be no place to put it, it will be moldy, and it will definitely be given to others.

And these officials have never thought about marrying their daughter to the Prince of Jin? I have thought about it, and there are more than one or two. Although they basically know that Li Hongyuan has no power, it is enough to be favored by the emperor and rich, and it is enough to rely on these two points. Moreover, according to the hegemony he cannot provoke, as his " Yuejia", who else dares to move?

However, the prostitute of the Soviet governor’s family was almost thrown away from the Wangxiantai by the pro-King of the Jin Dynasty. There is such a hot and kind, and the Prince of the Jin Dynasty is still partial, and can his daughter enter the door? How long can I live when I enter the door? Marriage, the role of the dead is far from living, especially not a wife.

Therefore, some things need to be considered again, and now when the head is overwhelming, any person who moves first means “investment”, which means that they may sell other people in order to preserve themselves. How can these people allow? It is said that no slight change will be destroyed by other people.

Of course, this does not include the Soviet governor. After all, as the boss of the Tongzhou County government, whoever cleans him can not pick it up.

In addition, the most eye-catching, probably the Yulin army commander in Zhongqing, the three products, the royal red man, the most important thing is no wife and no child, is simply a big golden turtle, in this paragraph At the time, many people want to climb the friendship. However, Yu Zhongqing is devoted to his duties. As a "bodyguard" who has received Huang Ming, he has never seen him leave the hospital alone. After leaving the hospital, it is all With the prince of Jin "inseparable", the anecdote did not find the opportunity to climb with him, this time wearing an official uniform, with a waist knife, the end is prestige, but a plate with a face, eyes cold, seems to be better than Jin The prince is still unattainable.

This noon customs, Kaiming and Beijing are almost the same, just separated from the canal to carry out the dragon boat race, in comparison, this grand event is far beyond the capital.

Although it is available all year round, it is still very exciting.

This year, there was a slight difference in the seats. Although it was also divided into male and female seats, it was the prince of Jin and the prince of Jin, who were in the middle of the room, and the seats for the two were followed by theirs. Jing Hao was left, and then the other son-in-law was on the left. Li Hongyuan is on the right and the right side is the many officials of Kaiming.

Li Hongyuan was not in the mood to chat with the officials. Therefore, there was no scene, and the dragon boat race could begin.

What is the color head, Li Hongyuan does not think about it, Jing Hao is not guilty, perhaps it is prepared, a set of Nanzhu head face, a handle of iron-cut dagger, a recommendation in her name to the Shangshu adults Letter, there is a bigger handwriting, a silver ticket of 500,000. After such things are taken out, others can't help but suffocate. If she loses her weight, if she wins, who can afford it? Even if you don't know the word "qiufu", there are many people who have this mentality at this time.

However, in Jing Hao, these are not used to bet, but a reward for the final winner.

Very good, this can be.

However, Jin’s pro-King, you are so defeated, is there really no opinion for the Prince of Jin?

Then, as the children of the dragons and drums on each dragon boat, they received a death order from their own and married sisters, and they must win.

The participation of the various sons is a tradition of the enlightened government. It is only a few years ago, but there are always a few faces. Therefore, the last winner is always one of these. "Become a habit, there is no such thing as a victory. This year, I suddenly received such an order. At the same time of tremendous pressure, I was excited. It hasn't started yet, and the war has already ignited.

"This is a bit of an atmosphere." Jing Hao smiled.

Inexplicable gives people a sense of arrogance for spending a lot of money, but no matter what other people think, there is no opinion of the Prince of the People, there is a kind of "I am used to, how to do" makes people feel more embarrassed. Spanking spanking and more people, wanted to hit people are afraid to beat, the former more and more leisurely, which can only hold a mouthful of teeth ashamed of old blood in the heart.

The dragon boat race started very quickly, perhaps because of the special strength of this year's work, and all of them made a lot of milking. It can be said that the dragon is fighting, and you are super-ego, not as usual in the past. How long does it basically determine the final situation.

Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao occasionally got together and even whispered a few words. They smiled and gave people a sense of intimacy that was difficult for outsiders to intervene. It was enviable and embarrassing.

The prince of Jin is so high, the person of Longzhang Fengzi, how to hold such a poisonous woman in the palm of his hand?

It’s just that the so-called knowing people knows what they don’t know.

Probably the previous period was too hard, and the latter was weak. The final result was unexpected. However, the humanity of the game was breathless and there was no time to cheer. The stage was the first to appear. It was an excited girl. . Although it has attracted a lot of attention, it is a bit confusing, but it is still difficult to conceal.

Jing Hao looked at the side and decided that it was indeed her family. The dragon boat in Taifu, the government of Kaiming, won the game. On the spot, she said that she was in a good mood today. The reward was 300,000, behind her. The embarrassment, so free to take out 300,000 two, just in full view, let people send things to the past.

The girl ignored her ego and crossed her elders. She wanted to pick things up. Her goal was certainly not money. It was just a person who was faster than her. "Little girl, it’s your brother’s hard work to win back. It’s the first thing to give him a glimpse, no matter how bad it is, and there’s a mother, you’re a girl who doesn’t marry, so hold on.”

The girl’s face was about to bleed, and she was angry and more resentful.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed." A woman next to her took something and put it on her side. Nobody wants to move.

It’s not that no one saw that the young woman was working hard when her mother-in-law took it. The eyes were not disguised, and the young girl’s red eyes and tears of tears.

Everyone else grinned and ridiculed their little family on the bright face, but in my heart, there were several people who didn't look at it.

The Futai of a government house was originally the local boss. When the county town and the city were coincident, he had to stand by, so the government of Kaiming was considered to be in a position where it could not be kept up. Hey, what should have been his own, but there are often others who are pointing fingers and sometimes have to bow their heads to "request" and grievances.

In the past, it was not very conspicuous. This time, I showed my face in a special way. The court gave me a congratulatory compliment to others, but my heart was not happy at all. This is a reward, but it is also a hot potato, a bad one. I have to send it to the burial.

And for Jing Hao's handwriting, there are not many people who are unclear in their hearts. Who is not secretly speculating about the meaning of it. After all, the figure of 800,000 is actually subtle. It is almost half of a certain "number". With this money, many things can cover up the past.

These old and new oils mixed in the officialdom, but few will think that it is really from the hands of Jing Hao, will it be thrown out by the Prince of Jin? However, how could it be, and not to mention that the Prince Jin had been playing with the King of the King all day, and the main personnel who followed him were basically sent away from the Kaiming House. The only two of them did not see anything. How could he know that Kaiming? The things of the government, but 800,000, it is too coincidental. The more I feel impossible, the more I feel in my heart.

The Governor of Li Hongyuan, who was the most miserable, was unable to sit still at this moment. He was playing drums in his heart and couldn’t help but look at the governor of Su, but the other party still did not move. No one could see what he was thinking, maybe I felt the Governor’s sight, and I looked back and smiled lightly.

Subsequently, Li Hongyuan said that he was in a good mood. The Dragon Boat Race opened another game and won a prize of 800,000.

As soon as this statement came out, the hand of the governor of the Soviet Union could not stop the cup in his hand.

More subtly, the second game, or the dragon boat led by the father of the Futai family won.

The back of the house was soaked directly, sitting, his legs were a little trembling, and the sweat on his forehead was falling down, leaving only two words in his heart - finished!

After the end of the dragon boat race, the prince of Jin was heavy with water and wet, and he was worried that his family could not stand the ground and moved to the place.

Jing Hao does not argue, just standing with Li Xiaoyuan with a smile, how others have nothing to do with her belly.

It’s still a good time to prepare, and to change another place, it’s no big deal.

It’s just that the first thing is not obvious. Jing’s feelings are becoming more and more obvious at this moment, as if there are things that I don’t know.

Jing Hao called Gong Yiyi to ask, Gong Yu left soon, folded back, and reported the Jingyi of the 1510.

"Su Yuting died yesterday? I was scared when I went out a few days ago. I couldn't afford it. After all, I didn't resist it. Looking at the fairy on the stage, I was told that I would throw a girl down and have a nose and eyes? It is said that the girl is Su Yuting? Oh, this is quite interesting." Jing Hao smiled, this "killing" thing, placed on a "good guy", rather than on a "bad guy", the response is much more. "This thing, Wang Ye should have a number in his heart, then don't care."

This Kaiming House is really not a simple place, but it must have left soon. Here is the case, then what about the event center?

Jing Hao is inexplicably looking forward to it.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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