Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 316: : What do you always want to do?

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The cold is forced to pull the corner of his mouth, "When the lord said, it was not confusing by the other party." "Want to come, too, with the wisdom of the prince, you will be easily deceived by that kind of person."

"You have a lot of opinions on him, even grievances. Why, in the past year, have new discoveries?" Li Hongyuan was undecided about his flowers, and he looked at the book under his hand.

The hatred in the cold eyes was directly vented at this moment, but then realized that it should not be so rude here, and when I closed my eyes, when I opened it, the emotions inside were completely gone, thinking a little, still I have speculated about what I have found.

"It’s not surprising that old things will do this kind of thing." Li Hongyuan had no emotion at all. "But, to put it bluntly, to some extent, the king should also thank him for not, without him, he said no. There is no such thing as the existence of this king."

"How can it not exist, without this, you should be my son." The cold was excited, blurted out, and said something so arrogant.

Li Hongyuan sneered and looked at the cold eyes, just like watching a dead person.

When I was chilled and cold, I realized that I had said that it was out of place. "Wang Ye forgives sins, the grass people are only a moment..."

"Even if she married you that year, the child born will bring you and her blood, so, because of the king, why is your blood, like the one on the dragon chair, to create the same descendants? Even the same mother. The two children born are also very different." Li Hongyuan seems to be not angry, but the mood seems to be quite good.

"What Wang said is that the grass people are smashing and have no intention of offending you, but also forgiveness."

"There is nothing else to retire, this king will go to the Gongyuan." Li Hongyuan turned his face in an instant, and he was unceremoniously escorting the order.

"The grass people heard that there is a ship with the prince from Chongzhou to Chuan Zhoufu. Do you know if Wang Ye has any people on board?"

"Yu Ying." Li Hongyuan directly pointed out, "That is the point of the trick? The king's reputation is so deep in people's hearts?"

"It is the grass people who care more. The grass people say goodbye."

To put it bluntly, the cold is purely concerned and chaotic. To a certain extent, he really regards Li Hongyuan as a son. Of course, he can only be in his heart. He has no expectation and nostalgia for the world. Today, he only wants to do his best. Help the sly child to climb the throne, perhaps, plus a little, never let the old thing get what he wants. This latter point, perhaps not how to look at the attitude of the Prince of Jin, said that he must not let him steal the chicken. It is necessary to ask him to end up drinking!

There is also Ying Ying, there are people like that, and some people take her and Debbie, he must not do anything.

Out of the door here, chilling is like changing a face, seemingly shrouded in gloom and pain, he is trying to resist.

If Jing Hao met, it is estimated that he will once again be amazed, this one acting is absolutely!

Speaking of it, how many people are now staring at Li Hongyuan, and those who come to him will naturally be known by all parties. At this time, if you want to sneak up to see him, the difficulty can be different. In this way, simply come to the door. If you don't know why, naturally let him guess and inquire, know what the reason is, and how can it be? A word will not be said.

I heard that the Jin Prince was under Jiangnan, but the cold has been in an anxious state for quite some time. At this time, the eyelids have been lowered, and it is reasonable to stop at the door.

People who often come into contact with the main family of the family, from that face, sooner or later will find a hint.

As for the emperor, will you worry about the things inside? Naturally, no, in fact, no one else knows that Li Hongyuan first knew his biological mother, that is, from the emperor's mouth, it was because of the 裴, plus Huang Guifei himself, her birth will be concealed, the emperor is never jealous. This, but the death of Emperor Guifei, more taboo is that he personally killed her. If this relationship is broken, he will not care, as long as there is no contact between them.

This time, Yu Zhongqing did not leave this with Li Hongyuan, preventing the son from wooing the officials in the south of the Yangtze River. It is not to prevent him from contacting the people of Yu. If you don't touch it, it's natural that everyone is good. If you touch it, you don't have to take some measures in the future. Of course, this is his favorite son. The left is to limit his freedom, and he can't leave the capital anymore. If he tried to use his son to do something, he would not be soft-hearted. Anyway, he did not like him.

Li Hongyuan looked at the door for a moment, and took back his eyes. He looked at the booklet and threw it to the dark one. "Look at it."

As soon as I passed it, I promised it.

Li Hongyuan still means to go to the Gongyuan Hospital for a lap.

It seems that there has been no change. In fact, he already has another calculation in his heart. It seems that the people who want to kill the deterrent seem to have increased.

Although the main house of the Yi family is not in Chuan Zhoufu, it is not willing to leave Sichuan Zhoufu. The Yi clan is not a minority in Chuan Zhoufu. For example, they arrived at the Chuan Zhoufu’s brother and sister together with Li Hongyuan. Still staying in Fucheng, it is said that the two are close to the blood of the cold, and their grandfather is the cousin of the cold.

This looks good, good-tempered, well-educated, and a good grandfather, went out and went straight down. People came down directly from the carriage, but the people who had alarmed a big house were busy. I will get people into the house, ask the doctor, the house is busy to save people, and outside the house, I will interrogate what happened to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan is also a war, shaking and screaming, "Old, the lord went to meet the Prince of Jin, came out, not very good after coming out, the result, the result is on the carriage, just..."

There are still many people in the juniors who are filled with indignation and wonder if it is what the Prince of Jin did to him. As the head of the house, it seems to be silent. Obviously, she is the person who knows the truth. After a while, the old lady screamed. Sigh, "Oh, oh..."

The juniors are unclear, so they have asked for the export. The old lady puts her hand on it and asks them not to ask more. This matter belongs to the same kind of the Sims and the royal family. I don’t know.

When the doctor came out, he asked why the fainting fainted, it really was too much stimulation, plus his body is not very small, and recently stagnation in the heart.

As a scorpion, I went into the house and looked at it. Even in a coma, it was not stable. I kept shouting in the mouth. Only she knew it, just two words: Hey!

------Off topic ------

This chapter is still a little less, Wan Wan did not reach, work hard tomorrow~

Dear, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, love you~

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