Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 479: : Prince must also lose

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For women, seeing such a scene is basically still able to remain reserved, but in the end it has never been seen, but also affected by the surrounding environment, the face is slightly flushed, the eyes are unstoppable, and more in hand The pinch of the slap, the relatives of many people are still restrained, but in the private room, all around are acquaintances, so you don't have to be like this, you can scream and cheer for no image, just like the typical Yuan Qiaoqiao.

Of course, the children basically have no worries. At this time, the atmosphere is too warm. No matter how long the brothers and sisters or the waiters are, they are not constraining them. After all, many people are like this now, forcibly restrained, it is not a trick. People hate it, not only from their own family, but also from other people's children—all people are “no rules”, “not in the system”, not teaching their own children, others are brought in.

And Li Hongyuan, when they started this room, they still sat, and the first thing they couldn’t sit still was Prince Kang. Because this first game, his horse was inside, he said, Jing Hao is still kind, will The horses of the Prince of the Prince are all separated. According to the character of Li Hongyuan, he can put them all in one place. At the beginning, they can make a sword, and they will fight each other like a chicken eye. If you fight for power, you will not. Made it like the battlefield.

Since it is a horse raised in the palace, it will certainly not be bad. As time goes by, the distance traveled is growing, ten horses have almost pulled out three camps, and the prince’s horse ranks in the first camp, and Together, there is only one horse, and the bite between them is very tight. When you chase me, when you are more, it is just beyond the position of a horse. If it is not the rules of the game, the two immediate people may have made a big fight.

Athletics, especially those with very fierce competition, often have the charm of making people excited. Of course, they may also have enmity. After all, people are good-faced, and people who can't afford to lose are often more likely to lose than people with good mentality.

Prince Kang had long ignored the other people and rushed to the front of the private room. There was no window. There was only a half-waist skirt with a waist high. Prince Kang was very excited, or excited to dance, or angered and hammered. The mouth was "running". Waste, such as words, what is the image, what the brothers are, all thrown into the clouds.

The end result, Prince Kang... lost, and it was only a very weak gap.

Prince Kang turned his face back black. "The list is brought, the king is going to swear, who can raise such a good horse." The words seem to be appreciated, but the look and tone, but completely want to eat People, to express, is estimated to want to see, in the end who is so kind, knowing that his horse also dare to win.

Others may be disdainful, ridiculed, or gloating.

Prince Kang grabbed the list that was handed over by the servant. At first glance, he sneered. "The six-product officials in the district can also afford these good horses? The king is very suspicious of the origin of this horse."

It is clear that I want to publicize the vengeance, but also to find such a high-sounding reason. According to common sense, the six-item officials can not afford a BMW, but can't allow others to have something in it?

From the beginning to the end, the most calm is probably Li Hongyuan, the attitude is still idle, "there are thousands of dollars in the area, if the big emperor can not afford to lose, the king does not let people collect your money, it is a matter of much. Just one The matter is that the great emperor knows that every horse here, the master of the horse, is the guest who the king sent a post to the guest. If the emperor wants to do anything, he should consider it."

The Prince Kang, who was burning in anger, looked at Li Hongyuan. As a result, Li Hongyuan spoke to him, but did not give him a look.

Prince Kang snorted and gasped. "What can I do? I think more about it."

Yes, participating in the race, no matter what the identity, it is a post with the Prince of Jin, if it is because of an event, the result is a disaster, let the face of the living king go there? And it is bound to affect other people with relatively low status. Then, can this event violate some of Jing’s ideas, will the Living King allow it?

As for not giving Kang Prince a face? Oh, but the horse is not as good as others, the skill is not as good as others, and the blame is not letting you?

If you change to someone else, you can still force people to press people, but when you meet the king of the living king, you have to cover it. Oh!

Prince Kang can't sit down if he sits down, at least not now. As for whether he will do it privately, it is hard to say. However, even if he is doing it privately, this face is still lost, and this style is gone.

Others secretly read jokes. However, they are a little worried about themselves. Will they encounter the same thing. However, it is useless to think about it now. If it is encountered, at least it cannot show "narrow mind".

There are many people who share the same concerns. Because there were many people who bought horses according to people, the Prince, can you raise the horse? Absolutely not, so many people bought Kang’s horse in the first round. As a result, they lost and lost. For the latter, they are not so relieved. After all, if they have already bought it, they cannot change it.

However, the people behind, there is no bad luck of Prince Kang, it is the first of the five kings of the sick scorpion is the first one of that one - this is a bit unexpected, after all, the sake of the five kings body, the horse In fact, it is not of interest. His horse is actually used to make up the number, but it is just a piece that was accidentally obtained.

Therefore, among the princes, only Prince Kang lost. This time, it is completely devoid of face. He once suspected that this was Li Yuanyuan’s deliberate arrangement, in order to make him ugly.

Obviously, Prince Kang thinks too much. If you really want to count him, will you just let him lose his face?

After the events in which the main players participated, the situation of betting on the back is not as concentrated as before. It will not look at the names of others and bet. After all, there are some things that are really difficult to say.

In this case, the competition is more exciting.

However, according to the owner's bet, this situation is probably only this time.

By the end of the first round, there are some people, the neck is already hoarse, but they are more irritating, really, very exciting, after all, the first experience, sometimes even want to lead .

It’s just that the hour is not early, and the second round will be in the afternoon.

Originally, this blood has already burned up, and I can’t wait to know the final result immediately. Especially, those who won a lot of money in the first round probably never experienced the experience of making money in a flash. When it is quite erratic, then, quietly breed the greed of the heart, want more, more.

However, the arrangement of the event is not something they can decide. Moreover, after a quick run, the horse always needs time to recover his strength. The more the horse is behind, the more it is, although the consumption of the whole course is not Big.

When using lunch, many people are still not stopping, and they are constantly discussing.

However, the meal will be halfway through, and everyone will hear the tiger scream...

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