Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 586: : The hardest person to do

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"Ayuan, you are like this..." Jing Hao said nothing.

"How?" Li Hongyuan coveted her.

Jing Hao Fu shook his head again, he was happy, his reputation, it was all added to others, he was never a person who cares about other people's ideas, so why bother to let him care, those people, Adding up is far less than his weight. He didn't feel happy and unhappy in his life, and he should have a good time in his life. Moreover, his status and ability have given him comfortable capital.

Of course, after the emperor, tossing the minister is no problem, tossing the people of the world will not work, there is no absolute freedom, so everything needs a bottom line.

Thinking about this, Jing Hao slowly smiled.

However, Li Hongyuan seems to know what Jing Hao wants to say. "Hey, you have to know that your family husband has never been a good person, vengeful, careful, and will report, always remembering the bad of others, not remembering others. Ok, unless it’s all right, it’s not good.”

Obviously, both Lecheng and Su Guizhen belong to the kind that is actually good for him, but not completely.

Li Hongyuan saw people and things clearly, and the scales in his heart were quite clear.

"Then, what is the same measure in your heart?" Jing Hao asked curiously.

"You? It will only be aggravated by the husband." Li Hongyuan used her skill to hold her waist, and took a slap on her hip.

This action made Jing Hao shameful and annoyed. When he was a peach, he opened his mouth and bit a bit at Li Hongyuan’s shoulder.

Li Hongyuan was bitten by her, but she was not allowed to do it. At this time, Jing Hao couldn’t really work hard, and in the winter, Li Hongyuan’s body, his clothes had several layers, not so Easy to bite into the flesh.

Therefore, after Jing Hao bite, he also licked his own gang.

Li Hongyuan looked at her appearance and couldn't help but laugh. When the wife-in-law is now "acquainted with the first time," the difference is getting bigger and bigger, but what should I do? It seems that I like it more and more. I like it if she really does. Something, he can make a hole in the sky and level the ground.

The husband and wife are in this state of harmony and happiness. However, as a pillow person, if Li Hongyuan’s understanding, if Jing Hao calls it the second, no one can be called the first, so the next day Jing Jing sent After taking Li Hongyuan, I was wondering what was in his heart?

To be honest, Jing Hao feels that he has been too gentle in this period of time. Although he has always been gentle and considerate, he occasionally has nerves, a cold face, and even a mockery. This is normal. This kind of gentle and gentle, it is not like him.

It’s like, wrapping all the negative emotions in the shell, it’s not a trace of it, and he’s a demon-level person. The dark side doesn’t vent, but it’s wrapped up in a dead, waiting until it’s suddenly blown out. That day, I don’t know much about terror.

However, Jing Hao also clearly knows that his current state, even if he asks himself, he will perfuse the past in all likelihood.

So, what is in his heart?

Jing Hao had a little touch of the stomach, some fascination, and suddenly, the child moved again, Jing Hao returned to God, but also a flash of light.

In his heart, the most inconspicuous thing is probably the death of "self", and her death, in his opinion, is related to the child, but Jing Hao feels that if she has done the dream, it is really "alive "What happened, then, in fact, can not be completely attributed to the child.

Therefore, what he is worried about is actually his own "dead robbery"? ! He is worried that he will "go again" away from him!

Jing Hao lowered his head and was slightly silent. His heart was like a double screen. There were thousands of knots in it. "Her death" is a thousand knots in his heart. No matter how many people he changed, the day is not over. The knot in his heart will not be solved. So, some words, it is useless to say.

The irrelevant people in the palace were cleaned up day after day, including the Emperor Lecheng, who said that he would move him to Lushan, and then moved to Lushan. He did not even wait until Li Hongyuan was enthroned. Wei Xianyu, who is a palace man, also followed the past, and it was useless to let her cry. It was useless to move out her son. She even said directly to her, she was born into a good life, she was born, and she died, so she died. If you want to live, you can go to the Lushan Palace, and everyone can be slow to become an emperor, but she can't.

Don't blame Le Cheng as a woman, so she is treated like this. In Li Hongming and the former Wei collusion, she also plays a certain role.

The only person in the harem who hasn't moved yet is probably Qin Shuzhen.

It became the most special and unique, and naturally it couldn't be peaceful. However, it is a very special period. People outside the palace can't hand in the palace, so there is nothing wrong with it.

In the palace, Li Hongyuan sent people to Jingjing into the palace. When he entered the palace, he was still the Prince Yizheng. Jingxi’s is the Queen of the Phoenix, and the staff equipped with it should not be bad. Originally, it was not bad. If there is something on hand, he will pick it up in person.

In this way, it is also high-profile to be horrible. To put it more seriously is the passing of the eye. The beggar’s magazine is a copy. However, this is the meaning of the living king. The Lecheng emperor has been cleaned up by him. What do people dare to say? Moreover, Le Chengdi, they have to hide from him.

I haven't done it to the emperor yet, and it is probably the first in the ages.

Jing Hao looked at Feng Xiao for a moment, then, went up calmly.

However, because of the sixty-six, the people who are serving are cautious, especially those who come out of the palace. Then I really want to go straight to the foot of Jing Hao to give her a foot.

In this way, Jing Hao with unlimited scenery, supreme honor, watching the long team, the music is on the side, although because of the early clearance, but did not see the ordinary people go forward, but the two sides did not pull the blue Buchan, still can see the crowds in the distance.

At this moment, Jing Hao seems to have a real sense of the word "mother instrument world".

Nowadays, the identity is different. After entering the palace, it is natural to go directly to Kunyu Palace without having to walk on her own. On this road, all who see it are worshipping the land.

It is really different, the Qi Kaiyuan dynasty, the most noble woman!

Kunjing Palace Jingxi is not without crossing, but most of it is in the main hall. The rest of the place has basically never been involved. However, from now on, for a long time, it will belong to her.

There is nothing to change in the front hall. The living palace is very different in terms of the layout. However, there are still many familiar things. It is enough to see the people who arranged it. Jing Hao even saw a flip open on the bedside. The book, that was what she had smashed last night, and the number of pages has not changed.

When I first arrived in a strange environment, I always had a process of adaptation. Therefore, Jing Hao Bai Yu, who had already married, went into the palace, the only thing that was not there, even if she was sad, her task, or her revenge. The road has been opened.

Jing Hao thinks that there is absolutely no need to achieve this level, and it is not paper-like. Moreover, she thinks that she is very capable of adapting. However, no matter whether she is a husband or a person around her, she should not marry them. A good intention.

In fact, throughout the day, Jing Hao did not have a place to adapt. When he was in the palace, he could find things to do. He could do the same here. What to do at that time, what he still does now, it seems that he just changed a place. Only. After all, she is now heavy and has no books, and she does not need to do things.

The palace of Kunming Palace wanted to be sold in front of her. However, all of them were stopped outside. Now, Jing's milkmaid, the previous hand, is naturally in charge of Kunming Palace. Personnel, she may not be very clear about the rules in the palace, but Gong Yu is very clear, I have already mentioned it before, and it is not difficult to get started now. After a rest, Li Hongyuan was around and sleep was still good.

The people in the House of Government asked for a tailored dress. The Queen’s canonical seal was on the same day as the new emperor’s ascendant ceremony, and now the time is 20 days left. This dragon and robes need to be rushed, and the partiality is still half a bit. Can't be sloppy, those embroidered girls must work overtime.

Jing Hao is certainly not a close person, but she can be said to be cutting new clothes every day. Therefore, her size, the people around her are very clear, but the book is still two In the tenth time, her body shape will definitely change. In order to wear the most fit robes, it is necessary to measure the size several times during this period to ensure that the final clothes fit the most.

This pregnant person, clothes are the most troublesome, especially in the later stage. It is normal to say that this type of body is normal every day, and people who are in a high position cannot be as wide and large as they are from the beginning. Clothes, from start to finish are so many, especially Jing Hao now, and Li Hongyuan’s wife and wife are crazy, she wants to be, no one will agree, every day is a new clothes, from morning till night It is definitely more than one.

Of course, not only phoenix robes, but also other clothes of Jing Hao need to be done. There are regulations for phoenix robes. Others can refer to Jing Hao's preferences.

At this time, Jing Hao was idle and idle, just follow it.

The people of the House of Internal Affairs are naturally diligent and careless, and of course, they have used 12 points to understand Jing Hao’s preferences.

I saw a lot, and the people in the first house came in and reported that they were the Princess of the Great Princess.

Jing Hao was busy getting up and welcoming.

Not to mention that there is no book now, it is a book, and the Princess is also an elder, her mother, and naturally not used by others.

When Dachang Princess saw Jing Hao out, she walked very fast and hurriedly walked up. "How is your child so arrogant?" Although he is a reprimand, he is with relatives.

"Isn't that what you want to be a mother?" Jing Hao smiled.

"This is all the people who are fast-moving in the world. How can they be so childish?" The long princess supported her and smiled. However, she was cold and cold, and she relieved her hand.

"Mother is not your righteous woman in the world? The mother-in-law is relieved. At other times, I am still very good." Jing Hao's pretending gesture ended his arm.

The long princess was teased by her, and the difference in her heart was weakened by a few points. In her bones, she still was her.

Jing Hao wanted to hold the hand of the princess, and the princess was busy with two steps, let her help her and entered the hall.

Keeping up inside the house, it is definitely a completely different feeling. The big princess on the big princess can’t wear it.

On the tea and dried fruit dried fruit, Jing Hao will retreat, and the Grand Princess will come to her at this time, there must be something.

The long princess looks in her eyes. She always knows that Jing Hao is a thoughtful person. However, some words must still be said, and I want to say a little, in order to start the Yuan Dynasty.

In the whole process of winning, the princesses stayed out of the way, together with their sons, let them be idlers, no matter who wins, they ignore it. In fact, her choice is not wrong, she used to be honored, and her status is still Steady.

However, the person who will finally sit on the throne is totally unanticipated. Only she can be deceived like everyone else.

However, the Princess Long Princess is not the one who cares about it. For the throne, what means are available. What Li Hongyuan has done is that he is his skill. Besides, the Princess Dachang himself has no loss. On the contrary, as a princess, Li Hongyuan’s Some decisions are actually beneficial to her.

After all, on the two days, as the people in the palace were dealt with successively, some of the wills have been sent out successively. Now, not only her son, even his husband, may be admitted to the official, what else can be compared to this? More worthy of things.

And Li Hongyuan's handling of other things, she also has her own channel to get news, or that Li Hongyuan deliberately let them know what these people know.

His ability is recognized and convinced. However, the Princess Dachang is actually worried about his temperament. What kind of temperament he is, in the past, although it may have deliberately disguised parts, most of them The Princess Long has reason to believe that it is actually his true nature.

For an emperor, such a temperament is definitely not a good thing. From this point of view, the princess thinks that he is more suitable for the throne than any other brother.

She is a royal princess, and she wholeheartedly goes to the royal family, hoping that Li’s Jiangshan will be passed down.

After the two teas, the big princess slowly began to say.

"When I was young, I was favored by my father and mother. I didn't stick to the small world of the palace. The time was secretly out of the palace. I like to make friends. I have seen many wonderful women in my life. They are beautiful or intelligent. Or be kind, or ambitious, but there are some that I can admire. One of them is Empress Sun. She is not lacking in intelligence, not lacking in beauty, not lacking in wrists, and not lacking ambition. She does not hesitate. Against the mother's wish, I made the head of the world's woman, the mother of the world, but I don't like her very much. Because her ambition is too big, the emperor and her only maintain the most basic couples. Her only son has never been taught well, and she is born with her, which is like Shangfeng and her subordinates, and her relationship with her mother is particularly stiff, and she eventually ends up being abolished."

Jing Hao thinks that the Princess Dachang may really admire the Queen of the Sun, but it seems to be ridiculous, very contradictory. However, the Princess Dachang can see the grandson of the Sun so thoroughly, but it is also unexpected. However, Jing Hao probably knows what the Princess Long Princess wants to say, but it seems that he has nothing to do with him.

"In addition, the nobles Su Shi, in fact, quite admire her, even if the harem is countless, there are new people every year, there are many talented and beautiful, she has always been the crown of the harem for twenty or thirty years, you know why?"

Jing Hao pondered a bit, perhaps knowing, just seemed a bit fuzzy, so he shook his head.

"Because she knows the emperor," Princess Dachang said with a sigh. "She is the woman who knows the emperor most in the world. Although she doesn't like people very much, this can't be denied. Of course, her understanding is not necessarily certain. I can hold it, this is not, it will be overturned at the back, it is easy."

Jing Hao heard the words, the heart was touched, I don’t know what I thought of, and I was slightly fascinated.

"As the saying goes, the king is ruthless, with the king as a companion tiger. The hardest thing to do in this world is not the courtier of the emperor, not the emperor, but the woman of the king." The long princess has a long heart, "the emperor is also a mortal, they have seven passions." I have personal preferences, love and jealousy, and I can enjoy the love of the king. It is a great fortune. Fortunately, when you are living in the sentient beings, it is also a big misfortune. Unfortunately, you should consider it in your words and deeds, and carelessly follow it. I have to go away from my own preferences, and I have left the emperor's heart. It doesn't matter if it's a trivial matter. But this is a serious problem. It’s a disaster for the country and the people, and it’s been said that it’s a long time, and it’s not uncommon for the past and the present.

Jing Hao has a low eyebrow and a conspicuous eye. She has no clear concept about the position of the Queen. However, she cannot say that there is no concept, because from a very early age, she knows how deeply she is affecting him. He is the kind. Anyone who can definitely give up the river for himself, when he knows that he is interested in the throne, Jing Hao has faintly considered some things.

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