Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 446: : Is this going to empty the warehouse?

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In the first year of the New Year in the husband's family, he was also the first person to be the master of the first year. Jing Hao sent back to her family's house, but she was a little embarrassed to be rich in her own. She was replaced by another family. She said that she should be forced to empty her family to fill her family. I still don't know how to arrange her. Of course, if I change to someone else, Jing Hao will never do this.

However, in fact, Li Hongyuan simply did not take it seriously, and he also asked him to add something to him. Jing Hao listened to no words. Someone is obviously the master who has never been prepared for the festival. He is purely commanding and listening to him. He still doesn't know what it will be.

Jing Hao let him stay where he is comfortable, as long as she doesn't mind she will empty the warehouse.

Li Hongyuan leaned on one side and supported his head with one hand. He was very comfortable. "If you want to evacuate the Treasury of the Prince's Mansion, you still need some effort. You need some courage and courage. After all, there are a lot of things inside."

"What do you care about?" Jing Hao.

"Absolutely not. For the husband is to think about it, you can convert the things inside, fill in with other things, then there is no problem at all." Li Hongyuan with a smile, Jing Yu private thought he was seeking praise.

Then Jing Hao wants to call him a slap, no problem? The problem is bigger, okay. Everything in the storeroom is worthless, and it is converted into other things. I don’t know how many hills will be piled up. I can bury the house of the Luo family. It will definitely create a scene in the capital, and then wait for the seat on the throne. Please go to the tea family with your family.

Even so, when Luo Jia received something, it was still silent for a while. It was originally that Mrs. Luo did not take the courtesy sent by Jing Wei as a matter of fact. She always thought that she was measured, but this time it was more than one time. "She couldn't help but sigh. "Oh, let's go on like this, we don't have to run a business, we can squander for generations."

Luo Peishan is drinking tea on the side. "When the first two or three hoes come back, you can say it to her. Even if the prince of Jin does not care, he can’t raise the Luo family to be lazy, thinking about getting something for nothing, and treating them with three scorpions. Of course, we don’t have to think about the glory of many generations, but what kind of glory is the ancestors, go back and eat the mountain, and then wait for death."

Mrs. Luo smiled. "The matter is not so serious. The younger generation you taught should still have a little confidence."

Luo Peishan snorted. "That is, the younger generation I taught is definitely no problem. I am afraid that those who are not my teachers are shallow-eyed." For this, Luo Daren still has some confidence.

Mrs. Luo’s wife is not okay. “Since things have been sent, there is no reason to go back. They are sent directly to the houses. It’s just like other people’s, just more winter stuff, and more A little uncle is a good thing, and Xiao Shu should like it."

Luo Peishan deliberately saw the gift list for Luo Pei-song, and some eyes were red-eyed. "Three-headed girl is her uncle, it is better than my grandfather, and gave it to me. I haven't seen these treasures."

Mrs. Luo’s wife gave him a blank look. “These things are really sent to you. Are you really happy in your heart? I’m afraid you’re not happy, and you’re deliberately burying you.”

Luo Daren’s smile, what, he was a scholar, and that year’s Detective Lang, who thought he was also a scholarly and versatile person. Naturally, he liked the famous calligraphy and painting, and most of the literati liked it, but these are definitely not the most The things that are happy, in comparison, the things of flowers and plants are even better, and the partiality of Jingjing is very good on this. Therefore, Luo Daren’s inventory is actually quite a lot. Things are different. Naturally, it is not good to compare which ones are more valuable. In comparison, in their respective fields, they naturally think that what they love is invaluable.

"If you really like it, just say something to you, and the Prince Jin will not mind giving you another, or even better, than the things you have prepared for Xiaoshu." Mrs. Luo "will not stop." Continue to ridicule.

The Luo Daren of the iron-toothed copper teeth could not dare to refer to the classics of this time, but repeatedly sue.

All kinds of lanterns are hung up, and blessings are everywhere.

Even if this year's various things are not smooth, the Fucheng Emperor wrote more blessings and more, probably want to borrow this festive, will be the pressure of the previous pressure.

The blessings sent to the Prince of the Kings, without the hand of Jing Hao, were taken to Muang by somewhere, and they were familiar with it. It’s obvious that in the past few years, he has been doing this, it looks like It seems that the post is in a very important place, but Jing Hao can feel the perfunctory in this attitude, and did not take this thing seriously.

On the New Year's Eve, on the New Year's Eve, it is natural to go to the palace to have a reunion dinner with Le Chengdi and others. It is lively and lively, watching the fireworks, and then staying together to celebrate the new year.

Of course, before entering the palace, this afternoon, Jing Hao as the master of the house, accepting the scary worship of the entire palace, the people's auspicious words do not want money to go outside. And Jing Hao has money, everyone is doing their best in one year, they are hard work, and they are naturally not good at this aspect of red envelopes. Everyone gets a minimum of three months and a maximum of one year.

The people who have won the rewards are very happy, although they say that they have rewards in previous years. However, at that time, when the Wangfu was cold and clear, the masters were like this. Their natural nature is not so busy, and the general manager (Mu'an) Severe, no holidays can be missed on holidays. Therefore, there is really no festive atmosphere in the grand palace. Even if you want to give the main son a gimmick, there is no chance. Now, Wang Hao is completely different. Wang Hao not only rewards the money, but also allows the kitchen to enjoy a lot of food, allowing them to reunite with their families. As long as they do their own things well, the rest does not matter.

For a time, the people of the Prince of Jin Dynasty naturally admired Jing Hao.

The way to go down is to have a degree of relaxation. Everyone knows that there is not much that can be done well. Li Hongyuan is a middle-ranking leader. However, his "Zhang Chi" is so special.

Packed up, Jing Hao followed Li Hongyuan into the palace, did not wear the prince's big dress, Jing Hao was red, even with the body used, is a set of ruby ​​head, although young, but there is no feeling of no pressure In the winter, she seems to feel warm and happy, and her whole person is more and more radiant.

Looking at the daughter-in-law who smiled and smiled, Li Hongyuan couldn't help but lean over her lips and kissed her. One time was not enough, and then kissed, until Jing Hao reached out and grabbed his lips.

"Don't make trouble, but still enter the palace for a while." If you really want to make a fuss, the consequences are estimated to be "unimaginable."

Li Hongyuan took her hand and did not continue. Looking at the beautiful wife who seems to be getting more and more beautiful, Li Hongyuan actually has a sense of accomplishment. I know that the current ambiguity is more different than the memory of his previous life. Obviously, of course, there is no change in nature, and these naturally make him happy.

Put on the cloak, take the stove, step on the frame, and go to the palace in a mighty way.

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