Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 585: : I haven’t been in the fire yet.

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Because Jing Hao’s "inaction" is really letting some people exercise a heart, Gein, this time, Li Hongyuan seems to be ready to be willful.

Originally, in the eyes of everyone, even if he "holds" it, he can't get it. When he was first rejected, the courtiers were actually mentally prepared. Please don't go back three or four times. Tight, however, for five or six days in a row, the door is still being rejected. This is a bit too much. The original, very calm courtiers, the raindrops are not so calm, scratching their heads, scratching their faces, just keep going, no one in politics Hosted, the world has piled up a bunch of things, and it will happen sooner or later.

In this case, no one doubts, is the Prince Jin really unintentional?

Of course, this statement reveals a little bit of signs, and it has been annihilated by other people. He has done so many things before, are they full of food and nothing to support? Therefore, no one believes that he is unintentional to the throne, and his mind is still a little bit eager to move. He has not been seen, but he has been looked at by some people’s eyes. If he doesn’t say anything, he will say it first, just like Qin Tianming’s prince Gong to his son-in-law, this time is sincere, completely unscrupulous, and quite awkward. Except for the face, it is estimated that there are not many places where the color of the flesh is normal. “If you want to die, you should find the rope hanging by yourself. Die, don't let his mother's side be tired."

Qin Tianming’s words are really welcome, but Gong Gong’s daring and daring to speak, the first two examples, still in the dungeon, still do not know how.

As a result, the number of people going to the Prince’s Palace is increasing. From the tails of these big men, more officials say that more and more, not only that, but also the people of the royal family have come out, from which they can Li Hongyuan’s ancestors’ fathers who lost their teeth, to those who can be Li Hongyuan’s grandchildren, are still not much more common.

Then, along with his brothers, they also appeared, crying and robbing the land, including Prince Gong, the posture, as if without him, it would not work.

At this time, Mrs. Luo also found Jing Hao, others could not see her, Mrs. Luo went to the door, Jing Hao certainly will not refuse.

When Jing Hao faced her grandmother, she said that she was also helpless. She was very suspicious. Did he really experience the "previous life", the emperor, and the things he did, like a mentally mature and rational Did people make it? If you really don't want to be an emperor, just say it, okay, even if you say it, probably no one believes, no one agrees, even if you agree with your mouth, you won’t say it. Who knows if you are here? Set traps, just wait for some of them to jump out, do you have a good name? They are not so stupid.

"Wang Wei advised the prince, it is not a matter of waiting for it. It is definitely going to be a mess. Wang Hao is now inconvenienced and disturbed by some unnecessary troubles. It is really unacceptable." He said, his eyes went to the other side of the compartment.

Jing Hao smiled. "Grandma rest assured, I will persuade him well, you are now..."

"The minister will leave."

Jing Hao slightly hesitated, in fact, a bit reluctant, "so good, this cold winter, grandmother and pay attention to some, you have to get cold."

"Wang Hao and rest assured that the people around him are very thoughtful and will not have anything to do."

Waiting to send away Mrs. Luo, Jing Hao went to the room to see Li Hongyuan, under the bright window, he leaned on reading, but did not know how much he saw.

Jing Hao’s stomach was almost seven months old. Although it was not like many pregnant women, she was careful in every move. However, she also showed a slight cumbersomeness. Li Hongyuan quickly got up and helped her.

Jing Hao refused to lean in his arms, sitting across from him and face him face to face. "It’s been so many days, and Wang Ye is playing enough. Is it right to say that?" Jing Hao smiled. A few days ago, Jing Hao may still doubt his true thoughts. In the past two days, she still does not know that his pure brokenness is a bad temper.

"What is play, for husband, this is fishing." Li Hongyuan is very confident.

"Well, fishing, but now the situation is that the fish don't dare to bite the hook. If you don't dare to pull it out in the future, you have to catch it, you can't be annoyed, no matter how you are." I think that you have no heart and no choice."

Li Hongyuan smiled lightly and smiled with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes. "That is to give them a hundred courage to try." The sight fell on Jing's stomach, but it really shouldn't make something happen, but This time is almost the same. Li Hongyuan reached out and touched her face. "There is still chaos inside the palace. When I arrange it, I will pick you up."

Jing Hao nodded and smiled. "You go, Wang Fuli also needs to pack up."

Li Hongyuan got up and kissed her in the corner of her lips before leaving.

The door to the Prince’s Palace has finally opened. For those who have been waiting for too long, there is still a little suddenness. However, after a moment of blasphemy, I reacted and hurriedly saw the ceremony. At this moment, there was a feeling of tears. It’s so hard to ask the new emperor to climb the throne, and the days after that... I just can’t think about it.

Li Ruizhong is going to read the imperial edict, and Li Hongyuan waved his hand. "Okay." Everyone knows how this thing comes. Even if it is a formal thing, Li Hongyuan is not interested in listening. Now, everything is his decision. The person who was originally arrogant, has no constraints, no worries...

Li Hongyuan kept his feet and continued to go outside. The people outside were rushing to retreat like a tide, and the former person hurriedly followed his footsteps.

"Swing up, welcome the new emperor into the palace -"

Li Hongyuan looked at the imperial concubine in front of his eyes. It was obviously something that his Laozi had used. "Changed, everything he used, all changed."

Then he entered the palace with his prince.

I don’t know, but I also praised a prince’s ceremonial system. If you don’t take the throne, you don’t have to pay attention to it. This knows... you can only do it quickly, and you can’t say more than half a word.

The speed of entering the palace is not fast. There are still a group of old people to follow. What about Li Hongyuan, will not be maddening to let them follow.

Of course, the most important thing now is to enlist the matter. This day has been measured.

However, before they reported the day, Li Hongyuan interrupted them again. "On the second day of February, and after the closure of the main hall on the same day."

"Emperor, this..." This time is too urgent, and it has to be sealed. Isn't this the rhythm of being busy? Moreover, the local greetings, some farther away, could not be sent to Beijing, all of them are in a hurry, I am afraid that it is a bunch of things.

"Why, is there a problem?" Li Hongyuan was not salty and not rude.

The person who spoke was a spirit, "Return to the emperor, no."

"Nothing to talk nonsense." Li Hongyuan's tone is still flat, but always makes people feel that he is impatient.

In the latter case, Li Hongyuan did not wait for the report, and arranged other things. For example, the arrangement of the harem personnel, although the music is still there, but since it is already in the bed, the existence of the scorpion is not Necessary, according to the rules of "failure", as for the identity of the more important, the Queen is abolished; the nobles; the sages and the need to wait for the music to become the emperor, to be happy, he needs to be buried; Shu Sealed too.

Of course, these, Li Hongyuan only needs to explain, how to deal with it later, he will not ask again, but if it is not handled well, there will be people who will suffer.

Then, it was about the handling of Li Hongjun, Li Hongming, etc. These two people, Li Hongyuan, did not intend to ask for their lives. They directly became shackles, and the rest of them, the killing, the swearing, the exile The exile, the copying of the house, in short, the two words: according to the law. However, I added a sentence at the end: I don’t know what to expect.

The people outside are calling the Emperor.

Originally, in accordance with the attitude of the former forced palace, they actually prepared for him to kill, and did not expect such kindness, it was an accident, but also let their heart hang down, than expected. Ok, maybe it should be a good start.

In addition, there are those younger brothers and sisters who have not married, a princess house outside the palace, and a princess who has not raised the cabinet. The age is up, all are married, there is no princess house, and the horse is not allowed to enter the official residence. The remaining brothers are also abolished. We, all of them, but they are just a title. The actual treatment is less than one tenth of the original prince. However, if you want to match the status, you will work hard and fight for it. That is to say, Li Hongyuan will not Suppress them, have the ability, you will be on, the real power, thick and give.

These can be the real breaking of the ancestral rules.

"The emperor, never ..."

"Shut up, don't ask your opinion, you just need to do it."

Hearing the words, the rest of the words, can only be swallowed back to life, now the main child, can be completely different from the previous one, arrogant, can foresee, has already faced his courtiers, the heart is the clearest, so they are In the dumb, let others go to the cannon fodder.

After talking about these messy things, Li Hongyuan is obviously not ready to speak again. These have almost covered many major events in the capital, leaving some corners and corners. If he still needs to ask questions, the next time, he will attack. These courtiers are gone.

Although there are still a bunch of discounts waiting for Li Hongyuan to see, these officials do not have to follow his frame, it is an age, even if the speed is slow enough, after a long time, it will be tired.

The palace is still under the strict control of the Yuling Army. The people of the palaces are not allowed to enter easily. From the beginning of the first year, this is the eighth day. From top to bottom, it is all people’s hearts, no one. Knowing where the road ahead is, I don’t care if I can’t eat well these days, I can’t live well, and it’s not convenient in all aspects.

When Li Hongyuan entered the palace, although it was time to know his fate, but because he was hanged in the air for too long, there was a sense of relaxedness.

However, obviously, they can't wait for Li Hongyuan's ups and downs. These trivial things will obviously be handed over to the newly appointed inner court team headed by Mu Gonggong. For the things in the palace, Mu Gonggong is obviously not too strange, but the relationship It’s not so clear to the ones in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but it’s okay. At this time, there are definitely a few who are willing to pay attention to him. No matter how high the place is, they can lower themselves to stay. In the dust.

Mu Gonggong can not be replaced or died after Li Hongyuan has been with him for so many years. It is enough to prove his ability and brain. Therefore, it is not too much trouble to get started.

This first stop is naturally to "move" the empress from Kunming Palace. As for the imperial decree, it is not really tight, and then it will be added. If Li Hongyuan forgets, then he will forget. All the things inside and outside the Kunming Palace have been changed. However, the people in the House of Government are familiar with this kind of thing. Basically, every time you change the master, you will come here. So, many things are actually ready. Although I don't know why the first move is the place where the Queen lives, they don't need to know. At this time, they only need to work hard.

It’s just a change of things. It’s not like Jing’s past life. It’s a big renovation, so it’s very fast.

Mugong’s squatting inside and outside, except for the details, is basically satisfactory. The arrangement of this detail can only be dealt with by the shackles around Wang.

Although the Queen and Wang Hao used different things, and the daily routine is still those, so it is estimated that a lot of things have to be moved in from the Wangfu, because he is very clear that when the palace is changed, it is slowly coming, not going A lot of changes at a time, so many people are unfamiliar, need to be subtle, but also need to consider Wang Hao's preferences.

Of course, the entire Kunming Palace will no longer be the manpower of the Wangfu main house. However, the number of people in the House of Government is that many people want to squeeze in when they use up their means. Therefore, in the case of Mu Gong’s training, in addition to occupying the Queen The people in the most important position around you, the rest, one is not bad.

However, these people still don't know what the origins are. What kind of charms may be there, but they don't matter. Slowly, this kind of thing doesn't require him to worry about it.

After the treatment, Mu Gonggong went back to Lecheng.

Li Hongyuan is currently dealing with political affairs in the royal study room. Although he does not want to sit on the chair, the dragon chair is easy to replace because it is easy to replace. It takes time, so it can only be done. However, Li Hongyuan is very disgusting. People have wiped it countless times.

There are not a few of the ministers under the Imperial Case. In the capital, the officials of the three or more in service are all in place.

The people they once faced with the real Li Hongyuan are still only a minority. In their view, although the Prince of Jin has secretly resorted to it, he has never learned the art of the emperor, nor has he ever touched any political affairs. Those are not the same thing, so most of them only think that he will be in a hurry and can't figure out the clues. They will definitely need them to help. When they are, they must perform well.

However, Zhai Ruizhong, Luo Peishan, Qin Tianming and others are very embarrassed, and they look at the nose and nose. In short, Li Hongyuan does not ask, they don’t speak, Li Hongyuan speaks, they listen, ask what, know Everything is not hidden, but it is not like facing the new emperor.

However, waiting for Li Hongyuan's one-handed matter to be handled, concise and concise, until the key, simply decisive, the efficiency of the work is also surprisingly high, people who originally wanted to show their talents, unconsciously, a cold sweat, and Li Hongyuan also Not angry, the tone is even the same, but still makes people breathe.

Rui Ruizhong and Luo Peishan looked at each other and saw nothing in the eyes. Although they had already seen Li Hongyuan’s ability to deal with it, now, he still wants to come, he still converges a lot. Is this like a new emperor? No, the emperor who had been a emperor for twenty or thirty years was far from him.

Li Hongyuan, born to be the emperor!

Li Hongyuan spent half a day thinking that it took a long time to understand.

However, there is quite a mess in the vicinity of the royal case. Those who are nonsense, please change the name. Li Hongyuan only saw two sentences and threw it out. "In the future, the place will be purely safe, don't hand it up, three words say no. Go to the key points, hit back, the folds of the various matters, the cover is divided by color, in short, all the folds, before opening, you must know what is about the content, after opening, the content should be streamlined, the fold is beaten three times Immediately, the official will drop three levels. If the matter is delayed, the sin will increase and the penalty will be severely punished."

"Yes, the emperor."

This is not yet enthroned, this fire will burn up, but, seeing the power of Li Hongyuan, no one dares to scream, if you are not careful, the fold may fall to your head, or think about how to draft the charter, will matter Got it.

Shocking people, Li Hongyuan has converged some, at least let these courtiers relax.

"Now there is a shortage of people. There are three other books in the six books. There are other positions. You should be careful. After the ceremony, you will be promoted as a court. Then you will add Enke, and you will divide the imperial examination from the coffin and hand it over to the Ministry of Rites. I have to be prepared."

This statement has caused quite a lot of commotion. This is obviously a weakening of the rights of the cadres. Some people look at Luo Peishan invisibly. The heart is faintly guessing, is this new emperor already preventing the squatting?

Luo Peishan was calm and calm. Earlier, when Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao were in Jiangnan, Li Hongyuan presided over a scientific expedition. At that time, there were some plans with him, although he did not know that it was actually mixed with Jing’s opinions. Therefore, he has long considered these things. The rights of the cadres are indeed bigger, which makes the six departments have some serious imbalances. From a long-term perspective, this is not a good thing.

So, if Luo Peishan knows what they want, he will definitely tell them that you really think too much.

After dealing with these things, Li Hongyuan sent them out, and the time was tight. Therefore, it was obviously not advisable to complete the ceremony, which was only the ritual department. Now that the ritual book is gone, Luo Peishan is still required to come to the general charter.

However, afterwards, there are talents who know what to think about. On the second day of February, it seems to be the birth of Jin’s pro-King, so the emperor will choose this day for the purpose. Is this the purpose? Although there are some incredible things, there is always a voice in the heart that tells them vaguely, this is the truth.

Li Hongyuan went to see Kunsong Palace, and ordered people to make adjustments. Then, everyone noticed faintly. The new emperor seems to be preparing to live in Kunming Palace. After all, the inside and outside are moving here, but the emperor should belong to the emperor. In the palace, he didn't even step in the footprints. Even though the Emperor Lecheng still lives in it, since the new emperor is in the upper position, he must definitely move it out. As far as Li Hongyuan’s previous actions are concerned, no one would think that he is a filial person. It will not force Lecheng to do anything.

And this whole day, Lecheng Emperor is waiting for Li Hongyuan, but Li Hongyuan is like forgetting him, and the things in the palace, in the acquiescence of Li Hongyuan, are actually passed into his ears.

If he had the heart to do not hesitate, he would not believe that Li Hongyuan could kill him? Unfilial piety is one thing, killing the monarch and the father is completely at another level. With Li Hongyuan’s days, Lecheng does not think that he really does not care about fame. However, preparing for "big work", as a result, a fist went down, even the cotton did not hit, and the music master was stunned.

Li Hongyuan returned to the Prince’s Mansion at this time.

Jing Hao saw him, did not speak, smiled and hooked his neck, unexpected, reasonable.

Talking about things outside is basically a daily routine between husband and wife.

"...So, Ayuan, you didn't take care of him at all, then where are you going to move him?" In fact, Jing Hao knows that in his heart, he really wants to be a monarch, but there are some things in this life that have not happened, and Living is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes, if you are alive, it is better to die.

"Is there a palace in Lushan? Let him go there."

The Lushan Palace is not far from the capital. However, it has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are many palaces in the entire palace. The place is estimated to be a little better than the cold palace. Jing Hao thought that he would let him live in the Ci'an Palace where he should have lived in the Queen Mother.

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