Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 478: :in a moment

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Li Hongyuan didn't take it for granted. He didn't even give him a look. "Wang Hao thought about it, but he wanted to earn some rouge powder." He pointed to them and gave them a disdainful look, then screamed "a big fuss", a few Small money is also worth saying. It’s a prince, and the eyelids are so shallow.

These people are screaming in their hearts one by one. Whoever buys rouge gouache from his mother needs so much money. The entire noble lady of the capital, even the many emperors in the palace, can’t use so much. Besides, who knows the most Well, those rouge gouaches are the recipes that Jin’s princes took out. There are big dividends. It’s not a cost to all the rouge gouache, but also a rouge powder?

Even if you are looking for an excuse, you have trouble getting a snack. Even if you don’t say anything, it’s better than now.

However, how can you curse in your heart, you can't export, or you can't dare, some sullen collars, adjust your breathing, and warn yourself to be calm, don't be impulsive.

"If you are interested, just press on two to play." Li Hongyuan held one hand on the armrest of the seat, holding the chin, and the other hand had a little bit on the other side, and it was more leisurely and leisurely.

Because it is the first time, the rules of betting are relatively simple and rude, and it is a champion rather than a ranking.

In the first round, I won two wins, ten per game. So far, there are almost sixteen games. The first three horses participated in the second round, and the second round was eight horses. Press one win three; still take the top three to participate in the third round, press one win five; then take the top three to participate in the final final, press a win ten.

As the owner of the horse, every time he wins, there will be a corresponding monetary reward. If you can win from the beginning to the tail, then with this, you can make the pockets expand rapidly.

The first round of the lowest pressure of twelve, the second round of two hundred, the third round of two thousand, and the last round is not a million, but by Jing Hao changed to unlimited, less, can press a copper plate, more There are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands.

This time, even if it is the last loss, it does not matter, the Prince of Jin can afford it, but this possibility is relatively small, of course, it will not be the case in the future, always according to the number of bets and the amount of bet adjustment Rate. There is probably no minimum limit.

In short, as a bookmaker, it is sure to make a steady profit.

As a brother, I always have to give a few face, and, well, they have their own horses to participate, others do not say, they always have to be a little confident, not a play, probably only Li Hongyuan has this "privilege" .

Speaking of it, it’s also a lord to be poor, so it’s impossible to press the lowest value when you shoot.

As a brother, Prince Kang, the five hundred and two of each are pressed, so go on, and thousands of them will go out.

Prince Rui has slightly reduced his point. However, I don’t know what kind of heart, Prince Gong is completely equal to Rui Prince, and then the five kings behind it naturally feel a little less, and then behind, except for Li Hongyuan, The other three are equal to the five kings.

Well, there is nothing wrong with the back. Prince Gong has something wrong. Prince Kang is the eldest son, and the mother of the Prince is the noble. The mother of Gong Gong is only a beggar. According to reason, he should have a little retreat from Rui, behind. It is OK to be equal to him. Partial self-sustainability is a level with Rui Prince. To say that, according to his intention, even more than Prince Kang, but in the end is not fainting.

Rui Prince looked at him sideways and smiled, as if it was completely inappropriate.

However, some people in the back, unconsciously shaking, clearly, the three emperors have a good mood recently, for everyone who is pleasing to the eye, that smile makes people feel like a spring breeze, now how inexplicably feel a little scary.

Prince Gong’s expression was also sinking, but then he did not hesitate to return to Rui’s prince with a smile and a naked provocation.

Now it’s how cheap it is in the face. It’s obviously in a weak position. Now it’s so happy. I don’t know what it will be under private circumstances. Moreover, although it’s a small matter, it’s enough for some of the courtiers to see it. make a choice.

Therefore, you don’t know how to live the king’s disease when you don’t know how to live the king’s life. There is no scruple for squandering, that is the privilege of the living king. He is supposed to be on your brother's head. No one will feel wrong. If he really follows the rules, other people should worry about whether he is ruining the water in his heart. .

It is said that Prince Kang is a person who is violent and tempered. In fact, Prince Gong is not too arrogant, especially now that Prince Kang has been converging after the Queen’s “sickness”, and it seems to be calm, and whether it is really calm or False and stable, two relatives, Prince Gong is more and more unbearable.

Le Chengdi counts among the ranks of the sons. In addition to the two who have already died, eight have already become kings in adulthood. I don’t know, this counts, the number is really quite a lot. However, if you are truly competitive with the throne, It’s just the first few, the latter, the truth, even if you really have ambitions, you want that position, but you want to achieve it, it’s very difficult, because the mother is not high, and it’s not favored. Outsiders, there is no strong wife, but they can... Well, without those support, they are too talented, but they may not even have life.

In addition to the external conditions, the single prince is actually the most suitable person to sit in that position, whether it is temperament or human affairs, although he may be dark inside, but he is actually the best face, cherish feathers, pay attention to fame, this Even if you wait for the throne, you will be obsessed with the name of "the emperor of the ages," so even if you are now fighting for power, unless you really hate it, you can’t easily Will kill, murder will not be on the bright side, and will not make Qilian, he will not even like his sly, on someone's surface flowers, the inside is actually hard, he can give glory, just Probably not having rights.

On the ability again, Rui Prince is actually very good. It was once the most optimistic of Lecheng Emperor. It was only later that Li Hongyuan secretly touched his hands and weakened the good feelings of Lecheng.

In fact, including some people who secretly support the active king, it is better to think that the prince is the emperor.

Of course, if you go to the thief boat of the living king, if you want to go down, it is not as simple as being lost.

Of course, the real power, Rui Prince can not compare with the Prince of Jin, but the former wants to be an emperor, probably can only think about it, it is good to raise the current Kaiyuan a little bit, and the latter, As long as he is a reason, he is fully capable of pushing Kaiyuan to a prosperous world. However, Li Hongyuan's temperament is difficult to ponder. He can become a monarch who is a prosperous world, and can go to the other extreme. Many things are probably between him.

Pressed on the prince of Rui, it is basically smoother to go down, do not have to worry, the pressure of the Prince of Rui, there is considerable risk, may be "high return", may also be "bloodless."

In fact, for the prince of Jin, he loves him, and he is willing to converge for him. For example, the cabinet’s first assistant, Rui Ruizhong, and the left governor Qin Tianming, are happy, because the prince of Jin is too special, if anyone can Slightly restrained him, and this person has a clear sense of righteousness, knowing the difference, and guiding the Prince of Jin to the good side. Then, the Prince of Jin is the only pet, and they have no opinion. For them, the country is actually the first. . The singer Shangshu Luo Peishan is even more self-sufficient, and even less like the chaos of the Jin Prince’s palace.

Therefore, some people jumped so fiercely some time ago. These people are not blended at all. Even if they guessed that those women’s accidents were not "g", they were passive and they did not have any fluctuations in their hearts. I even hope that this situation will continue to be maintained. It is not only the future princes of the Jin Dynasty, but also the next emperor, the emperor who grew up in a good environment, and 30% of the difference.

These, Jing Hao did not know, do not know that in the future even if it is the exclusive harem, the courtiers will not have much opinion on her.

At this moment, the first horse has begun.

Because it was the first time I saw this form, the horses of this scale may have been held up at first, and gradually, they all boiled and cheered.

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