Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 315: : More cruel truth?

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At this point, other people naturally dare not say more. I love to go online... I know that these people may not have been involved in the previous trial fraud, or they may not participate in the salt administration. However, they do not mean that they are not suspected of corruption. The knife of the "King of the King" is still hanging on the top of the head. The "mistakes" of many officials in Chongzhou Prefecture have been heard, but even if they do their homes, it does not necessarily mean that things are over.

Other examiners should always be guarded. Li Hongyuan is naturally exceptional. He simply wants to leave, wants to stay, and is very capricious, but no one speaks a word, whether it is because of fear or something else. In short, when he is not there, he can It's a lot easier, so maybe it seems that he doesn't want to come.

Li Hongyuan did not have to let go, whether it was morning or afternoon, he would take some time to sit down and sit down.

Three days and two nights, the first time, except for those who were taken out halfway through the past, it seems that there is no difference.

I received all the answers, and then all the names, because the inside curtain officer is still busy copying the original question that was placed in the third game, and the review papers were put on hold.

Li Hongyuan sleeps with his wife every night, and everything outside seems to have nothing to do with him.

Compared with his leisure, Jing Hao can be described as busy. From the beginning of the township test, there is a lady who has come to the door. I want to know that the Fucheng County is the same, but it is not comparable to the Chongzhou House. The ordinary Fucheng, the official Zhongfutai. It is the boss, the top four products, in the county, the government can only stand by.

Perhaps I have thought about picking and picking up, but now it is different. Regardless of the lightness and rituals, Jing Hao is all alone. Let her look at the eyes and "hot" points. I am too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, the attitude has already been clarified. This is not enough.

The specific situation of Chongzhou is not known, but now it is probably possible to feel the same with those people. The greed of the Jin Dynasty is simply a bottomless hole.

But even if it is, what can I do, don't you? After two days, the princes of the Jin Dynasty will be busy in the township test, and then ask the officials to drink tea, saying that they must not go back. In this way, my heart is hurting again, and I can only bite my teeth. Not only that, but when I face the pro-King of the Jin, I still have to smile, hold her, flatter her, and only look forward to her. I am very happy, and I am blowing a blow in the ear of the Prince of Jin.

Of course, everyone knows that if things are too big, it is useless to just look at the wind. However, according to the situation of Chongzhou, as long as the treasury is almost the same, the things on the books will be fooled by the princes of the Jin Dynasty. It is not difficult. Of course, the Prince of Jin does not leave Jiangnan one day, and the hanging people can't land one day.

Until the afternoon of the second exam, the accident came, I don't know if I had mastered the work schedule of Li Hongyuan. When I came to the door, Li Hongyuan just took a nap.

Li Hongyuan saw the post, no matter whether it was right or not, directly threw the post to the side, and then put people in.

Jing Hao posted a post and saw the name of the last payment. "Han Han? This is a family of the Yi family? What does this person look for?"

"The emperor's former fiance." Li Hongyuan did not conceal, "Let the throne suspicion and even the first culprit in the killing of the hand." The tone is sloppy, this is a shocking thing, but in his mouth it is attributed to "this The weather is good."

At least Jing Hao’s heart jumped and jumped. “Ayuan saw him? Is he looking for himself?”

"This person has hated the history of the royal family, especially the throne. On the western border last year, he was guilty of it, and found that it was timely and the people were paralyzed, and it did not lead to more serious consequences. People were brought to Chengde was in the summer palace, and he knew his identity at that time."

Jing Hao wants to say that there are people on the border, and your hand is stretched long enough. However, this is not the point. "Because of the relationship between Huang Guifei, you put him?"

"He volunteered to be a nail of the king and acted in Jiangnan."

Jing Hao’s look was a bit unspeakable. After a while, he said, “Because the roots of the roots are deep, it’s hate. After seeing you, it changes your attitude, just because you are the only blood of the person he loves? Even if you There is still half of the enemy's blood on his body. He also loves the house and Wu wins the hate house and Wu?"

"Some things are always going to let him know." Li Hongyuan is quite meaningful.

When Jing Hao hearted the gods, he said, if there is nothing happening in the middle, how can the attitude of the other party change so much. Also, according to the man's temperament, he did not do anything and let it go in vain, that would not meet his people. Jing Hao can even imagine that the cold pain does not want to live, the appearance of remorse and indifference, not immediately die, probably thinking about waiting for the child to be sent to the throne, then he can face a little bit to see his love.

For such people, Jing Hao does not comment, can only say that poor people must have hateful places.

Li Hongyuan went to see the cold, compared to last year, the whole person seems to be less so sorrowful, especially external, after careful modification, plus probably finally found the way forward, have the motivation to live, nearly a year The nursed back to health, the meat is longer, the clothes can be supported, and the temperament of the family is revealed. Even if the person is middle-aged, it does not reduce the handsome, but it is only the vicissitudes of the thousand sails. This vicissitude uses another word. To describe it, that is wisdom.

Such a person can easily do the anger and anger, because his heart has already died, but when he needs it, he can be a first-class performer.

"I have seen the prince." On the cold side, he calmly met Li Hongyuan. Only the line of sight is always drooping, and I don’t face Li Hongyuan. It is obvious that his heart is not so calm.

Li Hongyuan was sitting in the main position in a sloppy manner. "See what the king is saying?"

"This time the Jiangnan incident is of great importance and involves a wide range of issues. It is not a myopia official. It is also a struggle between the various families. Although it is known that Wang Ye is a great man, Zhizhu is in the grip, but it is not unusual for Jiangnan to be familiar. Negligence, some people are guilty, the grass-roots are daring, they are good at making opinions, they want to do their best for the prince, but they don’t know what the layout of the prince is. They dare not act rashly, so as not to help the snakes to help, but just sort out the various families and officialdoms. Relationship, I hope to have a role in Wang Ye."

With the completion of the language, Han Han presented a booklet.

Li Hongyuan did not refuse, let Mu An pick up the booklet, look around at random, after reading two or three pages, Li Hongyuan's face was slightly solemn, and he had been turning over the booklet and pressing it at hand. "Some useful."

Although Li Hongyuan has some people in Jiangnan, there are limitations. After all, it is not so convenient to start. It is like the inside of the family. The closer to the core, the better the nails are arranged. The people around them are generally I have been following since childhood, belonging to the family and having a high level of loyalty. Whether it is buying or replacing another person, the difficulty is very high, and the cold is not the same. The family of his family is very important, because it is out. The change was only marginalized by the family. Now he returns to the family. Even if the family is still faint, he can't deny his talent. Some things, he doesn't have to take the initiative to do it, and some people take the initiative to find the door. He even talks a few words because he often hits the nail. The family is more and more dependent on him. He wants to know something, and does not touch the family interests. He will not attract attention.

These may not be a big deal in the family, but it is difficult for people outside to find out.

Hearing the cold, he took a sigh of relief and said, "It can be a good thing for the prince. It is better."

Telling the truth, the pro-Li Hongyuan "fault", his worry and focus does not have to be anyone, but he soon discovered that things may not be what he expected. Because of that trace of clues, he calmed down, cautiously tempted, and with some inferences, he had already guessed things.

It is known that Li Hongyuan did not have a real distress, and his cold mood did not improve a bit, and his life experience was even more gloomy.

In the past few years, he has been jealous and has not thought about it. After waking up, he carefully sorted out the things of the year, and more and more felt that things were not right. Some things were not as simple as the surface. In the past year, he secretly helped Li Hongyuan. While doing some things, a little bit of careful investigation, Huang Tian pays off, and finally let him find something useful, but just a little something that surfaced, let him hate the Dai people. Into the bone.

At that time, he was still a prince of the emperor's emperor. When he met the priest's daughter, he fell in love at the first sight. At that time, when the current patriarch and the brothers competed for the patriarch's position, the battle was completely inconsistent with the battle of the dynasty. The scope of the involvement is not that big.

The brother of the current patriarch of the patriarchs has stopped holding this matter and said that it is not only related to the royal family, but also violates the ancestral training. The niece and the niece of the niece are simply the face of the whole family. The patriarchs loved women and even made some untimely things, but in the end, they chose the family and abandoned the ego, not only let the young girls "violent", but also smothered the people from the genealogy. It is still very depressed for a while.

The cold has found that this matter, to a certain extent, is to establish his unshakable heir status.

Xiao Han has learned from many aspects about the current chief of the patriarch, and the more he understands, the more he is shocked, and the more he hates it.

As the patriarch of the Yi family, he may be impeccable for the benefit of the whole family, but he is cold-blooded, cold-hearted, impersonal, and hot, as long as he thinks it is worthwhile, he does not blink his eyes, as long as he I think it is worth it. If you are a dear, you can give up, even various calculations. In his eyes, there are probably only useful people and useless people. The former can be pampered all the time, holding the sky, the latter, usually completely ignored, hitting him in front of him, then stepping into the mud unceremoniously.

Because of this further understanding, he did not think that the events of the year were just coincidences. He just happened to have collided. Further verification, although there is no definite evidence, according to his speculation, he was seen by the emperor, perhaps at all. It is not an accident, but an artificial design, and this person is probably the old thing of the patriarch.

The cold once again became a trapped beast, only a little bit, a little bit, and he rushed into the face of him.

He didn't want to understand the reason why the patriarch of the clan did this until he learned that he had been paying attention to the prince of Jin for many years, until he knew that it might be that the old thing "hijacked" the prince of Jin, and he thought of a possibility. All the calculations, perhaps only for one thing, a prince, a prince with the blood of the sage, as long as it works properly, then the re-entry into the church is a matter of pushing the boat.

Although it is only speculation, but the possibility of rethinking over and over again, this possibility is very large, and he has no reason to excuse the old thing, so he believes that the old thing can be described as hateful, especially the other side. With a false face, he sighed at himself and said that when he was sorry for her, he could not wait to drink his blood and lick his flesh, but he was even more shocked that he hated the sky but could not reveal his voice. With the virtual and the snake.

It’s just that this plan can’t keep up with the changes. No one ever thought about it. For his sake, the confessor, who was very strong, actually killed the sorrow in the wrath, and made the only son of the scorpion born as a devil, even if the emperor had a lot of this son. Ok, but I don’t give him any rights. Probably because of this, he did not find the door early.

Now, the old thing finally started with the Prince of Jin, how can he bear it!

"Wang Ye, Yu's heart is full of enthusiasm, especially the old things of the clan chief, for the purpose of unscrupulous, but also look at the prince to be careful."

"The old things are acting, you are all aware, it seems not so secret." Li Hongyuan carelessly, not contempt, only feels better than contempt.

------Off topic ------

Because I used to have less money before, I am embarrassed to ask for a monthly pass with my parents. However, because there are activities, I will be a gentleman, so, parents, please, please.

There is still one more later~

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