Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 447: : No children are weak?

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Li Hongyuan was sitting on his back, holding Jing Hao in his arms. It seemed like some boring to play with her fingers. It was long and smooth, how to look beautiful, such a hand, if it became rough, it was dyed a lot. Blood and human life are definitely a great sin.

In fact, if you can, probably no one is willing to go this step, but Jing Hao is now, not very good, happy, happy, worry-free, ...

To say that every time I see Jing Hao, she is radiant, and it seems to be more eye-catching than once. She wants to say that she is for others to see. It’s better to say it twice or twice. Self-deception, and, really good-looking, good state, good spirit, 岂 is covered with foundation, not to mention, her eyebrows, how to look, can not see a little bit of ambiguity, so that said that the heart is beautiful The living king, unexpectedly, received his heart after marriage, and he was alone in favor of Luo’s person? !

This is how people can't think of it. However, the facts are in front of you.

Of course, this situation is not acceptable to everyone. Others are better, they are not good, and their hearts are very different. How can they not be sour? - Luo’s look is a serious person, and he still doesn’t know how to do it under private circumstances. Hu Mei, did not see the flower princes like Jin Prince planted in her hands? Just like watching is a gentle and generous, but inside the bones is good and poisonous, the so-called knowing people know no face, this sentence is used in Luo Wangxi, it is really appropriate.

Although the living king is a bit scary, but they are women, not his nephews or sisters, they are not going to be how they are, and naturally they will talk to Jing Hao.

Yin and Yang are grotesque, and Ming Hao can't understand. However, she also knows what kind of mentality they are, and does nothing. It doesn't look weak, so she smiles more and more brightly, looking for her. Not happy, Jing Hao can naturally go back, if there is nothing, can poke their lungs tube pain.

She is the husband of the husband, she is the husband of the husband, her husband is no one around, how come? She is kind and poisonous, and she can clearly see that she is better than the people who have a good and honest shelf.

Therefore, this is not a problem, but it is almost vomiting blood?

"Six 嫂 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六Belly, "This has been for half a year. Is there still no movement in Liu’s stomach? Six Bocheng is late, and his younger uncles are at this age, fearing that they are all in groups." Luo’s reputation, It doesn't affect her, the only weak place is probably here.

Speaking of this, the nine kings are also self-satisfied. She married the nine kings for two months, and found out that she was pregnant, and she also got a man. This is quite hard.

"The child is fate, but I heard that there are two more aunts in the nine brothers and sisters, and congratulations to the nine younger brothers and sisters." She has been in contraception, and it is strange to be pregnant. Every time the contraceptive pill is used by someone, taking into account the current situation and considering his physical condition, Jing Hao is also happy.

The nine kings’ faces are green and white, and the children are naturally licking their own stomachs, which is called a happy event. Those outside of themselves are suffocating and adding.

In the matter of children, there is still a person who is quite unfounded, that is, Rui Prince. At present, there are still only two girls in the Prince of Rui, and they are still born by the prince of Rui. However, the son of the prince is not including the girl. The prince is the most virtuous among several people. However, there are not many people in the back. She arranged her Buddha's mouth and snake heart, and she did so well on the bright side. She still doesn't know how to be in the backyard of Rui Prince's House.

Therefore, no matter what else, this child is the woman's biggest death.

They are talking to these women, and the men are gathering in another place on the side, faintly hearing their conversations, and the topic naturally turns to this.

Prince Gong glanced at Li Hongyuan and thought that he was unceremonious in Wanshou. That time he gave him a lesson. Now he really dare not come forward to provoke him, so he points his finger at Rui Prince. "Three brothers, you It seems that there is no good news in the government for more than a year. Among our brothers, we are already married. In addition to the six brothers, it is also yours. You should not be too busy. You are left out of Sancha and other people in your backyard. Anyway, you have no recent It’s just a matter of urgency to give birth to two little scorpions. It’s also a matter of whether it’s a slap in the face or a slap in the face. When the father and the priests are happy, you say, isn’t it?”

The speaker has no intention to listen to the intention. The prince of Rui has a slight disappointment. How can he say that although he is not a greedy man, the frequency of going to the backyard is still the same as before, and the government has not been moving for a long time. Say, it shouldn't be like this. Originally, he didn't care so much about Zizi, he couldn't live, he didn't want to be born, he could do more, but when he saw the birth of other brothers one by one, he would still be subconsciously worried. It doesn't care, it's definitely fake.

Li Hongyuan did not hear it, some people sometimes, it is simply God help.

After that, the Princess of the Emperor in the palace continued to arrive, and the later scorpions appeared one after another. The spirit of Qin Shuzhen looked pretty good. After all, it was more than a month since the poisoning, but Su Guizhen looked a little embarrassed, and the foundation was very Thick, Jing Hao always felt that Su Guizhen seems to be a lot older, and the crow's feet in the corner of his eyes can't be covered. Wei Xianyu was still acceptable. After the departure of the former Wei, the House of Governments did deduct some of her. However, the former Wei quickly sent Wei Xianyu’s "dowry", which is very rich. These are actually the former Wei Dahuangzi. For her to fight for, after all, the two people's transactions are there, Wei Xianyu said that if she is not doing well, she still does not know what to do.

The former Wei Da Emperor was a good person to leave Wei Xianxuan in Kaiyuan, and then he clashed for Wei Xianzhen, and he played the name of a "good brother."

The former Emperor Wei of the Great caught the big handle of the former Wei Prince, and the former Weiwu Emperor began to jump up and down, and the dark wanted to compete for the throne, all kinds of chaos for the Prince, but also the former Weidu City water mixed more, before Wei Ke is also not calm at all.

Finally, the queen, how to say, it seems a lot of weight loss, but was sinned.

The music is too late, and the interest is not so high. He is really above the million people. One person can affect everyone's emotions. So, because of his arrival, the scene suddenly becomes extremely quiet.

"Why, is it a flood of beasts, and when you come, are you all dumb?"

This can be difficult to say, and anything can be wrong.

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