Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 332: : Gifts, exquisite

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The worry of fascination is not superfluous. In the subsequent delivery of the food for the third time, the paintings next to it are not too light but not enough to be heard by the main painting. "This dish is not very good, so don't Presented to the main son. ``````

Jing Hao listened to the score, this is the voice of Gong Jiu.

"Nonsense, our restaurant... oh..." The person who sent the food apparently wanted to refute, but was quickly licked, and even the people brought the vegetables together.

Mei Niang believes that she has experienced the storm, and she can’t stop her heartbeat. Although she is trying to control it, she still reveals a hint of clues.

And the heads of those who painted the brothel, it seems that they are not aware of the hindsight, just like the two players who are currently performing cooperatively, frequently making mistakes.

Li Hongyuan put the glass on his hand on the table, a little bit heavy. "If you don't practice well, don't take it out and throw it away."

The sound of the piano stopped, and the woman who danced seemed to be frozen in an instant, and it seemed a bit funny.

Jing Hao reached out and patted him. They were all delicate women. Although they were in the fireworks, they also knew that according to their worth, most of the time they were being held, this was frightened. It’s not a matter of disturbing interest. Since it’s a fun thing to do, it’s natural to save the province.

Jing Hao waved his hand to signal them to go down. The two men were as big as they were, and they used the dressing as an excuse to go to the second floor.

Jing Hao took another cup and said some wine. He pushed it in the direction of Meilong. "The Lord does not need to be nervous, drink a glass of wine, and suppress it."

"The little son has been broken." The wine that the Prince has personally poured, is what she can afford.

"A cup of wine only, don't, drink it. - Listening to this dish is like a restaurant, Wang Ye has always been generous, this dish is not done well, it is to be investigated, it is also necessary to pursue the restaurant. As long as the lord and the restaurant are not involved, naturally, they will not be angry with you." Jing Hao said that he really did not make a dish.

Mei Lan has made a certain god, which means that it is more obvious. This matter will be inspected. As long as it has nothing to do with her, it will not be angered by her paintings. "The little son said that the prince is wise, and he is observing the autumn." He leaned down and took the glass on the table. "Xie Xiaogongzi rewards."

Even so, my heart is still not very stable. It seems that I have booked a table. In fact, it is a variety of signature dishes ordered from major restaurants, just according to the scheduled time, let them do something, and send them to the spot. come. Now there is a big scorpion inside, this dish is "bad", will there be a second, third, or even more? In fact, the best way is not to go back to the dishes, but this is not what she has said, but they all say that the son of a thousand gold is not sitting down. Since it is known that there is danger, why did the Jin Prince not order to stop it? Even if you want to lead the snake out of the hole, the things you send are not to be imported.

I am not being angered now. If there is a series of accidents and a bad mood, everything will become unknown.

Jing Hao was undecided, turned to look at the beauty, "Continue, who is next?"

In fact, at this time, no one is willing to go out, afraid of mistakes. However, twelve people, one round is still not finished. Before dawn, the first one stood up because the situation was a bit wrong, but it brought a good head, but Inevitably, people feel that she is speculative, but forgot, the original is her opening, if the original order, the next head card, a bit timid, very unsuitable for the current atmosphere, standing out fear is bad.

Meiji has repeatedly looked at her eyes, and she is indifferent. She can't help but gesture to the people who are behind. However, I don't want to see them one by one, and they are dumb, and they are called a sigh.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the fascination, and his heart sighed slightly, and stood up again. Otherwise, the trouble will come, and Meixi will bear the brunt. After all, it is her Jinyi jade to raise herself, to abandon the factors that people are unwilling to face, or to have some truth in it, can't ignore it.

"The slave suddenly thought of a song that was supposed to be a scene. When he daring to take up the time of other sisters, he offered another ugly one, and asked Wang Ye and the son to answer."

Everyone knows the situation now. Jing Hao has a good impression on Xiao Xiao. Naturally, he will not be unwilling. Good atmosphere, it is better to not break the nature.

In comparison, Meixi’s heart is more complicated. She always feels that Xiaoxiao has not set her own mentality. The fireworks will not be dusty. Sometimes, although she mocks her, she never really presses her completely. What did not make any means to blacken her, even invisibly protect her innocence and sincerity, obviously a pimp old man, this is simply unreasonable, but when it comes to things, I am afraid that only she will stand up.

Mu Gonggong said that his master likes to be clean, and there is nothing wrong with this. And who is Li Hongyuan, what Jing Hao can see, he naturally sees more clearly, he usually does not like the woman outside. It’s also a good sense of the people who are waiting for Jing’s side. After the dawn is basically able to rank them, it’s really rare. However, it’s probably like this, even if you will touch again in the future, this sense is also Will not improve. Obviously, no more contact.

The people under Li Hongyuan’s movements are naturally moving quickly. Li Suyan stepped on the guardrail on the edge of the painting. When he crossed, he fell on another painting. He took two people, and took the shop’s second child. He took the boat that sent the food and left, to verify. What, naturally, the faster the action, the better.

Speaking of it, the Linchuan River is also very wide. It is not inferior to the moat of the capital. Listening to the long sound, Jing Hao moved to the place and sat down by the guardrail. Below is the clear river, and the look is coming. Often ships, while the willows on the banks of the river are lush, more lush, more crowded, pedestrians or sloppy or hurried.

There are some illusions of silence.

Jing Hao is on the guardrail, the chin is on the upper edge, and a hand is extended. The natural drooping is probably to feel the moisture of the water, but the hull guardrail is high enough, naturally it is not enough. During this time, I have been entertaining the ladies and gentlemen. Although she occupies a high position and holds the absolute mastery, she is absolutely bored. This kind of relaxation is naturally happy.

Li Hongyuan sat in the same place, self-drinking, and Jing Hao, but she was the most beautiful scene in his eyes.

When Li Hongyuan turned to take the bottle again, there was a woman who was diligently stepping forward. Obviously, she was ready to serve him. Her eyes were sharp. The woman immediately stood stiff, her eyes shifted, and she fell on the body. The people below made a mistake. It is always right to find the person on the top.

Mei Long was also watching Jing Jing, but she did not find this out, and Li Hongyuan’s eyes were like a substance, a spirit, and turning back, how can I not understand what is going on, almost vomiting blood, and quickly rushing to Li Hongyuan, but not Dare to speak out, I was afraid of being shocked by the Prince of Jin.

Li Hongyuan quietly regained his gaze.

Meiqi got up and grabbed the woman. The backhand also blocked her mouth. She rubbed a hand on her arm and whispered in her ear. "You dare to try it out, keep it right. Let you not see the bright sun." Dragging her to the side, the other side, because of the semi-suspended curtain, almost isolated the sight of Jing Hao and this side, in front of other people, sly One push, the woman fell to the ground, the back slammed to the edge of the low table, slammed a sigh of relief, his face pale, but others had no sympathy. After all, as the top cards of the twelve brothels, they are real competitors. It’s not a special situation. It’s definitely not going to be a place, cold eyes, even moving to the side, whether they have the same thoughts as her, as long as they don’t take action, they seem to despise her.

Mei Yan bent over, pinched her chin, pressed down the voice, but still cold, "Nothing to look at, if you change to the people of my building, I will let you throw you into the river, kill you. Want to climb the branches It’s true that you want to get rid of your current identity. You have to see what it is, teach you such a thing, and still have the first card. Other girls are better than a girl, and they don’t blame the famous leader ten years ago. Sheep, fallen to the top ten now. Then dare to make a moth, not a man of the building, I also stripped you!"

Mei Chi got up and sorted out the clothes, which was turned back with a smile.

Obviously, this small accident did not attract the attention of Jing Hao. Then, inadvertently, I saw that there was a painting in the distance that was close to this side. The purpose was obvious. Looking back, on the eyes of Li Hongyuan, Xiaoxiao said: "Wang Ye, there are visitors."

Li Hongyuan’s gaze moved, and he naturally saw the painting. "It's time for people to return."

"At this time, dare to go to the door, I am afraid that it is not an ordinary person. Wang Ye may wish to wait until he understands the identity of the person to come and make a decision."

"You love to worry. No matter who it is, after today, there is no chance, no see."

"Some of the 'friendships' between men are not established in the Fengyue place. This person will not come late, but this time, how can it not be suspicious." Jing Hao smiled deeply, "I am going to change clothes." Get up and walk up the stairs.

Bai Hao exchanged a look with the black girl, and Bai Xiaowei nodded and quickly followed.

The daughter-in-law has made a speech. Li Hongyuan naturally wants to "see the last sight". It just disturbs his good mood. Someone has to buy it for it.

Get the master's gesture, seeing the other side getting closer and closer, the next painting is speeding up, blocking the main painting, "picture ahead, speed around."

Originally, the silk bamboo tube was gradually stopped from the painting, and the cockroaches around it were quickly hung up. A person who seemed to be in charge of the matter quickly walked to the bow of the ship, and was extraordinarily respectful. "But the prince of Jin is above the painting?" My master is the salt merchant of Jiangnan, surnamed Iron, seeking to see Wang Ye."

Li Hongyuan Xi Wu Er Cong, the voice in front is not big, because of attention, but also listen to the score. It is reasonable to say that businessmen in the district are naturally not qualified to see. However, there are always some exceptions. The big salt merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, who have the name and the surname of the iron, are also one. The other surnames are iron, and most of them are his people.

Li Hongyuan's investigation of salt administration is naturally clear to these big salt merchants. This is the number one salt merchant in Jiangnan, which is naturally the most important thing, and does not blame the other party for coming to the door.

Speaking of it, those who are extremely greedy and greedy, ten people, absolutely have ten benefits from this person, this is the "personality" in the hands of these businessmen.

This iron salt head is hot in the house, has special hobbies for the people on the pillow, but has a very good hand in business. The treatment of the people is also a degree of relaxation, rewards and punishments are clear, and the people are not jealous, but also as a family. Long, there is a very heavy voice. Even very far-sighted, choose a few well-qualified clan, remove the clan, fully support the juniors to study, take a career, even his own son, have two or three sent to foster care, and then ten years No, no need for ten years. As long as there is a company, according to his financial resources, if you choose a good path, you can let it go straight up. As long as you have a firm foot, you can naturally pull other people. One day, the whole family will stand up.

A district businessman, but there is a wild vision to make the whole family become a famous family.

Li Hongyuan gently slammed the table, slowly drinking, and waiting for the words of the past, still a look of disappointment, disregarding the appearance, but he did not speak, others naturally did not dare to do anything. The people in the officialdom want to clean up, and these salt merchants naturally can't let go. Of course, now is not his rule, and there must be a degree of cooking. After all, it will cause confusion even if they are smashed. The intricate network of relationships will also cause civil unrest, so you must be careful when operating.

Iron salt head, this person may not have to say inside, but the outside is timid, and his business is too big, salt prices in some places, he can decide in one sentence, then collusion between officials and businessmen, and finally bitter will only It is the people, so this person is bound to be within the scope of clean-up.

When Li Hongyuan finished drinking the wine in the cup slowly, he gave it to the show, but at the end he was not prepared to let people board the paintings they were in.

Just let the two paintings juxtaposed, and the distance between them is one foot apart.

The iron salt head is really like a rumor, the belly is abdomen, and the smile is separated by Maitreya. It is said that his family is comparable to the family. The whole person is not very luxurious, and he does not see the atmosphere of the nouveau riche. I know that when he is a well-trained person, even if he is surrounded by beautiful people, he does not feel that there is anything. The man who has the ability to be romantic is never a thing, and people will take it for granted.

In the face of Li Hongyuan, a respectful salute, "the grass people have seen the prince of Jin."

Relative to the iron salt head, Li Hongyuan leaned back and looked relaxed, and the black girl was waiting to serve. It seemed to be full of enjoyment. Hearing the words, he only looked at the side of the head slightly, and did not take it easy to regain his gaze and continue to drink and listen to the song. "See the king, what is it?"

The iron salt head is not able to hold Li Hongyuan's thoughts. It is not certain that the Jin Prince is a skill or a skill. After all, many things about him are rumors and he dare not make a final conclusion. After pondering it, "the grass people heard that there are more than ten paintings under the prince, and they will stage the Bailudu today. The Baiyudu has been famous for a long time, but it has not appeared for decades. I wonder if the grass people can have a good time?"

Li Hongyuan snorted and finally sat down in the body and looked at each other with positive eyes. "Hundreds of squats are so grand, how is the king blocking the Linchuan River?"

I also know that Bailudu will be grander than the Dragon Boat Race in the Dragon Boat Festival. It will inevitably attract the attention of countless people. Li Hongyuan did not order the expulsion, nor will he do such a thing. Naturally, anyone can see it. Anyone can enjoy it. However, all of the ones used in this pass are painted, and the performers are all women, and there will be many people who will avoid them.

"It’s the grass people who are ignorant." Iron Salt said with a few apologies.

"Turning into the king, is this for this?" Li Hongyuan is obviously unhappy with his expression or tone.

"Not so. The grass people got a rare thing some time ago. It looks like a jade-like stone. However, there is a kind of jade in the face of self-confidence. Under the surface, there is a natural-looking Qiyuan map. Its lifelike. These objects, the grass people want to come, only the royal talents have possession, so they daring to give this thing to the prince." Iron salt head quickly explained.

"Oh?" Li Hongyuan seems to have some interest, "take the king."

"Yes." The iron salt head is also a sensation, busy people make the paintings close to some, respectful and respectful to move out of a flat wooden box one foot square, "Wang, you see..."

"Yu Zhongqing, go get it."

"Yes." Yu Zhongqing responded, and the action was exceptionally clean, and he quickly took things. Open, placed in front of Li Hongyuan...

Inside the wooden box, above the black flannel, a stone with an irregular appearance, the surface is very smooth, under the fine look, as if the iron salt head said, there is a map of Kaiyuan, the shape is as high as 90%. Above, it seems that it is not at all artificially achievable.

Li Hongyuan took the wooden box and turned around. The black girl quickly took the things on the table and set aside enough space.

Li Hongyuan appreciates this rarity and seems to have forgotten everyone else.

Although he did not see him happy, but the iron salt head estimated that he would like it quite a bit, the royal family, perhaps may not like anything strange, for this kind of good things, it will certainly not refuse. The paintings were returned to the outside, and the iron salt head was respectful. If you pay attention to it, you will find that his gaze falls on the black girl. The beauty of the black girl is very unique. It is not the usual white and beautiful, but the kind of wildness. It is very beautiful because of special So, if you want to be unobtrusive, you will probably not be attracted to her. Even if it is not good for her, it will be hunted for the first time.

The iron salt is not visible on the head, but the sinister evil at the bottom of the eye is almost impossible to conceal.

In fact, there is another person next to the iron salt head. Once surnamed Su Ming Yu Ting, he was changed to Su Ting by Jing Hao. However, the person has already had an emergency. No, now this woman looks like a god, that is One of the many women around the iron salt head, the makeup is exquisite, just wearing a real cool, compared to the dusty woman next to it, but can stay in the iron salt head for more than a month, still live well, see It is also good to have a paragraph.

Just look at Li Hongyuan with hateful eyes. I can see that it is absolutely bad. Under the gauze, all kinds of scars are the best testimony. So I will hate Li Hongyuan’s “Seeing Death”, but now Dare to take the lead, not even attract the attention of the other party.

What is the virtue of the iron salt head, she also knows, glanced at him, slightly relieved, if he noticed his strange, I am afraid there is no good fruit to eat.

Li Hongyuan seems to be appreciating the thing. In fact, there is no ups and downs. The territory of Kaiyuan will only have such a point. In the past life, he has more than doubled the territory of Qiyuan. In this life, there will be more than nothing. .

The daughter-in-law is still on the top, and the unrelated person naturally wants to send it. Cover the lid and "close it up." Relaxed and prepared to continue the dance.

Yu Zhongqing whispered something.

Li Hongyuan turned and said, "I haven't gone yet?"

Iron Salt Head also knows that the Prince of the Court is not the same as the local officials, and he has already prepared for the attitude of lowering the position. However, even if he is so despised, he can’t help but succumb to it. In the slightest, I tried my best to keep myself calm. "The grass people will leave here and have the opportunity to meet the prince again."

Li Hongyuan is very perfunctory.

The iron salt head bites his teeth, and now the whole Jiangnan is not flat. If he is not good, he will also be involved. Therefore, if he can catch the line of the Prince of Jin, he will not only be able to lift the possible danger, but he may also take the step to the sky. Close your eyes and suppress the negative emotions in your heart. There is no expectation in the plan to achieve the goal today. The current situation is only a little worse than expected. Once, he planned one thing, and spent a few years without saying anything, one time is not enough, what is counted.

Iron salt head eats 瘪, a certain Su Shi woman naturally happy, however, the hate in the heart is also more concentrated, if you can stay with the Prince of Jin, why to bear the abuse of this fat man like a pig. She always thinks about revenge, thinking about fleeing, but unfortunately, she can't do it because she doesn't want to die!

Soon after the iron salt head left the painting, Jing Hao came down from the upper layer of the painting and sat next to Li Hongyuan. "I saw Su Yuting."

"Su Yuting?" Li Hongyuan seems to think a little, just remember who it is, "but it is an item sold by relatives, pay attention to her?"

In Kaiming, Su Shiting said that she had no way to go. Now she wants to come. Her words at the time were not entirely fake, but even so, Jing Hao did not feel that she was doing something wrong. "Nature does not need to care about her, I mean his father..."

"And rest assured, I have a few in my heart."

Jing Hao nodded, no longer asked, just thinking that his husband could not notice, reminding me.

So swaying like this, unconsciously, an hour has passed, and Meixi hesitated a moment, going forward, "Wang Ye, Xiao Gongzi, this time is almost gone, how about going to Wanhuatai now?"

"Let's go." Jing Hao nodded.

Wanhuatai is adjacent to the fireworks and Liuxiang in the Linchuan River. Most of the locations are built in the water. When you first saw it, it was a three-and-four-story giant lantern, which was chic and exquisite. Jing Hao's paintings are docked on the water farther in front of them. Mei Long invited them to the three floors of the painting. In the position of the pseudo-layer in Jingjing, there is really a third layer. The sparrows are small and complete. It may not be expensive, but it is quite delicate. The large windows open and the "giant lanterns" are all in sight.

Jing Hao has asked about the origin of this "flower lantern", but it was used for more than 30 years ago. The former richest man in the south of the Yangtze River was built by a young girl. The financial resources and resources are huge. The meaning of the Golden House is only after the change, the richest man’s family is broken, and the girl seems to fall into the hands of others. This Wanhuatai has become the place for the ranking of their brothels, and this ranking is naturally the various buildings. The girls competed for each other and let everyone choose.

Every year, there are right to use in the top twelve, the first four times, the second three times, the third two times, the rest of the time, what is used for what is the family.

What Mei said did not say that the ceremony that was originally dawned today is also inside.

Suddenly, the drums came from the "flowers", which was very rhythmic and rhythmic.

As time goes by, the lantern is facing the side of the painting, starting from the top, the wall moving away from the middle to the sides, slowly, like the petals are blooming.

Not to mention Jing Hao, even if Li Hongyuan is quite surprised, this design is really quite delicate.

After a thorough opening, it is a huge lotus-shaped stage with two petals in front, one down into the water, one up slightly curled up, and the highest part inside extends to the third floor, which can be described as layered, middle up The other parts are hollow and the craft is quite exquisite.

At this moment, the twelve drums are distributed throughout the space, up or down or inside or outside, and on the drums, there is a dancing woman standing, not a graceful dance step, but with a strong rhythm. There is also a headgear that looks like a simple and heavy one. It has a mesh cover on the head, and a gem is hanging on the eyebrow. The upper body is only a full-length cut-out apron. The lower body is a bloomer with a wrist and a waist. There are gold ornaments, gorgeous and charming.

Jing Hao saw some of the Ming Dynasty's certain elements in the past, which is not surprising, relative, and more intense.

"It's very exciting. I want to come to the Lord to pay a lot of thoughts." Jing Hao sincerely praised.

Meixi is somewhat flattered. "The little son has a good reputation." My heart is also relieved. This kind of dance, the man can naturally accept it, but the woman, the ninety-nine will definitely not accept it, according to the original plan, the charm of the heart has been Playing drums, fortunately...

The whole inspiration is fascinating and passionate. There is a drum in the middle, which is like stepping on the heart of a person, intense and exciting.

After a dance, it still makes people feel unfinished.

The speed at which the drums were withdrawn was also very fast, and there was no difficulty in Jing Hao’s expectations.

Subsequently, many women entered from different directions, waist, skirt, mesh pearls, tassels, long sleeves, or petals, or stairs hidden behind the petals, graceful, graceful, The whole is divided into twelve parts, occasionally converging, but it is not messy. Obviously it should be the same piece, twelve kinds of choreographers, and Jing Hao estimated that it is the reason for the temporary integration of the twelve, but it is rare to achieve this level.

And then played, but also brought no small surprises, the right petals are divided into two, revealing the steps from the top to the bottom, the small platform in the middle.

A woman appeared in the highest position, danced along the stairs, while descending, stopping in a few steps, passing the song of Qingyue, then the second woman appeared... and then the third and fourth In the end, a total of six people, all of whom were women who were "sitting together" on the paintings.

Can be called the first card, naturally it is not bad.

What really surprised Jing Hao was that it seemed to be able to amplify it. Otherwise, at such a distance, it should not be so clear.

With the “rise” of Wanhuatai, it naturally attracts more and more people, and wants to enjoy the performance of Wanhuatai, naturally only on the water, but the best location they dare not occupy, Because, in addition to ten feet on both sides of the three paintings, it is implicated in various ships. In order to be as good as possible, there will naturally be situations in which people are forced to press. However, among these people, there is a sudden emergence of a knife. The black robes, one by one, immediately banned.

At some point, the melodious and lingering sound came from both sides, and it was faintly heard that Bailudu began.

A small flower boat of various shapes is exquisite and beautiful. Some people dance on it, some people play it, there are also several people dancing together, or a golden scorpion is displayed.

The flower boat changed its pattern on the surface of the water, but it did not see the pilgrim, but it was hidden in the water.

Li Hongyuan’s eyes fell more and more underwater, but I didn’t know that the other person came in enough, enough to dye the water into blood.

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