Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 333: : Assassination

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Li Hongyuan’s eyes fell more and more underwater, but I didn’t know that there were not enough people from the other party. It was enough to dye the water into blood, thinking about it, and igniting a shallow smile with a bit of evil. There is also bloodthirsty that is invisible in the depths of the eye. The mobile network woman wants him, unless it is right or wrong, don't make it easy to kill, some people come to the door to want his life, so how many kills, the daughter-in-law will definitely stand on his side, never say a "No" word.

Jing Hao just turned back and wanted to take the cut fresh fruit from the table. He accidentally saw his smile. Whenever he saw it, it would make people unable to stop the heartbeat. It was a scourge and an extraordinary enchanting. Immediately, I looked away and looked at him. It seemed that it was just the water. Was it so ridiculous that he laughed? Think about it in the past, every time I saw him like this, eight times in ten times are to "seduce" myself, the remaining two, it seems that the stomach is in the water.

"Wang Ye, what did you think of?" asked Jing Xiaoxiao.

Li Hongyuan looked at her sideways. "I only feel that the scenery is good today." He did not hesitate to give Jing Hao a laugh that dumped all beings.

Jing Hao silently removed his sight. What, then, it is more interesting to appreciate the performance in front of you. Say when she wants to resist this scourge.

Li Hongyuan saw Jing Xiao’s small appearance and seemed to understand what she was thinking and couldn’t stop laughing.

Jing Hao glared at him, smiled and laughed, smiled, what a funny, bastard!

Li Hongyuan gradually stopped laughing, really annoyed his wife, and he was still losing himself.

At the beginning of Bailudu, it can only be regarded as a small fight, even if it is so, others will see it with relish.

The sound in front gradually stopped, and a flat-top painting slowly came. The lower part of the slap was playing and playing, with a large half-closed and half-closed flowerbed on it, and it reached a certain position, and the flower buds slowly opened. The white satin fluttered out, and the beauty of one-handed cover was revealed. The orchid pointed down slowly and revealed the face of the city...

In a flash, Jing Hao heard many people yelling the word "Dawn" at the same time. This popularity is not high.

Jing Hao also knows the name of the other party.

Such a woman, if the person in the table is like a person, staying at the Fengyue place, it is a pity.

In the small world, more than three feet long satin, playing in the hands of Xiaoxiao is not a general slip, but also graceful posture, manners, is absolutely amazing dance.

In Jing's view, this is almost a neon feather dance. Although I don't know what the dance in the past history is, but the future generations are also wonderful, this dance is dawned. And no more. For the past life, such a person, even if you can not become a dance everyone, relying on that face, relying on that talent, can also become a star sought after by countless people, become the goddess of countless people, the dream lover is not in the words, now is just a A person who can trample on casually.

Jing Hao suppressed the discomfort in her heart. The times are like this. She can't change anything. What's more, is there a few places like the past life?

Because Jing Hao is the host and guest, most of the performances of Xiao Xiao are naturally in front of the paintings where they are.

And the dawn is just the only thing. The eleven head cards in the back are on the stage, or dance, or, or sing, all kinds of tricks are wonderful.

By the end of this wave, the night is almost coming. When you are on the scene, there are some lights on the paintings or on the flowers. The blacks are not black, and the brightness is not high at the same time. There is a different kind of 朦胧. The beauty of artistic conception.

At the same time, there is a little bit of light in the Wanhuatai. Because it is in the "indoor", the light that penetrates outside is weak, and the light inside is naturally clear.

At the beginning of Baiyuedu, there is no natural fall in Wanhuatai. Of course, there are major and minor points. When it is more exciting, the outside will be weakened. When it is outside, it will weaken, and when the night falls completely, At the time, another wave of ** came.

Between the waters, the more the lights are brighter, and on the contrary, the water below the surface is more and more quiet and dark. As usual, perhaps hiding some fish, but now I don't know how many dangers are hidden.

When Jing Hao looked seriously, Li Hongyuan leaned backwards and raised his hand slightly. He immediately slammed his ear to the front. Li Hongyuan whispered two words and then left.

As time went by, the pattern changed again, and the home game was changed back to Wanhuatai. From the top ticket, countless petals were dropped. Then, from the top, the square "big flower basket" was slowly placed, and the dress was replaced by Xiao Xiaozheng. Holding the dance, the petals and the sprinkling, the scene, the fairy has come out of a realm.

There is no doubt that after today, the reputation of dawn will rise to the next level.

This was originally what she wanted, and she arranged it. The purpose of her own is to hope that she would attract the eyes of the Prince of Jin and let the Prince of Jin bring her into the quagmire. However, she saw the feelings of the Prince of Jin on the Prince of Jin. I know that this is impossible. As a result, she regrets that she is so outstanding. However, some things have already been arranged. If I want to change it, it is too late. I can’t hope that I will be in trouble and I will disrupt the plan. If the whole process is not perfect, it may provoke the prince of Jin, and the consequences are definitely not for them.

Being sought after may not be a bad thing. If you put it on a fireworks woman, it is not a good thing. Maybe you can pick a guest because of the problem of worth. However, there are not many people with money and power, and these people are often offended. As soon as you are not careful, you will never be able to recover.

Mei Lan several times to look down on the Jin Prince, and want to open the Jin Prince to take people away, but think about it, this possibility is really not big, let alone this reputation, it is estimated that there is no good woman Will give the Green House women a redemption, who will be stupid to do the "leading wolf into the room" stupid thing, even if the "wolf" is really not a wolf, it is difficult to believe that it is not, and finally had to give up.

Because I have already eaten the "flowing seat", although there are not many entrances, there is no feeling of hunger in the abdomen, but the dinner is still used. After all, it has been postponed a lot compared to the time of the weekday dinner. Because, Mei Niang said that when the evening was ready, Li Hongyuan also directly passed.

It is not still a water table, but a one-time pass to the table.

The dishes together have been sent up. It is different from before. This time, all of them are uniforms of clothes. Meiji is also because the dishes from the restaurant were drilled before, this time directly from the building, from cooking. To the dish, they are all people in the building, she can trust. However, she is still too early...

The penultimate dish, near the table, suddenly slammed the tray with the dishes to Li Hongyuan...

However, Li Hongyuan seems to have long eyes, his feet are slightly wrong, and his body is leaning back, he completely avoids it.

... did not succeed, the woman’s hand was originally hidden under the tray, and the dagger was swung out. It was necessary to stab Li Hongyuan, and the eyes flashed brightly. However, the tip of the dagger was a few inches away from Li Hongyuan. Half-point, accompanied by a scream, that is the sound of the sharp edge of the razor, the woman's eyelids suddenly magnified, there is a mistake, slowly lower head, bright swaying blade, wearing the body, blood flowing down the tip of the knife The ground drops.

In a flash, the knife was pulled out, and then the woman was kneeling on the ground, and when she fell to the ground, the woman just behind her fell to the ground, even though it was in two directions, but it was face to face. , to see the other side's expression before death.

This time it happened too fast. When Jing Hao looked back, the black girl and the white **** completely blocked her sight.

"Don't look at it." Li Hongyuan's voice still has no ups and downs, even with the unique softness of facing Jing.

Jing Hao frowned, probably guessing what the situation is, but there is no need to pursue, turn around and continue to watch the show, but this heart can not completely calm down.

Without Li Hongyuan's speech, both the ground and the table were quickly cleaned up.

Li Hongyuan turned to sit next to Jing Hao, and he no longer cares about anything, and she is in her arms.

In contrast, the most frightening is to be charming, not just because of this **** scene...

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